In Which Jacqueline Somer Suffers Beneath A Red Sun
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Everyone else gets magic powers bestowed on them by a deity, but she's stuck with the lackluster superpowers she got the normal way?

Powers which are third-rate even on Earth in broad daylight, and now she's on a world with a red dwarf for a sun?

Is it because she didn't beg and grovel about the flowers she was summoned on top of? 

This is so unfair.


But at least she gets to explore an alien planet while her body malingers in a hospital bed.


"Well, let's get you some food. Also a weapon. Always a good idea to carry a weapon."

After the soft shy voice of Seren, the chief's voice blares in your ears.


Who just gives away weapons to random children from other worlds??

He seems a trusting soul. 

"Why is it always a good idea to carry a weapon?"


He begins walking toward a different wagon, one with a smoke stack sticking out the top.

"All sorts of creatures roam around. Some are friendly... some are not. Just a way to protect yourself is always a good idea. Also, we are all warriors! Proving yourself in combat will earn you the respect of others!"


"Proving" herself in "combat" against "all sorts of creatures" (what joy) sounds like a great way to die young.

She wishes her pamphlet had had more information on what sorts of creatures composite all sorts of creatures.

"Are pointy pieces of metal the state of the art in weapons tech, these-a-parts?"


"Swords? A sword is a testament of your authority on the battlefield. I'd say my sword is probably one of the best three weapons in the world."


Is it a legendary magic sword passed down from chief to chief since time immemorial, that can cut through stone as if wood?

Probably it is.

(Well, not exactly that, because disjunctive, but something in that general class.)

"What's your sword do?"


He smiles as if he was waiting for this opportunity.

As the sword draws the area around Owl seems to darken. Sparks of blue and purple electricity fly off of the sword as it slides out of the sheath.

Fully drawn the sword is taller than the chief's imposing 6'4" figure. Electricy encompasses the blade in a whirling pattern of purple.

"This legendary blade is passed down from chief to chief. It was a gift to Ignara from Reshma herself."

He reaches out the handle, offering it to Owl



That looks electrocution-y.

She is going to shuffle away from it with her feet together.

"Thank you for the offer."


"Suit yourself"

He sheaths the weapon. In closer inspection the sheath is much smaller than the sword is, but somehow that doesn't stop it.


Why do these people, who have powers, use literally medieval weapons??


It's because whoever made this world wanted them to.

If she probes harder, is she going to find that this place has its own internal logic?

Or has no one gone to the effort?


Mislav arrives at the smokestacked wagon and pounds on the door. The door swings open revealing an old looking goblin.


What does the word "goblin" mean to this setting?

Are we talking Griphook or are we talking Gothmog?


"Eh? Who're you?"

The goblin says in a raspy voice while looking at Owl.


Yet another reasonable person who speaks at a reasonable volume without prompting or prodding!

"Jacqueline Somer. I'm new from off-world."


"An offworlder eh? What you want, another staff? I don't got much in the way of small scrawny girls besides a dagger or two."


Do you carry such things as thrusting spears, with which I might hold "all manner of creatures" at bay.

Or lawn darts, she'd take lawn darts.

"Do you carry spears? Or darts?"


"Yeah yeah one second."

He slams the door and you can hear the sound of things being knocked over inside. A few seconds later he opens the door, inspects Owl, and takes a saw to the furnished spear he holds in his hands. He hands it to Owl as well as offers an armband with 8 darts.



................................"All manner of creatures."

At least now she has a pointy stick to carry around.


Congratulations! Owl has acquired: [Spear] and [Dart] x8!


She feels ridiculous. 


She's pretty sure that if something with powers tried to eat her she'd just die.

Maybe the spear is actually a bad idea, because it gives her a false sense of security?

...Well, she doesn't feel very secure, so maybe not.

She always has the option of dropping the spear if it hastens her retreat.


Can Owl give a DC 18 perception check?


Does it help at all if she can hear a pin drop in the next room over?

Or read the text on a tossed coin?

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