Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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Mapicc whispers to Drizzt: stop
Mapicc whispers to Drizzt: stop
Mapicc whispers to Drizzt: stop
Mapicc whispers to Drizzt: stop


Drizzt is very capable of shutting up when instructed.


"Who do you think it was?"


"Honestly? No idea. Probably someone else who's against Medusa, since it's where the next petrification was going to be."


"Makes sense. D'you need help with anything?"


"Nah, I think I'm good. Uh, unless you know where to get dirt?"


Ender chest down, terraform box out. "I've just been, like, going a bit away, and then taking a layer or two of dirt under the surface layer? You can take what you want from here, I did some terraforming this morning, spawn is kind of awful right now."


"Thanks. Hopefully Medusa gets caught soon."


Meaningful look between everyone here that isn't Poafa.

"Yeah," Mapicc says. "Hopefully. I'll leave you to it."


Does Zam look like he's heading back to the Nether?


He is; Mapicc and Roshambo are following him, this time.


Drizzt is coming along then!


As soon as they're in the nether Mapicc's body language changes, becomes--less casual, maybe? (Roshambo's hard to read due to his lack of face, as always; Zam is the same balance of cheerful and anxious as seems usual for him.)

"Okay. I think we have enough evidence to do a trial tomorrow, which is good. I really hope Drizzt didn't tip him off, if he suspects something it would be so easy for him to just set his spawn somewhere else."


"I think it'll probably be fine. ...I guess it might not be fine. Oh fuck, what if it's not fine? What if we messed it up forever?"


"We did not mess it up forever."


"He already knew we suspected him, if he was going to change his spawn he would have. We can find him, in either case."


"Did he? I've been pretty careful about not telling him. Nevermind, doesn't matter. We'll find him. Tomorrow afternoon we can have the trial. Oh, did Zam tell you what we found this morning?"


"What did you find?"


"Okay, so Poafa sent Ash a screenshot this morning of his obsidian count where he's got 250 obsidian placed. But get this, it's lower than when he showed it to us the other day--Ro has a screenshot where I confirmed seeing his obsidian count at 358. It went down. Bro definitely faked it."


"Of course." He hates that his suspicions were right, but at least they have a culprit.


"Yeah. Plus the ship got rebuilt according to the schematic, and he's the only one who had it. It's pretty much guaranteed him at this point. Hopefully after the trial we won't have to worry about this anymore. D'you guys want company netherite mining or do you have it under control?"


Drizzt looks to Zam. 


"Ummmmmmm I don't know. Whatever you want is fine?"


"Wow you two are bad at this. I'll stay and help. Ro, can you grind totems for a bit?"


"I can do that."

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