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Version: 1
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'Oly Order of the Onery Orrery
In Which Cressida Kroft Solemnly Swears She Is Up To Some Good

In her defense, Cressida Kroft never asked to be a paladin.

...Well, that's not entirely true, where "not entirely true" is a phrase which here means "Cressida did in fact explicitly request of any god who happened to be listening that they make her a paladin."

But is it her fault that the one god who happened to be listening in on her can't tell when mortals are being sarcastic?

Now that Kroft's got a moment free, she's going to try and figure out how to not win the first-place prize at the fair for being the quickest paladin in all of history to fall after being chosen by a god.

She sold off her blue whinnis at clearance prices (this day only! all poison must go!) and is trying to figure out where to go from there.

Version: 2
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Version: 3
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