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wake the sleeping ghosts and owls
hot single dragonblood looking for group
Permalink Mark Unread

It pays to be alert while traveling the Dreaming Sea. As one of the largest intrusions of wyld-stuff into Creation proper, the sea is the primary source of this region's wealth and dangers, delivering valuable resources and malicious fae in equal measure. Storms that build out in the depths can travel for miles inland and leave the terrain twisted into new shapes in their wake. It's never just rain that falls. But still, it's much faster to cross the sea than travel overland around it. And Eridani is Dragonblood, a scion of Prasad, a Prince of the Earth. Exalted. She can deal with any problems that arise on the voyage.

The Empire of Prasad has made quite a tidy living off these sorts of voyages, after all. They've got the most Dragonblooded, they're the closest to perfection. Prasadi trade routes have built their own and other kingdoms around the shores of the Dreaming Sea into powerhouses. As part of those relationships, Prasad takes an interest whenever one of their neighbors is having problems. Which is why Eridani is on a ship at this moment. She's leading a delegation to the Anzati Principalities, a group of city-states on the eastern shore. They've sent word of an invasion by a nearby kingdom, while the bulk of their forces is tied up dealing with incursions from the northern forest tribes. So here she is, to sort truth from fiction, deal with the problem if she can and if not, get some actually useful information about what's going on. The Principalities are a good trading partner by and large, but sometimes their internal disunity makes international relationships... complicated.

The trip has been quiet so far, in these beginning stages. Only to be expected, she's barely left Prasad's boundaries.

Still. She'd feel better if something would actually happen. A fog like this presages... something. Eridani paces back and forth on the deck of the ship, peering over the sides, waiting for the first shoe to drop.

Permalink Mark Unread

The fog has no idea what she's talking about. Nope. No siree. Perfectly innocent fog here, slashed through with bands of a sickly iridescence, strange shapes and unseen worlds moving in the corner of your eyes - as is totally normal for fog. 


There probably shouldn't be anything actually floating in the water, though, not this far from shore, not in these calm seas. Stuff floating in the water out here usually means something terrible happened to someone somewhere. 

Such as, for instance, the woman floating face up on the gentle waves, drifting toward the ship as she slips through the fog's grasping hands. Her dark purple hair spreads in a halo around her, and her eyes are closed, her body totally limp.

She's also stark naked and covered in strange shimmering tattoos, like someone decided injecting moonsilver under your skin isn't colorful enough. 

Permalink Mark Unread

...That's not something you see every day.

She should let the body drift past. Or shoot it, or set fire to it, or something.


Eridani grabs a rope and calls a pair of crewmembers over to pull her back and dives into the water to retrieve the woman.

Permalink Mark Unread

The woman remains totally limp as Eridani pulls her out of the water. She's breathing normally, and her skin feels normal, given the circumstances, and her hair behaves like hair should when lifted from the water. 

She doesn't utter even a small sigh as she's manhandled, her sleeping expression almost sad, and her eyes are flicking rapidly around under their lids.

Permalink Mark Unread

Asleep, maybe? Wyld-touched for certain. She can make a more thorough inspection once she's gotten them both hauled back aboard. And had a length of canvas brought, for modesty.

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She doesn't react to the hauling, but...

Asleep doesn't seem wrong. 

Or, perhaps it's more accurate to say she's Dreaming.

On a closer look, she has something of the dazed, slack expression people under fey spells can get, woven in through the melancholy. Though being actually asleep is rare; the enchanted are usually more daydreamers or sleepwalkers than this limpness. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Hrmm... Taken by the Sea... tricky. Very tricky. Lots of things to consider, ways to awaken people with the least risk and damage...

Eridani pokes the woman's cheek.

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She doesn't react, except for what might be an attempt at a twitch towards the poke. 

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She is aware, then. A hopeful sign!

"Hello?" she says, putting her mouth close to the woman's ear.

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Her eyes remain closed, her expression that same distant melancholy, but - her head turns (or arguably flops) a little bit towards Eridani.

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...She's really pretty. And, y'know, if this was storybook thing, Eridani would be the hero who rescued the drowning damsel and woke her with true love's first kiss.

Fae stuff is like storybook things a lot of times.

Eridani leans in to peck the woman's lips quickly before she can think better of the idea.

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Her eyes snap open and she gasps.

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She jerks back with a startled "Eep!"

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She goes perfectly still, gaze darting around briefly before focusing on Eridani.

"Where am I?" she asks, then coughs as her voice cracks. 

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"Southeast Creation. The Dreaming Sea. Near Prasad. Uh, the ship is named Seraph...? Do you want some water?"

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"...Fresh water, with nothing else in it." 

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She gestures at one of the crew, who gets a cup of water.

"Can you sit up?"

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"Hope so." She very gingerly sits up - and succeeds.

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She passes her the cup of water.

"Here you go."

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Slow sips, with a decent sized pause after the first.

Then: "...I haven't heard of the Dreaming Sea. Or Prasad."

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"You must not be from around here, then."

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"I've lived in the east, most of my life."

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"...How far east?"

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"Near the source of the Maruto River - one of the tributaries of the Yellow River, so..." Frown, and think, then: "About five thousand miles from the Earth Pole."

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"That's about how far we are now. Maybe... a thousand, thousand and a half miles here to there in a straight line."

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"... How big are Prasad and the Dreaming Sea?"

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"-Ve..ry? Like, notable geographic entities."

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"...I would've expected to know about them, then."

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"Most people do, yeah."

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"Do you mind if I travel with you, at least as far as the shore? I - need to figure out what's going on, I have no idea how I got to be on any body of water."

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"Sure. It's probably something to do with the wyld, so I should keep an eye on you anyway."

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She makes a face. 

"...The last thing I remember is going to bed with my girlfriend. She - wouldn't have been an easy person to take me from, and I should have woken."

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That explains why she's naked, anyway.

"That sucks. There's definitely been at least one person who fell asleep in a fae court near Wu Jian or something and woke up here, though."

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"It wasn't a fae court - we get raiders, but almost never deep into a settlement like that - "

"Also what kind of idiot falls asleep in a fae court?"

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"The really gullible kind. You could tell him one in every eight thousand blades of grass was purple and he'd spend six hours going over a field trying to collect them all. Man lived a charmed life, though. Didn't die til he was almost eighty."

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Snort. "Maybe the fae didn't want their cheap entertainment ending early."

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"Something like that, probably."

"What's your name?"

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"Shimmering Wyldclaw. Which I suspect might've been just asking to be fucked with."

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"Little bit, yeah. I'm Eridani. Elathea Eridani."

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"A pretty name."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Compliments your pretty face quite nicely."

(It is, perhaps, notable that she's making no particular effort to keep the cloth they set to cover her on, though it hasn't fallen off her shoulders yet.)

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"Bet it does. 'Shimmering Wyldclaw' has a nice sound too."

"Do you, uh, want some clothes, by the way...?"

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Stretch. The cloth slides down, tantalizingly pausing just above anything interesting. "Are clothes required, here?"

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"More of a suggestion. But with art like you have I can see why you'd want to show it off."

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She holds her hand out in front of her - and stills as she sees her tattoos, a strange look on her face. 

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"Did they get changed?"

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"They were silver."

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Probably wouldn't be well-received if she says she thinks this way looks better...

"Like the tattoos Lunars get?"

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"...Somewhat like that, yes."

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"Those're cool."

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"Have you seen any before?"

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"Mm, a couple times, yeah."

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"A very beautiful art, isn't it?"

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Enthusiastic nod. "I was impressed at the- extent of them."

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"They're a good bit more painful than normal tattoos, too."

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"The durability helps, I'm sure."

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"Yeah, but just because you can take a hit doesn't always mean you want to."

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"I'd figure wanting it should be default."

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"Depends on the context."

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"Well. Perhaps 'asking for it' is my default."

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Eridani giggles.

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She smirks -

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And then something in the air flexes around her, and she makes an almost horrified face.

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"What is it?"

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"...Something's wrong with my Essence."

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"-That's kinda outside my area of expertise."

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"Mine, too. At least on theory."

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"Um. Wrong how?"

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"It's - "

She frowns. "It's not - moving the way it should, and the thing I was trying to do failed when it shouldn't, not while I still have this much flowing through me - "

"And it feels... Like - it's being split into two streams as it flows into me."

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"That's weird," Eridani diagnoses.

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Snort. "Weirder to experience."

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"I bet. I can kind of line up to different elements and they feel different, like fire's hot, earth's heavy, wood's," vague wave "twisty, that kind of thing, but. Only one at a time."

