โœจ pretty guardian sailor moon! ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ˜ฝ
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"The original title translates to that, yes. Essentially. The Sailors were guardians of this system, but they began as stellar explorers and diplomats as well. Sailors of the stars." 


"How many are there? Do you know Sailor V?"


"I do not. She must have been Called by my... associate, Hermes." They stand, circling around to look at her from the front again as they speak, "There are two Sailors now, but in time there will be nine, one for each planet beside this one, and one for the moon. Sailor V is, I suspect, Sailor Venus."


Usagi nods, and tries to commit that to memory. She looks down at the brooch in the middle of her chest and runs her thumb over it.

"So we can't count on her to show up and save the day. Where did you last see the youma?"


They hop up onto the windowsill, "It was still within the store when I last checked shortly before I approached you. It and all its enthralled employees."


She looks at the door nervously and then inches towards the window. Usually she would just make an excuse, tell her dad she was heading to Juni's to return something, but in this outfit...

"Did you see Jun there? Um-" she reaches to her desk and shows the kitty a picture of her and her Juni at a waterpark, hugging, and smiling wide with icecream all over their faces.


Luna looks at the photo and wipes at their face in sympathy, "I did not, but she may have arrived after I left." 


She nods seriously, places the frame back carefully on her desk, and then starts to climb out of the window.

"What do I do when I find the youma?" She asks quietly. "I don't know any of those fancy martial art moves like Sailor V."


They climb outside ahead of her and hop down onto the roof of the car port.

"Your tiara can be used as a weapon to channel your power. Hold it, call that power up, and then throw it towards the youma - it will strike true." 


Following after the kitty is surprisingly easy! Much easier than any other time she's snuck out through her window...

"And nobody will know who I am? I don't have a mask or anything..."


"Another feature of the transformation. No one will be able to connect your face in uniform to your face out of it." Down to the ground they go, and out into the street. It's dark enough that it's easy enough to stick to the shadows - and easier still when Luna flexes their own power to cover them. 


Shadows! And sneaking!

She follows the kitty close and keeps an eye out for anyone that could spot them. And thinks about her Juni and her Juni's mom who is kinda strict and sometimes overworks and takes advantage of Jun a lot, using her for free labour at her shop, but she doesn't deserve to be eaten (?) by a youma.

"Sailor V used to have the Knight, didn't she? Do you know what happened to him? Is he a magical boy?"


Luna sighs, "Male Guardians are possible but I have seen no evidence that any besides yourself and and Venus are active. The tales I have heard of her companion's powers did not match any of the others."


"Huh. He disappeared anyway, nobody knows where he went. Lotsa people think he died." She pauses and bites her lip. "Nobody is gonna die tonight are they? We're gonna save them? I'll throw my fancy tiara at the youma and everything will go back to normal?"


"The situation did not seem to have progressed to deadly levels last I looked," Luna reassures her. Then they add, "It could escalate at any time, however."


She makes a small soft noise and holds herself tight. She's scared, this is all happening so quickly and she has so many questions and concerns but she can't stop and do anything. She just has to go with the kitty and save her Juni and maybe-maybe-maybe everything will turn out alright.

"You'll explain everything after?"


"I will explain what I know," they agree, and then they start moving too quickly for easy conversation. 


Sailor Moon (!) speeds up too, faster and faster than she has before. It's hard, but so much easier than it's ever been. She won't stop for anything.


There's the jewelery shop now, lights still on and a short line up still outside. There aren't any customers or employees visible through the windows, however. 


Um. Um, um, um.

"We should go round the back. I know where they hide the key..."


Luna gives her an appreciative look, "Very good. Take the lead, Sailor Moon." 


Ahhhh. But she nods a little frantically and leads them down into the side alley and around the back of the store. She reaches down into the little garden next to the door and digs around until she finds what she's looking for. Fake rock! Fake rock that contains a key.

"Ha!" She whispers. "Super spy Usagi."


She gets a mostly inscrutable but possibly mildly amused look from Luna for the comment. In they go?


In they go! She opens the door just an inch and squeezes through quietly.

...anyone around? Any youma?


No one. The back room is dark and empty... though there is a light coming from where the door to the basement stairs is cracked open.

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