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cayden cailean in balder's gate 3
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"I don't know if any of my stories would be exciting enough for your tastes. Can't try to catch what you don't know is there." He's treading a dangerous line, but dodging would be more dangerous. He can be harmlessly rogue-ish. He's good at playing that. 


"Well, then, you'll just have to pick your own story and I'll judge if it's kiss-worthy."


"I did have a few run ins. They didn't spend much time on the clock where I operated-- not part of their charter, you know-- but they did like going there off the clock. The good news is that the fabric their uniforms are made of fetch a pretty penny. The annoying news is that it takes so much time to take the symbols off them to actually sell it."


Cayden kisses him. 


Astarion is a good kisser. This is a kiss from someone who has worked out how to optimise kissing, and how to cold read someone based on how they kiss.


Cayden is also a good kisser, but more of the paying-close-attention-and-wants-you-to-be-happy kind.


Well, this is going to be a problem, because they're both going to end up in a loop of trying to follow what the other is going. 

Cayden should have some preference, actually. And express them with his tongue.


The real question here is who has the higher Sense Motive Kissing Preferences. 

Cayden is pretty sure it's Cayden.


Ah, but Astarion has a fairly high Kiss Deception. (Why does he have this skill? Don't worry about it.)

If Cayden just going to let him do what he wants,  he may as well take the initiative. How does he feel about biting.


"I don't care that you used to sell sex but I don't want to fuck a party member who's going to treat me like a john."


Oh, fucking for money would be infinitely more virtuous than what he did. "Do you think I don't want to do this? I didn't trip and fall into flirting with you."


"So kiss me like it matters whether you're having a good time, so I don't have to sit here worrying about how I'm going to pay you with all the money I don't have."


The point of this exercise is getting the leader of this little party to like him, to value his continued existence up and walking about. And if all that takes is doing whatever the Hells he wants? Oh, he can do that. 

He kisses hungrily, all teeth and tongue, like he's trying to find if there's a point where Cayden goes 'No, that's too much, I didn't mean it like that--'


Thank you. 

This is clearly not straightforwardly two friends having a good time together but Cayden isn't that picky. Also, he desperately needs to do something with his body until he can't think and being hungover is bad for fighting readiness.

After a bit, he says, "tonight?"




Cayden heads back to the camp with the firewood.


Attempts to find out how much food they had between them and cut it into cookable portions have derailed.

Lae'zel and Shadowheart have weapons drawn, and Gale is in the middle with his staff trying to stop them from attacking each other. 


"What's going on?"


"She has a githyanki relic. I need an explanation, or her head."


"You need neither."


He clearly miscalculated which party members he should get to know first.

"Lae'zel, can you explain what her having a githyanki relic means?"


"That she stole it!"


"Hah, like your people hadn't stolen it first."


"I'm sure we can settle this like reasonable people--"

Shadowheart and Lae'zel both give him looks, and he immediately quails.


"I'm from a different planet and I'm very stupid, if someone could explain what's going on like I'm a four-year-old I would really appreciate it."

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