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Expression like she's poking a wound even though none of her muscles are really moving, then - "Feels... One of them is - fast, the other's - not moving easily. The - stubborn? - stream is bigger, but they're - almost even..."

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"Could you... switch them?"

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"...It's not - immediately obvious..." Mrph. "I probably need to do the meditation thing. Clear my head and all."

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"Might help, yeah."

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"Though I've always found pretty girls work better for a clear head."

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"Wouldn't that be, uh, distracting?"

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"The process of clearing your head doesn't need to be all that calm."

Smirk. "Fighting also does it for me."

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"My policy is 'no sparring on a wooden ship'."

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"Might have to wait for that, then."

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"It is kind of important I get where I'm going."

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"Where are you going?"

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"Diplomatic mission to the Anzati Principalities."

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"Haven't heard of them either..."

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"That's a little less surprising. They're not as important."

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Smile. "Sometimes a small thing can hit hard."

"And I think I'm going to want to bug you for a map and maybe some geopolitics. See how off my memories are..."

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"We have some charts below deck."

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She stands (letting the cloth fall to the deck). "Lead the way."

Permalink Mark Unread

Don't stare don't stare don't stare don't stare. Wow she's hot.

"Yeah, okay." Down below to Eridani's cabin!

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She doesn't seem to mind the staring as she follows. 

"This is a nice ship."

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"Only the best for us."

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"It's important to invest in nice things."

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"Perfection in body, mind, and spirit."

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"Creating new heights for improvement."

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"Something like that." She flings open the door. "And here we are. Maps are on the table. There's only one chair, but I also have a bed."

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She sits on the bed, of course. 

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Eridani will have to bring the maps over to her, then. And really, they take up two laps all spread out so it just makes sense to sit close.

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Of course, of course - and in a narrow space like this, sitting with their thighs touching is only sensible. 

She makes room on the bed for Eridani.

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Geography time!

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...This is very much not the map of Creation she remembers. 

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Well. That's kinda awkward.

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Either someone's changed her memory, or - she's very lost.

...How long has the Dreaming Sea been there.

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Since forever. Approximately. Records from before the Great Contagion aren't super reliable.

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It's been centuries since the Great Contagion, in the reality she's used to, and they don't have that sea...

...It is technically possible something that'll get called the Great Contagion happened multiple times, and the landscape got massively reordered in or before one of them. Which is a very depressing thought, but.

She's also used to there being pretty decent records at least back to a few centuries before, though accessing them can be difficult if the Empire doesn't like you.

Permalink Mark Unread

'Likes' might be stretching it, but Prasad and the Realm aren't enemies. Eridani went to school on the Blessed Isle for a couple years, even. They didn't really have more records there.

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" - Any kind of friendliness with Lunars would be weird with that where - I'm used to. The Scarlet Empire is at war with all of the Lunar kingdoms in campaign range."

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"It's called the Samira Empire."

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"...I think we might just have different empires."

"The Scarlet Empire was founded by a Fire Aspect dragonblood, who'd been one of the soldiers defending the borders of the Blessed Isle from an invasion of raksha before she abandoned her post and seized control of the Realm Defense Grid, which hadn't been functioning. She used that to kill the fey and then anyone trying to argue with her right to form an Empire about this. She apparently can't project force with the grid infinitely, though, so instead she's just been at war with everyone who isn't her Empire or one of its colonies for the last few centuries. She's had a leg up on that, since the Blessed Isle was unaffected by the raksha invasion, and somewhat less affected by the - our - Great Contagion than some places."

"There's rumors she's vanished within the last few years, and we're seeing a dramatic surge in shadowlands, restless dead, Deathlords, Yozi cults, and raksha activity. And also since it's widely suspected that no one other than her can operate the grid, everyone who hates the Empire is now trying to actually invade toward the Blessed Isle, not just keep the imperials out of their business. The Lunar kingdoms have had the most success with that, especially since the Wyld Hunt is faltering, and there's been an explosion in the number of Exalted causing problems everywhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Yes but also no. The empress isn't Exalted, she hasn't disappeared, the raksha got all the way to the Imperial Mountain before she got inside with the help of her Solar and Lunar mothers working together one last time to save Creation, and then after that she was basically the only person left who still knew what they were doing so she just kind of made an empire by accident? Not really, but it's hard to summarize."

"There has been more weird stuff happening the past couple years, though."

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"...I don't - know what to make of the differences."

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"It's like you're from an alternate reality."

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"I haven't heard of that happening before, but - yeah."

"...I'd also rather that than 'the very distant past,' since. It implies my reality might still exist."

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"Yeah. Maybe you can figure out how to get back."

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...She snorts suddenly, then: "Hopefully before my girlfriend rips a hole in both realities while looking for me."

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"Is she the possessive type, then?"

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"More the forceful type. She's been quite willing to share, historically."

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"Oh, good."

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"It's pleasant."

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"Is she as pretty as you?"

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Dopey grin. "She's the most gorgeous woman in Creation, so, even prettier."

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"Sounds like a sight to see."

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"Very much. I'll have to introduce you."

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"Bet that'd be fun."

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"Quite," she purrs, "Though what kind depends a little on your tastes."

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Oh, that voice! Shiver.

"I like a lot of things. Maybe you could give me a preview of some options."

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She licks her lips. "Samples, at least."

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"Mmm let me just-" clear away these maps real quick maybe just get them on the floor without wrinkling them too much.

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She helps, with a predator's smooth, quick grace. 

Then, maps safe on the floor, she grabs Eridani and pushes her down into the mattress. (She's very strong, though not so forceful Eridani can't twist enough to affect which way she ends up facing.)

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She wants to be facing Wyld, definitely.

Can Eridani get a kiss?

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Absolutely! A bruisingly fierce one, even. 

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She's a fan, if her muffled moan of pleasure is any indication.

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Little quick bite. More of a nip, really. (Her teeth are very sharp.)

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Happy wiggle!

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Harder bite, just enough to draw blood.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Pretty girl, with very excellent noises.

She's going to see how many of those she can get, of course. And, it's rather unfair that she's the only naked one... She'll take care of undressing Eridani, then. Reveal new vistas of skin to kiss and bite. 

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She is enthusiastically cooperative with these efforts. And has a few suggestions for which areas in particular may be fruitful avenues of exploration.

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Wyld is willing to indulge a suggestion or two. Take them under consideration, given Eridani's local knowledge. 

She's, of course, a lot more gracious the more Eridani begs.

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If Eridani begs enough, will Wyld let her do some nibbling?

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Yes, so long as Eridani's a good girl. 

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Eridani will be the absolute goodest girl.

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Then she can use her teeth as much as she wants. 

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Eridani will be responsible with this great power.

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By 'responsible' she means 'biting a lot,' right?

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If that's what's called for.

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It absolutely is.

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Wiggle!!! (Chomp.)

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An excellent sequence of give and take.

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Mutual benefit.

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Very many benefits.

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With a very delicious girl.

(It's rather tragic Wyld's current fucked up Essence means she can't heal herself as trivially as she used to. They could get quite adventurous otherwise.)

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Maybe that can be an aspirational goal.

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Something she can safely practice on a wooden ship.

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Maybe Eridani should give her a few exercises right now...

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If Wyld's asking nicely, Eridani's happy to oblige.

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She can ask very nicely. Possibly even beg a little, for a treat.

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Eridani is incredibly weak to begging.

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Good to know. Though, weaknesses can be dangerous... Maybe Wyld should help accustom her to it. 

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Hmmm... not sure repeated exposure is really going to lessen the effect. But that doesn't mean they can't try.

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It's a low cost, enjoyable test.

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Nothing's standing in their way.

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Mmmmmm, nope - they've gotten distracted from the biting, Eridani should start biting again.

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Eridani will start leaving a pretty pattern of bite marks until Wyld tells her to stop.

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She wouldn't dare interrupt art.

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She's got quite a lot of tattoo area to compliment.

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Mmmm, she's less bothered by the changed tattoos when they're beautifully highlighted like this... Eridani is quite the artist.

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It's her pleasure to serve.

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Good girl. (Hair scritch.)

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Eridani can't purr as well as Wyld, but she makes a good try.

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(More scritches.)

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Soft pats.

"You're rather excellent."

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"I am, aren't I?"

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"And beautiful, too."

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"You're beautiful too."

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Giggle and stretch. "We complement each other well, then."

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"Very much so. Close to the end on the path of perfection."

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"I'd say perfection is the sort of thing where if you reach it, you need to get more ambitious. A process, not a destination."

