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shelter from the maelstrom
Eefa is adopted by the Foster Blues of Amenta
Permalink Mark Unread

Eefa does not want to be here. 

It's not actually unusual for her not to want to be where she is, but right now she also doesn't want to be in any direction she can go. There are people on horses she's escaped from behind her and she can hear Wolves in front of her and she can't climb the walls of the canyon around her (she tried).


She looks for a way out, through the silvery world she can sometimes see, but she's scared and must have done something wrong because instead she finds herself somewhere else entirely. 

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Somewhere else is, in this case, a grocery warehouse. A few people are going around with forklifts or motorized carts, putting pallets of food away and pulling some for delivery orders, but it's not crowded; she can just see people between two different brands of fruit juice, they probably can't see her.

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This is not where she expected to be but, at least here no one seems to have noticed her yet.

This spots here looks like a neat place to hide and also maybe this thing next to it is some sorta food? She hasn't eaten in two days, so hopefully it is food. 

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The fruit juice is in bottles with sealed screwtops, but she might be able to get one open!

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She's had water from a bottle before, though not any that was this color! It's really sweet! And orange! She drinks till she isn't thirsty anymore, which takes a while since it was hot out where she came from. 

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The people in the next aisle move along, one getting closer to her while the other, going the opposite way, gets father away. The closer one has a shoulder-speaker clipped to her clothes and it's playing music, though it's not especially audible from vantage points other than the wearer's left ear and all Eefa can tell is that it's fast and chirpy.

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Eefa has never seen someone with a music player that small before - she's only ever seen one music player at all and they stopped playing it once they noticed her. She'll listen to it a bit while she tries to find a better hiding spot, one with solid food this time.

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As the grocery picker gets closer, putting various types of bottled water in the compartments in her cart, the music gets slightly more audible. Eefa can catch the occasional lyric:

"Wanna ... until the ... and ... the top of the ... higher than the ancients' towers ... flying to the ... looking out at ... all the books don't ... and it's higher than the ..."

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The words sound sort of different from the sort of words she's used to, but she understands them the same way. Sounds like a song about flying onto the top of the old towers she's seen a few times or something. She's never been to any, though someone did try to take her to one once. 

Her stomach rumbles a bit, reminding her to keep looking for solid food. 

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She's in the juice aisle. But if she squeezes between the sparkling cider and the four-packs of cans with fruits she's never seen before printed on them, she'll be behind the canned beans, and she can climb over the beans to be in the canned goods aisle.

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She's seen cans before and knows they are pretty hard to open. Maybe one of these has a pulley thing she can use instead of needing to find a can opener?

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These beans don't but a little more looking will turn up big cans of soup that have pulltabs!

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This looks almost like a drink but it turns out it's actually much more filling than the juices, so she'll gulp it down too. And then another one. And then she'll start on a third, though she won't finish it now.

(She also acquires four more and puts them in some pockets her rather stained sweatshirt has.)

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Someone turns the corner into the canned goods aisle. They haven't spotted her - yet.

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She'll have to get out of here before they find her she supposes - even if there's food here. She starts to crawl quietly as she can along the shelves, looking for an exit.

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She could fit in the space where there's supposed to be pasta sauce here but they'll sure see her if they go past the pasta sauce niche.

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Hrm. Staying here won't work, she suspects. She waits till there's no one obviously watching and runs down the aisle, as quietly as she can, searching for a way out.

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Unfortunately, small moving objects in a grocery store warehouse are pretty conspicuous. "Whoa! Hey who are you? What are you doing here?"


"There's a - kid? - I think it's a kid - heading towards Bulk Dry -"

Another person - he has purple hair, actually they all do here - moves to intercept.

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She's ... not actually in a good condition for a chase right now - she's tired and still digesting a lot of food. She freezes up instead - maybe they'll think she's just a kid and she'll be okay and get a better chance to escape soon. 

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"Hey kiddo!" says the intercepting person. "You look super lost! Where'd you come from?"

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Eefa doesn't actually know the answer to that - though she doubts it would be good to tell people even if she did know.

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"Can you understand me?"

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That sounds probably safe to answer.

... But she doesn't know what this place is, so she won't say anything. Just in case.

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"Oof. Uh - hey, the kid looks really filthy, like she spilled juice on herself after rolling around in the dirt for a week, can you call Janitorial and I'll try to herd her or something?"

"Yeah, all right."

"Hey kiddo, can you get on the cart, and I can take you someplace you can get a shower and clean clothes?"

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They... seem to still think she's just a kid and probably that means they won't hurt her (too much (maybe)) and she doesn't want them to change their mind so she'll get on the cart. Carefully.

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"Sorry if it's chilly in there, I was on my way back from the freezer section. Shouldn't be a long ride." He turns the cart around and drives it between the rows of aisles. "Where are your parents? Did you get lost from them?"

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It's cold but that's not so bad - she's been outside when it was colder than the cart is. 

Those questions don't seem safe to answer, so she will not.

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"Or did you - run away, maybe - I don't think the authorities will send you back to your parents if they weren't taking good care of you."

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She doesn't actually remember having parents at all but probably she should avoid people figuring that out?

"Parents weren't taking good care of me. Don't want them."


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"- okay! I'm glad you can talk, that makes figuring this out much easier. I'm gonna take you to the front area of the warehouse where there's bathrooms and things, and we can get you cleaned up and call in some nice oranges who'll find you better parents."

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Eefa is confused about almost every part of that, but will allow herself to be taken to the bathroom.

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The warehouse purple will stick her in the shower, find a short sleeved uniform shirt that will work as a baggy dress on her on a temporary basis, and sets about getting her cleaned up. Focusing particularly on her hair. "Did you dye this yourself?" he asks eventually, on discovering that it does not wash out to reveal a deep purple or anything.

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Eefa is quite confused about this cleaning process - she doesn't mind the rain machine and if these chemicals are they are putting on her are supposed to hurt they aren't working.

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"Did your parents do it?" Scrubba scrubba.

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Eefa is not sure what the right answer is here, so she will stay quiet.

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"- I guess it doesn't matter. What color is it usually?" He gets her a towel; it's fluffy.

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That is a confusing question!

"This color?"

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"- okay, what caste are you?"

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She is not going to answer a question like that before knowing the options. 

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Well, has any of her hair conveniently fallen out during this shower such that he can check the root?

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A few strands, more if the Amentan tried to untangle her hair.

The roots are black, just like the rest.

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So above his pay grade though.

When she's toweled off he'll put her in the clean uniform shirt.

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This shirt does not contain her extra cans!

"Want my shirt."

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"- your shirt's dirty, kiddo."

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"Has my things in it."

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The guy goes and looks through the pockets. "- the soup? Uh, kiddo, this isn't yours."

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"Okay, it can be yours now."

At least she's full right now.

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"It's not mine either, it belongs to the - not the point, if you're hungry I can get you something while we're waiting for the oranges." He's poking his pocket everything now.

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She stays quiet. 

Taking away her food and offering her different food is a rather clumsy attempt to drug her. She'll have to be on the lookout for more clever attempts. 


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He stacks the cans of soup on a counter and puts her dirty outfit in a plastic bag once he's summoned the oranges. "It looks like they'll be here in about twenty minutes."

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She hopes they aren't Wolves.

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The purple doesn't comment on this, just does more stuff on his pocket everything when it's clear she has nothing else to say.

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Prooobably that isn't a weapon he's poking at, given how it hasn't done anything weapony even when he's poked it a bunch. She keeps an eye on it, just in case.

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It continues not doing anything weapony but sometimes it buzzes or beeps a little.

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Eefa jumps a little at that on occasion, but doesn't say anything. 

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After a while the promised oranges showed up! They do not appear to be wolves.

"Hello there," one says, squatting down to be eye-level with Eefa.

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Eefa flinches when they kneel down.

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"I'm not gonna hurt you. My name's Mikko," he says. "What do you like to be called?"

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That first bit is not true but it's sorta nice to hear him say it anyways. 


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"Eefa, what a pretty name. The report I got said you didn't have people taking good care of you, is that right?"

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She's not really sure she understands the question but that's clearly the right answer. 

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"Well, I have good news for you. There are lots and lots of people who want to take care of kiddos like you who will do a good job looking after you and making sure you have plenty to eat and wear and play with and all that good stuff."

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"It's my job to find some people like that. Will you come with me into our car? I don't know if you've ever been in a car before, it's like a tiny train compartment."

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Oh no this person is a tracker - that is not a good sign.

"What's a train?"

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"- gosh. A train is a bunch of boxes on wheels, all connected to each other, that can go very fast along a track to bring a bunch of people from one place to another."

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"Oh, like a wagon."

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"Sort of, yes!"

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Eefa will follow into the car.

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The car sets off with Eefa and the two oranges in the back and a purple in the driver's seat. It goes pretty slowly and they don't have seatbelts in it. "Eefa, the warehouse worker said you weren't sure what caste you were," says Mikko.

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"And your hair is really dark, so we can't even guess that way! What color hair did your parents have?"

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Eefa does not have an answer to that! She will stare at the social worker instead. 

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"Did their hair look more like mine, or like hers," the driver, "or was it blue, or yellow, or green, or grey...?"

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"Or did they turn theirs black like yours?"

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Eefa can go surprisingly long without blinking.

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"Do you know what they did for work?"

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Mikko is going to try kind of a lot of angles on finding out what caste this kid is and where she came from, though he never raises his voice or hurts her.

Having gotten nowhere on this by the time they arrive at their office building and parked in the underground garage, he asks her to follow him to the elevator, which will take them up to a place she can stay while they find a home for her.

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She doesn't answer him - she's not very good at lying and would probably be even worse cause she is pretty confused about these questions. Aslo, it's suspicious how he is not hurting her.

She follows him to the elevator warily - she does not like being trapped in that small a place.

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The elevator goes up and lets them out in a large colorfully-decorated room that currently contains one sad grey two-year-old picking at his rice-and-beans and a pair of purples aged three and one snuggling each other on a bean bag with the three year old holding up a pocket everything so they can watch cartoons on it together.

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Eefa finds herself a hidey hole between two beanbags, her tangly hair poking out.

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That's okay. Mikko grabs a tray of snacks from the fridge and tells the kids it's for everybody. The little purple gets up and goes to take all the cherries and bring them back to her beanbag.

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Eefa takes some food once she sees one of the others eat something, it's probably safe. She's not actually hungry but it's good to have food on her, just in case.

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There once were cherries, but no longer! There remain crackers and nuts and cheese cubes and pickles.

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She samples each before settling on taking cheese cubes and crackers and nuts - mostly the nuts, those probably will last a while and taste filling-ish. 

She does eat an extra pickle though - it's sorta yummy.

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Mikko's sitting in the corner, watching her out of the corner of his eye now and then, smiling encouragingly back at her if she looks at him.

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Of course she is being watched. Hopefully they don't try to take her food this time.

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Nope, that's hers to eat.

"Eefa," says Mikko, when she's slowed down on the food, "that's Shahn," the grey boy, "and over there are Timio and Anina, they're sisters."

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(Most of the food ends up hidden in Eefa's new clothing actually, though she does eat some.)

"Oh, okay." 

None of them are Wolves, so that's nice.

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"Kids, this is Eefa. We don't know what caste she is, isn't that odd?"

"She's probably purple 'cause most people are purple," says Timio, the elder purple.

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Eefa can helpfully stare at the other kids. 

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"You can come watch cartoons with us if you're purple," says Anina.

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Well, now she can't watch cartoons without implying things she doesn't know the meaning of.

Anina receives a very long stare in response. 

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"How old're you?" asks Shahn.

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Eefa doesn't know the answer which she has figured out from other people is weird and suspicious so she will continue with the default police of staring at people closely to see if they are about to try to hurt her.

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"I'm two. You look maybe also two."

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Eefa does not think people her age look two? She's pretty sure. She hasn't met many two year olds though - usually people keep them away from her.

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"Maybe you're one and don't know how to talk yet."

"I think Eefa can talk, she's just scared right now. But it's true we're not positive how old she is. She could be a big one year old or a small two year old. Depending where she came from, she could even be two and a half," says Mikko.

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This feels like a good time to bury herself farther in-between two beanbags so no one can see her.

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"Nobody's two and a half," says Timio. "Only one year olds care."

"Be that as it may, sometimes kids are born in the southern hemisphere," chuckles Mikko. "We say 'and a half' sometimes to refer to those kids. Even though a southern hemisphere kid would actually turn a year older in a couple months, not a couple seasons."

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Maybe she is from the southern hemisphere and that's why these people seem so different from the people she's seen before? Though she isn't sure. 

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"Shahn, do you think that today you might be ready -"

"NO," says Shahn, sobbing suddenly and burying his face in his arms.

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Eefa pokes her head out just a little, so she can see what's happening. It sounds scary but it's important to know about scary things - not knowing doesn't help.

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"You can have a little longer, but I think Kamki and Suamesa are really hoping to meet you soon," Mikko says.

"NO," says Shahn. "I want my REAL PARENTS."

"Shahn, that's - I wish we could do that, kiddo."

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Oh no, Shahn has people who he wants and Mikko is taking him away. Eefa doesn't know what that feels like but it seems like it would be really bad. 

... she can't be hurt in this way but it is not a good sign that people in her situation are being hurt in this way.


Also Mikko seems good at pretending to be nice, which is complicated feeling.

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Shahn sniffles.

Anina disengages from the cartoons during a commercial break and creeps over to Eefa. "His parents are dead," she whispers, once she's in whispering distance.

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"I dunno. Probably a war."

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"And Mikko took him afterwards?"

