Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"Dude. I did not touch that. Although, um..."

Mapicc whispers to roshambogames: you absolutely did huh

"WHAT are you talking about-- Subz. I know who did it."

(The silly voice is back at the end.)




Roshambo cracks up. "You're just lying, man!" 

Mapicc starts laughing too, a little.


"I just want him to not like Pangi. I hate Pangi." (They're still both laughing.)


"Can I say who did it, Mapicc?"


"I don't care."


"Mapicc did it. BUT! To be fair, to be fair, before you jump to conclusions, man--didn't you say we could take what we wanted?"


Why is everyone stealing? 


"Yeah, you did say that, actually. You said, I'm so rich, I have money falling out of my armpits, literally take whatever you want."


"I do not recall this statement, what are you talking about." (Subz is also laughing a little.)


"You said that! You said that! Do you not remember this? Wow."


"This is cap, you guys are lying to my face right now. You guys are being girlboss gaslight gatekeepers right now."


Once again with the strings of words! At least Subz does not seem that upset? (Note to self: find out what a shulker is, and acquire replacements for Subz.)

"I'm sure we can work something out." 


"Thank you Drizzt, but I don't--I don't really think that should be on you, I'm gonna be honest, I don't really think you had anything to do with this. Mapicc and Ro, on the other hand."


Well, yes, but they are his allies. He has some responsibility for their actions. For now, at least. 

He nods. 


"Subz, we never took your stuff. Also, gaslighting does not exist." It's said in a serious tone, but a serious tone that is definitely very close to laughing.


Yeah, he's not getting anywhere with this. Not unless he wants to start a fight, and he is supposed to be a pacifist. Might as well just play into it. He can talk to Drizzt later, maybe, but he meant what he said--this really isn't Drizzt's fault. Easier for everyone if he just deescalates.

"Wait, really? Oh, you're right. I'm sorry guys. My bad."


Mapicc whispers to roshambogames: we are doing it rn!
Mapicc whispers to roshambogames: say bananas and i will splash

Silly voice is once again back. "Was there anything else, Mister Subz?"


"No, that's all I really had to say, and clearly you guys didn't have anything to do with that, luckily, so. That's okay."


"Thank you for your time, Mister Subz."


"Yeah, thank you for your time as well, I'm gonna head out now, you guys have fun. Bye."




Roshambo silly voice: it is still happening. "Is there anyone else we need to interrogate?"


"Parrot, if he would goddamn answer us."


He is going to talk about the theft later, when he has more information. There's likely a reason, and he hopes for Mapicc and Ro's sakes it's a good one. 

"Is there any way we may be able to draw him out."

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