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"It was more a metaphorical thing."

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She laughs and kisses Eridani. "But I like naked philosophy."

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"We're dressed for it," she giggles.

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"An excellent opportunity."

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"Tell me about perfection, then."

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She will! At length, and with numerous digressions into philophies she doesn't follow but wants to comment on (Eridani has heard of only a few of these), and with a few diversions into waxing poetic about either her girlfriend or current bed partner. Nobody's perfect, but, well, they're certainly an inspirational goal.

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In the teachings Eridani subscribes to, perfection is a defined state. Theoretically achievable but- aspirational, still. She jokes about the end of the path, but it's not something you can get to in a single lifetime.

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Perfection's situational, is part of her philosophy, and a perfect fish isn't much like a perfect bird - as well as the idea of improving yourself being a realm of perfection. If you can't improve, you're failing at something, and therefore you're not perfect. 

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That sounds like the crux of their disagreement, right there.

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Probably. And a bit hard to decide objectively, of course. (Though Wyld's right.)

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Eridani doesn't see the need to have a real argument with the pretty naked girl in her bed.

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Philosophy's subjective, which means kisses are a reasonable means of discourse. 

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A language she speaks eloquently.

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Wyld's pretty persuasive, herself. 

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Eridani will attest to that!

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Mmmm good. 

(Wyld's about the opposite of tired... But they might eventually run out of steam. Or have responsibilities. One of those.)

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More likely the former. As far as Eridani's concerned, the ship pretty much runs itself until and unless they run into weird stuff.

Can she work on clearing Wyld's mind for meditation?

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Seems the best use of their time, now. 

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Eridani will do all she can.

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She's excellent in all things, it seems - and Wyld actually makes good progress on figuring out the changes to her Essence by the time they make landfall. 

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Oh, good. Maybe Eridani can also scrounge up some clothes for her to wear. Not that she doesn't greatly appreciate Wyld's naked body but she is trying to diplomacize and it is the local custom.

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"I do understand the concept." Clothing! She's not very picky, actually, but it's best for the clothing's integrity to give her something which doesn't restrict her movement too much. 

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Eridani's wardrobe has basically two styles: swooshy and sleek. The swooshy ones have a better chance of fitting Wyld, probably, she's a little bigger than Eridani.

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Especially if 'skin tight and lightly distressed' isn't in style here. 

Swooshy is excellent, though. 

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Eridani thinks so. How about this long skirt, then, and she can sort of drape this top across her shoulders like so.

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Very lovely - the fabric is excellent, too, she loves the colors and texture. And she could wrap a breast band to go under the top pretty easily, if Eridani has some spare cloth and a pin for it. 

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Cloth yes, pin yes- tada!

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"Thanks, cutie." She recruits Eridani for help with the actual wrapping, too.

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"My pleasure, beautiful."

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"So, we're passing through one of the port cities first?"

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"Yeah, the capital's further inland. This is a pretty good trading hub, though, if you wanted to get some stuff. I can spot you a couple dinar."

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"Might not hurt to pick up some clothes... Though yours are very nice."

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"Or if you want some knives or something."

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"Goes without saying, though they'll have to be actually good knives."

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"Doubt you're gonna find any jade-alloy blades."

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"Those would be excellent. But I'd hope I could find some worth actually carrying."

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"Steel in this region's usually decent quality. Bet you have at least an even chance."

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"Worth looking, then."

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Shall they debark, then?

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Lead the way.

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Off to the markets! Eridani will let her escort deal with unloading themselves and getting set to travel inland, she's got shopping to do.

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With Wyld tagging along, of course. 

She thinks - weapons, first. 

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Build the wardrobe around the important pieces, right.

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Gives them a better estimate of spare time to stare at pretty scarves, too (the Dreaming Sea's ports have such pretty scarves, she decides, or at least this one does).

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It does! They're all stripey and fluttery.

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Many of them delicate and sheer - those don't tend to export very far - which would definitely be fun in some circumstances, but she likes the looks of those more durable ones over there... Less likely to rip when being tugged at.

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An important consideration, given Wyld's proclivity for vigorous activity.

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They might need a 'look but don't touch' rule whenever Wyld's wearing the sheer ones. So, useful if Eridani's otherwise tied up...

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That sounds like a mean rule.

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Wyld's never claimed to be kind. 

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Well... the sheer ones are very pretty...

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They'll have to go through them more carefully once Wyld has her knives.

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Go back to looking for those, then?

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Wyld favors lightly curved blades, though really it's a good idea to get multiple, and she'll want some utility knives... She looks first for function, second for beauty, and she haggles extremely cheerfully, flirting with shopkeepers and making up outrageous tales, demonstrating a pretty deep knowledge of weapons craft and also a pretty good ability to just guess what the economy is like here, what things will tend to go for. 

She will, however, splurge on very gorgeous sheaths when those are available, and somehow convinces a man selling leather belts, belt bags, and knife sheaths to sell her a rather extensive set for a song. (Or, well, possibly for getting to feel her up while helping her fasten the straps and test how they settle.) They're a dark ruddy leather, thick and embossed with knotwork painted in fire shades, and Wyld strips in the back room to fasten several of them under her skirt and top (having purchased a shift and some leg wraps earlier for the specific purpose of keeping the leather off her skin).

Wyld comes out of the weapons section of the market very delighted with all her pretty sharps.

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Eridani is impressed by Wyld's skills at shopping. The knives look very good on her.

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They do. (Little twirl.) And they'll be very easy to show off.

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Eridani checks the position of the sun. Looks like they've used up about half their time.

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Well, fortunately she already has an idea of which scarves she wants... Might have to keep borrowing from Eridani or be a bit less picky on the rest of her wardrobe, though. 

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Eridani's happy to share. And they can get more at the capital.

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Fair enough. Especially more practical clothes...

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For sure.

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They can get the pretty scarves here.

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Good. A scarf will suit her well.

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This sheer one, dark red with black, jagged stripes almost like a tiger's... This white silk one with the green brocade looks warm... This one, black with red roses, is reinforced and long enough to tie things with... This purple one has sections with cool beadwork in blues and greens and golds and a bead peacock charm hanging off one end, that one's a keeper.

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Wyld has great taste in scaves. Eridani approves!

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Good. She'll be seeing them a lot, so. 


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It's about time to head out, though.

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Okay, okay, fair.

Where to?

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Landward gate. They're heading north.

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Okay. Not going to stay the night here, then?

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There should be an inn up the road they can make by late evening.

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Works for her.

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Off they go, then.

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The Anzatzi Principalities, despite their overall minor size and diplomatic weight, sit at the end of one of only three trade routes between the Dreaming Sea and the Realm, and the wealth that brings them doesn't seem too poorly distributed, either.

The capitol of Maizhekor Principality - the sea trade province, the only principality with extensive contact with Prasad, and where Eridani came ashore - was impressive and almost familiar, their architecture and culture heavily influenced by the flow of trade and people that washes over all cities that overlook the Dreaming Sea. That familiarity continues inland, at least as far as they make it by the evening. The inn has a familiar mix of languages buzzing around the common room, fine foods, and an innkeeper who thinks well of Eridani's lineage.

They make better time, though, than they would have in nearly any other place Eridani has visited, so the afternoon's travel has still taken them nearly to the edge of Maizhekor Principality, to where the coastal wetlands from the meeting of the country's two greatest rivers fade into firmer ground and fertile soils. That time is in large part because of the road at the center of the Anzatzi Principalities.

The Heart Way - or the High Road, as anyone not wrapped up in poesy calls it - is a truly massive boulevard that glides from Nechara at the inner edge of the Hundred Kingdoms to the shores of the Dreaming Sea, continuing submerged under the surface until it breaks off in a sudden, jagged edge. The Heart Way is very clearly ancient, its surface a smooth, uniform sandy-brown, cool to the touch even in the greatest heat, no signs of wear on its surface even after at least a millennium of use. It's a hundred feet across from ditch to ditch, arranged as two massive roads with a twenty foot green between them. It runs straight and true, its slope unchanging even as the land rises and falls around it, meaning that - especially in at the inner edge of the coastal wetlands - it's very often on a broad swath of raised land, even above the ridge that divides the river valleys. This road is the lifeblood of the region, and it's rather heavily coveted (and, from every briefing drilled into Eridani's head, it can't fall into enemy hands).

Even several kingdoms and two empires' worth of trade can't overwhelm the road, and the Principality here at least does a very good job of keeping the road clear of obstruction. The inn is down the slope to the side of the High Road, on packed earth and stone raised above the still somewhat soggy ground. The side road is less incredibly nice, but still in pretty decent condition, and it continues on past the inn to the north.

