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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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She kisses back and smiiiiiles and nestles in close.

"You're so good for me. For us."


Sable giggles and smiles and holds Hibiscus tightly. "Being good to and for people I love is basically my entire life goal, so I'm very glad to hear that."


"Let's do this again sometime. Preferably soon." 


"Definitely," she replies with a playful grin. "I'm also quite interested to try out... what was it you said to Hailey? You being part of my balanced diet?"

A blush colors her cheeks, but she locks eyes with Hibiscus and her grin doesn't waver — getting hypnotized is apparently good for her.


"Ooh. Sounds fun! I'd love to try it sometime."

Hibiscus kisses Sable's cheek. "You're delicious too."


Her blush brightens and she nuzzles her cheek against Hibiscus, one hand slipping down to stroke against the base of her tail and then squeeze her ass.

"Thank you."


Hibiscus nestles into Sable's hands, then perks up.

"We should definitely try oral sex too. I've never been eaten out before and I bet it's awesome, given the reviews I've seen online."

She leans in and kisses Sable again. "We're going to have so much fun together." 


"We should, yeah." Sable returns the kiss tenderly, sighing happily. "And yeah, we really are. I'm so glad you two landed in the middle of our fight with the wolves."


"You're very lovable, you know that?" Hibiscus's gaze lingers on Sable. "You just... get it."


"I'm so glad. Y'all deserve people who get it, who understand on a visceral level. I'm so glad I can give you girls that."

She sighs fondly and strokes Hibiscus's hair.


"It helps that's you're gorgeous and good at sex and combat too. But mostly... It's just... I feel kinship with you and Hailey that I've never had with anyone before."


She laughs. "Likewise, cutie. We feel the same."


"We are going to have such a lovely time together." 

This lovely, beautiful girl is hers. She deserves to feel a little smug. 


Convenient, because said lovely girl is feeling pretty smug about having her as well. 

"Mmmmhmm," she replies, smirking.


"Anything else you want to do before bed tonight? I can't think of anything more immediately. I kind of want to read some solid hentai, but it'd be kind of immersion-breaking..."


"Nothing really comes to mind. I was considering maybe checking the cash store for anything that looks like a particularly useful purchase from my savings given that we're writing off the outside, but that's not urgent. I'm happy to just snuggle you while you read, if you want."


"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten the cash store. I wonder what there is to buy there... If there's, like, housing options or something like that, or maybe a warp spell that's not too expensive...?"


CORA's cash store contains a variety of purchasables, from whale-tier pay-to-win options, "Cauldron Pass" seasonal purchases that let you get bonus gear for grinding experience, all the way to "newb trap" items. Some options include:

  • Cauldron Pass — $100 — Unlocks a seasonal sequence of materials, equipment, and other loot that you can grind by earning experience and achieving various other goals
  • Elite Cauldron Pass — $200 — An even more expensive version of the seasonal pass
  • Noble Rank — $500–$2000 — Minor noble titles in a small handful of countries, including one closely-tied vassal of Pagutum
  • Weightlessness Coupon — $50 — Allows you to ignore the carry weight of the item the coupon is attached to
  • In-game Currency — $10–$1000 — Exactly what it says on the tin
  • Material/Resource Packs — $20–$200 — Bundles of in-game resources in case you're really in a hurry for a limited-time quest
  • Extra Ability Trees — $200 — Unlock access to additional ability trees to further diversify your build
  • Enhanced Tent — $100–$400 — A minor pocket dimension crammed in a reinforced enchanted tent, anywhere from a one-room cabin to a six-bedroom house with running water, a kitchen, a living room, and a respawn shrine
  • Ships — $200–$800 — Sea-faring vessels for trade or battle
  • Loot packs — $5–$200 — Gachapon
  • Legacy Quests — $50–$500 — Relive quests and events that changed the face of the Cauldron as though you were the clever player that managed to drive the narrative that time
  • Pets and Mounts — $50–$500 — NPC creatures to raise as companions, and in some cases ride across the land or sky

"I am tempted to swipe for the enhanced tent, just because it'd be hugely immersion-boosting compared to hopping off the server to exist privately. Terms and conditions though — can it be lost on death? And extra ability trees sounds interesting, if a bit pay-to-win..."