She never thought about where kids go if someone kills their parents but it makes sense she guesses that people would take them.

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"Did he take you too?"

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"How long ago?"

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"Couple days. Mostly nobody's here too long. Lots of people want kids."

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"What for?"

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"To like, hug and stuff. I think."

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"Is the stuff bad?"

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"...I think it's not s'posed to be."

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"I dunno. Probably it's bad."

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Anina shrugs.

The commercial break ends and she goes back to her sister.

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Eefa considers asking Shahn if he knows what happens when they leave here but she doesn't wanna risk going out across the room right now.

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Mikko breaks out some coloring supplies. Shahn and Anina are convinced to color; Timio seems to prefer to watch TV on her everything.

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Eefa eventually goes over to see what Shahn and Anina are coloring.

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Shahn has a sea turtle and Anina has a flower. There are plenty of coloring sheets if Eefa wants one.

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Sure. Eefa will draw the Raccoon that did something nice for her and she decided she was friends with and that only bit her a little.

He was not a very healthy raccoon, she will need some red.

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There are crayons in all the colors and she can draw a battered raccoon if she wants. Mikko glances at her work occasionally.

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When she is done with the raccoon she tries to draw a sea turtle like Shahn, since she's not very good at drawing and maybe practicing will help. 

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Shahn is coloring in a printed lineart drawing of a sea turtle but this will not impede her in trying to copy it particularly.

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Eefa is trying to learn how to draw without lines, so she tries to copy Shahn's on her own. 

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He's making his turtle sparkly silver and sky blue and magenta and lime green.

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Eefa is not sure turtles come in those colors! She does greens and blues. 

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Anina's butterfly is four shades of purple with a chunk of one wing done instead in burnt umber; realism may not be a priority.

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Oh, that does look pretty actually.

Eefa tries one of her own with fancy colors, redrawing her raccoon friend with fuchsia and deep blue and purple blood.

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Since she is not very good at drawing and raccoons do not exist on this planet in quite that form with any color scheme no one immediately notices how concerning a subject this is.

Anina gets put down for a nap after coloring time. Mikko's colleague sings her a lullaby about watching stars come out one at a time. Mikko asks Eefa if she would like to see where she will sleep tonight; she doesn't have to take a nap, she's a little old for it, that's just an Anina thing.

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Eefa will follow to where she is being put for the night.

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It's a little room with a low bed, almost right on the floor except for one layer of drawers beneath. Mikko's colleague has gotten her original clothes washed and put them away, folded neatly, in one of these drawers; Mikko shows her. There is a kidsized squashy swivel-armchair and a bunch of childrens' magazines and a stuffed bat and posters of spaceships and colorful fruits and a school of fish. There's a window, which doesn't open and is made of plastic but offers a view of a busy city of tall skyscrapers. There's a fluffy all-white rug on the floor over the tile.

"This is your room for as long as you're here with us," says Mikko.

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She does not get this room. It is hard to escape but also not dirty, which is not a combination she is used to. It also doesn't help her figure out whether they are planning on hurting her or won't until they find out more. 

Also, the cans are gone from her jacket, but she guesses that's not surprising. Later when Mikko isn't there she'll put the food she snuck out of the other room into the pockets. 

... The carpet is very fluffy and a good place to sleep, so at least there's that.

(She knows what the bed is but the fluffy floor seems better.)

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"Mostly kids aren't here very long. They go home with new families. But you might be here a bit longer since we don't know what caste you are, so let me or Chioss - the other orange grownup who's singing to Anina - know if there's anything you think the room needs."

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A way out, she doesn't say.

... if they aren't going to let her go until they figure out what caste she is then maybe she can figure out whether she wants to go to a "new family" and then say a caste if she does.

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"You'll go here at bedtime, but you can also hang out here during the day if you want space to yourself."

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"Other people won't come in?"

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"You can shut the door if you want to keep the other kids out. Me and Chioss and the night shift oranges won't come in without knocking unless there's an emergency, like if you hurt yourself somehow or there's a fire."

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She wonders why they knock. Or why they think she would hurt herself. She is not going to ask him those questions though.

"Are there a lot of fires?"

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"Nope! But when there are fires they're really bad and happen fast, so we have plans to keep everybody safe just in case."

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It makes sense that fires would be bad when they've trapped everyone inside.


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"Do you need anything right now?"

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Eefa shakes her head.

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"Okay! Dinner will be in two hours. We're having noodle soup with sausage in it."

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"Could I have some of it?"

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"Of course! Do you know if you'll want it spicy?"

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Eefa has had spicy food before, it hurt.

"Not if I don't have to?"

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"You don't have to. Timio and Chioss likes theirs spicy, so we'll have some of it each way."

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"I'd like it not spicy if there's enough."

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"There's plenty! And if you're hungry before dinner there's snacks out still."

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Eefa has already eaten twice a day, how could she still be hungry. 

... She just stares as a reply.

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"Okay, I'm getting the impression you want some alone time. Totally okay. Let me or Chioss know if you think of anything you need." And he leaves her in her room.

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Time to hide her food, good! 

... Actually she waits a bit first, just in case they are watching her or something bad happens.

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Nothing happens. She can hear the other kids setting up a board game.

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Food hidden in her old clothes! 

... And then she plops on the floor for a bit to nap, since the rug is so comfy.

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The rug has no opinion on this at all and neither does anyone else. She will get called for dinner at dinner time.

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Eefa rubs sleeps out of her eyes and heads to dinner - it was a very good nap and there were nice soft clouds in the otherwise scary* dream she was having.


*Eefa does not really have a concept for non-scary dream.

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Dinner is as advertised! "Hello Eefa!" says Chioss. "This is your chair. Do you want the placemat with the stars or the one with the leaves?"

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"The stars one?" she replies.

She is suspicious about why they want to know this.

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It's so he can give her the stars placemat and put her bowl on it! "You'll probably want to blow on your soup, it's hot," she tells her.

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"Oh. Yeah that makes sense."

Blow! And then slurp slurp. This soup is very tasty 

(No small amount of soup ends up on Eefa in the process.)

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"Whoopsie, looks like you and the spoon didn't agree on all the details there," says Mikko when she's done eating. "Do you prefer baths or showers?" Also he's going to whisk her shirt off.

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Eefa just got that shirt!

... She will not hold on to it though, maybe they'll give her a new one.

"I don't know?"

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"Well, you tried a shower before, we can try a bath now."

The bathtub has two basins, one for washing and one for rinsing. Mikko gets them both filled up and plops her in the washing one once the rest of her clothes are off. There are bubbles and floating fish toys and the water is warm.

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Eefa pokes some bubbles tentatively.

This is very confusing. Not bad but. Very confusing. 

"Are the fish things also being washed?"


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"Nope, they're there for you to play with while you're in the tub! I'm going to wash your hair for you, okay?"

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Washing her hair really isn't any weirder than any of the other things that've been happening. Eefa doesn't think she's ever cleaned up twice in the same day, or the same week for that matter.

She pokes at the fish tentatively while her hair is cleaned.

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The fish float! Some of them squish! One of them is a sponge!

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Eefa does not get these. She experiments with soaking up water in the sponge one and squeezing it out on top of the floating ones to see what happens. It's sorta nice. The squish ones are nice feeling too. 

This is not how she expected being captured and dunked in water to go.

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The bath is pretty quick - it was just soup, after all - and then she gets rinsed off in the rinse tub. Chioss brings in another outfit to replace the souped one while Mikko is wrapping her up in a towel.

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"How many clothes do you have?"

This is just so many clothes.

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"Lots! You'll get the ones with soup on them back when they've gone through the laundry and don't have soup on them any more." Did he manage to get enough tangles out of her hair while he was washing it that she can now be combed?

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Nope! He might be able to comb the ends sort of.

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He will do his best. "I think you might need your hair trimmed! It's such a pretty color, but it doesn't look like it's been maintained."

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She does not like the sound of hair trimming. It sounds .. bad.

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"You saw Timio's hair, right? She has curly hair too - or, actually, I'm not even sure if yours is naturally curly, but she does have curly hair - and every morning and every evening and sometimes even in the middle of the day, she combs it, so none of it can get into knots. I'll try to get this neatened up if you really don't want it cut, but it looks like it'll be pretty time consuming."

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She doesn't have a very specific question, it's a very general why.


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"There's lots of knots. The knots have knots! Which have knots! But I can work on it if you want to keep your hair long, and then once it's all brushed out once, it'll be easier to keep it that way." New clothes go on kiddo and he will try harder with the comb. Gently, pinching the hair above a particular knot hard while he works on it so he doesn't pull at the scalp.

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Eefa is confused about why the knots are bad but will allow him to continue with the probably-not-hurting-her thing. 

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If she'll put up with it he will continue working on getting the tangles out of her hair for quite a long time.

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Eefa fidgets a bit but when she moves her head it gets her hair pulled so she does her best to stay still 

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Pick pick comb comb pick pick.

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Eefa will not mention that that pick hurt! Otherwise they might try to repeat it.

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He's doing his level best not to hurt! At some point his goal becomes less to untangle her whole head and more to separate some sections of tangle from other sections, so that at least the sections can be braided together overnight and not get worse and he can pick up where he left off in the morning.

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He eventually succeeds at the separating! 

Eefa is very still throughout, somewhat unnaturally so.

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"I think I'm not going to get this all done tonight, but if I braid it like so," he can do this very fast, he has practice, "then when you sleep on it it shouldn't get worse, and over the next day or two we can work on the rest of it. And with that I think we should let Anina have the bath," here is Chioss with Anina, "and we can get your teeth brushed..."

The sink is over there, he opens a brand new toothbrush, and offers her choice of cinnamon or raspberry toothpaste.

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"Raspberry?" she's not even hungry but it doesn't occur to her to say no to food, even if it's paste.

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"Okay!" He puts a little dollop on the toothbrush and -

"- huh. Is - have your teeth always been like that?"

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"Huh. Well - the doctor's going to come by tomorrow morning, first thing, to give you a checkup. Do you know what that is?"

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"No? Maybe?"

"It hurts a lot?"

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"- it shouldn't hurt a lot. It might hurt a little if he's very worried about you and needs to find out more, or give you vaccinations you may have skipped. He'll warn you if that's going to happen and it'll be over quick. If you want he can demonstrate on me first so you can see how it works and that I'm okay."

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Eefa does not like where this is going. But there isn't any obvious way out right now.

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"But mostly what he'll be here for is to figure out if you're healthy and, if you're not, what we need to do to help you get that way. He'll have questions about what you've been eating, and if you're sleeping well, and he might poke you a little to make sure your elbows bend like they're supposed to and things like that but that part isn't supposed to hurt even a little. And I'm going to have to ask him what's up with your hair and your teeth! They're very special and I don't know why they'd be like that."

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"I don't think they're special?"

On second thought, the people she's seen here do all seem to have different teeth from the people she's seen before.

... If the doctor looks at her he might figure out she's not normal and she doesn't want that but no one has realized that from her teeth before so. Maybe it won't go wrong?? But Mikko seems to have noticed something. 

She might have to escape during the night. Or at least soon after the doctor visit.

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"I guess you're used to them! Anyway, it's bedtime. Do you want me to introduce you to the night shift oranges now or just go to bed? I can read you a story if you want."

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Oh there are night guards. That makes sense.

"Um... Story doesn't sound bad?"

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"Do you want to pick one or would you like to hear one of my favorites?"

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"You can tell me the one you want to."

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So he will tuck her into bed and read her a story about a talking bunny who is learning to gather medicinal herbs for all the other talking animals in her village.

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"I didn't know bunnies could talk."

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"Oh, they can't, not in real life. It's just part of the story." He makes sure she is all ready for bed. "Do you want a night-light on or are you okay in the dark?"

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"Easier to see people if there's a light on."

(Which obviously works in both directions, but anyone who is coming in here at night is going to be doing it knowing she is here anyways.)

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"Yup, some kids like being able to see a bit while they're trying to go to sleep, so they can check what's around, and some like it to be all dark, because that helps their eyes closed and their bodies relax so they can sleep. Which kind are you?"

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Is this a trick question.

"I like to be able to see things before they get to me?"

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"Nothing's going to get you, but if you're worried about it and want to be able to see and make sure, nightlight it is." He flicks it on; it glows a dull orange. "Good night, Eefa, I'll see you in the morning."

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Eefa shakes her head at the obvious lie (or mistake. could just be a mistake) about how nothing is going to get her. 

Still, she eventually sleeps.

(Very very lightly.)

(With very small snoring sounds sometimes. Though she isn't aware of that part.)

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Nobody can even hear her because she has her own room. Nothing gets her, all night.

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This is good, but bad in terms of figuring out what will eventually get her.

Once she wakes up she tentatively scouts around to see what is happening. It's pretty early in the morning, but that's normal for her.

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There's an orange stirring a pot of oatmeal on the stove - not one of the ones she met, a new orange, presumably night shift. There's a little directional light allowing him to see the stove but otherwise it's dark throughout the area where she's being kept.

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Eefa is content to stay in the shadows and stare closely at the new orange for the time being.

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After a little while the door opens quietly and Chioss and Mikko come in. Chioss takes over monitoring the oatmeal and Mikko notices Eefa and waves at her.

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She has been found! 


... This is not very surprising, but she still tries to lean further back into the dark corner. Just in case.

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Mikko smiles and lets her get on with the hiding. He takes a handoff report from the overnighters, who then leave, and starts setting the table for breakfast; there's fruit for the oatmeal, and sugar, and nuts, and cream, and spices.

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Eefa would like some of this food! 