Eridani can also pretty easily get a nice large suite for herself and Wyld if she wants. There's a lot of inns along this road, and this one isn't very crowded right now.

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She got a budget for this. No reason to stint.

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Massive soft bed and private bath it is! (There's also a small public bathhouse in this area, serving the clusters of inns and miscellaneous services for travelers, but, well, there's rules for using a public bathhouse.)

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Rules are for people who don't know how to break them. This is a rule Eridani knows how to break. (The secret is throwing money at the problem.)

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(Nobody relevant has any objections to her renting out the entire bathhouse.)

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What's Wyld think?

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She thoroughly approves.

"I have my own bathhouse back home, you know," she comments. "I should show it to you when we figure out how to get back." Lazy smirk. "It's bigger than this settlement - so, an actually decent size."

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Giggle. "You must need an entire river to feed it."

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"It's built into one, on the shores of a lake - part of a temple and palace complex my girlfriend gifted me."

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"Generous of her."

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"She and my second in command keep conspiring to get me to take breaks from the campaign trail. It's terrible."

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"Taking time for the little pleasures is what makes life worth living."

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"I know. But some opportunities close fast..."

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Noseboop. "Opportunities come back. Or you make new ones!"

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Giggle. "Planning to join the conspiracy, then?"

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"If it seems necessary."

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"I'm sure they'll welcome the help."

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"I'll be the extrauniversal branch."

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"Assuming we don't outright steal you, of course."

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"Dunno, I kinda like this world..."

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"Then seducing you away's going to be a challenge?"

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"Or," Eridani says, "You could bring all your friends here, instead."

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"It'd be terribly irresponsible to abandon my kingdom entirely."

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"Figure out how to bring them too, then."

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"Quite the project - but my ambitions rest in that world, too..."

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"Well, you work on seducing me and I'll work on seducing you, how about that?"

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And a kiss to seal it!

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As is only proper.

(Very kiss.)

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Good thing they've got this bathhouse all to themselves.

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A very wise move of Eridani's.

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She is a font of wisdom in certain, very specific areas.

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Seems to be the ones that matter, so far. 

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And they should probably take their clothes off, seeing how this is a bathhouse and all.

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Very logical. (Kiss!)

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Eridani's a font of logic, too.

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No end to her talents.

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Nope! (Smug smug.)

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Smug grins call for kisses.

Wyld strips with a teasing flourish, then.

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Eridani applauds politely.

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"Your turn, lovely."

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"Oh, but I'm so exhausted from our travels." She wipes a hand across her forehead dramatically and bats her eyes at Wyld. "Maybe you can help me..."

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"Oh, how thoughtless of me..." She licks her lips as she steps up to 'help' Eridani out of her things. 

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Just as planned.

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And of course, she needs to kiss and nip every inch of revealed skin as she goes.

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Happy wiggles and moans!

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And then help her into the water, next. Make sure she can relax.

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Gonna massage the kinks out?

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The knots in her muscles, at least. Other sorts of kinks, however...

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Fair enough.

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She gathers up massage supplies and settles in behind Eridani, resting her hands on the other girl's shoulders and kneading lightly. "What's your worst kink?" she purrs.

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"Just a little below the right shoulderblade, near the center."

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Her hands drift there, relieving it with deft touches. The oil she picked smells divine and tingles on Eridani's skin, almost a cold burn. "Your biggest kink?"

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"Mm, that's nice..."

"...Older women who could beat me up, probably."

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Shoulder nip. "You know, now that we're not on a wooden boat... I do think I was promised a spar."

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"Well, if we stick to wrestling."

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"All right."

"I should oil you up too, then."

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"It'd be only fair."

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She giggles and hunts for the shiniest oil to use on Wyld.

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Seems to be: a mildly spicy one! Tastes very good, actually, and gives her skin a warm sheen. (And apparently stings a bit.)

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Suits her, then.

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Feels very interesting. Wyld squirms a bit as Eridani oils her up.

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She'll have to make extra sure she gets all the nooks and crannies.

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Very squirm!!!

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Call that warmup wiggles.

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Mmmm, kiss!

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Where should they start the match? One of the shallower pools?

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Sounds like a good first pass. Perhaps this warmer one over here...

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Three, two, one... start!

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She's not as overwhelmingly powerful as she once would've been, before her trip here -

Which is exciting, actually, she hasn't felt a thrill of danger like this in a while, not a safe one rather than the creeping anxiety of a massive battle -

She's still pretty good at grappling, though, and losing her Lunar abilities and her ability to manipulate her Essence trivially hasn't dulled her mastery of her body itself.

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And fairly shortly Wyld sees why Eridani didn't want to spar on the ship, as her Essence coalesces around her into a crackling blaze of fiery anima. The flames might make grabbing some parts of her a dicey proposition.

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Dicey, sexy... Same difference.

She barely even notices that she's using Essence as she retaliates, falling into the ebb and flow of the fight with a laugh. Her own strange Essence flows into the world, not quite shifting reality - not quite a fey power - but close, and she throws Eridani off balance more easily than she should, the scales tipping in precipitously in her favor with every strike - which blur together as she gets into the rhythm of combat.

She's aiming to trip Eridani, force her to kneel in the water with Wyld on her back pressing into her.

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An achievable result, with a bit of effort.

Eridani goes down with a yelp, the water sizzling as her anima vaporizes it into steam.

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Then, kneeling behind Eridani, a hand behind her neck and one trapping her arms, Eridani's face pushed fairly near the water - Wyld leans in next to her ear and murmurs, "You know what my big kink is?"

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"Is it- drowning pretty girls?"

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Oh no if she giggles that'll break the sexy aesthetic here.

She keeps an even tone of voice, by dint of great effort. She nips Eridani's ear, then: "Very close."

"Have you ever felt the swell of your breath in your lungs, Eridani?" The name rolls off her lips with relish. "Desperate, trapped, burning..." Kiss to the back of her neck, right above Wyld's hand. "That primal fear?" She tightens her grip, both on Eridani's neck and arms, though not yet quite painfully so. "Have you felt a pretty girl's pulse jumping under your hands? Felt her struggle under you?"

Lean back in to Eridani's ear, then, voice so low Eridani has to strain to hear it. "I have, all of it."

"Does that sound exciting to you, pretty girl?"

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Eridani moans, then splutters as she accidentally inhales some water. Her pulse is getting faster and faster.

"Yes, Wyld- please-"

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"Take a deep breath, pretty girl."

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Big inhale!

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And she shoves Eridani under the water, pinning her down.

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Eridani's got a pretty good lung capacity, but her wiggles slowly escalate to thrashes.

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Wyld may or may not be helping, what with how the hand not holding Eridani down is busy touching the young Exalt.

She lets Eridani breathe once pleasure seems to be turning to actual distress, though, pulling her out of the water.

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"Phaaw!" She gasps for breath, chest heaving. Seems to still be smiling, though.

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Eridani barely has the chance to get in a single breath before Wyld's kissing her hungrily.

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Oh, well okay then.

At least she can breathe through her nose now... once she remembers that's an option.

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Wyld might distract her just a little.

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A delightful, heart-pounding distraction.

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She topples them both into the water not long after Eridani's figured out breathing through her nose.

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Sadly, it's not deep enough they can really both submerge, but Wyld seems more focused on rolling around and making out right now anyways.

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Eridani's having a grand time.

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It's very much mutual.

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The best way for it to be.

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Maybe they can sidle over to one of the deeper pools?

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One that provides plenty of room for Wyld to drag Eridani under.

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Underwater kisses!!

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They'll have to see who needs to surface first, now...

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Well, Eridani has her hands free for tickle attacks now...

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Quite the threat.

Though Wyld's won't exactly be idle - and she has an awful lot of experience holding her breath.

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Eridani's a quick learner...

...but maybe not quick enough.

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Wyld will be gracious and let her bow out before she gets too desperate for air.

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Too kind of her, really.

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"Do you want me to be meaner, pretty girl?"

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"-I don't think I should say yes to that question." But she wants to.

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"Why ever not?"

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Shiver! "You could be scary if you wanted to, I think."

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"That's not at all in doubt, pretty girl."

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"Maybe just for tonight, then..."

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"All the terror will melt away with the morning light?"

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"Like in the stories."

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"Well, you're certainly welcome to tell yourself my scariness works on story logic," she says with a smirk.

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"I did fish you naked from the sea and wake you up with a kiss," she teases.

