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cayden cailean in balder's gate 3
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"Can we just get this over with?"


Right. Back inside to inquire of the paladins if they have some information about Karlach, such as her direction or weaknesses. 


They last saw her going towards a creek near this church.

Also: she's on fire. Watch out for that. 


March march march to the creek.

"Anyone have a solution to her being on fire?"


"I have Create Water prepared. It may not be able to douse her, but it can't hurt."


Up ahead and around a bend,  a section of creek seems to be... steaming...


That was pretty easy to find. 

He approaches the steaming creek and wishes he had a holy weapon. 


She's sitting in the creek, submerged up to her shoulders. The water hisses and spits around her. 

Even through the steam and disturbance of the water, a glow in her chest can be seen.

She looks like a tiefling.


He is not a great distance fighter.

He's going to hang back and guard Gale. 


She spots them, and scrambles out of the water onto the bank.


Wyll draws his rapier. "One horn. The stink of Avernus. Advocates diaboli." 


She's hunched over like she's already been injured. "Well, I'll be damned, the Blade of Frontiers. I thought I'd shaken you for good."


Honestly, "already injured" is a great way for devils to be. 

He listens to this conversation, prepared to defend Gale.


The tadpole squirms.

He feels a great heat, her heat, the fires of Avernus itself. Visions of fighting demonic armies across that broken landscape, the front lines of the Blood War--

-- can outsiders get tadpoles?


"What was that!?"


"Evidence. Proof that you're a devil, and a gladiator at the head of Archdevil Zariel's armies."


"No! It's a whole situation, but if you'd just let me explain--"


Another vision. Karlach's blades, raised against devils, Zariel's servants, fighting for just enough of a gap to escape--

-- she is as much a victim of the Blood War as an agent of it. 


"I think as long as she's not attacking us we should let the fiery lady explain herself!"


"Thank you. You're the first reasonable person I've met. I was forced to fight in Zariel's army, and fight I did, but as soon as I could run, I did. And now-- it's good to be home. Even if people keep attacking me in it."


"You served her. That's enough to damn you!"


HA. Cayden KNEW not to trust Wyll. Fucking not-actually-a-paladin. Never trust a man with a catchphrase. 

"On my home planet we don't kill surrendering people. --You are surrendering?" he says to Karlach.


"Fuck, yes,  I'm surrendering. I don't want to kill anyone if I don't have to."


"Cool! I'm Cayden Cailean, a human adventurer from a different planet, and I have significantly more context than I did two days ago. And you are?"


"Karlach Cliffgate, finally a free agent!"

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