... maybeee asking would work? She does keep getting food. And she is hungry.

"Could I have some?"

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"Sure! Usually we wait till everybody's up but since you're such an early riser no reason you can't have yours now, it looks just about cooked." Mikko ladles some into a bowl for her and sets it down at the same placemat she had before. Gestures invitingly at the toppings.

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Eefa is going to keep adding different toppings until he tells her to stop. They look yummy.


(Or until she runs out of toppings, but she doesn't expect that.)

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"You're gonna overflow your bowl there," Mikko remarks when she goes back for another helping of nuts. "Also I think we're actually a little low on the dried cranberries so leave some for the other kids, okay - everything else we have refills. You can have seconds after you finish that, if you're still hungry."

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That took a really long time!

.... is the food safe to eat. Is Mikkos eating it. 

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Mikko is not yet sitting down to eat but there are enough placemats and bowls for all the kids she saw yesterday and both of the day shift oranges.

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Eefa is going to wait until she can see someone else eating.

Just to be sure. 

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"Too hot?" Chioss asks her, starting to ladle oatmeal into the other bowls.

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Eefa stares at Chioss.

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"If you stir it up it'll cool off faster," she says. No other comment.

The other kids are starting to pad out of their rooms at this point.

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Eefa re-locates away from the kids, onto the floor a little bit away from the table, with the bowl in her lap.


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Mikko looks at her and almost asks why but decides to let her be.

The other kids top and eat their oatmeal.

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Eefa does not want to be too close to lots of other people if she doesn't have to be right now.


... Probably it's okay to eat these things? Do the children look okay?

(She stares at them intensely while they eat.)

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Not only do they look okay, the adults also take and eat oatmeal once all the kids are served and don't need things.

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In that case Eefa will scarf down the oatmeal! She has been waiting a while and it did smell really good and more it is all in her stomach. Or her mouth still. Or on her face.

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"Wow, once that cooled off enough you couldn't wait another second!" remarks Mikko, coming over to wipe off her mouth.

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He should not come up and touch her mouth all of a sudden! She is over hear now! Under the table.

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"Whoops! Didn't mean to spook you. You got some of your breakfast on your chin. Do you want to clean it up yourself?"

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Yes! She can use her fingers and mouth to do so. And get shirt to get the last bit of they are going to care that much.

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"And now we can get you into a fresh shirt and you'll be all set. Do you want to go pick it out on your own?"

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"- there's some oatmeal on that one and you should be wearing clean clothes. We can get this one washed but in the meantime there's plenty of clean shirts to wear."

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"... You have a lot of shirts."

She takes a bit to figure out if there's some trick with all the shirts.

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"Yup! It's so all the kiddos can have clean clothes to wear all the time."

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"Just because the kids here aren't living with families right now doesn't mean you shouldn't have nice things like clean clothes and tasty oatmeal, so we make sure you all have those things."

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"But. Why?"

Those things don't seem at all important. Even if the food is nice and tasty.

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"It's our job to take care of kiddos who are between families, like you. Let's get you a fresh shirt." He's attempting to herd her to her room.

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Eefa is unaware what families she is between but will allow herself to be herded and will change into new clothes. Again.

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They're just going to keep doing it every time she gets something on her clothes, yep!

Back out in the main room Chioss is sitting on the floor with the other kids and they've got a whole dollhouse situation with multiple buildings and a dozen dolls going on.

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That is an intimidating amount of dolls and houses! Eefa chooses one of the kids to watch and tries to figure out what they are doing.

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They are pretending that their dolls are fixing one of the houses which was damaged in a thunderstorm.

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Well that makes sense.

If Eefa can find a doll she will help pretend to fix an area that no one else is fixing.

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The other kids accommodate this just fine; she can have a doll working on the foundation of the house while the rest are fixing the roof. Has she taken an unattended purple doll, or is she using another color?

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If everyone else is using purple and there is a purple leftover she will use one, otherwise she picks another color like orange or yellow or red.

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Everyone else is using purple and about half the dolls are purple so there are some spares.

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Purple it is! 

She does her best to copy the fixing of the others, though she's not really sure how this is done.

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They're not terribly sophisticated about it, except for the oldest kid who is actually talking about drill bits and drywall anchors and stud finders. The little one is just bopping her doll up and down going "fix fix fix!"

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"fix? fix?"

Is this how it is done.

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"It's all fix now!" declares Anina after some while, and Timio puts down her doll, pats her on the head, and goes back to watching TV on her everything. Shahn and Timio start negotiating hide and seek (he's accustomed to a shorter count than she is and she wants the bathroom out of bounds).

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Eefa goes back to her prior activity of sitting apart and staring at people, choosing one at a time to look at closely.

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Timio is flopped on a beanbag, looking listlessly at her TV show. She shakes her head when Chioss leans in to ask her a question; Chioss leaves her alone. Sometimes she twirls a lock of her dark purple hair around one finger.

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Eefa positions herself to check what Timio is watching from a distance.

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It's a show about a hairdressing salon. The hairdresser ensemble cast is arguing over who gets the new client, who is blue.

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Eefa has absolutely no idea what this is about but will keep watching to see if she can figure it out. She is good at that.

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They narrow down the possibilities and the two top contenders decide to compete on who makes the most in tips that day. For the rest of the episode one of them gives child clients extra complimentary lollipops and the other seeds his own tip jar when no one is looking and the one has a cancellation and calls someone to reschedule for the open slot and the other has a no-show and poaches a client from a noncompeting co-worker. By the end of the episode everyone else is thoroughly sick of this and then the blue shows up and asks to be styled by a different character after all, having apparently heard good things.

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.... Eefa has not become less confused.

Are any of the other children doing more understandable things?

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Shahn is playing with a puzzle toy. Anina is building with blocks.

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Eefa can help with the blocks if Anina doesn't mind?

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Anina will accept this with only moderate bossiness about what blocks Eefa may have.

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Bossiness is use-ful since otherwise she wouldn't know! Much better than people just punishing her later. Or trying to get her to take other people's things which has happ-ened before.

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Then they will successfully build a series of wobbly towers and castles and apartment complexes that fall down only to be promptly recycled and remade.

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"Oh, I'm sorry that mine fell down."

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"That's how blocks," says Anina wisely.

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Good, because Eefa does not know how to make blocks not while building them like Anina.

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The oranges prepare lunch for everybody. It's sandwiches. Mikko comes over to ask Eefa what she likes on sandwiches.

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"Don't like eating meat unless I'm really hungry."

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"And how hungry are you right now?"

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"Not very but do want to eat if that's allowed when not-very and there's enough for everyone else too."

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"- there's plenty, I just wanted to know if you wanted meat on your sandwich or not. Egg salad all right?"

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"Mhm, s'long as the egg isn't old."

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"Nope! Fresh egg salad from the store."

Everybody's sandwich orders are taken and the sandwiches are assembled and everybody congregates to eat them. Eefa is the only person with no meat but some people have egg salad on top of their meat.

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Eefa is used to people eating meat round her.

Nom nom nom. She has figured out to not be too messy bout it but she's still probably messier than Amentans.

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If her clothes make it unscathed they won't make her change them!

In addition to sandwiches there are chips and a vegetable dip that the adults eat and the kids are suspicious of.

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Her clothes due, though her face and her fingers don't entirely.

She is really confused about the vegetable dip - why would the adults eat the dip but not the kids? She watches closely for signs.

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Mikko wants her face and hands cleaned but will let her do it herself if she prefers!

Timio actually tries the dip but doesn't seem to like it.

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"Why'd you try it?" Eefa whispers to Timio after she has cleaned herself. Again. For the thousandth time or something.

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"Try what?" says Timio, by now absorbed in more TV.

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"The dip thing with the green bits in it."

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"Oh. I wanted to see if I'd like it."

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"Liked the taste?"

She supposes someone could eat food just for the taste.

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"Yeah. Liked the chips better without it."

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The sauce looks like it would make her feel better if she ate lots of it. But this was apparently not what Timio was deciding based upon.

Eefa doesn't know what to say now so she's just gonna stare at Timio instead.

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"Like how you don't like meat, I guess? Weird thing not to like."

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"It used to be animals and I don't like hurting animals even when people think I should."


"... I do have to eat them sometimes though." Eefa whispers.

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"But once it's meat it doesn't hurt them to eat them."

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"Feels sorta like it's a little bit my fault for them becoming meat if I eat them."

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Eefa is used to other people finding this weird. She stares in response.

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Timio goes back to paying attention to her TV show.

A couple hours later, Mikko informs Anina and Timio that they've tracked down their great-great-grandparents three provinces away and they're happy to take them both, and they should pack up to go. Timio and Anina get on that.

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"That's a lot of greats."

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"Well, yeah," says Timio, shoving clothes into a bag, "if there was anybody closer we'd be there already."

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"Are you scared?"

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Not a very informative answer.

Eefa sits quietly away from people and watches.

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Timio and Anina are picked up by another orange and they go, leaving just Mikko and Chioss and Eefa and Shahn in the living space.

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Hopefully Timio and Anina don't die or get hurt a lot. Eefa doesn't like it when that happens to people.

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Chioss spends most of the evening trying to coax Shahn into listening to the letter the interested adoptive parents sent him. Eventually he doesn't object too much to at least be in earshot while she reads it to him. Mikko fixes picklepot for dinner.

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The letter doesn't seem too bad? But also seems like Shahn didn't want to listen at first, so Eefa isn't sure.

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The letter describes their house and yard and pets and the school they're in district for and says they're eager to meet him.

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Eefa wonders why they're eager to meet him. Usually when people are eager to meet her it's not for good reasons at all - it's cause they want to hurt her or use her to hurt other people. But she knows it's not always like that for other people.

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The letter doesn't specify!

Shahn apparently really likes picklepot and goes to town on it.

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The picklepot is food and Eefa is happy about that. She eats it dutifully.

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And then it's bathtime! Again!

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"Is there somethin' that the cleaning is doing?"

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"- well, it's getting you clean!" says Mikko. "That's a reason all by itself."

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"Is it really?"

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"Of course! Every day you sweat, and some of your skin retires and isn't quite attached any more, and you have some oils that keep you from drying out but can also trap dirt, so every day we get you all clean."

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Eefa would like to not be in the room where they are going to TAKE HER SKIN!

She bolts, looking for her a hiding place.

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"Eefa! What's wrong?" exclaims Mikko.

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Replying does not sound useful for hiding in this hiding spot she has found.

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It's not a great hiding spot. Mikko finds her and squats across the room from her, not getting in her space, just down to her level. "Eefa, you had a bath last night. That was okay, right?"

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Eefa does not want to be found! When Mikko starts heading towards her hiding spot Eefa instinctively reaches for the silvery place she can sometimes see... not enough to go anywhere but just enough so Mikko won't see her anymore...

She vanishes.

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Mikko screams!

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Eefa is only 50% on the same plane of existence as Mikko but she can still make out that he screamed and this is not encouraging her to become at all more visible!

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Chioss comes running. Can Eefa hear or see them well enough to make out the conversation?

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Yeah, she can. So long as there aren't too many people speaking at once and they aren't talking too fast.

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"She vanished!"

"Okay, so, let's check under the -"

"No, she didn't hide - well, sort of, she was hiding there, I don't even know why, she had a bath last night - she didn't hide she disappeared."

"Go sit down, drink some water, I'll look for her."

"She disappeared."

"If you're right you're right and if you're not you'll feel better after sitting down and getting some water," says Chioss, waving him out of the room. She starts casing all of the possible nooks and crannies, patting down surfaces and opening compartments and lifting the mattress.

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Eefa... is not ready to run yet. She is confused and doesn't know what's going on and outside here might actually be worse, she doesn't know.

... she forces herself to phase back, becoming visible to Chioss all of a sudden when he's about to pat her anyways.

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Chioss startles and pulls her hand back.


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Eefa attempts to push herself further back into the hidey hole but stays visible.

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"Eefa, how - how did you -"

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She is staring very intently and keeping quiet, all tensed up to run.

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"How did you - do that."

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"Don't wanna say."

People usually get mad when they realize that she's not like them and so she's getting ready to run but she's scared and....

"I want to keep my skin."

She's not quite hyperventilating but is close to doing so.

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"- your - skin? Why wouldn't you keep your skin?"

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"Mikko said he was gonna clean it off me."

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"- oh, no, Eefa, that's not what he meant. Skin has lots and lots of little tiny parts. It's always growing new ones. The old ones are worn out and no good any more. They come off if you just sit there, too. It's just better to do that in the bath. It'll be just like your last bath, nothing extra. - but how did you disappear."

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She does not remember her skin coming off in the last bath...

She also isn't going to answer the question. Instead she keeps sorta almost hyperventilating but not quite as much as before.

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"Would you rather talk to Mikko instead of me?"

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She still doesn't trust Mikko about her skin. Though whether or not she trusts him probably doesn't matter.

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"Can you - vanish whenever you want to?"

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No, but telling someone that doesn't seem very smart so she stays quiet.

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"Is this the first time you've done it?"

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She responds only with silent staring, of the terrified about what is going to happen to her variety.

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"Eefa, honey, nobody's going to hurt you, it's just nobody else can do that and we're very confused."

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She believes about half of that. 

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"Do you feel okay? Do you need help or -

- you look pretty stressed out. How about I just give you a bath - same as last night, no surprises - and put you to bed and we bring this up with the doctor in the morning."

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"I get to keep my skin."

It's unclear whether this is a question, plea, or demand.

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"You still have your skin now and you got a bath yesterday, right? Tiny, tiny, tiny bits of skin come off people all the time. It doesn't hurt, it's always growing back."

