โœจ pretty guardian sailor moon! ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ˜ฝ
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Kisskisskisskisskisskiss! And one more kiss for good measure. "Let's go get some shinies."


"Right!" Jun says as she lowers her arms and grabs one of Usagi's hands, "Come on!" 


Handholding and chattering as they make their way to Jun's mom's store.


The store is packed when they get there, people lined up half-way down the block waiting to be let in. Jun leads Usagi right to the front of the line, staring at all the people with wide eyes, and then waves to her mom through the front windows, asking to be let in. 

Her mom must not see her, though, because she gives no reaction. 


"Shoould we go round the back? Does it have a back entrance?"


"Yeahhh, but I don't have a key..." She looks back over the line. "Maybe we should... come back later? Mom looks really busy..." 

The door opens briefly, allowing some customers to leave, and a set of those in the line to enter. 

"95% off," says one woman excitedly, stroking the necklace around her neck. It's a little... unusual-looking, large and clunky and frankly a little ugly-looking, but the woman seems taken with it.


Looks like weird costume jewelry. "Ehh. Maybe I don't need anything. I can sweep Motoki off his feet some other way."


"Sure," Jun sighs, "Sorry, I didn't realize it would be so crowded. Maybe I can talk mom into giving you a discount if we come back some other time?" 


"That'd be cool, but don't stress if she says no." She spins around and hups in the direction of home. "If we get home soon, maybe dad will make us hot chocolate."


Jun stalls for another moment, watching her mother smile oddly at a customer through the window.


And while she is busy doing that, Usagi's spin sends her stepping right into someone else's path.

"Woah-! Watch where you're going!" The person in question grabs her shoulders, shoving her back a little so she won't fall all over him.


Her weird momentum sends her toppling off her feet and to the ground. She blinks up at him, confused, angry and her butt hurts.

"Hey! What the hell! Jerk."


He looks briefly chagrined, but gets over it quickly to scowl at her, "You wouldn't have fallen if you'd been watching where you were going, idiot."


She climbs to her feet and pokes him in the chest. "I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't pushed me. Asshole!"


He opens his mouth to retort- and then releases a harsh breath, "Sorry," he mutters, "I was- I'm in- a hurry." He glances at the watch on his wrist, hisses, and steps to the side, "Excuse me."


Huff! Now she wants to fight - but she steps aside and walks off without another word. Ignoring the jerk.


Jun catches up with her then, gaze following the guy for a moment as he walks down the street in the opposite direction, "Who was that?" She asks, eyes wide. 


"I dunno. Some asshole. Was so rude." And really really hot, but she's not going to - "Some people need to learn manners."


"What'd he do?" Her writing senses are tingling. 


"We bumped into each other and he pushed me! Called me an idiot. I should have punched him," she mutters.


"You totally should have," Jun agrees, stifling her giggles. 


She pouts at Jun and grabs her hand. "You're making fun of meeee."


"Nooooo," she squeezes Usagi's hand and grins at her, "I support you in punching rude pretty boys in the face!" 


"Damn straight. Then he'll be all bloody and bruised and hot and - okay I should stop before I convince myself to chase him down and fulfill your fanfic fantasies."


"It's okay, I can work with just the imagery," she says with a content smile. "Just imagine Sailor V tracking down that man she's always fighting and then-" she stops, giggling. 

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