The blue Ring, spawned as a deputy copy from Saint Walker, was not meant to be used in this manner.  She could feel it shaking apart on her finger.

Then again, few things are meant to be used to directly stand against an Omega Beam.


If Darkseid did not reek so strongly of Anti-Life, Indigo Lantern - and most definitely not Indigo-Triber - Diana Pallas suspected that he'd have a fistfull of Red rings clamoring for his heart by now.  As it is, she thanked the stars that her plan was working long enough for most of the city to be evacuated, and the rest of the League to do what they could to prepare themselves.


She had not had that luxury; her capacitor was already emptied (to send the flare of helpmehelpmeIbelieve to available Blues, and allow her to reel one in with compassion), and she had been on patrol for most of a day already, doing humanitarian work.


Darkseid's Omega Beams inched closer, as she tried to make space.


And then the New God of Tyranny laughed, as his toy soldiers - clones of Red Arrow, to stick the knife in further - rendered her a pincushion, her concentration wavered, and all she could think was !!!transit-- as the Blue ring shattered --