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This sounds suspiciously like an excuse to take her skin but... it's probably not worth upsetting Chioss and Mikka any more. At least untill she's more certain about it.

She nods, slightly.

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Chioss escorts her to the bathroom and gives her a bath just like the one from yesterday. Shahn's already had his and Mikko's supervising him brushing his teeth. Mikko and Chioss make alarmed meaningful eye contact over Eefa's head. But the bath is totally normal.

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Eefa is on edge but does not resist.

Afterwards she inspects her skin.

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It is clean and wet and presently toweled off.

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And attached. Right. That's what she's checking for.

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Yup, it's attached in precisely the normal way.

Pajamas, bedtime.

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She is going to stay up waiting to see if anything happens at night this time. 

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Nope. Totally uneventful night. The oranges have their shift change. Shahn sleeps peacefully.

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Eventually, after a few hours of patient listening, Eefa allows herself to sleep. Lighter than she did the night before.

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The night continues totally uneventful. Chioss and Mikko are back the next morning.

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Eefa finds this very suspicious but can't figure out why.

(It is possible there is in fact no reason to find it suspicious. But she's a bit tense in case there is.)


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Chioss tentatively pokes her head in Eefa's door to check on her!

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Eefa stares at the Chioss head. Suspiciously. 

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"Hey there. The doctor rescheduled for today and will be here right after breakfast. Do you want breakfast right now or are you still waking up?"

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"... Food is good."

It's pretty much always good. Especially when her life seems as precarious as it does now.

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"It's flatbread this morning."

She can put any of three jam flavors or soft sweet cheese or chopped nuts in hers.

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Yes she will put those things on to her flatbread.

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Shahn rolls his up and so does Mikko but Chioss eats it balanced on all five fingers of one hand spread out flat.

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Eefa rolls hers.

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The doctor arrives before Shahn is done with his second flatbread. Mikko goes and gets the door. "Hello, doctor."

"Hello, Mikko," says the doctor. "This must be Eefa. Hello, Eefa." She's speaking in an almost exaggeratedly calm and telegraphed voice.

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Eefa hisses at the person who is very clearly about to do something bad and scary to her. 

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"You seem like you're nervous about seeing a doctor. Have you seen a doctor before?"

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"You sound like you're going to do something bad."

Eefa glances around the room for exits.

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"I don't want to do anything bad. I'm here to make sure you're healthy. Mikko told me that there might be something unusual about your teeth."

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Eefa glares. What does this person want with her teeth.

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"Sometimes, teeth can look different from ordinary teeth and still work fine. But sometimes, they have a problem which can get worse and make you have a hard time eating, or even sick in other parts of your body."

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Eefa is unclear on which teeth option this person wants.

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"So if you might have a problem with your teeth, or any other part of you, it's my job to find out what's wrong, and figure out how we can fix it before it makes more problems."

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Eefa continues to glare. These sounds like very obvious excuses for them to do experiments to her or change her in some way.

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"If you don't want me to get close to you, maybe Mikko could help me. He could look at you and take pictures with his pocket everything, and I could tell him what I need to see next."

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Eefa continues to glare.

"Don't get what you mean."

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"Mikko isn't a doctor, but if I tell him, 'take a photo of Eefa's teeth', he can do that, and then I can look at the photo, without having to go near enough to get a good look myself."

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"How's it gonna hurt?"

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"Taking a picture of your teeth won't hurt at all. If something is going to hurt I will warn you. If something is going to hurt more than a little, we can also give you medicine to make it hurt less or not at all. And everything I do is to minimize how much hurt there'll be in the long run."

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It's an obvious lie. Eefa stares accusingly at the tooth inspector.

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Mikko interjects, "I could take a picture of my own teeth, to show you."

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... seems like a trick, but she'll watch Mikko do it.

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Mikko opens his mouth really wide, takes a selfie of his mouth, and shows Eefa the picture.

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Eefa holds out her hand for the picture-maker.

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...sure, she can have the pocket everything.

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She inspects it very carefully to figure out how it hurts.

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It's a smooth glass-and-plastic rectangle with a picture of Mikko's teeth glowing on the glass side. It has two physical buttons on the back, flush with the casing.

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Eefa pokes at the glowing teeth.

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The picture zooms in.

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Poke again, this time while watching the real Mikko for a reaction.

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Mikko is watching her and does not seem to be having any mouth related issues. She can get a real closeup view of his upper rightmost incisor.

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She doesn't know how this is going to hurt but it's better to find out now then when she's not expecting it.

She'll take pictures of her mouth as instructed.

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It doesn't hurt at all! Mikko sends the picture to the doctor.

The doctor frowns at it.

"How old are you, Eefa?" she asks.

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Eefa shrugs.

She hasn't been keeping track, and her memories from when she was smaller are a lot less clear.

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"Your teeth look bigger than they should be, but there are also fewer of them, so they're fitting into your mouth just fine. That's strange, but I don't think it will start hurting you if it isn't already," says the doctor.

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Eefa can't figure out why the tooth inspector saying this is suspicious but decides to find it suspicious anyways.

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Well, they can spend all morning tediously repeating this process with other parts of Eefa's body.

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No they can't. Eefa will allow them to do it for only two more body parts before she gets fed up.

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"It would be faster if you'd let her look right at you," says Mikko.

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"I know."

"Just cause it's faster doesn't mean it's better."

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"We can keep going with the photographs, but you do need to actually be examined," says Mikko. "We can't skip it."

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Eefa glares.

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"Every kid needs to be looked at by a doctor regularly to make sure they're okay. The teeth aren't the only odd thing about you," Mikko says.

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Eefa is very skeptical that people looking at how she is odd will help her.

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"Let's take a break," says Mikko, and he goes to confer quietly with the doctor.

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Eefa moves to be next to this conversation so she can overhear it and see what's being plotted.

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Hm nope when she gets up they stop. "Are you ready to keep going?" Mikko asks her.

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"Then please go take your break over there."

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She goes over there and tries to turn invisible but still can't do it on purpose.

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Whisper whisper murmur.

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She continues to stare. Angrily now. She doesn't like it when people plot to hurt her without her knowing how.

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Eventually the doctor pulls from her bag a little kit, which Mikko brings to Eefa and unwraps.

"Hey Eefa. You don't seem to like all this looking at you so the doctor had another idea. Would you lick this for me? It doesn't taste like anything, that's just how it gets some of your saliva so the doctor can go away and look at that instead of you."

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"To find out more about how your body's doing. She might even be able to find out more about where you're from."

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That does not sound good, at all. That sounds like what people say right before they realize she's special and hurt her a bunch or try to get her to help them hurt other people.

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"...why?" asks Mikko.

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"We were talking about how to make sure you're getting the care you need. Sometimes you get scared about things like when you didn't know that skin flakes off in tiny pieces and got upset about taking a bath, last night, remember? But the thing we want now is some of your saliva so the doctor can look at it and stop bothering you directly. It won't hurt, it won't even taste bad."

"Why are you such a WHINER about the DOCTOR," says Shahn from where he's been playing card games with Chioss.

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"WHINER," yells Shahn. Chioss attempts to redirect him to their game.

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Eefa can yell louder than Shahn!


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Eefa bolts for the nearest exit without making a sound - even her running is quiet. 

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Yeah, it's locked.

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Eefa turns and pelts in a different direction, attempting to shove her way through the nearest her-sized window.

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She bounces right off. "Eefa!" exclaims Mikko, getting up to chase her.

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Keys? Where are keys?

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If Mikko has any they are not in evidence. He's trying to get close enough to her to pick her up.

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She runs in whichever direction contains the least people  - she needs to find a place to hole up in fast.

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Well, there's nobody in her room.

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That works - she starts trying to stuff herself into one of the drawers underneath the bed.

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"Eefa, what's wrong?" says Mikko, following her in there, though he doesn't actually stop her from getting into the drawer.

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As he follows her instincts switch her from hiding to crouching in a corner of the room and keeping her eyes on everything at once.

She replies to the sounds directed at her with a feral growl.


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"Eefa. Eefa honey, nobody's going to hurt you. Chioss is taking Shahn for a walk now, he won't shout at you any more."

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The sounds, insofar as they turn into words in her head at all, are VERY obviously false and untrustworthy and trying to trick her.

She continues to growl, lower and farther back in her throat than one would normally expect from a kid her age.

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Yeah, it's pretty weird. He's going to keep crouching a few feet away murmuring soothing words.

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He should not! She presses herself further back into the corner and continues to growl, though more quietly than before.

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For all he knows maybe she will simmer down in ten minutes. He's not going anywhere.

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She'll stop growling within ten minutes. And even become less tense, as long as nothing else happens.

She won't say anything though.

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He's going to go for, let's say five minutes of calm before he tries to say anything.

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He can get five minutes of not growling and not being actively tensed up to run? She's very clearly still scared and twitchy and her eyes are wide open.

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...okay if she's still that keyed up he's going to, at the five minute mark, go from squatting to sitting crosslegged on the floor, but not speak.

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She flinches when he moves, and looks briefly like she's considering taking advantage of his change in posture to run. But she doesn't.

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He sits, regarding her, for another five minutes, then takes out his pocket everything and looks at it with only occasional glances at her.

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S'long as there are no pictures of teeth on it that she can see she isn't going to react all that much.

She does eventually get less hypervigilant - if only out of tiredness.

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When he's been sitting on her floor for nearly half an hour, he tries saying, "Eefa?"

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She give him a look that is more "yes?" than "NO!" but doesn't say anything. 

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"Is there anything that would help you feel better right now?"

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She stays silent.

That's a suspicious question to ask, her instincts tell her, he probably wants to know so he can take whatever it is away from you and hurt you more. 

... she's not sure if the instincts are right but it's not like she has an answer to the question anyways. 



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"Like some water, or a snack, or music, or a stuffed animal?"

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... water is good - she's all sweaty and dehydrated now. And also a snack.

Should she admit this... she can try admitting one of them and see if that is okay. 


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"I'll go get you a cup of water."

He goes and gets her a cup of water, just like he said, and puts it on the floor within arm's reach of her corner.

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She doesn't run even when he leaves - it doesn't seem likely to do any good and she wants to see if he's ac-tually getting the water.

She takes a sip of the water when he gives it to her, before she realizes that she doesn't know if it's okay to drink water. She considers spitting it out but she's really thirsty so she swallows. She's going to wait a bit before drinking more though - to see if it's okay.

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It's cold but not icy. Tastes very clean.

"Better?" he asks.

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Of course not? Nothing has changed. Well, he isn't hurting her so that's good.

Eefa does not reply.

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"Eefa, we haven't hurt you so far. Right?"

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This seems false, otherwise she wouldn't be feeling bad like she is now.

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"I haven't hurt you, and Chioss hasn't hurt you, and the doctor hasn't hurt you, and the other kids haven't hurt you, and the night shift hasn't hurt you. You're very very scared. It's okay to be scared. But we haven't hurt you."

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Eefa will be the judge of that.

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"I think wherever you were before, you got hurt a lot. Now that's what you expect from everyone. But almost nobody actually wants to hurt little children."

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Eefa giggles, sounding a bit unhinged.

She should probably be scared but it's just the most obviously false thing in the world. So obviously false it doesn't even feel like Mikko is trying to trick her.

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"It's normal to be scared in your situation. I think you might be so used to being scared, and so used to being hurt, that it's hard to remember that they're different. But I don't want to hurt you, and Chioss doesn't either, and we won't bring anyone here who does. I don't think we have hurt you. If we did, it was an accident."

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Eefa's giggles subside and she goes back to staring.

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He's gonna try waiting quietly for another five.

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She is clearly tired but still not letting her guard down.

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"I want to be able to help you feel safe here. I know it's hard to want to feel safe, if you think you're not. But since I know you are, I want to know what would help you feel that way too."

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She is so tired, and maybe this would stop and Mikko will go away if she gives an answer.

"If you know how to make me feel safe you'll also know how to trick me. And how to make me feel not safe," she whispers softly.


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"Yeah. Trouble is, sometimes people taking care of kiddos need to do stuff that can seem scary. Like having the doctor over to see them. And it'd be better if that didn't scare you so much, since not seeing the doctor isn't safe at all."

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Eefa has indeed noticed that sometimes people who have captured her think they really need to do stuff that seems scary! Sometimes they say they have reasons they think are super important! Like they really want to hurt Wolves and think she can do that or something.

And then they hurt her a bunch.

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"I go to the doctor for a checkup every few months. Sometimes I don't really enjoy it - there are uncomfortable tests and embarrassing questions and sometimes even stuff that hurts a little bit. But people who don't go to the doctor as often as they should, or don't follow the doctor's instructions, are really likely to get sick more often and for longer than they would if they were being brave."

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It's really obvious Mikko is trying to find words to convince her something is safe. She isn't going to respond to this or much think about his tricky words at all. She's still paying attentiont to how he moves and to the entrance to the room though, so she'll notice if something bad is about to happen.

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Five minutes of silence again?

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The silence is nice. Not that she'll tell him that.

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"If you don't like this doctor, but you might like a different doctor, we can get a different doctor."

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She doesn't respond to the sounds he is making.

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"A lot of sicknesses wouldn't just affect you, but also me and Chioss and Shahn, and people we meet too."

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She might have had a reply to that but right now isn't thinking enough about what he's saying to notice this.

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"I'm going to give you a little while to think about that. We can pick up again when you come out for lunch."

He gets up and leaves the room.

It smells like Chioss is making stirfry. Lots of onions.

