Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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Mapicc leaves after about an hour; Zam stays longer but nonetheless leaves after a while. Perseus group chat fills up: the screenshot of Poafa's obsidian count as sent to Ashswag, compared to Mapicc mentioning his count the day prior; screenshots of Poafa getting the Postmortal achievement; screenshots comparing Poafa's build style to the tentacles (this one's a bit of a stretch, but they look through them all anyway); screenshots of the rebuilt ship. Mapicc doesn't have a screenshot but he also says that he didn't see Poafa off-server like he usually does on the day that the ship was built. They decide to add Planet to Perseus--he's not that sus at this point, not now that they basically know who it is.

They'll all be around tomorrow evening for the trial. Roshambo's in charge of presenting the evidence and (hopefully) convincing the server to kill Poafa; whoever's around will set up a spawn trap in advance, and then Zam's in charge of waiting at Poafa's spawn so that he can be banned off. Mapicc will come to the trial but have a stasis set at Poafa's base that Zam can pull. Planet, Subz, and Drizzt can be in the audience or do whatever else they want to do unless someone needs last-minute help, but Mapicc shares Poafa's base coords (around 100, 8000) for reference, so anyone can get there quickly if things go bad.


In the 'who's keeping watch' group chat, Planet volunteers to take the bulk of night watch, although he's a little dubious about how much it's helping given that last night they had people watching for 12 hours and then Medusa did it during the day as soon as watch ended. 


(Planet's right to be dubious; not long after the watch ends, the half-blown up pig remains turn to obsidian.)


It's a little surprising Poafa decided to try and complete petrifying the pig, but he's seen people blinded by their goals before. 

He joins the audience for the trial.


There are a lot of people in the audience! Well, a lot for here, anyway, not a lot in any objective sense-- there's Mapicc and PlanetLord and Spoke and Baconwaffles and Rekrap and Poafa and three new people, Terrain (a humanoid with a distinctly strange face) and Mr. Cube (whose head is, in fact, a multicolored cube) and Vitalasy (a cloaked being whose face is obscured but whose eyes glow, with fox ears and tail poking out from under the cloak). People are bad at staying in their seats; they run around almost constantly, no matter how much Roshambo tries to convince them to stay still in their seats for just a few minutes.


Roshambo lays out the evidence. The first piece of evidence: the formation of the cleanup crew. The second piece of evidence: the first watch, where Poafa didn't see anyone but it was still petrified the next day. The third piece of evidence: the boat, rebuilt according to the schematic, which Poafa and no one else has. (Poafa disputes this, saying that it's not actually built according to the schematic; Roshambo amends his sentence, saying that it's close.) The fourth piece of evidence: Mapicc, Roshambo, PlanetLord, and Poafa all have off-server commitments during the day on most days; at the most recent petrification, the boat was rebuilt during that time, but Poafa didn't show up to his off-server commitments. (Poafa confirms this; he was sick.) The fifth piece of evidence: Poafa setting off the skulk trap at the pig. For the sixth piece of evidence, Roshambo invites Planetlord to take the stage; Planetlord gives an account of Poafa freezing up and panicking this morning when Planetlord gave him information that made the most recent clue not make much sense. It's weaker evidence but it's still suggestive. Ditto the sixth piece of evidence, which is a comparison of Poafa's build style with the strange tentacle-like growths that extend from the petrified builds.

The seventh piece of evidence is their main one: the obsidian count discrepancy, from 358 down to 250.


Poafa wants to present counterpoints; Roshambo cedes the stage to him.

Poafa says that he can screenshare right now; it's 253 now, up by three over the past day, which isn't enough to build the boat. He's pretty sure he never claimed to have more than that? But he can't prove that. The reason he created the cleanup crew is because even before Medusa, spawn was awful--there was a giant obsidian prison! there were pigs and skulk everywhere! He can show the recordings of when he stood watch for ten hours and nothing happened. (Mapicc points out that he could just turn off the recording before petrifying things.) He has personally mined 7,000 obsidian. He mined most of the courthouse, most of the pig, most of the boat. (Roshambo points out that this is a great way, if he was Medusa, to never run out of obsidian.) He starts dropping stacks of obsidian as an illustration. He is insulted and upset that he's spent the most time out of anyone here other than maybe Drizzt on cleaning this up and everyone thinks he did it. (Vitalasy tries to drop an anvil on him, which he easily dodges.)


