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Lucy attempts to solve post-Razmir Ustalav
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And Lucy will continue ZOOMing Almas-wards, dispensing the occasional lumens if it seems occasioned. 


And as she approaches Almas she passes a great many obvious sidequest hooks which I cannot possibly detail fully because Golarion, seriously, Golarion, before the city nears in front of her! While most of Andoran is only lightly populated, Almas is a fair-sized city of about a hundred and fifty thousand people, surrounded by rich farmland on three sides where three different rivers flow into the great Andoshen; while it can't compare to Absalom (or of course Aktun), it's still much larger than anything Ustalav has to offer. The city has the usual collection of impressive buildings, vast estates, tall towers, and terrible poor neighborhoods, as well as, unfortunately, significantly more starving child beggars than any of the other cities she's so far seen, as well as some pretty extreme space-bending at one cluster of buildings at the north end of town. Where's she setting down first?


Space-bending cluster of buildings!


The space-bending cluster of buildings appears to be a school! Recognizable buildings include a very large library, a medium-sized library, a small library, a private library, lecture halls, facilities for experimentation in the development of magical theory (very thick walls and thin roofs), and student housing (heating is for people who cannot cast Endure Elements). The space-bendingist bit is in a moderately grandiose apparent temple-to-the-very-idea-of-learning (or possibly Nethys, hard to tell) that appears to be where the student administration is located?


Student Administration sounds fine! 

She will enter the building, with party, and look around for any kind of information desk. 


Information desk is present! "Oh, you're Lucy Whitman!" says the fox-person at the door. "Felandriel is just down that way, through the door and into the secret corridor, she told us to expect you at some point today." She'll point over THATAWAYS to where there's a door that says PROVOST FELANDRIEL MORGETHAI.


…Well. Okay, sure, cool—did they notice her flying in? Or are young people with white hair just that rare? Or is it something else, that let them recognize her without her having to glow. She will not ask these questions, she will head over to the PROVOST FELANDRIEL MORGETHAI door.


(Young people with white hair and a multinational adventuring party including a wolf.)

The PROVOST FELANDRIEL MORGETHAI door leads to an office with shelves full of extremely imposing-looking leather-bound books with titles in languages Lucy does not speak (but that de Caserta has trouble reading with a straight face), a desk with an inkwell, a quill, lots of papers and three small and extremely realistic scale models of devils, and a sign saying THE PROVOST IS NOT AT HER DESK and an arrow pointing towards the presently-open "secret door," (it does not look secret at all) which appears to lead around a sharp corner. On the door is a sign saying DO NOT ENTER EXCEPT AT OWN RISK and another one saying THIS RISK IS VERY SERIOUS and a third saying "It has been 478 days, 14 hours, 38 minutes and -" a steadily ticking number of seconds "- since our last secret corridor fatality. Don't reset this number!" and then a fourth note saying "Don't worry!" with a little drawing of a diamond crab stuck to it.

lot of stuff in this room looks very, very magical.


Lucy is incredibly charmed by the "Don't worry!" note! She wonders if Felandriel Morgethai is also Chaotic. Lucy still maintains that she isn't Chaotic by ideology but she is increasingly inclined to admit that she is Chaotic by temperament. 

Lucy is incredibly tempted to inspect the magical stuff and/or ask de Caserta what the funny book titles say but she has a MISSION and she is AVOIDING SIDEQUESTS so she is going to instead turn the sharp corner that the note with a picture of her on it says not to worry about. 


Around the corner, the secret corridor (wide enough for two abreast) opens up into the vastness of interstellar space, or a very good replica. Starlight illuminates the corridor only faintly, stars glimmering as seen from above a world that is almost, but not quite, Golarion. The floor under her feet (tiled in foot-sized metal squares) stretches across the entire vastness of space, infinitely receding into the distance, a two-dimensional plane as wide as a universe.

A few hundred feet away, off in the distance, the mundane corridor resumes, walls and ceiling and all, though it's filled by a hulking construct of some unknown metal that takes up almost the entire space. A small piece of paper is printed on it, "Mind you don't trip! P.S. Forbiddance password is blue chocolate marble" and the face of someone who looks a little like Kais hunched over.