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Hrm. She's going to stay in for lunch actually - she has enough food stockpiled in here by now to make that reasonable.

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They will wait for her for a bit. Chioss tries calling, when she doesn't come to get her bowl.

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Eefa doesn't answer - she's actually finished eating already and is resting in the soft floor, curled up with blankets around her.

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Mikko looks in on her. "Not hungry?"

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She shakes her head.

(There are some crumbs on her face and on the blanket she has around her.)

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"Oh, I see you had a snack in here. I'll put your plate in the fridge and if you want it later it can get warmed up."

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Oh. That's... sort of nice which is probably a bad sign given all the other things that have happened but still. She can't quite bring herself to be upset about someone saving food for her.

"thank you," she says in a very quiet voice.

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"Of course." He goes and covers her plate and fridges it.

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She does not plan on going to eat today regardless - she had a snack and breakfast and tons of meals the previous day. She will stay in her room for now.

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He'll let her know when it's dinnertime, too, but again put her plate by for her if she wants to hide. For all he knows it's an inchoate quarantining instinct and she'll get her checkup after a little more reflection on it.

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Eefa has no such instinct - she is just a normal person who eats a normal amount of food and will have a normal amount of nausea and vomiting if she keeps eating as much rich food as she's been having the past few meals.

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Well, the presumed inchoate quarantining instinct gets to skip dinner but does not get to skip bathtime.

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It is not even a loud no but it is a very definite no. As if that will help.

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"Eefa, we're trying really hard to go slowly enough with all the new scary stuff and give you space. Baths aren't new and scary, you've had two here already," says Mikko. "We can do it real quick if you want to get it over with, you can have a shower instead if you prefer, but me and Chioss are not doing our jobs if we let you go to bed unwashed."

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Eefa said no already and is just going to keep quiet and ignore Mikko or any sounds he makes.

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"I would really rather not get into a physical struggle with you. I don't want to need to and I don't want to set us up as having that kind of relationship. This is just one I am not allowed to let go. Kiddos we're taking care of need to get cleaned up, every single day."

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Those sure are sounds which Eefa is ignoring.

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Yeah, he's going to brace himself a little bit and step closer, slowly, telegraphing, but inexorable.

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Eefa is not going to actively fight him so long as he doesn't deviate from the previous routine, but she also isn't going to help him. It's barely apparent that she's even aware of what's going on.

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That is so much better than it could be. He will get her cleaned up in an extremely routine fashion and put in clean pajamas and tucked in to bed.

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She isn't going to bother fighting unless it's actually worth it - otherwise she'll just get hurt more. 

After he leaves she does a check of her skin to make sure it's all still working.

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Skin is all present and accounted for.

Lights out.

"See you in the morning, Eefa."

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Sounds continue to not be processed. 

She sleeps for a couple of hours.

She'll try sneaking around in the middle of the night a bit, staying hidden in shadows as best she can.

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Her door is closed, and the night shift orange is looking her way by the time it's opened enough to let her out.

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Nope, Eefa has been seen enough for the day! She vanishes right after making eye contact with the orange.

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Ah heck he's going to get up and go and stand by the door and feel around.

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Not before Eefa, still invisible, slips past him.

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Yup. He's gonna... start tiling the entire floor of the entire place with printer paper.

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Including this other person's bedroom?

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The door to Shahn's bedroom is closed. He will be tiling all the unoccupied ones though.

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Well, it opens a bit while he's doing that so she can get in and hide from him.

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- yeah he notices the door move and he will go prioritize that area of the apartment.

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She doesn't expect to find one but maybe there's a way to escape out Shahn's room? Without waking Shahn who did maybe threaten her earlier even if she doesn't seem dangerous.

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Shahn's door is closed and the area in front of it is papered!

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In that case Eefa will fall back to plan B - rematerialize crouching in a dark corner of the apartment and shiver uncontrollably.

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"Hey, Eefa," says the night shift orange when he spots her. "Let's get you back into bed." He walks toward her, slowly, crinkling paper as he steps on it.

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She shivers more when he touches her, almost going back to the silvery place where he can't see her but not doing it cause it won't help.

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He carries her to bed, tucks her in, and shuts the door while looking right at her.

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She watches him warily as he leaves, flinching only a little at the sound of the door clicking shut.

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The rest of the night passes with no further incidents impinging on her. She can probably hear the shift change in the morning, if she's awake.

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She doesn't sleep after put into the bed, or move much at all.

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Not even when Chioss starts making breakfast?

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No, why would she do that. There's no where for her to go now anyways.

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What about when Shahn yells "Why is there PAPER all over the FLOOR".

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She flinches but doesn't bother hiding.

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Around lunchtime Mikko does open her door to see that she's there.

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She is - she's actually fallen asleep by then but wakes up once he opens the door.

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"Lunch?" he asks.

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No reply.

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...okay, he doesn't know exactly how much she has socked away but will check on her, like, vital signs, at bath time - this still seems more likely to be psychological than physical, but he'll check up on her in more detail come bathtime.

They spend the afternoon working very hard on getting Shahn to meet his adoptive parents and are able to get him to go out to dinner with them, and then they text that they're taking him to a movie, and then that they should send his stuff along to their address. Good. That means they can switch over to focusing entirely on Eefa, all the new intakes are getting funneled to West.

Mikko offers dinner much the same way as he did lunch.

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She will follow him out and to the table if he is leaves the door to her room open.

Even now food is still important.

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Dinner is cheese bread stuffed with chicken and pickles. Optional onion gravy. Chioss and Mikko are the only other people there and they smile encouragingly at her when she sits down with them.

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This food is very easy for them to have put things in that would hurt her. Is there anything else around?

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There is a broccoli side dish!

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She will clean the broccoli with napkins before eating it, with only a little bit of a suppressed reflex to not eat in front of people who want to hurt her.

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Chioss and Mikko watch this behavior with furrowed brows but don't try to stop her!

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Good, or bad. Depending on what's in the food.


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It doesn't taste like poison, at least.

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Then it will get eaten until she is full, at which point she will fold up some napkins around the leftover broccoli to take back to her room. 

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"- Eefa, do you want some snack packages that don't need to be in the fridge, to keep in your room?" asks Mikko. "The broccoli won't be good to eat tomorrow."

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This is suspicious probably but doesn't elicit a reply from her either way. 

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"Eating the broccoli tomorrow, if it isn't in the fridge, could make you sick. Do you want to save some in the refrigerator so it will be okay to eat tomorrow?"

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No reply! Though she'll leave the broccoli on the table wrapped, if they are so insistent about it.

She does wish she could not be watched so closely by them so she could sneak some anyways.

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Once she has put the broccoli down Chioss will put it in a little container in the fridge and put a strip of tape with Eefa's name on it!

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Such weird looking symbols. 

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Yeah, the gesture appears lost on her. They will not trouble her if she wants to go hide in her room till bedtime.

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She'll stay in her seat in the kitchen - there's not an obvious reason to move.

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Well, then, they will clean up the dinner things around her and make light inconsequential conversation about Mikko's niece and the most recent arcball game.

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Eefa listens silently, blinking only occassionaly.

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"Do you want some dessert?" Mikko asks her. "I have taro ice cream today."

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Eefa understands very little of that sentence.

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Well, he's going to put a little dish of it in front of her anyway, and serve himself some too, and sit by her and eat it.

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She thinks for a bit, but settles on not risking it - even though he did serve himself from the same container. 

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If she's not going to take it eventually Chioss will nab it and eat it.

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She considers taking some once he's demonstrated that hers is actually safe but he'd probably be mad if she did that.

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Mikko's keeping an eye on her gaze. "- change your mind? There's some left."

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She will try some from his bowl, sure.

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- yeah, all right, he'll get himself a third bowl and her a new spoon and she can finish his.

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"Yup, ice cream is a cold treat! Take little bites so your mouth can warm it up."

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Well right now it is getting spit out back into the bowl.

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"Did it startle your teeth?" asks Chioss.

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It was sweet at least - she ignores Chioss and tries licking at it like she's a cat drinking water.

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This gets her puzzled looks but no reprimands; she'll just have to have her bath right after dinner if she gets it all over her face.

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Lick lick. It's tasty.

Eventually her tongue starts feeling numb and she's pretty sure that's from the cold but not completely sure and so she is done now. 

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Okay. Bathtime.

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This pretty quickly returns Eefa to being glassy eyed and minimally responsive.

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The oranges exchange worried looks, but put her to bed and tuck her in.

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She sleeps - it's not like she can do anything else.

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The oranges will carry on in roughly this vein for several days, seeing if she can be drawn out, tempting her with three meals a day. Once Chioss tries reading her a bedtime story.

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Things being the same seems good for Eefa - she relaxes a bit as long as nothing obviously terrible happens. The oranges might even manage to figure out her food preferences - she likes food where it's easy to notice if something bad has been added to it - like salads or whole fruits - and avoids things where something can be mixed in, like stew. She prefers to serve herself, and will accept almost anything if she sees it removed from a can or wrapper in front of her. She still won't eat three meals everyday, but she'll eat two.

Baths don't become any easier or harder - she still goes limp and withdraws from the world. If Chioss tries the bedtime story immediately after the bath she'll notice that Eefa doesn't stop being withdrawn during the reading. 

Eefa still gets up in the middle of the night a few times, opening her door and watching the night-shift orange without exiting her room unless it's obvious that's okay. 

After a few days they notice that she's become restless, gazing outside longingly.

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The night-shift orange does try asking if she needs the bathroom once. They shift their meal habits and generally aim for getting her to eat breakfast and dinner with lunch as a stretch goal, they get more packaged stuff even though Chioss winces about it and tries cooking in front of her to see if that helps.

"Do you want to go outside?" Mikko asks her.

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Cooking in front of her expands what she'll eat, but by not much.

She nods when Mikko asks if she'd like to go outside.

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"I'm a little worried that if I take you out for a walk, you might disappear. Does that sound like something you might do?"

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Eefa doesn't know how to respond to this question!

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Yeah that's kind of what he thought.

"It's not against the rules to take a kiddo for a walk, but it is to lose one. So we haven't taken you on a walk yet because we don't know how to be sure we don't lose you."

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People have made up rules about her before - they weren't fair then either.

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"If you want to talk about how we could be sure about that, we're listening. We aren't allowed to do it till we can be sure."

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"If I was sure it'd mean I knew there wasn't anywhere better."


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"If there's anything that'd make this place better we're listening for that, too."

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Eefa goes back to gazing outside mournfully.

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"We've been talking to some people about where you could live that might be more pleasant, with a family like the one that took Shahn home, but they'd be worried about losing you too."

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"Shahn okay?"

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"He's fine. Settling in with his new parents."

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Eefa stares blankly - she has no idea what that means or whether it's good or bad.

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"Do you miss him? We could ask for some pictures or for him to call you."

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"Pictures would be nice."

That way she can check to see if settling in with new parents means he's been hurt.

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"Okay, I'll let them know you'd like to see some. They may take a while to get back to me." Mikko texts them on his everything.

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And Eefa returns to the window.

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There are pictures to look at of Shahn with his new family to look at that evening. It's him and two moms and some dogs.

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Does he look okay?

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Yup. Petting a dog in this picture, eating ice cream in that one while one of the moms kisses the top of his head.

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Eefa carefully inspects each picture one by one for how many bruises and scabs Shahn has or if he looks very pale or somethin'.

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No bruises or scabs and he's actually a shade darker.

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"What's happening to him in this one?" Eefa asks, pointing to the one where a woman is putting her lips on his head for some reason.

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"- one of his new moms is kissing him on the head," says Mikko.

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"Does it hurt?"

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Eefa inspects Shahns face carefully in the photo to see if it agrees.

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Shahn is not obviously reacting to being kissed on the head.

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"Doesn't look so bad for Shahn, being with a family." she admits, a bit grudgingly.

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"We think it's better than being here, but Shahn took a while to be ready to have a family."

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"Why's it better than here?"

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"A family can change more about how it works to suit the kids in it, and everybody can get more attached to each other because they're going to stay a family forever."

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Eefa shivers at the concept of being attached forever.

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"Families also sometimes come with brothers and sisters, though usually not adoptive families."

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Blank stare.

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"Like Timio and Anina, they were sisters."

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She has heard of the concept but doesn't really understand it, what adoption would have to do with it, or why it matters.

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Well, if she doesn't ask any questions she won't get any answers.

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She's evidently fine with that.

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They will resume their routine. Mikko starts putting on a kids' movie toward the tail end of lunch every day.

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Eefa will watch them for clues.

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This one is about a little yellow who goes on a hot air balloon adventure to a magical city in the clouds.

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Does the little yellow get hurt on the adventure? Eefa hopes not.

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The little yellow gets scared a few times - the hot air balloon has a technical difficulty she has to solve before she crashes, and there's some scary people in the magical city - but is never hurt.

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Very skilled little yellow! Eefa is proud of her.

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The movie has a happy ending with cheerful music!

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Eefa is upset at how the music is trying to make her feel a way.

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It's not a very long denouement. The movie is over.

Can the oranges get her to play board games? They're going to start with a simple co-op one with hopping pegs around a track.

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Hrm. Fine, she is really rather bored.

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They can cooperate on hopping their pegs, then! They lose the first time by running out of cards before they get to the end but they win the second time.

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Eefa flinches the first time she loses.

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"We all lost," says Mikko. "We can try again!"

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"And what if we lose again?"

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"We can keep trying, or stop. It's only a game, so it doesn't matter very much."

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"We don't get hurt?"

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"Nope. It's just a game. It's just to have fun with; nobody gets hurt."

