a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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"So, anything fun to do around here that doesn't require me to be supervised by a whale?" 


"I do science, mostly! You could learn to cook, or take up an instrument, or teach yourself enough Japanese that I can take you to a nice sushi place without being embarrassed."


Those sound like things she should do, but realistically she'll probably just sit on her lazy ass and play video games. She doesn't say that out loud, though. Doesn't wanna disappoint Mo. There's a moment of awkward silence.


"Or just chat with your Eris buddies and try to convince goons to kill your parents, whatever."


"Ugh, I know. I need to do more stuff but it's soooo hard. Hopefully being better-nourished will help with that though. And like, I'm sorry I was presumptuous about use of your goons. I just, like... I'm just terrified of what they'd think if they knew what's happening. What they'd say. If I knew they'd knew I'd never be able to forget it. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see their faces looking sternly at me."


"Oh, jaffa cake, you can ask the goons for things, but they won't always do them. Get you a particular vidya game, sure, assassinations, those have to go through me."


"You're such a sweetie. Hug?"


Monoceros tucks Katie snugly under one arm and carries her the rest of the way to the dining room like that.

It's set up cafeteria style, like the most outrageously fancy hotel ever. There are eggs, of course, but there are also sausages, at least five kinds of them, and bacon, three kinds of that, and smoked salmon and kippers, and halloumi and beans and fried chicken. There are pancakes and hash and French toast and porridge and biscuits and English muffins and regular muffins and donuts and bagels and Belgian waffles and coffee cake and congee and Chinese crullers and fruit salad and yogurt parfaits and cinnamon rolls and Dutch babies and scones and handpies and grits and six different kinds of smoothie and eight kinds of juice.

Monoceros doesn't get a plate, she just grabs or spoons things directly out of their chafing dishes into her face. Apparently they don't need to avoid getting shut down by the health board.


"You're such a shameless glutton, Mo. I love it. I envy it." She playfully grabs the bottom roll of her tummy, then begins filling a plate for herself. She grabs a heaping helping of salmon, a couple bagels and cream cheese to go with it, some kippers to try (she's never had them before), a small slice of coffee cake and two donuts. She'd have cranberry juice but it wouldn't go well with the sweetness of the donuts and they look delicious. Oh well. It'll be there later. 


Monoceros puts a dollop of beans and a cup of fruit salad on Katie's tray too. "Fiber, my Pocky stick, I can work miracles but only with appropriate underlying material conditions."


Her lips curl up into a smile as she sits down and begins nibbling. She's not the biggest fan of beans, but she's an even smaller fan of saying no to Mo so she tries to get them out of the way first. 


What if the beans are smoky garlicky sweet baked beans?


She's not ecstatic, but she's pleasantly surprised. She noshes happily, occasionally taking glances at Mo and thinking about how soon that's gonna be her. A comforting thought. 


Mo's going pretty hard on the herb and chicken sausages at the moment. It is not entirely clear if she's chewing them.


God. Look at that magnificent fucking behemoth. Is she even breathing? Katie wonders how long it's gonna take before that's her. Monoceros said she wasn't always this big, right? The idea of a woman voluntarily, enthusiastically choosing to become that is just... breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Truly a sight to behold. She stares longingly at her as she pops a kipper into her mouth. Damn, these things are good. How did she go her whole life without trying them?


"No slowing down on your first helping, my shrimp tempura, it's the most important meal of the day."


God, her smile is so precious. It occurs to Katie that she's never properly kissed her. She'll have to rectify that soon. Not now though. Mo's gluttony is a work of art and she knows better than to distract someone when they're performing a masterpiece.


Mmmmmm passionfruit peach.


Fuck soon when they kiss their bellies are gonna touch. Fuck. God she needs that so bad. It's like 2 kisses in one.


Monoceros, whenever her meander takes her past Katie, drops off morsels. A rasher of bacon. A double chocolate muffin, a cruller, a scone, a rectangle of halloumi.


She acquiesces diligently. God, they're all so good. This is the fucking LIFE. Her tummy's starting to get a little cramped though.


What's that? She wants a pastry? "Kouign amann!" chirps Monoceros.


ugghghghghghhg FLAKY

Crumbs scatter across her face and the fabric of her clothes.


Monoceros giggles at her. The kouign-amann is stuffed with some kind of praline goop. It's crisp and shattery on the outside with a layer of greasy glassy caramelized sugar.


Katie groans. Her eyes roll back in her head. She always thought that if she ever got to do something like this, it'd be with cheap, greasy fast food and she'd have to meme herself into liking it. She never thought pure, indulgent, ravenous gluttony could come so naturally to her. It just feels so right. She licks every last drop of sugar goo off her lips.

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