Template: Avarice
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Av Klaus apocrypha-made-flesh Robert Sheehan Masks
Av let-them-stare Robert Sheehan
Av Klaus take-the-pill Robert Sheehan Élémentaire
Avarice Avarice material_boy Jeffrey Licon Sins-verse
Avery Klaus bloodslut Jeffrey Licon Anita Blake
Avery Marshall no-lies-in-circus Kim Ji-hoon Ace Attorney
Avery Menall ghosts-r-us Jeffrey Licon Star Wars
Avon Marshall debts-to-be-paid Jeffrey Licon Star Trek
Avon Marshall hear_the_radio Jeffrey Licon
Avon Marshall lift-you-up Jeffrey Licon rocksins
Avon Marshall marked-man Jeffrey Licon Sims
Avra blackstage-magic Kim Ji-hoon Ace Attorney, Voidsong
Avra lot-of-fun Jeffrey Licon Heavenly Sins
Avra Klaus wait-for-long Jeffrey Licon Periodicity
Avrae all-the-chaos Jeffrey Licon Heistverse
hacker after-the-fall Jeffrey Licon Eclipse Phase
Klaus Hargreeves Klaus hear-them-scream Robert Sheehan Umbrella Academy

Posts with Template Instances
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Hiatused Has Warnings their smiles and their diamonds [1 2 3 ... 11 12 13] Sandboxes 309 by Guilty
Hiatused Has Warnings Magical Refugee Wendy Wesson and the Sins [1 2 3 4 5] Sandboxes 104 by Guilty