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Eefa is suspicious but will play a few more times to check.

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They win the second and third times!

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Well that doesn't let her check to see if it's dangerous! What if she throws a fourth game on purpose.

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That apparently makes the oranges suspect she's bored of the game and pack it up.

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"I want to finish this one!"

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"- it looked like you were trying to lose," says Mikko. "The point of the game is to try to win it."

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Mikko is glared at.

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"It looks like you're in a cranky mood and not a game mood," he says.

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She has no idea what that means.

"Want to finish playing it."

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...yeah, okay, expressed preferences are rare enough that they'll unpack and go back to it, though on their turns they don't help with losing the game on purpose at ALL.

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She can try to lose quite hard then.

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They lose the fourth game. The oranges look kind of puzzled at her.

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Does anything happen to hurt her?

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Mikko slowly starts putting the game away again.

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She'll help.

"We didn't get hurt even though we weren't supposed to lose," she informs the oranges. 

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"Right," says Chioss. "Games don't hurt to lose. They're just for fun. It wouldn't be very fun if they hurt you!"

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"Could be fun for other people if it hurt me?" she suggests. She's confused why Chioss didn't think of this.

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"No!" exclaims Mikko. "It's not fun to hurt other people either!"

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"Hrm. Not sure if I believe you."

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"We think whoever you were with before you escaped was very bad. It's not normal to want to hurt anyone, especially little kids."

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Eefa has met a lot of people!

"Don't have to want to hurt someone to decide to hurt me."

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"Eefa, you're someone. Anyone who hurt you, hurt someone."

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Eefa nods.

"But don't have to want to hurt me to decide you should hurt me."

This is really obvious stuff?

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"I don't think anyone should hurt you," says Mikko, and Chioss nods.

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"No matter what?" she asks, suspiciously.

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"There are things like shots for immunizations that hurt but it's not the point of them to hurt, the point is to make sure you aren't hurt even worse later by a disease."

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Eefa is pretty sure this is nonsense and her face shows this.

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"I get shots too. I don't like being hurt, but I don't like being sick even more."

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There isn't anything Eefa can think of that she could do to help with this, but it still makes her sad.

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"There are some immunizations that you can get as a spray in your nose instead, though. They're working on it. Everybody's working to make sure there's nobody getting hurt unnecessarily."

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Well that is obviously false! Eefa thinks she might be done hereing obviously false things now, they are making her feel like her brain is being pushed around. Instead she will wander off and find out what's in ...here.

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A big sack of oats.

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She'll fill her pockets with them to take back to her room.

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"- Eefa, you're getting oats on the floor. There are better snacks to keep in your room, okay?" says Chioss, coming forward with a brush and dustpan.

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These snacks are ones she found on her own and no one gave her so they won't have anything she didn't choose in them. 

She'll help clean up the floor though.

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She likes things in packages, right? Does she want some fruit puree pouches and some bags of chips to keep in her room?

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She'll accept those but she is not trading her oats for them.

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...they will set aside the question of the loose oats in her pockets till they change her clothes for bathtime, how about.

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That works - it gives her plenty of time to stash them in a few different places in her room.

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In the morning does she want to help make the oatmeal?

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Eefa was up in the middle of the night for a while and sleeps pretty late, but if they haven't made oatmeal by the time she wakes-up she'll help. 

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They wait for her. She can see everything that goes in it, and stir, and watch it bubble, and if she's nervous about it being hot she can wear these mitts.

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This is a weirdly large amount of involving her in food making! She will watch closely and not use mitts since something seems weird about this. She's not sure what though.

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Her call! She shouldn't touch the hot parts though. Then they can serve the oatmeal into separate bowls. She can pick which bowl should be hers and add whatever she wants.

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This isn't how they usually do it.

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"Sometimes you seem nervous about food, and it seems like it helps you to see it, so I thought it might help you to do parts of it yourself. Plus, I think cooking is fun," says Chioss.

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"What do you mean it helps me?" Eefa asks suspiciously.

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"Helps you feel comfortable enough to eat it?"

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She doesn't want to be tricked into missing when there are thing with her food!

She doesn't want to be tricked again at all!

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"It... doesn't help you with that?"

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Eefa just stares at Chioss, annoyed.

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...is Eefa going to eat her oatmeal.

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"Eefa, has the food been making you sick? If you might be allergic to something we can... well, normally we'd get the doctor in about that, but if that's not... going to work for you... we can try making much simpler food, and introducing new ingredients one at a time, till we figure out what's making you feel bad," says Chioss.

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Eefa looks at Chioss.

"Was it supposed to be making me sick?"

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"No! Nothing we're doing is supposed to be making you sick. If you're worried about the food because some of it has been anyway, that could be an allergy, and then we can stop giving you whatever it is."

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"Don't want food that does different things."

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"Different things?"

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"Than what the food has been doing so far."

None of the food has made her sleep so much so she couldn't wake from nightmares, she doesn't say.

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"So the food so far has been fine and hasn't made you feel sick?"

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Eefa thinks for a second and then nods.

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"Okay, good. I'm glad to hear that. There's nothing in this oatmeal you haven't had before."

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Eefa isn't eating it.

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"You... saw everything that went into it..."

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Blank stare.

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Later on Mikko pulls out a scale that you can weigh things on, such as yourself! He will sit in the playroom and weigh various toys and Chioss and not directly indicate in any way that he wants to weigh Eefa.

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Eefa will join in weighing various things. Not knowing any better she'll weigh herself.

(She's underweight for her size.)


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That's kind of what they thought. Is she going to eat lunch? They're putting out cheese and sausage slices and crackers and dips and spreads and dried fruit and pickles to nibble on or assemble tiny sandwiches with. Then there's dessert. Cookies straight out of the sealed package.

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She'll eat the things except for the sausage slices (she still doesn't like meat) and some of the dips and spreads which she seems to choose as foods to not eat on purpose or something. She still ends up eating a decent amount of food.

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Oh good. They try a salad bar kind of thing at dinner, modeling taking some greens and then piling them with nuts and cheese and dressing and chickpeas and turkey.

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She'll eat all of it besides the dressing and the turkey. Also a bunch of the nuts go into her pockets instead of her salad.

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Nuts are a good choice of pocket food and they will allow it.

The next day the two of them are going to stage a conversation about their families! Mikko is married. He has two children and one grandchild so far. Chioss is divorced and doesn't have any children. Mikko has more cousins than Chioss, but he doesn't have any siblings and she has a sister.

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Eefa has at least heard of all these concepts, with the exception of "grandchild".

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Well, if she doesn't ask, she will not learn what such things are. They do ask her if she has any siblings.

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She has apparently never thought about whether she has any siblings!

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Aunts and uncles? Grandparents?

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She has heard those terms before.

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They put on another movie. In this one a little purple is orphaned due to an offscreen industrial accident at the place her parents work. One set of grandparents takes her in; she has an uncle the same age as her and one much older, and she likes them, but she gets offended when people think she and her uncle are twins, because they're not even siblings. She spends the movie processing grief about her parents and training the kitten her grandparents get her and trying to make friends at her new school and gradually personalizing her side of the room she shares with her same-aged uncle.

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This movie is weird and Eefa doesn't get it. She wanders off halfway through the movie.

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Valid. The next day they will try one about a trio of grey fish who travel around saving other fish of various colors from riptides and barracudas and ship propellor intakes.

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And other grey fish?

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The barracudas are fish, sort of, but they're drawn very differently from all the people-fish and they don't talk and they're sort of shiny brown.

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"Are they Wolves*?"


*The concept translates as having the threatening connotations the word wolves might have to a child, but being specific and scarier and stranger.


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"Those? They're barracudas. Barracudas are a real kind of animal, but real fish don't talk or have feelings, so when the barracudas eat them it's not hurting any people."

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That is a very obvious excuse to hurt things.

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"I know you don't like to eat meat, but people can eat lots of kinds of plants. I don't think barracudas can do that."

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"That's sad."

She thinks for a bit.

"You're not a barracuda."

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"I'm not a barracuda. I don't actually know how long a person can be healthy without eating meat, but I know eating can be complicated for you and it's not dangerous for a short time."

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"I eat meat sometimes. Just don't like it when someone goes out and kills something and brings it back and tells me to eat it."

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"- well, if it matters, we don't kill the animals ourselves, they're farmed."

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"Is that like how the Before Ones did it?" 

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"I'm not sure who those are."

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That's really weird thing for Mikkos to lie about!

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"Were the Before Ones people from where you grew up?"

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This is a ridiculous quesiton and Eefa does not understand why she is being asked it.

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They're willing to drop it if she doesn't want to talk about it. Will she play a storytelling game where you get cards with pictures on them and are supposed to tell a story involving all the things on your cards, for points?

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... She'll try it, sure.

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She gets an arcball and a rabbit and a glass of orange juice and a rainbow. She can trade in one card for another for free, and for points after that, according to the rules.

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"A rabbit had a glass of orange juice and pretended there was a rainbow. I don't know what this other one is."

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"It's an arcball. You can trade it in for a new card if you want."

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Sure, she can do that.

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The new card is a necklace.

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"And the rabbit is wearing a necklace."

What happens next?

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She gets a point for each element from her cards used in her story, and no points for having a beginning, middle, and end, and no points for her story being exciting, funny, or creative. Now it's Chioss's turn. Chioss gets a book, a candle, a tree, and a ladle, and tells a story about somebody bringing a candle out to read in their favorite spot under the tree with the candle sitting in the bowl of the ladle so the wax doesn't get on the roots. Eefa and Mikko get to decide which points to award her together.

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"How many points are there?"

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"As many as we award."

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"And then they run out?"

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"Well, when we stop awarding points it's because the game is over. But then we can award some more next time we play."

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Eefa would like to award Chioss so many points in that case.

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"I don't think Chioss's story was really exciting," ventures Mikko. "It's pretty hard to make up a story that's exciting and funny and creative."

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"If we can give her that point I want to."

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"Well, we can, but I'm not sure it would be honest."

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Eefa is so confused.

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"The points are supposed to be for what things are true about the story, not for how much we like Chioss or want her to do well."

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Eefa screws up her face, evidentlly thinking really hard. She's silent for a bit.


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"Chioss will be fine even if she doesn't get full points. It's part of the game, which we're all playing for fun, to score the stories based on how they are, not based on other things."

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She's seen people doing what might be this?

"I don't know if anyone's asked me to play a game for fun before."

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"That's what games are usually for, at least here."

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Hm, she hasn't played many games at all really.

She can try to have fun. She still wants to award Chioss the points though.


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Mikko doesn't push it any more. He tells his story about a TV, a flower, a mug, and a tube of paint. It's not funny at all, and Chioss points this out when they're supposed to score him.

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Does Mikkos seem to be sad about this?

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Mikko seems fine with it!

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Eefa starts saying she's okay with Mikko not getting the funny point but halfway through chokes up and starts shaking.

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"Eefa? Are you okay?" asks Mikko, instantly much more concerned than he seemed about the point.

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Eefa does not want to be seen right now and scooches backwards when Mikko looks at her.

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- okay. They will... very slowly mark the agreed-upon points on the scorecard.

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Eefa isn't really processing that there was a game going on, she's just huddled in this corner, her eyes wide and darting around the room. 

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...Chioss goes and takes a bathroom break. Mikko just waits.

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Eefa stops shaking after a bit and her eyes stop darting around so much. She still isn't talking though.

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Chioss comes out and sits back down. They make to put the game away.

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That is okay with Eefa.

She considers helping put it away but doesn't want to risk it.

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The game is eventually back on its shelf.

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Eefa is still in her corner, which isn't where she goes when they put her away at night but she doesn't want to move right now.

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Well, it's not bedtime yet. They'll give her space till it is and then it's Mandatory Bath.

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She manages to relax but not enough to be ready for Mandatory Bath, during which she is her usual compliant and detached self.

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That's okay. They can try again in the morning.

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She sleeps well and doesn't wake up during the night.

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And will she eat breakfast? It's hardboiled eggs (straight out of the package) and accompanying dressings and pickles.

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Yes! She likes the pickles even though they are not in a jar when she gets them so she can't store them in her room.

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Oh good! "Pickles are so yummy, aren't they?" says Mikko, spooning a generous heap of capers onto his eggs.

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"They're my favorite."

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"Is it because they're sour, or because they're crunchy, or because they're salty, or because they've got all those herbs and spices?"

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"Salty and soury and crunchy I think."

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"Mm-hm! Do you like citrus chips? Those are also sour and salty and crunchy, but they're dry instead of wet."

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"I don't know if I've had those?"

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"I'll order some for the next batch of groceries."

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Eefa gives Mikko a questioning look.

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"I don't know what you meant about groceries." she says, as if the word 'groceries' is unfamiliar to her.

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"When we want more or different food here, we order it - we give a shopper a list and then they deliver it to the door."

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"Oh you're telling them to get it for you?"

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"Yup. Usually we bring the groceries in with us when me and Chioss come here in the morning."

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"What happens to them if they can't get the groceries for you?"

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"There are lots of people who work for the grocery delivery company. If one of them is busy or sick they stay home that day and a different one does their work."

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"What happens to the one who couldn't work?"

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"They rest at home, or the hospital if they need more help to get better, and come back to work when they're ready. They get paid, because everybody wants it to be easy and normal to stay home from work if you're sick."

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"If they came to work when sick, like if they were worried about money and thought they needed to make money more than they needed to rest and recover, they might make other people sick too. So their job pays them to take time off when they're sick and there's nothing to worry about."

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"So they get paid to not make anyone sick?"

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"That's right."

