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A new magical girl!
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Clara's wind appears to be gusts of about 20 miles an hour, very localized to her, with her own speed added on top of the gust. She can't affect a larger area or sustain it more consistently without a Push. It would be fairly easy to accidentally Push and 'spend' your potential, if you have a lot- The Librarian mentioned that how easy it is to push your limits correlates with how many "experience points" you have ready, at least under the experience theory.


Sylvia's metal control, much like the fire control, lacks some fine precision but there's a sense that with a lot more practice she'd get considerably better at it even without a Push. She can control about 10-15 pounds with a decent amount of speed (about 1 g of acceleration, it seems like, and a range of about 50 feet, though control gets sharply less precise with distance). The absolute maximum lift is about 80 pounds for something she's not touching or 110 if she is, and it's a strain, it feels like holding a pull-up, unpracticed, and it's slower. Again, without a Push to make these things better.


The limits on conjuring up temporary metal seem completely separate from the limits on controlling metal. She can even yank on rebar inside concrete - if she sees an exposed piece to know exactly where it is.



How effective is Sylvia at rotating metals?


Reasonably effective, but in a way that means powered flight like Luna is imagining would take effort to train to do.  It is the difference between, in her metaphor, dragging a heavy object and rotating one.

Which is fitting, since rotating an object is exactly the exercise in question.


Drat.  Well, she'll work on that.  ...hmm.  What happens if she tries to go full firehose?


Luna's 'full firehose' is more a stream than a torrent. In particular while she can output a lot of water - a gallon in a couple of seconds - it doesn't come out with all that much force unless she Pushes.


...ugh, this is going to be hard.  Right, time to test her acceleration, then.  Globbing some water in a thin metal ball and seeing how it moves will do for a straight-line test.  She reprises Sylvia's spinny thing with "spinny thing, now with not-an-anemometer-because-it's-orbs-full-of-water functionality", for rotational force.  ...Does she have a sense of how 'much' Push she has available?


...Also, she has one other test she wants to run, which is "seeing how much pressure she can exert by conjuring water at a point inside a water-filled vessel of aperture A"; it might work, as far as engines go.


The amount of growth or leeway one has available is a rough, subjective measure at the best of times. She has a lot, it feels like? It's right there, waiting for her to expand her magic? There's so much she could do with just a tiny bit of effort. It does sort of feel like there are multiple different pools, but that is even more muddled and indistinct.

It takes multiple time-consuming tries to get the water-speed and anemometer tests right. Seems like... About 30 miles an hour, if she forces the water out all at once? Enough that it'd make a fairly solid impact. Steady flow on the anemometer is tricky, very tricky, to figure out - especially since it's conjured therefore not exactly a precision instrument She's starting to feel tired-in-the-soul again by now.

Pressure from conjured water inside a vessel: Nope! She can't conjure water where there's already water. Unless-

Oh! Now she can conjure water where there's already water, and create a jet out of it! All it took was a little Push. The jet comes out with considerable force, sending the pressure vessel flying off into the school track's stands with a clang and attracting attention from the nearby sports teams who have been practicing with only a little bit of curious rubbernecking so far.


"...Right, not doing that here again but I'd call it a qualified success.  Everything's alright, folks!"

Annnd make sure she didn't dent anything she shouldn't've, resolve to not do tests with anything that could conceivably go ballistic without a safe testing environment in the future...


But before she heads off to somewhere with less bystanders...she wants to see how fast her impromptu skateboard goes.


...Dammit Clara, becoming a ballistic projectile ourselves is even less a good idea...but she is really curious, herself.  Fine.  One second or three meters of acceleration, and no more.


And Sylvia shall make the 'skateboard', which is...really, more of a (shiny, metal) surfboard that looks kind of like someone stuck a scuba tank in the front; she's not even going to give it the capacity to turn, not until they know wheeled steering inside and out...but she will give it an emergency brake; making their thrust vector slightly downwards and benefiting from the friction of a big metal object scraping across the ground only requires some pins holding the front 'wheels' (read: barbells with career aspirations) on, no matter that she has to Push their magic to let them do more complex work than single-piece conjuration to begin with.  (And she'll make sure they're wearing Diana's helmet, in case the situation requiring that 'brake' sends them flying.  Hers is actually less blunt-impact-proof.)


...She did also make a more normal front-facing 'blast' chamber to be used for deceleration (just in case); this feature is entirely in case someone is an idiot and braking 'normally' would firehose their ankles.  (That probably wouldn't end well.)


"I am absolutely going to regret this, but...water-rocket skateboard, for science!  In three, two, one, launch - " - and she floods the chamber, at full blast, though she does try to keep herself from Pushing any - 


- while Clara, whooping giddily inside their head, tries to take in every moment of this adventure!  (And instinctively pulls on her magic to do so -)


- even as Sylvia keeps a weather eye out for anyone that might get hurt.


There's a mark on the plastic seats. Not a huge one. It may or may not even be her fault, they're kind of beat up.


It takes a few seconds to get up to speed with a loud hissing noise, but the world seems to blur into motion all at once after a moment. On the empty paved path around the school's parking lot, she can easily hit what feels like car speeds. Wind rushing against her hair, the path passing under in a fast blur that looks like it would be painful to fall on... And the 'skateboard' slowly edging closer to one side of the little asphalt bike path as she's not quite going perfectly straight...


Well, that's why she's still here, to nudge the board as-needed.  Steady, steady...


Steady, steady.  And brake.


Brakes!  Deploy counterthrust!  Good grief Clara.  Acquire a proper testing track next time.


On the other hand, that haste spell.

She likes that haste spell.


(She is also glad that they collectively had the common sense to wear protective equipment.)


"I'll call that a success.  Straight up, even.  Need to brush up on my mechanisms, but this seems like it just works.  And likely ought to scale up to powered flight nicely.

"Well, assuming I've the oomph for it handy.  But once I do...



Really, with semi-arbitrary vectored thrust, she might want to consider rocketry, instead - but honestly, no, she doesn't.  Gliders have more capability to linger, especially.


She'll have to get time in a wind tunnel to practice, though.  Or just make one.


She manages to come to a stop with only a bit of wobbling. A car zips past towards the street as she catches her breath, and the guy leaning out the passenger seat window (football team, she thinks?) shouts, "That looks awesome, you should try a ramp!" Along the way.


"I probably will, once I'm sure I can steer this!"


...She wonders if there's a magical girl extreme sports league.  This is exactly the sort of shit they'd love, she's pretty sure.


The guy's car speeds away. She can vaguely recall something about an aerial slalom competition for Spirit Bearers. It was on TV, maybe a couple years ago?


Maybe she'll look that up later.  It sounds fun to Clara.


There were more things she wanted to work on, but she cannot, for the life of her, properly remember what they --


Ah, yes.

Okay, first step: She needs to look up parachuting for magical girls.


Well, that might be step two, actually --

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