In Which Jacqueline Somer Suffers Beneath A Red Sun
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In the morning Owl becomes aware of Chartara's 6 hour day/night cycles.


Unless there is someone physically dragging her out of this bed

(or taking her blankets, or pouring water on her, or threatening to throw away her books, or any of the myriad other things annoyed adults will do to people they rule over)

she's just going to sleep in, thanks.


Owl drifts back to sleep until awoken by the sound of someone hooking up caravle to her wagon.

Someone else knocks on Owl's door.


Owl can, when she so chooses, see through walls.

Who's knocking?


A tall elven male. He has a sword at his hip and a buckler on his back.

After waiting about thirty seconds he knocks a second time.


She's going to continue lying here, because she hasn't gotten enough sleep to think strategically.

And he's going to continue knocking, ensuring that she won't get any more sleep.

She doesn't know how to break out of this hold.


He knocks for a third time, waits about thirty seconds, and turns and walks away. He glances around as if looking for someone. He spots the person he's looking for and holds a muted conversation. 

Owl rolls a perception check

Owl succeeds the perception check

The elven man asks to see if Owl has left their wagon left. He is informed Owl hasn't. "Must be a deep sleeper." He responds. "Eh. they'll probably wake up when their wagon starts moving." He moves to perform other duties.


Owl notices that all around people are packing things into wagons. The chief's wagon begins to move, pulled by a team of Caravale. The next wagon is hooked up to another team and begins to move as well.


She is not accustomed to adults letting her sleep in!


She'll lie here until her wagon begins moving, and then she'll get out of bed and see what they expect from her.


After about 12 minutes a person comes around and hooks Owl's wagon to some Caravale. They begin dragging the wagon. Nobody seems to expect anything of Owl for the moment.


What a fantastic start to her day.

She's going to sit on top of her wagon and admire the alien vistas. 


Owl opens the door and climbs up on top of the wagon. She feels what little energy she can gain from this star seeping into her. Looking left, is that rock? and right? More rock! and straight ahead a caravan heading toward... rock!!! and behind a caravan leaving more rock!


She likes rocks, or at least alien rocks! 

What's the rock-to-dust ratio? Do outcroppings look more eroded on one side than the other to her untrained eyes? Do the rocks look igneous to her untrained eyes?


And just how little energy constitutes "what little energy", here?

What's the light level?


Imagine standing on a dirt field with a truck doing donuts around you. About that dusty. Everyone else is wearing their masks, or at least everyone outside of their wagons. Outcroppings are about equally eroded. Rocks are very sedimentary, Owl can see the layers on the sides of the elevated rocks she passes. They sky is about as well illuminated as an indoor classroom without windows lit by slightly burnt plasma rods.


Owl wants her narrator to clarify something. 

Human eyes judge brightness on a logarithmic scale. The difference between an indoors classroom without windows, and standing outside in direct sunlight, might not intuitively seem like a huge deal. In both cases there's enough light to see and read by.

Owl does not play Pathfinder Second Edition, but in that game both an indoors classroom and an outdoors field would be "Bright Light."

But "indoors without windows" and "out of doors at all" is actually, for purposes which do not judge brightness on a logarithmic scale, a pretty huge difference! 

A factor of one-hundred difference, or even a factor of one-thousand. 

So Owl would like clarification on whether the narrator literally means "the sky is about as well illuminated as an indoors classroom without windows lit by slightly burnt plasma rods," and not something gentler like "as well illuminated as the sky at sunset, or on an overcast day."


It's actually slightly dimmer than the classroom, as if one of the flickering plasma rods just burnt out entirely.


Does it look like it's going to get brighter as the day wears on?


Slowly and not by much. From what Owl now knows of the 6 hour day night cycle, it will probably cap not even twice as bright as it is now.


In these conditions her battery won't charge past - maybe ten or twenty percent of a full charge?


Well, she hopes they weren't counting on her laser vision for anything.

She's going to find the person who was knocking on her door earlier.


Owl notices about 4 tall elven males wearing bucklers on their backs with swords on their hips. Telling them apart is difficult for someone who hasn't lived on a planet with elves before.


Two are jogging from wagon to wagon, hopping up onto the stairs and knocking on doors, seemingly passing messages. The other two are riding Caravale next to the caravan.


Well, if they're passing messages, it might not matter if she gets her original elf? 

She's going to jump she's going to climb down from her wagon like a geriatric old woman, because she doesn't want to waste charge flippantly when it's charging this slow, and stand awkwardly in his vicinity realizing hoping that he notices her and takes over both halves of the social interaction. 

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