In Which Jacqueline Somer Suffers Beneath A Red Sun
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She'd meant "softly at first, and then harder," but all's well that ends well.

"What happened?"


"I uh, hit as hard as I'd expect it to take to actually hurt myself. I felt the pressure of the swing but it's as if there was some... interference? It didn't hit as hard as I'd expect it to. Like the speed of the swing and the mass of the rock didn't change... but the actual energy did?"


A) why would you immediately escalate to actually hurting yourself, and b) does Seren have a passive durability power?

"Are you harder to hurt with rocks than most people?"




Good to know.

"Do you know how that works?"


" "
" ... "


"If I threw a rock at you, what's the first place that would go differently than I'd naively expect."


"Without my spell active? At the moment of contact it just... wouldn't do as much damage as it should. When I want to I can... make that not happen... but I'm not sure how?"


She'd like some kind of quantification or qualification or something, but whatever, it's not really her business anyway.

"Was there anything else you wanted help with?"


"So, I'm not sure how much force exactly the spell prevents, whether it's a percentage or a value. Would you like to take a couple swings and give your best guess?"


Percentage or a... oh! Like, whether the defense scales with the force of the impact? 

That's not something that her mind would have jumped to, but sure, she can test for it.


What happens if Seren is poked lightly with the butt of Owl's spear?


Your spear seems to lose energy for a brief moment as it taps their flesh. The effect leaves when you are moving it away. The speed of the spear doesn't change, neither does the spear change weight to any discernable degree, but it doesn't press into their skin as you'd expect it to.



"Seren, are you good to be hit harder?"


"Go ahead, just don't do anything that would kill me."


What would kill you is what we're trying to figure out.

"Could you stick out one arm?"


Seren will do so, opting for left over right.


She'll hit the arm with the stick.

What happens when Seren is hit somewhat harder than a light poke?


Owl feels the same force disappearing. The actual jab makes Seren wince the way a person hit by a slightly less powerful jab would.


She'll hit something like twice as hard this time.


The same amount of force is lost and Seren's arm gets shoved backward.

She grunts.


"It doesn't seem like it scales with how hard you're hit."

Which means there isn't any point in continuing until someone gets injured.


"Ok well, thank you! Have a good night. I'll try out the light disk more tomorrow."

She will enter her wagon.


Jacqueline Somer will likewise return to hers.


Through the night Owl will hear something moving around outside the wagons. Something, wrong. Owl is not sure what, it's as if something is stepping, and slithering, and brushing the ground all together in a terrible cacophony of sound. Whatever is out there, Owl is sure it is not supposed to exist.

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