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"True, true... But maybe you've misjudged your genre, pretty girl."

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"Prove it, then," Eridani dares her.

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"That I won't stop being terrifying with the dawn? You sure you want to go there, pretty girl?"

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Nervous giggle!

"Mmmaybe not all the way."

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"How about we compromise, and I prove I can be terrifying even in daylight only the once? Unless, of course, you beg for more."

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Kiss! "It's a deal, pretty girl."

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"Be my monster, then."

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And, then, in a burst of speed - she lifts Eridani onto a shelf at the pool's edge, one still under the water, though shallowly so -

But deep enough Wyld can still rest her weight on Eridani's chest as she pins the girl with her back on the shelf, her legs hanging out over deeper water, her beautiful face turned up toward Wyld, who wraps a hand tight around her throat.

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Eridani stares up at Wyld with eyes wide, the view only occasionally obstructed by escaping bubbles of breath.

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So very, very pretty...

She kisses Eridani, as Eridani's lungs are beginning to burn, as her vision is beginning to swim. Her free hand stays just busy enough to reward Eridani when she's being a good girl; the hand on her throat squeezes painfully whenever she's bad - such as, for instance, by trying to throw Wyld off or rise for breath.

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Eridani is trying very hard to be a good girl, but, well, her survival instincts and Wyld seem to be having a disagreement about how she should accomplish that.

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Her survival instincts should, perhaps, consider the predator leaning over Eridani, mouth full of sharp teeth, claws digging into her neck.

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They are having a tough time integrating this information with the whole 'drowning' thing!

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The bursts of pleasure probably aren't helping, either.

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That doesn't mean Eridani wants them to stop.

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Well, then, Wyld can keep on sending incredibly conflicting signals to Eridani's every instinct, at least until Eridani's struggles weaken.

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She struggles for a while, but will eventually weaken.

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And she lifts Eridani up into her arms - into the air - and pulls Eridani so her back's to Wyld's chest, and she can cough up any water she may have swallowed.

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Which is more than none, but less than the entire pool's worth.

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She strokes Eridani's side while she recovers - presses kisses to her neck - murmurs praise, how beautiful Eridani is, how good, how Wyld knows she tried very hard to behave...

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She finishes coughing and melts backwards into Wyld.

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Kiss. "Such a good girl."

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"Th'nks, Wyld..."

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"So very lovely." Kiss.

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Eridani's pretty tuckered out now, though.

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Wyld snuggles her for a little bit, petting her, then starts on cleaning the oil off. Gives Eridani gentle kisses, and dries her off, and bundles her back up. "Let's get you to bed, pretty girl," she murmurs.

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Sounds like a good plan to pretty girl.

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Wyld takes very, very good care of her and gets her snuggled up back at the inn. "Sleep well," she murmurs with a light kiss.

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Off she drifts to sleep.

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She stays up for a while, watching Eridani under the moonlight coming in through the open shutters, a fond smile on her face.

And then she joins her pretty girl in sleep.

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Eridani wakes bright and early next morning, stretching luxuriously.

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Wyld drifts lazily towards awareness, nuzzling her.

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"Good morning, miss monster," Eridani hums.

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Mmm yawn! Big 'human jaws should not open that much' lazy tiger yawn, even.


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"Time to face another day." Up!

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She stretches languidly over the warm spot Eridani left.

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"I'll bring breakfast back, how about?"

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"Mmm, yeah."

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"Kay." Off to do that, then.

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She snuggles properly into Eridani's spot, then wiggles into a sitting position.

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And Eridani brings back a tray with two breakfasts' worth of food on it, the selection slanted towards things Wyld has indicated she enjoys eating.

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"Thanks, good girl." Food!!! She worked up an appetite last night.

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Good thing Eridani got plenty.

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Very thoughtful. (Kiss.)

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Gotta keep the monster well fed, so she doesn't get any ideas eating inappropriate things.

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Depends on how you define 'appropriate,' really.

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Depends if she has professional obligations.

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Like - ?

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Like having to represent Prasad to these Principalities and determine if they need to intervene in a war.

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Fair enough.

Wyld will try to avoid eating anything (or anyone) that'll cause problems for Eridani. 

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Very kind of her. Kiss!

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That's Wyld alright. Kind and excellent at keeping her teetth to herself when called for. (Nip.)

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"I'll check with you before eating any new toys. Promise. Though... I might do some eating out without quite as much care beforehand."

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"If you have to."

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"I'll try to invite you along, when I can."

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"Sounds like fun."

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She pops another morsel from the tray in her mouth and hums. "I think it will be. Even if I have to restrain myself a little for these civilized lands."

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"And civilization thanks you for your consideration."

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"Only because it doesn't know what it's missing out on."

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"I rely on your otherworldly experience to educate me."

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"Mmmmm, I'll think up some lessons then, pretty girl."

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"We do have to get moving this morning..."

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She'll go ahead and finish eating, though - and Wyld's been a general for years, really. She knows how to get rolling pretty efficiently. 

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Then they can be back on the road in good time.

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Anything else planned before they reach the capitol?

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Not unless something comes up on the road.

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They'll have to entertain themselves, then.

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With word games?

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Clever twists of the tongue.

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Sounds fun.

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So long as it isn't so fun they get distracted and delayed...

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They can keep each other in check, surely.

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A bit of a gamble...

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"What's life without a little risk?"

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"Significantly more boring."

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Eridani can definitely kiss and ride. No problem at all.

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Then they'll get where they're going pretty quickly, hopefully.

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As long as no one's stupid enough to bother the foreign Dragonblood noble. Which, they're in the interior of the Principalities, a long way from any disputed borders. Should be fine.

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Especially with a decent-sized party like theirs.

(...Also, this specific road actually just seems too trafficked to get highwaymen. There's not zero crime - but it's mostly petty thievery or road rage. Wyld can see why holding the road's a big deal, since consistently safe trade routes get rare out here.)

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Yeah, it's why the place is as wealthy as it is.

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Yeah. As she said, interesting.

(Also interesting that she's pretty sure this road isn't here either in her world...)

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Well, no Sea, no road, right?

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The way the road descends into the Sea looks weird - like it got submerged during a flood, not like it was built that way. She's not confident they're related like that...

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Shrug. Could be. This kind of history's not really her strong point.

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"I might have to see if the city has any libraries, then. Or at least historians."

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"Probably does."

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"Something to keep me entertained while you smile nicely at politicians."

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"Works out conveniently, then."

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"Other than the unfortunate necessity of abandoning you to your fate."

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"I'll save plenty of smiles for you, don't worry."

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"Thank you, dear."

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"You're welcome."

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But not too many kisses - Wyld breaks off as they slow down, riding ahead teasingly. 

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"Running away already?"

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"Wanted to give you an opportunity to play the predator," she says with a wink.

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"I see."

Eridani urges her mount faster, taking Wyld's bait.

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She laughs and canters ahead, her horse picking up on her amusement and tossing its head. (Wyld had, of course, picked the 'spirited' horse.)

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If Wyld wants a chase, a chase she shall get.

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Eridani has a bit of an advantage, with how tiny she is. Tires her horse out slower. Wyld's is taking to the competition, though, and seems determined not to lose.

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Eridani's a competent rider, but not an excellent one. It could be anyone's game.

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Wyld starts getting ahead - and then her horse gets annoyed by some tug on the reins or another and decides clearly throwing Wyld off is a reasonable response to this. 

Wyld isn't quite good enough to stay on. She's laughing, though, and doesn't seem injured. 

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Eridani giggles as she reins up next to her.

"Need a lift, cutie?"

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"Hop up, then."

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She swings herself up behind Eridani, nuzzling her shoulder, then squints down the road at her horse, which has stopped running in favor of harassing a grain cart. "...Well, at least it hasn't gone very far..."

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"One of you knows when to stop, anyway."

Off to collect a horse!

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It's not too impressed about the thought of Wyld getting on its back, but, hey, she's liking riding with Eridani anyways. They can put her demon horse on a lead for a little bit.

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More of a demon rider than a demon horse, really...

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Wyld and the horse are good matches for each other.

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Just need to graft some fangs onto its jaw.

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Hmmm... They'd have to be careful not to interfere with its ability to eat grass... It might prefer clawed hooves, really.

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Some sort of spiky protrusion, in any case.

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Though it currently uses its blunt weapons to great effect.

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The horse didn't trample Wyld even a little bit. Eridani was watching.

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"I did fall off the back, pretty girl."

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"You did that to yourself, mostly."

