A Lost boy somehow gets even more lost.
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There's a good stick over there. A rustle that might be a deer in the distance. A cawing crow.



A long walk back to town, then.


It's right where he left it.


Might he have luck finding either a butcher or some place that's selling hides, who he could offer to sell its meat and hide to? He'd skin it himself so he could split it between them, unless he gets lucky and someone wants to just buy the whole thing for the value of both the meat and the hide.

(If he spots anyone selling mushrooms, he'd also show them his and ask if they're safe to eat and how much they might sell for.)


Butchery per se doesn't seem to be... a thing. He can find a furrier who'll take it but he doesn't want the meat.

This mushroom seller says that one is poisonous, that one he might be allergic to if he's older than he looks, and those ones are probably fine unless he found them growing on thus and such a kind of dead tree in which case they're a different kind he should not eat.


Ok, maybe this place isn't a zoo where humans just easily get whatever they want or need including other humans.

"Do people on this round eat animals?" he asks, wondering if he's committed some obvious social blunder. How weirded out or offended does the furrier seem?


"Oh, sure, but - there's no way to serve a muskrat recognizably, by the time you get the bones out it's just going to be minced meat, and I don't personally want to have it for dinner myself." He doesn't seem particularly alarmed, just like he's definitely noticed that Danny's foreign.


"Fair," Danny quiet-sings, frowning slightly. "Do you know any places that might want it?"


"Hm, my friend with the glassworks down that way keeps a perpetual stew and puts all kinds of oddments in, bring her the skinned critter and she might take it."


"Thank you! How much for the pelt, then? I can skin it myself if it matters." He wonders if he's coming across as too... stingy? Aggressive? He'll have to keep in mind that his social skills have definitely eroded over the years. "Sorry if this isn't how things are normally done here. My name is Danny."


"I'm Prash. I'll give you seven if you skin it yourself."


One muskrat pelt, coming right up.

Once finished, he asks, "Are there any pelts in particular you'd pay extra for, or anything you wouldn't want?"


"Rabbit sells best. I got a piebald deer once, that went for a nice chunk of money, but you can't really count on running across anything in a funny color."


A what deer? One that's an unusual color, apparently. "Right. Maybe I'll see you again soon, then."

What does the money he's handed in exchange for the pelt look like?


Little clay coins glazed in pretty colors.


Neat, so long as these look like what he's seen others paying for things with, he's probably not being scammed because he's an obvious foreigner who was "made" weirdly.

He'll say goodbye, then head off in the direction of the glassworks, being extra careful with the skinned muskrat as he keeps his head on a swivel, suddenly extra aware of the weight of the coins and rocks in his pockets.

It's been years since he was in New York and had to be vigilant against pickpockets, but apparently some habits die hard.


Nobody tries to pick his pocket, and, yes, everyone uses the colorful clay coins.

Glassworks! There are lots of dishes available for sale in the shopfront.


It's probably going to be a while before he's in a situation where he needs such things, but he does find his gaze roving over them, re-amazed at the evidence that he's back in civilization.

He's extra careful not to let the meat touch anything as he makes his way inside and to whomever seems to be in charge.


"Hello there, sir! Can I help you?"


"Hello! I'm Danny, and new to this round. I was told you might be interested in buying this for your stew?"


"Ooh, what is that?"


He repeats the word that Prash used for "muskrat," then adds, "If there are other animals you'd appreciate having meat from, I can watch for them."


"My favorite's pheasant but they're not common in the woods near here, you have to go halfway around the round for it." He counts out some coins for the muskrat.


"Thank you. Is there a place you'd suggest travelers sleep, if they'll be here a while?"


"Barn loft, maybe? If you're not here to visit anyone in particular who'll put you up."

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