Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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There are people on watch--Drizzt and Planetlord and Poafa--for most of the night. Watch ends in the morning; most people aren't around in the late morning, busy off-server. Usually Mapicc and Roshambo would be, too, but Mapicc says he can skip out on that, this once. Hopefully just once. Mapicc waits an extra half hour from when the watch ends, just in case.

Someone could come to spawn at any moment. Roshambo didn't get a full schematic of the boat, only half of it; they're improvising the rest. Mapicc's working with half the number of hands as usual. Well, less than half, technically. He's got invis on him, but it would be so, so easy for someone to see him before he sees them. He keeps checking tab to see if anyone's second layer is on, but there are so many people without second layers.

He gets the boat built--no witnesses, as far as he can tell--and then he gets out of there.


That day, in server-wide chat, there are a few people who Drizzt recognizes--Planetlord, ItzSubz_, Poafa, Mapicc--but there are also three new people who Drizzt doesn't recognize--PrinceZam, ashswagg, and Pangi. PrinceZam and Ashswag seem to be asking around about Medusa; they even reference "good cop" and "bad cop" when talking to Subz the same way Mapicc did. Poafa says he has a ten hour recording of nothing happening last night, and that he still has no clue who Medusa is.

In the early afternoon, PrinceZam is added to the Perseus group chat.

By the time Drizzt makes it to spawn in the evening, the obsidian boat is half-destroyed, and the people still at spawn are mostly people he recognizes: Subz, Mapicc, Roshambo. But there's someone new there with them. They stop what they're doing to wave awkwardly.


After the watch, Drizzt split his time between sleeping, resource gathering, and digging a dirt hole to better sleep in. 

It's not a surprise to find another obsidian building si spawn, but it is a disappointment.

Drizzt will go up to help destroy the boat, and be friendly in the direction of the new person.


The signs on the boat:

Nice try, but I can’t let you hog all the fun.
Petrification cannot be stopped.

"We're thinking of setting a skulk trap up at the pig statue," Mapicc explains to Drizzt. "And then whoever sets that off--either if they die or get the Postmortal achievement--well, it'll be evidence."

(The new person is shy; he talks animatedly with Mapicc and Roshambo at times, but then he'll glance at Drizzt and go quiet or even try to sort of hide behind the people he knows. He hasn't introduced himself.)


He'd gotten used to being unintimidating here, but alas, it could not last.

He can at least hope introducing himself could help. "I am Drizzt."


"Hi! I'm PrinceZam." 


"I'm glad to have your help clearing this."


"Oh! Um, thank you. I tried to fix up spawn a bit too, but, um, basically all my builds are gone now, and my teammates are doing all the dectective-ing, so. Um. Yeah."


"You're supposed to say 'Nice to meet you, Drizzt'."


"Oh! Um. Sorryyyyy. Nice to meet you, Drizzt."


"Nice to meet you, too." Oh no, he feels bad. "Would you like help with your buildings?"


"Um. Maybe? I mean, I don't have a schematic of them, and, um, they got turned to obsidian, and now they're gone, sooo. Maybe I'll rebuild them eventually but right now, like, there's still Medusa to deal with, they're just going to keep going until we find them, and also just repairing spawn, it's kind of really bad right now? I guess spawn is always really bad on Lifesteal but still. I had to terraform a whole chunk of shoreline this morning. Well, I didn't have to, but no one else was going to, because no one else on this server cares about spawn looking good."


"When Medusa is defeated, I will be happy to help."


"Oh. That's--nice. Thank you?"

It probably won't happen. Most people forget any promises about the future they have made, especially ones that far into the future. But that's mean to say and the thought is nice. Then again, they've already mostly figured out that it's Poafa. So maybe Medusa will be defeated soon after all.

"Honestly I'm saddest about the ship, it added so much character to spawn. At least Poafa's got a schematic of that one. Even if he is probably Medusa, maybe he'll let us use it after? If we don't ban him. We might ban him. I mean, I kind of want to ban him, I'm really mad at him, but also it would be nice to get the schematic. I don't know. I wish I was better with redstone, I'm kind of useless with the skulk trap. I was thinking about maybe going netherite mining later since I'm just in diamond but it looks like you're in the same boat so at least I'm not the only one. I really need to grind, though, I'm low on, um" (don't tell him you're on five hearts) "kind of everything, I haven't been around much since the rules change, I need to get netherite and better potions and stuff."


"If you want company for mining, I can offer that too."


"It's up to you, I don't--you can do whatever you want, you don't have to help me. But if you want to you can come, I don't mean to, like, exclude you or anything. I'm just rambling, sorry." Why is he so bad at talking to people. Why is he so bad at shutting up once he's started. Whyyyyyyyy.


Luckily for Zam, he still isn't used to this 'people willingly talking to him' thing. "It would be good if I came along, because I do not know how to do it, and should learn from someone who does. But I would not want to lean too much on your hospitality."


"Oh! Yeah, okay, I can help. I can do that." He has not screwed this up permanently! This is awesome! "--Mapicc, Drizzt and I are going netherite mining. Call if you need us?"


"Sure, little bro." Wave.


Zam crafts a bunch of beds; he drops almost an inventory's full to Drizzt. "This is for, uh, the netherite mining--it might be easier for me to just show you? Um, be careful with them when we go through the portal, if you bedbomb me then Mapicc will just kill you. Probably."


And time to head towards a portal. It looks the same as the other portal that Drizzt went through, but this one leads somewhere else: instead of a blank expanse as far as the eye can see, it's some manmade stone-tile tunnels in poor repair, through a strange red-and-lava landscape.


This seems worryingly Abyss-like. Or Hell-like. It's hard to tell the difference when you can't see any fiends and can just see lava and... whatever this rock is. 

He would... rather not be in any of the lower planes. "Is this Hell?"


"Sort of, I guess? You could call it that? It's, um, mostly called the Nether, but it's sort of like hell, I guess."


"-- Are there devils?" Should they even be here?


"No? Um, there are pigmen and ghasts."


Those don't sound like fiends, so this is probably fine. 

He nods. 

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