Tadesse - an immortal mage currently in the body of a teenager, it's complicated - was planning to explore the other continent on Velgarth. Things are not going according to plan. He's been adrift in the ocean for days, now, clinging to the crushed remains of their storm-wrecked ship, for days at this point. The water didn't feel that cold at first, but over hours and days it's leached all the strength from his limbs, and he can no longer feel his extremities. His mage-gift is too drained to manage a heat-spell. 

He tries to open his eyes, and can't. He's no longer sure if it's day or night. He's...no longer sure if he's holding onto the boat, actually, his body is slipping away from him. 

He tries to draw in air and there's only water, cold yet burning in his lungs, and in a final moment of wrenching panic, he finds the strength somewhere in himself to raise a Gate. 

Well. Attempt to raise a Gate. His last conscious thought is that it's not...working...right... 








A limp, unconscious, nearly-drowned and profoundly hypothermic teenager (or someone who looks like a teenager, at least) spills through a glowing portal in the hallway of the Renown Hospital ER in Reno, Nevada, along with quite a lot of cold seawater, and lands in a heap on the tiles and doesn't move.