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"And it would've made it very inconvenient to trample me!"

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"Whatever you say, Wyld."

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"You're learning."

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"I do that from time to time."

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"Pretty often, when it matters."

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"Part of my charm."

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"Absolutely." Kiss! 

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They're having no problems entertaining themselves, it seems.

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One of the best trips Eridani's had in a while.

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Good company makes the miles fly by.

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That it does.

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The central province of the Anzatzi Principalities is Tzilakor. The border into it is marked by large standing stones but also by a raise in the land and a soft transition into grassland with sparse trees. The trees grow a bit more common the further uproad and inland they travel, and the buildings start being made of wood more and stone or reed or mud less. The province itself is long and thin, containing the majority of the Heart Road.

The capitol itself - Tzila City - is fairly close to the inland border of the Principalities. It's enormous, with a similar mixture of styles and foreign influence in its architecture as every major trading city, though there's much more Eastern and Hundred Kingdoms influence here than in the coastal cities. They pass fields of horses and livestock - and enormous crowds of livestock being driven down the road as they approach the city outskirts - and then the long, narrow sprawl of outlying villages, strongest along the Heart Way but visible in the distance on two other major roads that diverge at Tzila City towards other provinces. (Neither is nearly as impressive or ancient as this one, but they're fairly notably sized.)

The city is set off-center to the Heart Way, which must've once - a very long time ago - run entirely outside of the city walls. Still, the road only runs into the first ring. Or, at least, the first one that circles the entire city - the city's designers have clearly tried to keep it circular and even succeeded for a while, but that pattern breaks near the Heart Way, with several partial rings encompassing a little of the sprawl. It seems to break to the northwest, too, away from the road, crashing into and rising irregularly onto a series of small hills.

The buildings are effectively entirely wooden here, except for the palatial complex at the city's very center and some of the noble residences and many temples, which are made of various stones. The walls are stone and rammed earth, and quite tall and thick, with frequent guard towers. They seem well manned, at least as far as Eridani can tell, and the local bureaucracy (and military) seems still really effective at keeping the road clear, even as space becomes a more pressing concern.

Finding exceptionally nice lodgings for their party is downright trivial.

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She would be quite disappointed if it weren't.

And once lodgings are acquired, there are supplies to organize, officials to notify, invitations to accept, invitations to decline, invitations to leave to ferment a while, dinners and parties of their own to plan... All the grease that the wheels of state need to turn.

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A cute girl to show off...

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Wyld's tattoos will surely be the talk of the town.

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Now, let's be realistic here. Wyld would be the talk of the town no matter what she decorated herself with. 

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Or even if she wore nothing at all.

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That would only increase the storm of gossip, dear. 

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She'll have to rethink the whole plan, then.

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Not going to show Wyld off naked at her fancy parties, then?

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The very exclusive ones, maybe.

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Invitation only. 

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Carefully curated and extensively vetted.

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Only the prettiest toys allowed.

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Just the very best.


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Nuzzle kiss.

Is Wyld invited along to Eridani's important diplomatic function? Not just for pleasure, but -

Wyld has more than a little experience with war, especially with taking supposedly impregnable fortresses, and she has more than no experience infiltrating military commands. If part of Eridani's mission is evaluating the war here, Wyld will have feedback.

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Eridani needs to do most of the talking, but- Yeah. She'd appreciate any insights Wyld has.

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She'll tag along, then. 

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Kiss. "I wouldn't abandon you entirely to the tedium, pretty girl."

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"So thoughtful." Kiss!

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Mmm kisses. 

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A good distraction from all the preparations.

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So long as they actually get the preparations done. (Which Wyld can help with any - seems like the Hundred Kingdoms are very odd levels of similar between the two worlds, so she has a decent handle on diplomatic norms here, and can learn the rest pretty quickly.)

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Wyld is very smart. And rather helpful.

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"Thank you, dear."

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"Only the best and truest compliments for you."

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"You know exactly what to get a girl."

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"My insight is vast."

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"Your experience rather great."

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"And in all things, the excellence of the Dragons."

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"A very nice benefit." Kiss! "Though I prefer the excellency of the moon for myself."

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"That's your prerogative."

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"Of course, the Dragons have a lot to recommend them for my partner's excellency, it seems."

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"Never count them out."

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Kiss! And then giggle. "Mighty things come in small packages?"

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Eridani punches Wyld in the shoulder.

"Don't even start with that."

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"What if I like short girls, though?"

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"Then you had better show us proper respect."

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"By forcing you to your knees?"

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"When appropriate."

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"Rather often, then."

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"I guess!"

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Giggle kiss.

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The perils of such a pretty girl... Wyld could get lost like this. 

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Lucky she's got Eridani here to be her guiding light.

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A gift from the Dragons.

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"Where are you guiding me now, pretty girl?"

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"Hmm... Into bed, I think. That's enough productivity for one day."

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"A very wise guide." She scoops Eridani up into her arms. 

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Eridani laces her arms around Wyld's neck.

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And she carries her lovely light to bed.

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Until it's time for all good lights to go out, at least.

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She stays up a little again, snuggling and petting her pretty girl, before letting herself join Eridani in sleep. 

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And armed with a good night's rest, tomorrow they can begin their (metaphorical) attack on the capital in earnest.

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She's ready when the time comes. 

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Eridani, fortunately, can skip much of the pomp and ceremony the representative of a foreign state without a permanent (albeit non-Exalted) diplomatic presence in the Principalities would be forced to sit through. That doesn't mean zero, but her tedious ceremonies mostly are the routine sort of thing, things like ritual openings for Council meetings or formal state dinners. Some of it's pretty similar to everywhere on this end of the Dreaming Sea, especially in the rituals around food.

Some of it's very unique; formally calling government meetings to business involves ritually inviting the spirit of a legendary ancestor to oversee their work. (Queen Anzatzi, who gave the Principalities her name before dying without an heir - making her their last monarch and, given the stories more than one person proudly relays, combining with the events of her life and her status as a Dragonblood Exalt - Water Aspect - to make her the centerpiece of local ancestor worship. The nominal reason for their odd political structure is a refusal to usurp her throne, even centuries after her death.)

She meets the Council of Princes first - there should be eight, plus the ninth seat left open for the Queen's spirit (which has, probably fortunately, never noticeably appeared). Only six attend. The leader of Tzilakor Province, Prince Imitzha, takes center stage of those. He's a middle aged mortal, perhaps on the older side of that, though his skin is weathered and his face worn in a way that makes his age hard to place. His skin is a tanned brown under the weather-scarring, his hair ruddy and coarse and neatly groomed, his clothes made of fine fabric but styled in a commoner's cut, and his hands are heavily calloused when it comes time to shake Eridani's and then Wyld's hands. He seems unbothered by Wyld's odd appearance, though a few of the Princes seem uneasy in small ways.

He smiles at them, expression open and friendly, and says, "Welcome to the Anzatzi Principalities, friends, and to Tzila City within them."

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"We thank you for the welcome, Prince Imitzha. It is good to know that there is friendship to be had here in these times of trouble."

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Smile. "Especially upon a Sea such as this." He gestures for everyone to sit, then: "Has your journey been pleasant so far?"

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"It has. Your lands are as beautiful as ever."

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"Thank you, Lady Eridani," he says. "We're quite proud of our realms."

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"I see we are missing some representatives today."

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"Ah, yes - Prince Hikep of Epaegor and Prince Hhazrik of Dau'ukar have been often unable to attend the Council the last few sessions. They're both very dedicated to their Principality's safety."

(Epaegor is to the north along the coast, next to the Tangle - not being newly invaded from Eridani's briefing, at least not to Prasad's knowledge, but border raids are a common problem in the area. Dau'ukar is the south-eastern province at the border with Sae'ira, who is the one the Principalities are newly at war with. Also of minor note - Dau'ukar is spelled Dauyukor on the maps, which is more consistent with the language spoken in most of the Principalities.)

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"Your reports of their problems won't suffer for their absence, I trust."

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"Price Hhazrik is very prompt about sending messengers, and she always submits very in depth reports - but there is, admittedly, something lost from being able to very quickly follow up with her. Her border's situation can change quick, so you'll likely want an on-the-ground look there."

"Prince Hikep's reports are often somewhat minimal, but his situation has been largely stable. He doesn't write down as much, instead preferring to send a deputy with a verbal report, but my secretaries have transcriptions of his messengers' reports and the answers they've given to further questions."

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Eridani nods.

"I'll want to see both sets of those."

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"Of course. We can provide you with copies, though they can't leave the record rooms."