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"Are they paid on other days?"

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"Of course."

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"...for doing their jobs."

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Eefa has a bunch of questions she will in fact ask about how money works and how jobs work and whether Mikko has a job and where the food comes from before the person goes out and gets it for them.

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Mikko is happy this is such an engaging topic for her! He can explain money and jobs. His job and Chioss's job is to take care of kiddos who don't have a family; right now that's just Eefa but as she saw sometimes it's more kids. They have picture books about farming and the food supply chain, would she like to read them together?

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Eefa wants to know what happens if people don't get money first, and then they can read the book.

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"Oh, people who don't get money sometimes live with their families, and sometimes they go on social services - that's sort of like living here with me and Chioss, except for grownups."

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"They get trapped in a place until someone takes them to be their parents?"

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"No, they can leave any time, but that's where they sleep and eat, and they get help with whatever they have trouble doing that means they can't make money."

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"Help?" Eefa asks, suspicious.

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"Sure, like if they can't walk, the social services people get them a chair with wheels to sit in, or if they can't learn to read, then the social services people will read to them anything they need to know."

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"And if they don't want the help?"

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"- well, if they can't get jobs and don't have any money, don't have family who want them to live with them, and won't take any help with their problems, I guess they would just keep having their problems."

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"And they'd get to leave?"

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"People don't even have to go to social services in the first place unless they're getting in other people's way, if they don't want to."

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"So they're not like me."

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"They're adults. Kiddos sometimes think they don't need to be taken care of, and that's almost never true."

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Blank stare.

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Yeah she does that sometimes. "If we could be sure we wouldn't lose you we could go out with you sometimes."

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Eefa nods. She doesn't know how to make them sure even if she definitely wanted to. She sorta feels like they might be better than most people she's known but she doesn't trust that feeling.

She doesn't want to be trapped here forever.

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"Are you lonesome? We could have visitors over."

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Eefa doesn't know what to say to that.

She doesn't want more people to be trapped here with her.

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"You can think about it as long as you need."

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Unless she finds a way to escape first she thinks, without much enthusiasm for the concept.

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They continue to go about their days, trying her on new foods, putting on new movies, proposing new games, staging conversations trying to draw her out - what they dreamed last night, where they'd like to travel next time they have a vacation, how many times they've moved house...

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Eefa's food boundaries don't change much, but the oranges are liable to discover that within the space of foods she is willing to eat she has her own likes and dislikes - things that have juice or are salty are particular favorites.

She has little to no idea what in the movies is real and what is fake, but enjoys them at times. Movies without anything bad happening she treats as unrealistic. She likes movies where people explore neat places.

She gets used to the concept that losing a game doesn't have negative real world consequences eventually. She still doesn't like competitive games where people might make each other worse off during the game, and absolutely hates games where people judge each other and award points. She likes cooperative games and games that involve art or cooperative problem solving.


The conversation about what they dreamed the night before causes her to freeze up and shiver. She refuses to eat dinner that evening. 

She is confused about the concept of vacation.

When they discuss how often they've moved house she tries to count for herself, one finger at a time, flinching at some of the worse memories. She gives up by finger seven, not wanting to think about it anymore.

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They can explain vacations. "We don't work every day of every month of every year," Mikko explains. "Usually, people with jobs get some time off when they don't have to do their jobs and can relax. At home, but sometimes people like to travel to new places and see neat things there when they have a vacation that's long enough. On my last vacation I went to Shi Alassei. It's here on the map." There's a map placemat.

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"And you came back to where you started afterwards?" Eefa asks skeptically. 

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"Yup. I came home to my own apartment and my family."

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"Why'd you leave then?"

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"To see Shi Alassei! But I didn't want to live there."

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"If it's not very nice why did you want to see it?"

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"- it is nice, I just wanted to go home when I was done seeing things there."

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"So... it's nice to look at but not nice to live at?"

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"I think the people who do live there probably like it fine. But I didn't want to - look for a swap and pack up all my things and be away from my family and need a new job -"

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"I don't know if I've had a reason to want to stay at a place before."

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"You've never had a place where you liked anything about it?"

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"There was a raccoon I was friends with in a wagon once."

"There was a place on a mountain that had pretty sunsets, even if it was hard to get down from the mountain."

A pause.

More quietly than the rest: "The clean place had lots of food until I realized I shouldn't eat it."

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"Oh... what was wrong with the food?"

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Eefa shivers a bit.

"It made me stay asleep for dreams."

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"Do you usually wake up a lot in the night?"

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"What's a lot?"

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"- does it happen more nights than it doesn't?"

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"Except when I ate the food at the clean place and then I'd stay asleep." Eefa says, shaking at the memory.

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"And that's bad because you have a lot of nightmares?"

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Eefa looks closely at Mikko to see if he looks like he's gonna try making her sleep when she doesn't want to, like in the clean place.

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"There's some medications for nightmares but I don't think any of them are safe for kids your age." Or species! But they're not talking about that.

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"No." says Eefa very firmly.

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"Right. You're much too little. I hope the nightmares get better. A lot of kids grow out of them."

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Eefa's no very much includes her when she is bigger but Mikko seems to have gotten the basic point.

"Waking up is safer sometimes." she says. 

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"Safer how?"

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"If someone tries to surprise me in the night," she says. 

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"Is the night shift orange waking you up making noise?"

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Is the nightshift orange doing something in the night which should be waking her up, she doesn't ask.

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"Oh, good, I think he's very quiet but he's here long enough he does need to unpack a meal and eat it."

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Eefa nods, she's seen the nightshift orange eating before. 

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"I hope you're getting enough sleep around your nightmares. It's important for growing and for staying healthy and for learning."

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Eefa looks at Mikko suspiciously.

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"I don't especially think you're sick, but you should always go ahead and sleep as late as you want in the morning, since you aren't going to school."

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Eefa thinks it over a bit and concludes this is probably not Mikko saying he's going to try making her sleep longer. Probably.

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Speaking of school, can she read? They're gonna start working on that.

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She cannot read but is actually quite excited to learn! Though at first she's a bit confused about how the letters look different from the ones she's seen on signs and things before.

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Can she draw some of the letters she remembers?

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Here is a very wobbly W and a very wobbly uppercase A and an N that's backwards.

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Those are indeed not Tapap letters! They spirit away the drawing the next time she's not looking and focus on teaching her to read.

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She would be a bit unnerved by how they are sneaking it away but she doesn't see doesn't notice them doing it.

Learning to read is actually sort of fun and she's surprisingly good at it.

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Great! They have lots of books at lots of reading levels here.

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She likes figuring her way through some of the bigger ones even if it's hard. 


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She's welcome to do that! They have a normal complement of entertaining children's books for all castes, from "Computers are Yellow!" to "How Trains Go", and also things more likely to be relevant to their usual clientele, like "Divorce Is Messy" and "Shian's New Dads".

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Computers are yellow?

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Yup. It's a history of the development of computers and the early yellow figures in programming and maintaining them. Greens invented computers, but yellows worked together to make sure they could get jobs in this exciting field, seeing the potential before anyone else.

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This book is very confusing considering she doesn't know what a computer is or why being yellow or green would matter.

She has seen train tracks before but is pretty sure that trains don't go anymore. Maybe "Divorce is Messy" will make more sense?

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It's nonfiction about a bunch of kids whose parents got divorced acrimoniously and how their living situations got sorted out afterwards and what lessons to take from them. Divorced parents can be very angry at each other and still love their kids more than anything in the world! It's normal to be nervous about stepparents, but they are just regular people who want to be part of your family. If you want to try to avoid getting divorced when you are grown up it helps to marry someone you've known for at least a year, in your own caste, whose parents and grandparents are still married, who doesn't get intoxicated or violent or do crimes or make bad money decisions, but people can try to do everything right and still wind up needing to separate. Having divorced parents is actually really different from having parents who clubbed up to make you and were never intending to be a family with each other besides through you! Family court has a blue judge deciding what home will be best for you; if one of your parents impresses the judge more that doesn't always mean your other parent is a bad person. Vee and triangle divorces are extra complicated!

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"Does everyone have parents?" Eefa asks Chioss when she's gotten help with a difficult sentence in this very strange book.

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"Every Amentan has parents," says Chioss. "Two biological parents, and maybe some others who help raise them."

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So everyone from here has a parent but maybe not people from different places.

"It sounds hard."

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"I think having parents is probably easier than being all alone as a kid," Chioss says.

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"That doesn't sound right."

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"Maybe it's only like that for Amentans."

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"How are parents good for Amentans?"

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"Amentans start out really helpless and tiny, like the baby sister in the last movie we saw. They can't talk or feed themselves or move around or anything! Their parents help them with everything, and then slowly start helping with less and less while the baby learns to do more. Most people don't feel all done getting help from their parents until they're all grown up."

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"What if they don't want help?"

Eefa has seen a baby before and knows they're supposed to turn into people eventually and she can't think of a reason people would lie about that but it still seems really weird.

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"Depends how old they are and how quick they are at learning skills, how much help they need even if they don't feel like it and how much space they need to try stuff on their own."

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"Who decides that?"

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"Usually, their parents. If their parents need help finding the right balance they can get it from their parents. Or their friends."

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"And if they don't agree with their 'parents'?" asks Eefa, with audible scare quotes.

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"- well, again it depends on how old they are..."

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Eefa glares accusingly.

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"- like, a little baby," Chioss makes a cradling gesture, "might not want to stop playing and take a nap, but if their parents keep playing with them when they're actually tired, they'll get more and more upset about everything from being sleepy, and still not want to sleep, because they don't have practice with knowing what to do with sleepiness. But if a three year old," she holds her hand at about her shoulder height, "wants to stay up late playing, most parents will let them try it at least a couple of times, and they can all see what happens, and if what happens is that the kid is fine the next day, they can keep doing that, and if what happens is that the kid isn't fine the next day, but notices it and deals with it by themselves, they can use their own judgment about whether to keep doing it. But if what happens is that the next day they're miserable and mean to everyone and can't pay attention to anything they're doing because they're too tired, and that night they try to stay up playing again, they are acting like a baby, and their parents will probably stop them."

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Eefa freezes up at the mention of what she assumes is someone being forced to sleep.

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"- by taking away what they're playing with, not by putting anything in their food."

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Eefa looks at Chioss to try to figure out if she is telling the truth

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She is, but whether Eefa can determine that is not in Chioss's control.

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Chioss is either a good liar or telling the truth, which doesn't make Eefa feel better but also doesn't make her feel worse.


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Chioss smiles at her and goes back to baking cookies.

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The last time Chioss made cookies they smelled good, so this time Eefa is watching really closely so maybe she can trust some of them are safe to eat.

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She can show her all the ingredients as they go in. Would she like to stir?

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Hm... yes she would.

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She can stir! And help form the cookie dough into balls.

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She sneaks a taste of the cookie dough while doing so.

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Chioss winks at her.

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Confusing, maybe she has something in her eye.

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And then the cookies bake for eight minutes and come out hot and gooey with crisp edges and want a bit to cool off before they will be comfortable to pick up and eat.

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Eefa watches them closely in the meantime.

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They get less shiny and deflate slightly and stop steaming before Chioss puts one on a plate for her.

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Does Chioss do anything to cookie that she gives Eefa?

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Then Eefa will try a little bit of it. Carefully.

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It is a yummy sweet warm sugar cookie.

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In that case she will eat the rest of it considerably less carefully!

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Would she like another?

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... Yes, she will admit begrudgingly and covered in crumbs.

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Second cookie!

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She noms it, with the speed of someone who has never in her life had something quite this delicious.

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That is enough for now. Chioss wipes crumbs off her face and brushes off her shirt and sweeps the crumbs up off the floor.

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Eefa helps by eating what crumbs she can find leftover on her face and the table.

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From her face is fine but not the table, those get whisked into the path of the broom before she can.

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"I wanted those."

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"You'll get more of your food into your mouth by eating neatly."

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Eefa knows how to eat, thank you very much.

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Well, apparently she doesn't know not to eat fallen crumbs.

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Well yes, that is how she gets food into her mouth while eating quickly.

Are there any more cookies? 

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There's one each for Mikko and Chioss on separate plates, and four more that Chioss is putting into a tupperware.

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Not if Eefa gets one of the four first!

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"Whoa! Eefa, eating too much at once can make your tummy so full it feels bad."

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Well, she's tucking this one into her pocket so presumably it'll be fine.

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Sigh. Fine. One more as a hoarded food.

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Eefa actually breaks it into two pieces and hoards them in separate hiding spots, just in case.

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Yeah they're going to get the cleaner in tomorrow.

The day proceeds as normal complete with mandatory bath.

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Eefa proceeds as normal, including dissasociating through the mandatory bath and remaining withdrawn afterwards.

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She can go straight to bed after the bath.

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She wakes up in the night, like she does about half the time. 

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Night shift orange is there like always.

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Eefa watchs, while munching on her leftover cookie bits.

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He waves at her.

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Munch, munch.




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He's not going to say anything if she doesn't.

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Well then they can remain silent night companions, as Eefa licks crumbs off her fingers.

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Eventually Eefa will fall asleep, still sitting up at the edge of her room.

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Will she let the night shift orange tuck her back into bed?

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Her eyes blink open  before the nightshift orange can get close enough to do that, and she tenses, instantly fully awake.

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"If you're gonna sleep I think you'd be comfier in bed."

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Eefa backs away from the night orange, keeping her eyes peeled for any sudden movements.

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"You can get into bed yourself if you'd rather, sure..."

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She is staying right where she is, her back pressed against one of the posts of her bed, her wide eyes focused on the night orange.