Roshambo says that Poafa's still the main suspect and it's time to commence the plan. All at once, Poafa's pearling away, and Roshambo and Planetlord are pearling towards him. Poafa keeps yelling that it's not him. Roshambo gets a hit on him, and then another, and another, and Poafa's dead.


Zam says Poafa's not at his spawn point. Poafa says he respawned, he moved his spawn point because he thought this might happen. He keeps saying the same thing: it's not him. He didn't do this. They're all assholes for killing him over a false accusation.


More accusations start flying. Planet thinks Poafa would've admitted to it by now if it was him, that he's not a good enough liar for this, especially since they don't know where he is anymore and he has less to gain from lying now than he did when he was about to get killed--maybe it's Vitalasy? Vitalasy claims to have 0 obsidian placed but then refuses to screenshare it or send a screenshot. Bacon thinks that's kind of sus, actually. Ro thinks the most sus is still Poafa and they should at least ban him from spawn for a while to see what happens. But if Medusa is here, or has an ally here, which is almost everyone, they could always stop while Poafa's gone to make it seem like him. Vitalasy thinks Ro is suspicious, actually. Zam wants to kill Vitalasy just in case. Mapicc initially disagrees but then says maybe they should kill Vitalasy unless he screenshares his obsidian count. Planetlord kills Vitalasy and then gives him the heart back. Ro says that this has accomplished nothing and they're back to almost square one; the evidence still points to Poafa, but his reaction seemed genuine. A new person, a polar bear named Woogie, shows up and says it was the NPPP; Zam and Bacon say it's definitely not Spoke but it could be Parrot. Planet and Vitalasy still suspect Parrot. Spoke vehemently denies everything and says that if they knew what Parrot was doing then they would know that he couldn't be involved. Roshambo says he knows what Parrot's doing and it's a good alibi but Parrot could be lying or have an accomplice. Mapicc and Roshambo say they're not going to figure it out like this; did they get anything from this? Bacon says that it's less certain to be Poafa than they thought, and Vitalasy is more suspicious than they thought. It's not much. They're approximately back to square one. Poafa asks if he can come back to spawn and they reluctantly agree, although Ro's keeping the heart until Poafa's confirmed innocent.

Planet says he has a plan but he doesn't want to announce it to everyone. He'll tell Perseus later.


This is utter chaos. He is going to find Poafa, because they're not going to achieve much if they don't know where he is.


Poafa's not at spawn, at least not right now.


(He's on the nether roof, headed back to his base, to collect whatever's left before he runs.)


Someone who was better at Minecraft would be checking the Nether roof. 

Drizzt is instead spiralling out from spawn.


Poafa gets his things--not all of them, Zam stole some and some of them are worthless and some just don't fit in his ender chest, but enough--and then it's back to the nether roof for faster travel, heading out--not literally as far as he can, he doesn't go to the world border, but a few thousand blocks. Far enough out that it'd be hard to find him.


This would be so much easier if he could openly use Guenhwyvar and if they didn't have the trial during the day time.


He can search; he might even finds a build or two, scattered throughout the landscape. He can't identify them, can't match them to the people who own them. Poafa's not in any of them. Finding bases: it's hard, actually. And it's even harder when you don't know how to pie-ray, to check for second layer, to search for nether roof portals.


He keeps looking until midnight, at which point he digs a hole in the ground and sleeps. 


At spawn the next day: another build has been petrified. Two signs are left at the site, as usual. Perseus group chat has been busy since the trial ended, if Drizzt has been checking it.

A few thousand blocks out, Poafa starts a small farm.


Drizzt is checking the group chat now, because he can't believe Poafa even dared show his face back at spawn! 


Planet's plan from yesterday was that he made a setup to check throughout the night if anyone was near spawn; it's hooked up to an alarm that will wake him up if anyone shows up. Poafa had helped some with setting it up, but Planet double checked all of it before running it and didn't notice any flaws.