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"Very well. Let's begin with the situation elsewhere."

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"In the other Principalities, you mean?"

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"Yes. You seem quite well insulated here. How true is that?"

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"This Principality has had few direct attacks over the years - what we do have is more tied to highway robbery at and just past our inland border. The current war has affected us economically, and all the Principalities are bound to give military aid to the others in need, so our people have seen the front line - but we're far from dire straits."

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"I see."

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The meeting continues on. The five Princes (other than Imitzha) who did attend at least put up a front of doing well; Imitzha gives off a sense that he's not lying, but he is politely deflecting here or there.

Not all of the Princes are very polite.

The worst there is likely Prince Jhalij of Urajhakor. Urajhakor is the only entirely internal province, located to the south of Tzilakor. It's broadly considered the bread basket of the Principalities, producing enough grain not only for the eight Principalities and all of their visiting merchants but also for export, flowing downriver into Maizhekor and then out to the Dreaming Sea. Prince Jhalij is young and heavy-featured, with a constant scowl throughout the meeting. He seems to have some beef with both Prince Hhazrik (making acerbic comments about her absence and how 'cold' she is at one point) and the Principality to his northeast, Volkor. He expresses a moody reluctance to send his people to fight and die on Dau'ukar's border; his province is currently safe, and he snaps at another Prince at one point that Urajhakor bleeds for the others more than anyone.

Maizhekor is next, if one wished to move counter-clockwise around Tzilakor (all of the Princes here are from adjacent provinces, at least). It's the one Eridani and Wyld landed in, and its leader Prince Damat is friendly to Eridani, though reserved. Her province is small but immensely wealthy, and they have a standing navy - she notes she's been lending that expertise and help to defending Dau'ukar's seaward border from Sae'iran raiders. Still, she's facing attacks from the sea as well, and needs to keep up with patrolling for pirates and Fair Folk. She's motivated to fix that, though, and indicates a wish to speak more with Eridani about joint naval exercises to protect the shipping lanes with Prasad.

Prince Telquez of Quidukor Principality is... Impetuous at best. She interrupts Prince Damat several times, and nearly gets into an argument with Prince Jhalij, which is only barely defused by Prince Imitzha. Her province is coastal as well, between Maizhekor and Epaegor. Her main drive seems to be anxiety about the course of the war, and impatience to do something. She's one of the two youngest in the room - she and Prince Jhalij are possibly the only Council members under fifty. She's been aiding in coastal defense of Dau'ukar, but she's experiencing more difficulties there than Prince Damat, and there seems to be an underlying tension there - something about assistance for damaged ships and ill crew.

Next, continuing counter-clockwise, is the Principality of Fahlakor, led by Prince Ahleifa. She's easily the oldest present, with stark white hair and a deeply lined face. She doesn't talk much and her expression stays stern, but her eyes scan keenly around the room. She seems to spend a lot of time watching the others - and watching the newcomers, especially Wyld. Her Principality hasn't faced much issue; they're wooded and hilled in a way that's inconvenient to invade compared to the relatively low wealth of the land, and Epaegor is between them and the Tangle anyways, and their population is low enough they haven't been significantly called on to serve in the others' fights.

Next counter-clockwise is Tzilakor - back to the center - and then to Volkor, led by Prince Oravi. Prince Oravi is older, with a major scar running near his neck, and he's gruff in a way that apparently annoys Prince Jhalij. He pays more attention to Wyld than Eridani, too, though his reason is pretty clear - he draws her into the military discussions fairly quickly. His province has faced the most land-based conflicts out of any of the others, with Rathess and the Broken Horn Tribes sometimes sending more standard armies to supplement their raiders. He's level headed militarily, and he disassembles the least, frankly admitting to the existence of gaps in their ability to defend themselves, though he doesn't elaborate in the open Council.

Prince Oravi, it sounds like, it the closest ally here of Prince Hhazrik - the other two bordering Dau'ukar either dislike her (Prince Jhalij) or seem mostly neutral (Prince Damat).

It's a very long meeting.

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All more or less as expected of these fractious Principalities.

Eridani listens to everyone, keeps the diplomatic courtesies flowing, turns on the personal charm where appropriate, makes notes of things she wants the staff to look further into... and carefully commits Prasad to nothing at this stage.

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Nobody actually seems to expect a commitment right now, even the two younger Princes (Prince Jhalij would like the entire problem to disappear and stop annoying him, apparently; Prince Telquez would like a solution, but understands that no commitments is normal, and finds that very frustrating of normalcy).

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Wyld stays out of it all at first, though once Prince Oravi drags her in, she stays in, deftly managing the tempers of anyone trying to talk to her. She exudes an easy grace, at odds with the rigid and formal diplomatic norms that should govern this situation - but she gets away with it anyways, coming away with most of the Princes liking her at least a little (except Prince Ahleifa, who's possibly reserving judgement).

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That goes reasonably well for a first meeting, then.

Eridani's interested to compare Wyld's impressions with her own, afterwards.

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"Not the worst political clusterfuck, honestly," is her impression. "But many of them don't actually know each other than well - there's a few I could get away with killing and replacing, I bet, and any raksha or Changing Moon worth their salt could too. And, since they're all mortal, they'd have trouble detecting that, though our theoretical enemy would have more trouble from their own people."

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"Yeah, always gotta look out for that. But the hospitality customs are pretty strong in these parts; it's hard for a raksha to get in a position to do that. And the advantage of a decentralized system like they have is that taking any one leader won't be enough to collapse the whole structure. I'm most concerned about the absentees."

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"Yeah, I definitely couldn't take them through deception alone - and they're holding information back from each other, which would complicate spying."

"Though - it might also indicate they suspect their fellow Princes of disloyalty or the like..."

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"It might be interesting to see what else they have in the records room, while we're perusing the correspondence from Hhazrik and Hikep."

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She nods. "And if what they're reporting matches up - with itself or with what we'd expect for the situation."

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"I think we should try catching at least a few of the Princes in private to talk to them more - and their staff, too."

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"Good idea."

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"It's sad I can't change my shape anymore..."

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"I bet you can find other tricks."

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"Rely solely on my natural charm."

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"A bountiful asset."

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"Though... There's some very specific tricks that'll be complicated to replace... Some fun twists on the usual course of seduction."

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"Maybe we could practice together."

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"An excellent idea."

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"There's no time like the present, right?"

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"None at all. And it's good to take a more physical break after a long meeting like that, too."

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"Refresh the spirit."

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"Stretch the mind."

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"Get the blood pumping."

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"Get the kinks out of your back."

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And seeing what new tricks Wyld can coax out of her strange Essence.

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She rediscovers the trick for healing herself pretty quickly, and for using her Essence to accelerate her movements - it feels different now, more like she's drifting out of sync with time, but it's fun.

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Both pretty good to have.

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Easy to put to good use. 

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Very easy.

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Enjoyable to practice with. 

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(Definitely the best thing Eridani's ever fished up.)

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The tastiest, too.

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Now that's a bold claim.

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Perhaps Eridani should try a sample, so she can compare the flavor.

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-Er, literally?

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Quite literally. (Purr.) It would be so very easy to get access to a private place to cook, and Wyld could spoil her pretty girl with an exceptionally fancy meal... Or do something a bit more spontaneous... Wyld would rather like to kiss her pretty girl with bloody lips sometime. And her own blood... Nnnf.

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...Eridani will try anything once.

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"We'll see if I can convert you."

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"Really not something I've ever thought of as one of my kinks, fair warning."

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"Doesn't seem to occur to most people."

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"Somehow that's not surprising."

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"Well, most people have unrefined and unadventerous tastes."

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"I'm not sure that's as related to cannibalism as you think it is."

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"Well, I got my girlfriend into it, and she has very good taste..."

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Kiss. "Your girlfriend sounds exceptional in other ways."

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"In all ways."

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"Maybe I can live up to one or two."

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"You've done a pretty good job of finding your own ways."

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Giggle. "Thanks."

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Plus a little nibble at the lips.

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Eridani could be persuaded.

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Little scrape of fang. Just teasingly. 

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Hmmmm yes that counts as a persuasive argument.

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She summons up only a teeny drop of blood, then licks it off Eridani's lips with a deep moan.

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"Am I?" Lick.

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"You are."

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"Want your own taste?"

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She raises a single claw to her lower lip, taps it slowly... Then digs in and draws a large drop of blood. 

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Exalted blood tastes particularly amazing, if you ask Wyld.

There's a bit of an extra zest to hers, perhaps. 

She whines deep in her throat, and then kisses Eridani.

