Raz meets Golarion and Belmarniss.
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He gets distracted from the book, looks at the carpet, activates magic-sight, starts studying the magical structure. Then drawing it (badly) into the book. Not for long though, his reserve of shipru is as limited as usual, and can't sustain magic-sight for more than several minutes.


She has a notebook on hand too and when she sees what he's trying to do she will draw the carpet's enchantment for him; she can sustain Detect Magic for a while.


"Oh, thank you so much!"



After a moderate amount of flying, there's a river ahead, and she turns left to fly downstream, squinting at the ground below.

She casts another spell.

"Sorry, I didn't want to do that before in case I needed the flexibility for something else. Comprehend Languages I can do basically as much as I want, Tongues I didn't have prepped."


"Oh. Well, can't fault people for acting efficiently with the limited resources they have under a state of uncertainty! What is... no, wait, actually. What's your name? I am Raz!" Politeness. He knows what politeness is. Not counting cultural differences, but here it seems most of his assumptions work well.


"I'm Belmarniss! I figure most people who mistarget a teleport into the desert can get the rest of the way home but as long as I saw you I thought I'd check, in case you didn't have enough Endure Elements and Phantom Steeds or whatever to get the rest of the way. Is Sothis a good dropoff point for you, that's where I'm going."


"I am here by complete accident! And making obvious-though-possibly-wrong assumptions, would have died in the desert without you, so thank you very much for that, hope that situation appears as it is and taking me wasn't harder for you in some way than flying alone, or the magical blanket's reserves where running off faster because of two passengers, or something. Not that it seems to have reserves. But anyway.
I have no idea where Sothis is and whether it's good. As said previously, I think I appeared here from a different world! It's not a completely new occurrence to me, but...what's the state of knowledge on existence of other worlds, and cosmology generally? 'State of knowledge' here Includes 'I don't know but have a reasonable guess who does know', and 'I know but may be wrong about'. Also how exactly does the magic translate the words? Different languages have different connotations of meaning...no nevermind that question, it's pure curiosity, the previous question is actually important."


"For complicated theorizing about translation magic you can't do better than the papers in the Sothis Journal of Linguistics, the pharaoh's father's a scholar of the topic and he and his linguistics friends natter about it all the time in there. Sothis is the capital of Osirion, which is in northeastern Garund, on the Inner Sea, on Golarion. I don't know if you mean you're from a different plane or a different planet but both are known to exist."


"Golarion...I think I heard once about Golarion. Not anything specific. Let's see...there's magic...how many sapient races there are?...are there gods, who provably do things? Systems of government...I know it's an important question to ask but I wouldn't get anything useful out of the answer anyway...
Planets are physical distance from each other, planes are separate and have different physical laws between them, do I understand the implication right?"


"Yeah, that's all right. I don't have a census of the sapients for you. Gods are a yes, you're mostly looking at various monarchies, here in particular it's a theocratic monarchy. It's a perfectly nice one as they go, though, Abadar's the relevant god and his thing is trade."


“By ‘I don’t have a census’ I assume the actual number is big, above 10. Which is useful information.
And…a theocratic monarchy is unfortunately the kind of government that is relevant to my life and might cause problems, because of fundamental disagreements about the nature of morality with the theocracy. I do agree that trade is a good thing, of course, certainly above things like “honor” or “tradition” in the hypothetical ladder of all things that are considered virtues. But all good things can be taken too far. And churches are the kind of thing that often takes them too far.
Based on my experience, that is. It may be different here. But churches tend to be similar regardless of the kind of gods they worship or even whether they exist. There could I suppose be other fundamental differences in psychology that gives rise to specific culture. But then those would be differences of everything, not just churches. And, uh -” he shuts up, noticing he trailed away from the topic.


"Definitely above ten, would not guarantee you it was below fifty but couldn't name that many. Uh, you don't have to be an Abadaran to hang out in the country or anything, though you are not allowed to proselytize for evil or chaotic deities and people will be really offended if you disrespect the pharaoh. I'm not sure what problems you envision stemming from being in an Abadaran theocracy though."


“I am not certain there will be problems, but there could be. ‘Theocratic monarchy’, especially in a world where gods are actively present, implies that religion has a central role in deciding the laws, and the way people live, and generally, the way things ‘should’ be. Not sure if that applies to government roles lower than the ruler – pharaoh – and this is the ‘me not being good at politics or organizational structures’ part, but there is a chance that interactions between me and people, if I will stay long, and try to do something important/interesting/good, the country representatives will tell me “no, you shouldn’t do it, it’s against our religion”. Which could have happened even if it wasn’t a theocracy, but the chance is higher.
And just generally, I personally dislike, on a philosophical level, the tendency people have to see values as hypervalues, and see values as inherent or coming from authority, ‘this is good because the culture/ruler/god says it is good’, which is philosophically wrong. And of course it inevitably happens anyway, but the chance is higher in a theocracy. Technically speaking I also have philosophical objections to ‘they will be offended about disrespect’, but that is even more true about all societies not built exactly to my sensibilities”.

He takes a breath and tries to remember the other part of Belmarniss’ words.
“I don’t directly worship deities, usually, but don’t know whether my philosophy can be interpreted as evil, or ‘chaotic’, by the people here, especially, again, in a theocracy...
Wait, you mean chaotic and lawful on an axis, and then good and evil on axis, resulting in 9 options? I heard about this system, though not in detail. If it is what I’m thinking about”.