(There is still air, and Lucy's supernatural senses can detect that the stars aren't really there. They're a very convincing facsimile to a mildly superhuman eye, but not to a quarter-star or quarter-Messenger.)


de Caserta is sort of... staring... in awe, with a Detect Magic charm up.


"Archmages' towers are usually like this," Count Tiriac murmurs. "If not identically."


"Are archmages usually in towers? I don't think this is a tower. It didn't look like one from the outside."

She starts across the floor, carefully keeping half an eye on her companions in case they start to trip, since apparently this is likely enough to be worth warning against. 


"Modern archmages usually create their own worlds, but 'wizard's tower' is still a phrase in common usage."


As soon as she steps onto the floor, she can feel her body become much heavier, like the difference between standing on the moon and standing on the Earth.

The golem moves out of the way as the party advances, back into the room behind it, which looks like a natural cave except for its naturally smooth floor and the curving, shield-shaped wall that goes across the sides of it, beyond where they need to travel, tall enough to almost cover a person, with hollow quiver-cylinders filled with bolts of pure iron. The cavern is illuminated from what looks like the light of a glittering gemstone ceiling overhead.

(Standing behind the wall are some recognizably non-people constructs, looking like crossbows on tripod legs just barely tall enough to shoot over the fence, with tiny little arms just to reload the crossbow sticking out of the crossbow's sides. All of them have been painted a variety of bright colors, with some very nice murals on them.)


Nobody trips, since the warning has been given!


Lucy is briefly startled by the change in gravity, but once she's gotten over that she barely notices the ongoing effect. 

(She's also mildly tempted to deliberately trip just to see what happens but even her baseline Wisdom would be enough to prevent that.)


She really really wants to stare at the magic crossbows, as much for the murals as for the magic, but She Will Instead Proceed. 


There are, of course, more corridors and more rooms and more Forbiddance passwords, before they make it to Felandriel Morgethai's sitting room, which is where the door to the demiplane leads to (right then!), in which are located six paintings (one is, apparently, by a small child; another is of a species she may have seen in Axis but nowhere on Golarion reading a book), an anatomical chart of a dragon, a map of Golarion apparently detailed down to individual houses, more bookshelves, five chairs, a doggy bed, the dragonfly Gallipsiwhoop, and, sitting in one of these chairs, an elf woman of no particular age wearing a significant fraction of the national wealth of Andoran.

"Hello!" she says, waving. "Nice to see you, good work with Hell. Feel free to sit down."


It's a style of eclectic that makes Lucy feel a little homesick. She sits down. 

"Thanks! It wasn't entirely intentional, to be perfectly honest, but I'm pleased with the result. Also it consumed my Ring of Delayed Doom and I'm told you're the only person on the planet who can make me a new one." 


"Nefreti Clapati could also make you one, since she's usually on the planet," says Felandriel Morgethai, tossing Lucy a ring (it looks, as much as a magic item can, fairly worn, and there's only eight garnets on it) "and you could also track down Razmir's soul, which is in Gem #7, Box #849, Secure Storage Room, The Chamber of Sealing, The Astral Plane. But it's much simpler for me to give you my old one, really."


Lucy slips on the ring. "I've been sort of given to understand that reviving Razmir would be something of a clusterfuck?" 


"Razmir is an idiot but he was very good at making magic items!"


"I've never met him and don't have a whole lot of even secondhand information about him--I can't really tell whether, if I found his gem and brought him back, he's the kind of guy who I could simply bribe to do helpful things instead of unhelpful things, or if, uh, not that. --Oh, speaking of my absurd ability to bribe people," she withdraws a diamond femur from her pocket, "I also hear you can permanently boost my Wisdom." 


Felandriel Morgethai, who has a small box of bits of Lucy given to her by Lastwall, does not boggle.

"I can," she says, "but I only prepared two Wish spells today," because she only gets two ninth-circle spells each day, "and you need diamonds to make scrolls of Wish and I want to save my scrolls for rescuing you from Achaekek. So I can give you two Wishes of Wisdom but not more yet."


"Makes sense. Who or what is Achaekek?"

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