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Lucy attempts to solve post-Razmir Ustalav
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Tiriac is slightly straining his excellent poker face not being amused at Lucy.


"They were not intruders, but contracted with by a wizard serving the Council of Elders, so I fear not."


"I figured, but it seems like it would work for Cheliax and Nidal--if it could be done--so I had to check. I don't suppose there's some theoretical way to mass-produce magnificent mansions or some other similarly useful spell that's bottlenecked on diamonds or some other resource I might be able to cheat at." 


"If you can create spellsilver or resurrect wizards long dead in sufficiently greater numbers than you resurrect the common folk, perhaps one or the other would serve?"


"Or recover the magical secrets of lost Azlant, if you're offering impossible things!"


"Well, I have historically had some success at recovering lost secrets by resurrecting people who've been dead for a long time, but that was with a less appealing afterlife setup... what's spellsilver?"


"A soft silvery-grey metal that tarnishes in the air, refined from monazite sands," says Morgethai, "which you need to imbue an item with magic so it remains enchanted after a normal spell would end." It would be a multi-year research project to invent a magic item of reusable Magnificent Mansion, but if Cheliax and Nidal are liberated...


"What...kind...of metal is it? I mean, um--how...heavy is it. Like, um, different metals have different--I don't know how advanced the local understanding of chemistry is."


Felandriel Morgethai will just politely ask Gallipsiwhoop to bring a sample of spellsilver over so Lucy can analyze it, and Gallipsiwhoop will fly out and bring it back on a Floating Disk!

It is, indeed, a silvery-grey metal, soft, ductile, tarnishing in the air which is why it is in oil in a glass vial, treated as if a small quantity is very precious.


Lucy looks closely at it. 

No, closer than that. 



Reeeaaally close. 


"Is this a pure sample of spellsilver, or is it mixed with other stuff?"


"Ninety-six percent pure," says Felandriel Morgethai, watching Lucy closely.


"So is spellsilver an alloy definitionally, or are the different metals in this all spellsilver?"


Morgethai smiles the smile of SCIENCE. "Nothing is alloyed together by mortal hands to produce it; this sample was refined from monazite and nothing else."


"Do all samples of spellsilver and/or monazite have the same ratios of individual elemental metals, I'm not actually familiar with monazite." 


"I don't know," admits the most powerful wizard in Avistan.


"I think in theory I should be able to make spellsilver but if it's magically important that the elements be in the correct ratios then it would be somewhat harder. ...Also I should do it somewhere very uninhabited, I'm not at all sure I could do it in a way that be anywhere near..."


"There are spellsilvers refined from other materials," she says, "and whether those have the same ratio of component-smaller-parts as monazite I do not know. I can provide an empty demiplane for your research, though I'd suggest that resurrecting every willing Good adventurer in the Inner Sea would be a higher priority."


"I don't think I would need a demiplane, I could just do it in space. --Although a demiplane might be safer for me, for...obvious reasons...anyway, yes, resurrecting everyone helpful, I am so on board with that. --I actually got a message via lantern archon that someone, I think maybe not on the Inner Sea, wanted me to come do that there." 


She nods. "Before you go, though, there are still three things that need to be done."

And she will draw out a diamond (... Lucy may recognize it as having formerly been part of her) and directly command-line input into reality a set of ancient words recovered by Aroden from the wreck of Azlant, which may be translated as a specification for - 


And then, as the diamond crumbles into dust, she does it again.



Lucy really really likes Wisdom boosts. 

She hopes that "become wiser" isn't addictive, as far as she knows there are only so many ways to do it and also addicts tend to accomplish fewer addiction-unrelated things than non-addicts. 

"To the best of your knowledge, is anything organized yet underway with regards to collecting the remains of powerful Good adventurers for resurrection, and if not, who do you think would be best to talk to about organizing it? Is the answer just Lastwall, it seems like it might be."


"The place to go is the sanctuary of the Golden Cathedral of Milani, which faces the Field of Concord due southeast of the university," says Felandriel Morgethai, "where Lastwall, Andoran, and the churches of Sarenrae, Desna, Torag, Milani, Iomedae, Erastil, Shelyn and a number of other gods have been gathering bodies." She sips her tea. "That was the second thing I wanted to tell you."


"--Oh, perfect! You know, I really like your style." 


"Thank you! I'm very pleased to learn you exist," she says. "Hopefully you'll continue doing so!"


"I also hope this--oh," she rummages in her pockets and produces a box, "I'm not an isolated phenomenon, I have relatives who can do the same thing I do, will you hold onto a tissue sample for me in case I suffer some form of existence failure and then my family shows up." 


"Of course!" She'll tuck the box into a far-too-small pocket.

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