"The Abadarans are pretty hands-off - they're not perfect about it, nobody is, but the things they get unusually intense about are, like, theft and fraud, not things that other places think are fine. Since they're, yes, Lawful, mostly going for Lawful Neutral on the grid. You sound maybe temperamentally chaotic but it's not illegal to be chaotic, just to promulgate the churches of deities who are."


"Theft and fraud are indeed bad, usually. Well, let’s hope you are right and my worries are baseless.

I don’t really like 'chaos', my main association with chaos is disorganization in a normal context, war in a global context, and incomprehensible monsters eating cities in uppercase Chaos context. But words have a tendency to mean different things than one assumes, especially when translated across languages. No idea how the local system would categorize me. Judging by previous examples of metaphysical categorization, I didn’t end up belonging to any of the Songs of the World Ash, and while learning the principles of True and Dark Communion just developed a philosophical framework that combines both."


"The incomprehensible monsters that eat cities are Chaotic Evil, lots of chaotics are perfectly nice, like yours truly. I have no idea what the Songs of the World Ash or True and Dark Communion are."


"The World Ash is a world (or a collection of worlds, depending on definition) that I lived in (or at least have the memories of living in. It's complicated). It had Songs, which are on the simple level political factions holding different values, and on a different level supposedly the manifestation of divine will, pushing the world in a direction. Most relevant people 'followed' the Songs they believed were correct. I found all of them somewhat correct and somewhat terrible (as is true about basically all ideologies or philosophies I ever encountered). So I never followed any specific Song, though helped some people of different Songs with various things.
Communion...very similar thing, really. Philosophy of a certain way to live, supposedly guided by a divine will. Both had correct elements, which can be combined together without too much effort (especially as I already have an unchanging and pretty wide philosophy about such things), and nothing says both divine wills can't guide you at the same time if you do things both of them want.
Of course I was declared a heretic by both, but that's expected. And hopefully my legacy lives on. Or doesn't, I don't know".


"Huh. Well, I don't advise trying to tell people what you reckon Abadar wants if he hasn't actually told you one way or another but they're very, all rational agents can trade with each other and both come out ahead, here, so it's kind of pluralistic that way."


"I will avoid that, unless I am very convinced that he did tell me, even more convinced than I'd be just having the experience of him telling me.
And rational agents can indeed trade with each other and both come out ahead, compared to inaction and especially to opposition! I do agree fully with this tenet of the faith."

Second to backtrack the conversation...
"You are Chaotic? Where on...not Evil, based on the juxtaposition...Neutral or Good? There are probably better people to ask about how it works generally, but you certainly have an experience of being Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral, which would be informative regardless of any external theory.
Though also I just currently talk my normal way about all topics, asking everything I think about and responding to every answer, I don't actually know how good you are as a source of information compared to any other people, or what topics I should ask you about and which things better to ask someone else about because they know the specific thing better". His Intuition does tell him that Belmarniss has a high Weight, one normal people don't have. But the Intuition is not a source of information to fully rely on, and also the Weight doesn't necessarily mean she is a good source of information for the questions he wants to ask, or that he will not quickly find other people with Weight as high. At least he is certain he doesn't need to withhold information from her. More than he does by default.


"Chaotic Good last I checked. Aiming but not very hard for Neutral Good, it has the better afterlife to my mind."


"First point of confusion – what do you mean by 'aiming', aren't you...believing in the set of values you believe in?
Second point of confusion – 'afterlife'. Tell me more."


"I don't particularly believe in Chaos per se, I just grew up in a really Chaotic Evil environment. I think Neutral Good would be about right for me in a vacuum, and many possible societies, and I just haven't settled into one that shakes out that way - I think Osirion would like to be that for people in principle but in practice they're too sexist and racist - do you not know about afterlives where you're from at all?"


"Unendorsed habits of mind. Yes, I understand, I have those too, and restructuring your mind to be what it should be instead of just what it is used to being because of suboptimal circumstances is hard and long work, if essential.
Points from Osirion though, for being racist and sexist, just when I started believing they are in fact a cool efficient society I would get along with.

'Where I am from' is a deeply philosophical question. I am in a sense not from anywhere specific, just passing through many other places. Which requires recalibration on how things work every time.
The word you said was translated to Ankilian as 'a thing that is after a life', and Neutral Good 'has it'. Maybe a problem with Ankilian, language is ambiguous and being familiar with many of them I really wish I encountered one in which all words were perfectly unambiguous and communicated exactly what you want.
It could mean as many as several things, including some concepts I am familiar with that are true or wrong or uncertain. So I asked for a clarification".



"The savvy religious urbanites aren't so sexist and racist but you as a human male won't catch too much of either apart from general suspicion of foreigners... So, afterlives are the thing that happens to people after they die. They are sorted by Pharasma, the Neutral creator god of birth and death and judgment, into one of the nine afterlives, which are then each arranged roughly according to the philosophies represented in each. The afterlife for Neutral Good people is called Nirvana and sounds nice."


"Huh. Ok, that makes sense. How does that physically works with death? Are their bodies reanimated, are they copied, or the same mind remanifested in new bodies? Can they die again? And how much communication there are with those after-living people?"

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