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"Come on, I can tuck you in."

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She vanishes, re-appearing a moment later on the other side of the night orange. 

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He spins around and nearly trips in his startlement.

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Is it an aggressive looking almost-trip?

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No, he catches himself on her bedpost and catches his breath.

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Eefa backs away from him again, this time towards the door to her room.

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"Do you need a midnight snack or something, kiddo?"

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She would like to be away from the person who tried to move her to make her sleep, is what she would say if she were saying things right now.

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Well, she can't get that far away, she's still shut in, but he'll watch her for a bit and then eventually sit back down at the kitchen table and look at his everything.

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She eventually returns to her room, but not to sleep.

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He'll take it.

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She doesn't fall asleep for the remainder of the night either, even if means she'll be tired the next day.

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The shift change comes as usual.

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She knows, this isn't the first time she's been awake now after all.

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"I hear you got out of bed last night," Mikko remarks, when she emerges.

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Eefa nods.

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"Is your bed uncomfy, or were you just restless?"

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What sort of question is that.

She stares by way of a response.

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"Usually if somebody doesn't sleep straight through from bedtime to morning, something's the matter."

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"The... matter?"

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"I mean, something's keeping them from sleeping well, something's bothering them."

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Eefa settles on staring blankly to convey that she does not want help with her sleep.

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"Is there something you wanted to do in the middle of the night? Did you want to stretch your legs, or get water, or go to the bathroom?"

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"I want to be awake."

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"Amentans can't be awake all the time. We'll be sad and unhealthy if we don't get plenty of sleep through the night."

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Eefa doesn't say anything but she's clearly tense, worrying about whether Mikko is going to try to force her to sleep.

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"If you need to be awake at night we should tell the night shift orange what to expect."

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"That I'll be awake at night?"

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"If you're going to want to be up and about, are you going to want him to read you books? Are you going to want to eat then? Are you going to want a movie on?"

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Eefa thinks very carefully.

"Eat what?"

Is it drugged food, she doesn't ask.

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"...a midnight snack? There isn't a usual meal for the middle of the night, since we generally eat during the day, so if you're hungry as well as wakeful we'd need to ask the night shift orange to make you something to eat."

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"I have my own food."

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"I know you keep food in your room. It's not a good habit, though. Bedrooms don't have ways to keep things cold and sealed up, so if you do it too much, bugs can notice, or mold can grow, and then the food isn't good any more. Some foods are better than others to keep in your room. I think you've liked those individually wrapped cheese crackers, those would be relatively okay if you ate neatly."

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"It's my food."

She crouches a little, attempting to position herself between Mikko and the room protectively.


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"We will give you food every day. You can also keep some snacks in your room if they are stored so pests can't eat them. We're going to have cleaners in to check for that, and while they're cleaning, you can look at snacks on the grocery site with me, and pick out some things that you'd like as room snacks."

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She really doesn't want anyone stealing her food and getting her new food through some strange method that is probably not safe!

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"Eefa, if pests get into this apartment, we will have to all move to a different apartment and leave all our stuff behind to let the exterminators work on this one."

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Eefa doesn't like being threatened! Especially with things she doesn't understand! 

She crouches more, growling protectively.

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"There's a lot of stuff we can be flexible on but the place being clean isn't one of them. I'm sorry that this bothers you and I wish it didn't, but a dirty apartment will hurt everybody in it."

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"How's it hurt."

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"By attracting pests, and making the air smell bad, and growing mold, and making everyone anxious."

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"I don't keep food if it's too moldy," Eefa says, tentatively.


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"Food that is any amount moldy is no good. You don't ever need to go hungry again. I know it's hard to trust that we will keep bringing you food, but we really, really aren't going to let you starve. We just need the place to be clean."

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"I don't." she says, responding to the last thing.

(She's met people who always brought her food before, like the people who made her sleep.)

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"I understand that it is not something you care about."

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Eefa growls quietly, looking intently at Mikko incase he tries to go into her room right now.

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He is not trying to go into her room right now.

"Are you going to try to stop the cleaners from tidying your room?"

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Does staring accusingly at Mikko answer that question?

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"They're going to come even if you tell me you're going to try to scratch them bloody with your fingernails, but it would be nice if I could tell them that they didn't need to worry about that."

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"I don't want to hurt them."

Eefa knows very well that being hurt isn't good. She's not sure if other people know this, but she does.

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"I'm glad to hear it.

"Since you like having food in your room can we brainstorm some ways to do it that won't make a mess?"

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"You can make sure not to go near my food."

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Mikko has a piece of paper! He will write, narrating as he does: "Idea one: food Eefa takes to her room gets left totally alone by anybody who isn't her. Any other ideas?"

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(Eefa is suspicious that he's asking for ideas so he can figure out how to stop them all.)

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"That's how my book about brainstorming with kids says it works. You write down all the ideas that might possibly solve any part of the problem, and then you can see if you can get enough solution-parts from all the ideas to leave everybody satisfied."

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"What do you do with the other parts?"

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"The other parts of the ideas we don't use, although if you wanted to keep the paper that would be fine."

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He writes "Idea two:" and looks at her hopefully.

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She looks back, confusedly.

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"Well, I'll write mine down if you're still thinking. 'Eefa keeps snacks in her room in their packages and throws out all the packaging and crumbs after she is done snacking.'"

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(Eefa wonders how Mikko is gonna make sure she does that.)


"After I'm done?" 

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"Yes - like, if you're going to have a snack, then watch a movie, you'd throw out the wrappers and crumbs in between."

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"And keep the rest of the food without the wrappers and crumbs?"

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"In your tummy. Not out in your room."

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"Sometimes snacks don't have packages."

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"This plan has those staying in the kitchen or not getting bought in the first place."

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She is unhappy about this plan!

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Would she like to propose a third plan.

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She liked the one she proposed first, but with enough prodding she will propose that she will move any pests she sees away from her room and throw away things that smell bad.

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Mikko dutifully writes this down and then proposes Idea Four, "Eefa eats in the kitchen and doesn't take food anywhere else, but if she wants to eat alone she can make everybody else go somewhere else".

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"How do I make them?"

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"You could say, 'Mikko, Chioss, I want to eat by myself' and we'd go in the next room."

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Eefa is very skeptical that that will work.

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He's going to write it down anyway! Does she have an idea?

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No, and she's confused and losing interest in the clearly pointless exercise - Mikkos is just gonna decide what she should do and try and make her do it anyways.

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He'll magnetize the list to the fridge in case they think of anything else. Just in time for the cleaners to come. Here they are, a team of purples with vacuums and sprays and rags and dusters.

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... Eefa is going to re-hide her food right now, before they can take it.

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Yeah no they are turning the entire place over and Mikko and Chioss are watching the places they haven't gotten yet. They will find it.

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What if it's under her clothes.

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Then Mikko is going to decide it's time for an extra bath and a change of clothes.

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Once she figures out this is the intention she vanishes from sight, finding a quiet a corner to hide and become visible again with her food. She knows he'll probably find her but she'll eat as much of the food as she can without throwing up in the meantime.

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The cleaners and the oranges exchange looks when she goes poof. The door is shut tight. They'll find her sooner or later.

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She eventually slows down her eating so it doesn't come back up. Though she's not stopping - she's methodically eating as much of her stored food as she can so she won't be as hungry later when there isn't any food anymore.

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They find her. They take whatever isn't in her mouth and trash it. Bathtime. Mikko does the bath and tells her that Chioss will cook them something tasty while she's getting clean. Look, crumbs, smears, what a mess.

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She struggles at first but goes limp like normal once the water starts running.

Halfway through she does ask Mikko to be gentler with her stomach, her voice detached and far away.

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He can do that, sure.

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Than he'll otherwise have the usual not-uncooperative Eefa during bath time.

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And then she can get dried off with a clean fluffy bathtowel and dressed in clean foodless clothes and presented with a fill-your-own-flatbread-wrap situation in the kitchen.

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Sure, she can put more food in her body. She's still glassy eyed from the bath and puts whatever acceptable option is presented first into her flatbread untill it's full, rather than trying to make more complicated decisions.

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The first option is cheese shreds. The flatbread is hot enough to melt them slightly but thin enough to cool by the time she has it full and picks it up.

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She takes a bite and then swallows and repeats, taking a break when her stomach feels weird.

Towards the end she realizes that if she's not careful they might give her another bath. She tries to eat cleaner.

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They do not insist on giving her an immediate postlunch bath.

An hour later the cleaners have gone. Chioss makes popcorn. Maybe if there is just lots of food around in the kitchen all the time that will curb the hoarding behavior.

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Eefa can't bring herself to eat much of the popcorn, though she tries, eventually resorting to intermittent nibbling on a single piece.

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Oh good, she's full. Mikko puts a movie on - it's about a magical blanket that takes the little purple who owns it to different magical lands of adventure depending on if she lays it flat and jumps into it, hangs it from the side of her bunk bed and walks through it, or wraps herself in it like a burrito.

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Eefa stares sorta blankly at it, it's sorta hard to look away from the screen even if she's not really thinking about what's on it.

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They're not going to be giving her a film crit exam. Afterward there is apple juice!

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She will dutifully drink it, being sure to take breaks when she gets nauseous, which is every other sip.

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"You can put it away for later if you don't want it right now, in the fridge," says Chioss.

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Her brain is not processing words right now so she doesn't really hear whatever it was Chioss said.

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She gives Chioss a blank look upon hearing her name.

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"If you don't want the apple juice right now, you can put it in the refrigerator. It will still be there when you're more in the mood for it."

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She takes a sip while still looking at Chioss.

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"You can have it now, too, you just don't seem like you're in an apple juice mood."

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She takes a break after the sip, holding the apple juice protectively while she does so.

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She takes a while about getting dinner made, though, she doesn't want the poor kid to rupture something while she's learning that food is abundant.

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Eefa's stomach appreciates the delay. 

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It's a casserole. Eefa can watch the whole thing get made and stuck in the oven. It's got rice and cheese and spinach and eggs.

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She'll eat it dutifully, before it too is taken away.

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Chioss cuts it up into little rectangles and puts each in a separate tupperware. "If you want more of this later, there it is," she says, fridging the tupperwares. "You can eat it cold, or get help microwaving it if you want it warm, from us or the night shift orange. It'll be good for three days but by then I expect we'll have more food in the fridge!"

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She blinks at Chioss.

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Wow what is with her today.

Eefa can play - Chioss puts out celery sticks but does not particularly draw Eefa's attention to them - till bathtime and bedtime.

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Eefa takes a celery stick and then puts it back after realizing that they'll probably get angry if she has food in her room tonight. 

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They are certainly watching her to make sure she doesn't. Mikko puts on some music.

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Eefa is not going to do anything that will draw more attention to herself tonight if she can help it.

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Alas, there are not many other things to distract them from her so they will notice if she goes for a celery stick and secrets it away.

Bathtime. Bedtime.

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Eefa lies awake in bed for a couple of hours, her eyes wide open, wishing she could run away to somewhere where she could keep her own food. Eventually she falls asleep anyways - it's not like being awake was helping.

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In the morning there is breakfast as soon as she's up, hot porridge and stuff with which to adulterate it!

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Sure, she'll eat that.

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And then they will put on the TV. Children's cleaning show about purple twins who can change size, cleaning every nook and cranny in their house of crumbs and dust and polishing all the fixtures while learning about chemistry.

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Eefa is extremely confused about every aspect of this show.

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If she says anything about it they can change it but if she doesn't they're going to marathon the whole first season. The twins get tall to dust the tops of shelves and learn how dust forms and then install an air filter together! The twins get very tiny and have to swordfight an ant with sewing needles to get it to go home without telling anyone back in its nest about this crumb that they clean up, while learning facts about the way ants leave chemical trails and find food! The twins become compact and travel through the air ducts to discover that the reason their cousin got the sniffles last time she was over is that the ultraviolet is broken, and they fix it and learn about how ultraviolet acts on particles!

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She won't say anything but she will give Mikkos a look of utter bewilderment during episode three.

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"Amentans can't really change size," he tells her.

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"And the cleaning?"

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"They're doing chores to help their family out! Being able to get bigger and smaller makes them pretty good at cleaning, so that's their job."

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"Chores are jobs that you need to do to keep a house nice to live in, like cleaning, or cooking, or fixing things that break."

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"They won't be allowed in the house if they don't keep cleaning?"

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"...no, their family wouldn't kick them out of the house, but it's part of what they do to help out their family."

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Something about this seems very suspicious to Eefa though she's not exactly sure what.

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"I'm not sure what kinds of families you've met before." There is a morning snack available. Apple slices and nut butter.

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"The regular kind."

She will eats a few of the slices but no nut butter.

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That's fine. As long as there's no smuggling. "Different kinds can be regular in different places!"

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She's not going to try to smuggle in the middle of a conversation - she knows that won't work. Instead she will just give Mikko a skeptical look.

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"In the part of Tapa where I grew up, it's very common for a kiddo to grow up with three or four or even more parents. But around here, that's much rarer. Instead a lot of people grow up with their grandparents in the house. And in some places it's normal to have your kids very far apart from each other, so one's all grown up before you have the next one, and in others it's normal to have them close together so they can play with each other as children."

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Eefa was not in fact aware people planned about kids so much.

"Which one was Shahn?"

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"Shahn lived with just his parents, but now he lives with another family that wanted a kiddo because his parents died."

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"Was he very far apart to other kids in his house or very close together?"

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"He was the only kid in his house. They might have had more, except they died."

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Eefa nods and doesn't volunteer further questions.