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In which [redacted] does an urban fantasy awakening.
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"I can imagine. It can be difficult to confront how you look and feel. Especially when you're considering changing it drastically. My notes say you're interested in biokinetic magic treatments, and in alternate payment."


"Those notes are indeed correct.  I've heard a few things about how alternate payment might work, from second- or thirdhand sources, enough that it's probably sufficient for you to quote the going rate; at the moment, though, I am not particularly well-informed as to what succubus biokinesis is used to best effect in accomplishing, versus what's expensive to reach for."


She subtly makes a hard-to-read face when she says 'succubus'.

"So, many succubi do traditionally have sex with people as payment for services. This allows them to take some magical energy, which even non-magical people have a small amount of. The succubus doctors associated with our clinic prefer not to do that. Are you a magic-user, yourself? If so, there is still an alternate option."


"That is, I expect, the option to which I was already referring.  I'm quite aware of the clinic's policy, and I would not dare violate it.

"Incidentally, since I saw you make that face and you might, actually, know, is there a word that's preferred over that one?  Considering all the, implications, that I would love to avoid here if I but knew how."


"Oh, no, they embrace the label. It's just that some patients are difficult on the policy we just discussed."


"Ah.  Yes, quite.  One does unfortunately tap into certain memes when one starts using words like tantric to describe business practices, no matter how justifiably - but no still means no."


"...That diversion aside, where were we?  Oh, right, payment options.  And what the unit mana buys."


"Yes, I know, it's supposed to be a way to quietly hint at them without outright stating it... Which is verboten, for some reason. So, biomancy can do a huge variety of things, with an emphasis on gradual changes backed up by subtle changes in body chemistry, cell structures, and so on. Most of our clients stick to optimizations within the normal human range. Enhancements beyond the human norm are an option, but typically custom and discussed directly with your doctor. We also offer transgender care, which is a fairly common request. Overall, biomancy services can be divided into four broad categories: Hormone and cellular changes, skin and body sculpting, major alterations- Such as genital surgery, or regrowth of damaged nerves in the spine, and finally fertility and prenatal care."

She turns the wall screen on, then navigates to and picks a before/after image of someone's back and arms. The 'after' photo has no moles, no hair, no blemishes at all, and a different shape. The changes in the lines are subtle, but undeniably feminine. "Here's an example of the results of six sessions of skin and body sculpting."


She nods.  "Well, I can say I certainly have no interest in fertility at this time.  Everything else though...

"...Huh.  Couple of loose neurons just bounced together, and I suddenly found myself reminded of the guy who gene-edited out his lactose intolerance.  Wonder if having that sort of resource makes for good ritual fodder.  ...I doubt that's within your particular scope of practice, though; you're here for the artistic bits.  Or, insofar as that goes.

"...Hm, come to think of it, though, I had an offhand thought of attempting to - ping off of my proprioceptive sense, sort of, to serve as some sort of baseline...  I'm almost certain that none of those were quite the right words to use, but I'm sure you've had enough people with phantom sensation of what should be there to get what I mean?  Would that be, useful?  If I can pull that out of my ass?  ...Pardon my language."


"I'm not familiar with magic outside of the details of our biomancy services. That said, if you're interested an interview with Dr. Marleth, we do sometimes pay for magic spells depending on needs, greater than the amount of mana expended on them. The only reason I'm not throwing out specific numbers yet is that we don't know how much you can produce. I'd say the average person who has magic at all, can produce something like five units per day. But we don't know your numbers yet."


"I'm certain I'd love to talk shop; that said, I don't actually have that spell yet.  I'll definitely put it on my to-do list, though.

"Mm.  Which unit?"


"We refer to them as 'Oghams', or 'O's."


"Ah.  Yeah, I have like at least four times that much mana on me right now, estimating extremely conservatively.  Probably more like forty, if we use the middle-ground estimates.  I'm sure we'll find out exactly how much soon enough, though."


"We can go test that right now if you'd like? And count it directly towards any treatments, naturally."


"That sounds like a wonderful idea.  I've been itching to get a look at one of these ever since I heard they existed, honestly."


They go through a couple of hallways, and pass one other person in the same uniform.

Alex feels a prickle over the door that Rebecca opens. This room is warded. Fairly heavily. Inside is a stone plinth that stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the decor, looking like it extends straight down to bedrock. The top is carved with a flower mandala, and the sides have a set of dials that look almost exactly like an odometer, currently set to 'zero'.


"Oooooh.  That's interesting.  How does it even hold on --

"Right, anyway, how do we do this?"


"It's already zeroed, so you touch the top and start feeding it mana. I'm told it's fairly intuitive. When you stop, I read the meter and fill out a receipt, and we use this to estimate your ability to pay the bills. We also offer cash for mana, but at worse rates than medical services."


She nods, and steps up to the podium, leaning on it for support as she starts pressing her mana into the stone.  She's really looking forwards to this.


It's hard. Effortful. Like fighting herself to keep jogging. It leaves her feeling cold.

4. 5. 6. 7... 10.

She's feeling winded, but in the magic.


"Whoo, trying to get all of it out is difficult."

Why does everything have to be like physical effort.  It's nerdphobic!  Stop being like this!

"Should probably see if the coldness is physical or psychosomatic, sometime..."

She's gonna slow the pace for a bit, then go for another push.  Much like her 'running' the mile goes.


She also feels mentally tired, if that helps?

Focusing on the joy and yearning does seem to make it a lot easier. She can almost feel more mana oozing in to replace what she's pouring out.



How determined is she? She's not actually empty. It's just kind of aversive to keep going.


She's stubborn.  She's determined.  She's gonna find this out.

She's ignored enough aversive stimuli just to get here to push through this one too, dammit!



She's starting to feel vaguely faint.


There's really not much left at this point.



38.62. She's done for now. Everything feels a little fake and far away.


"Wheeeww.  Hokay.  Thirty-eight point six.  I think I'm out."  She takes a breath.  "Oddly dissociative, in the aftermath.  Damn, I should have recorded this.  Completely forgot to write it down, what sort of scientist am I?  ...Honestly though this isn't all that bad as feelings go!  A lil bit floaty, like I'm just a bit off and to the left of reality as we know it.  Sure beats depression to hell and back."  It feels a bit passé to laugh at her own joke, so she only makes an abortive snrk.

"Speaking of procedures, I don't suppose the idea of having some juice and a cookie post blood draw has percolated to this sort of donation?  If I were writing this down I'd think it kind of indicated."

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