When he woke up, nothing had happened, and nothing had been turned to obsidian. When he came back in the afternoon, Zam's fishing club had been turned to obsidian. They don't know exactly when it happened--it would have been sometime during the day when Planet, Mapicc, and Ro were all off-server. 


And he maybe could have caught it if he wasn't trying to find Poafa. This is deeply frustrating. 

Back to spawn! To deal with the fishing club! 


The signs at the fishing club:

Close call, but soon I will get my sweet revenge
The Petrification is almost complete

No one else is mining it today. Spawn is quiet.


Even if he is the only one here, it's still worth it to try and clean up. 


Woogie shows up at one point to place a chest and then leave; a minute or so later, Parrot opens the chest and then leaves also. If Drizzt checks it after Parrot leaves, it's empty. That's basically the only interesting thing that happens at spawn that day.


Zam volunteers in Perseus group chat to keep watch that night.


That's fair enough. He can take another watch soon, and he can use that time to start gathering materials to pay people back. 


That night, Mapicc and Ro spam everyone. They have conclusive, decisive proof. They caught Medusa in the act. Show up tomorrow at spawn, midday, same stage as before, for the reveal and execution.


Drizzt is definitely going to be there!


Once again, Roshambo is on the stage.

People in the audience that Drizzt knows: Baconwaffles, Subz, Mapicc, Mr. Cube, PlanetLord, Poafa, Terrain.

People in the audience that Drizzt doesn't know: a strange black-and-purple creature named Ashswag, a white multi-eyed creature named Leowook.

People not in the audience who are nonetheless present: Vitalasy, who is doing laps around the area; Parrot, who on a bridge far up in the sky, barely visible.

Most attendees are in full enchanted netherite; Poafa and Ashswag are in diamond armor, Mr. Cube has partial netherite with a diamond helmet, Leowook has diamond armor except for gold boots, and Vitalasy is once again wearing no armor but a pair of diamond boots.


A few people in the audience get nervous about Parrot and build little covers above their head so that Parrot can't drop anything on them.


"For those of you who don't know," Roshambo says, "I've gathered you all here today to once and for all expose Medusa and, hopefully, execute them. As long as all goes according to plan, both these things will be accomplished in the next half hour. So, it is time now to avenge all of the deaths, all of the betrayal, all of the defacing of spawn--everything that Medusa has done, it's time to finally bring that to justice. With that, I would like to ask Medusa to please show yourself."


"Hey guys!"


He is met with a chorus of "no" and "no way" and "it can't be PrinceZam".


It's Prince Zam? That doesn't make sense, the evidence all points to Poafa--


"Some of you may be in shock, some of you may be in disbelief, but we have pretty decisive evidence this time which I will share with you now."

The evidence is a recording, taken by Mapicc: he visits spawn, only to find that the only person there--Zam, who was supposed to be standing guard--is in the process of turning a building to obsidian. Zam leaves before Mapicc can reach him.

The reaction from the audience is, once again, one of shock and confusion. But it is, in fact, pretty decisive.


"Guys, I'm a little nervous with public speaking." Zam repeats himself a couple times, takes some deep breaths. "So. My motive. It's a pretty simple story. Basically, right, it all started, one day I built a big pea shooter--actually right where we were standing right now and I decided to show it to my two friends, PlanetLord and Jaron, and after showing it to Planet and Jaron, right, there was a little bit of a silly prank under it, you know? I dropped him into a hole that obviously wouldn't have killed him. Obviously. But! They thought it was a trap, they got they got really mad, so they killed me and burnt all my stuff."

(Planetlord says they didn't burn all his stuff; Zam clarifies that he died in lava. Vitalasy shoots Zam. Zam asks for him to stop. Ro says that Zam can continue, Vitalasy isn't actually trying to jump anyone.)

"Okay. Basically, after this, my friend Terrain comes up to me and is like, hey Zam I've got hearts for you. He gives me a few hearts, I get up to 20, alright? And I'm like, okay, I'm ready to fight again! I go into the battle and then Mapicc decides to betray me and fight me in the battle, so it was a 3v1!"

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