She frowns. "I feel like if you don't earn more nodes, extra ability trees aren't that good. It's kind of a workaround for poorly thinking out your starter build IMO." 

She tilts her head. "Though in the extremely long term it could allow you girls to reach a place you're comfortable with in your main build and then start new ones for your individual selves."

She taps her fingers against Sable's thigh. "In-game currency can be earned with questing or work, so I'm not super interested in that. Gacha and material packs are a sucker's game. Cauldron pass is potentially a decent deal given that we're expecting to be nolifing this. I don't particularly want a ship or a noble rank, and I'd rather make my own legend than relive someone else's. So that leaves the weightlessness tag, which is kind of specialized but I can definitely see uses for."


Sable flips through a few things, then nods. "Big gear, like house-tents, can't be lost or stolen if you purchase it with cash. It does have weight, but that looks like a use case for the weightlessness coupon."

She nestles into Hibiscus with a warm sigh. "And yeah, that's the use case we're seeing for the ability trees, getting individual builds for us after we've got most of the early- to mid-game grinding done."


Hyacinth pops out. 

"Um... I would never want to have to take care of a real-life pet, too much mess and trouble... but..."

She looks away. "It could be nice to get something low-maintenance for us two to look after together..."


"Awwww. That's a sweet idea. I wouldn't mind, I think. Digital pets are a lot easier to take care of, since they don't notice the passing of time when they're in the special inventory CORA has for them, and they don't develop a lot of health issues biological pets do, and since we can just spam healing spells to deal with anything else."


Hyacinth peruses the ingame pet shop and sends a list of her top five pets to Sable.

Silvervane Raven 
An uncommonly smart raven with its feather vanes shot through with silver. Attracted to shiny objects, especially those found on battlefields.
Diet: Shiny objects (coins, pretty stones, etc)

  • Has an uncommon eye for treasure.
  • At level 100, small chance of retrieving items lost or destroyed on death near you.

Spectral Cat 
The lingering ghost of a stray cat. Spiritually sensitive, though only somewhat loyal to its "owner."
Diet: Mana and burnt offerings, ideally of incense. 

  • Sensitive to the presence of death. Can sense recent deaths in the area and even produce afterimages of how the death occurred.
  • At level 100, passes on, having found the love it lacked in life. Leaves behind a permanent blessing of spiritual sensitivity and warmth.

Flame Salamander
A living serpent of crackling coals. Capable of regulating its flame to not burn what it touches.
Diet: Wood and other burnable materials.

  • Strengthens the effect of magic that incorporates flame.
  • At level 100, can be used to produce ever-burning coals, useful for many mundane and magical applications.

A fae creature that lives in mirrors. Seems to find attending to individuals' appearances soothing.
Diet: Cosmetics & Perfumes

  • Can perform minor cosmetic alterations by transforming your reflection, though they last an hour at most.
  • At level 100, the mirrormite establishes a position in a fae court and no longer is your personal stylist. They still have a fealty relationship to you as you have "fed" them.

Kitsune Kit
A young kitsune, not yet fully aware of their nature as a kami. Acts somewhere between an uncommonly smart fox and a trickster spirit. 
Diet: Berries, fruit, and meat.

  • Their trickster spirit enhances the abilities of rogue-class adventurers. 
  • At level 100, becomes an adult kitsune, no longer the player's pet but instead a minor kami capable of granting automatic passive blessing and occasional divine-level favors. 

"I think I want the flame salamander or the Mirrormite? The silvervane raven seems interesting too, and the spectral cat feeds on mana which is something that I would find convenient... I wouldn't say no if you wanted to get a kitsune kit though."


"Hmm. If I had to pick, I think I'd pick the kitsune kit or the flame salamander or the silvervane raven. Those are the most interesting ones to me. Probably kitsune, raven, salamander from most to least. Wouldn't mind any of them, though."


"The Kitsune Kit is the most 'traditional' pet of all these options, and I've kind of always wanted a fox, but I'd be sad to let it go in the long term..."

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