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Well, she enjoys Wyld's reaction, if nothing else.

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Wyld is definitely having fun. 

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(She hopes Eridani is, too.)

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Wiggly pretty girls are fun. She's not getting so much out of the actual blood.

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Does she like hurting Wyld in general? 

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Mostly as an extremely efficient wiggle-production method.

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Then, with a dangerous purr - "Perhaps you'd rather be on the menu then, pretty girl."

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"I don't heal as quick as you..."

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"There's Essence tricks for that, you know. And it'd be very useful for me to be able to heal people."

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"It would."

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"And fun to practice."

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"You're very convincing."

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"Diplomacy's my specialty."

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"Let's practice, then."

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Mmmm don't mind if she does.

She sometimes keeps Eridani guessing a bit about where the next wound will come from - puts her teeth on Eridani's neck, then drags her claws into her hips (then licks the blood off her claws with an exceptionally pleased expression) - mixes in pleasure, plenty of compliments for her pretty girl - keeps a good eye on injuries and pain level, keeps anything that might be tricky to heal where it won't show in Eridani's formal outfits - sticks to shallow wounds for now, too, until she can figure out healing her pretty girl - 

She has fun, mostly.

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So does Eridani. And she greatly appreciates Wyld's thoughtfulness here.

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She takes good care of her things, especially when they're as beautiful as her pretty girl. 

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Soft kiss.

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Such a very lovely girl.

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And, once they've wound down: such a very snuggly girl?

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Wyld's certainly snuggly.

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It's a real pity Wyld can't turn into a cat anymore...

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Yeah, a nice soft kitty would be great for snuggling.

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Her heart's form is a very fluffy tiger. 

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That sounds adorable.

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"I am."

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"You are." Tickles!

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Giggle shriek!

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Very kiss!!!

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More tickle?

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If Eridani insists...

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She does. Politely. Pleading eyes are involved.

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Wyld can never say no to such a pretty face. 

She may tickle.

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Ehehehe, authorized tickles!

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And wiggly, giggly Wyld.

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Best sort of Wyld, in Eridani's opinion.

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Eridani's developing a pretty good sample, it seems. 

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"You should compare notes with my girlfriend, when you get the chance."

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"Bet we'll be comparing more than notes."

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Giggle. "Gonna also develop some plans from your combined observations?"

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"Of course. I think she'll also want to verify my own capabilities."

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"An important step before any joint venture."

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"Gotta make sure everyone has all their cards on the table."

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"That you know the terrain."

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"No unexpected surprises lurking."

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"I dunno. I like a surprise or two."

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"I'll make sure to keep some for you."

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"Thank you, pretty girl."

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Overall, a good break before they have to go back to work.

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They receive a very polite messenger the next morning, stating that Prince Imitzha would like to meet with them in the gardens for afternoon tea, if they're available.

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They will be, yes. And happy to join him.

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The messenger bows, thanks them, and gives them a more detailed time and location, then asks if they have any further messages.

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Not at this time.

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Alright. (Bow.)

The messenger departs.

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"Think he's ready to spill the juicy gossip?" she asks Wyld.

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"Bet he is. Or at least darkly allude to it, or ask us for some secret favor."

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"Probably that second and third. Seems his style."

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"He might surprise us."

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"I'll leave the surprises to you. Since you like them so much."

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"Thank you, pretty girl."

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"Anything for you, miss monster."

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"That's what I like to hear." Kiss!

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"Good." Kiss.

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It's a good thing they have an hour before they need to get ready for their first morning commitment...

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What an intelligent and completely on-purpose arrangement of their schedule.

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It's important not to rush yourself. 

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Plenty of time to stop and smell the roses, as it were.

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Make sure their stress levels stay low.

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Keep themselves in top diplomatic shape.

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Avoid developing any grouchiness.

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An important consideration in an ambassador.

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One must always remain poised and unflappable. 

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So make sure to get your fill of flapping now.

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An excellent idea. 

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To being flapped, then.

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To being flapped.

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An excellent way to get ready for the day.

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Puts her in a good mood all throughout their meetings, no matter how tedious they get. 

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Hopefully that lasts all the way to tea with Imitzha.

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It does! 

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To afternoon tea, then. The palace at the heart of Tzila City is, like the walls around it, fairly circular, with winding paths that form complex images when seen from the higher windows. The meeting is in one of the gardens, at a round table amid a maze of carefully tended bushes and fountains. The air's heavy with the scent of flowers, but the gardens are much cooler than the surrounding countryside has tended to be, and it's rather quiet. Prince Imitzha arrives before them, but doesn't sit until after they arrive - and the bowing and pleasantries are done with.

"It is my most sincere pleasure," he says, tone smooth and light, "To host two such as yourself."

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"I imagine you don't get guests such as ourselves very often."

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"Not particularly, no." And then, tone smooth: "Of course, every guest is unique in their own way."

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"Quite right. Still, some are more unique than others."

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"In many ways, yes, though not in all."

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"Mm." She takes a sip of tea.

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Wyld, being the secret head of a state here, takes up a bit of a dance with Imitzha then, complimenting him on his lands, asking innocent questions, pulling on this or that thread... Giving away only teasing hints about herself in return. 

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He seems to rather enjoy that dance, letting slip a few things here or there - not getting quite as much in return, but he has far more experience in statescraft than Wyld, for all that being an Exalt lets her cheat at this.

And, soon enough, he permits Wyld to bring him around to his point.

"I'd wanted to speak to the two of you more about this war, and especially Dau'ukar," he says, softly, as he sets down his tea cup.

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"In which regards?"

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"Primarily on background you might not have, here, and on Price Hhazrik - and a recommendation you go to assist her first. The front with the Tangle isn't critical, and Prince Hikep's never actually been one to attend Council meetings more than irregularly."

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"But Hhazrik does?"

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"She hasn't been Prince very long - she rose to the position during the war, after her older brother died in one of the early battles, so irregularities could be simply due to her settling in."


"She fastidiously attended every single Council meeting since becoming Prince until recently - when she suddenly stopped, after a major argument with Prince Jhalij. But... Previously, she hasn't been one to care about insults, and even that she let herself be baited into the argument was strange."

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"And what was the subject of the argument?"

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"Prince Jhalij offered insult to the late Prince Yakhir and his wife, the Lady Ridis. Prince Yakhir was the Prince of Dau'ukar before Prince Hhazrik, and Lady Ridis still lives and is with child - the only direct heir for Dau'ukar, as Prince Hhazrik is currently unmarried."

"Lady Ridis is foreign born, and there's been... Rumors about her for a while, nearly all of them mere pettiness. Prince Jhalij specifically insinuated that she is guilty of betraying her late husband to Sae'ira - many of the rumors nowadays hold that she's secretly from there."

"Prince Hhazrik objected to Prince Jhalij's insinuation and demanded an apology. Prince Jhalij then accused Lady Ridis of having relations with the fae, at which point the guards intervened to stop blades from being drawn."

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Eridani is not sure she would have permitted the guards to intervene, had she been leading that meeting.

"That is... impressively slanderous."

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"Prince Jhalij is... Quite young for his position."

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"One hopes he will find himself an able mentor sooner rather than later."

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"I believe he has one, though perfection sadly cannot occur overnight."

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"As long as one is making progress."

"And Prince Hhazrik hasn't been back since?"

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"No, though she's continued to send reports, and she's responded to messengers and letters."

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"I see."

"These... rumors, about Lady Ridis. Is there in fact any basis to them, beyond that she is a foreigner?"

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"Not as far as I can tell, no."

"The origin rumors are - honestly the most ridiculous. She doesn't look or speak like or have the education of a commoner, and we know Sae'ira's nobility. She doesn't resemble them, the Princes' father was actually Sae'iran and so should have known her, and their noble houses would've commented on the marriage even if she was disowned, and her education isn't what I'd expect for anyone from Sae'ira - her knowledge of their culture and history is thorough but encyclopedic, with the errors you'd expect from a true outsider to the region."

"Her accent is the sort of very careful diction I've only heard from particularly scholarly Imperial patricians, and her education doesn't seem unusual for that, albeit perhaps more in depth than most. She refuses to give a family name other than her husband's - and at their wedding, the bride's side of the family was filled solely with people from the area that she had befriended since coming here."

"I honestly find it very likely she's an unexalted dynast, one at odds with or disowned from her family. The early rumors did actually wend that way - it's certainly an entertaining enough thought for the gossips - but recently, the tone has shifted towards... More slanderous insinuations."

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"How long has she been in the region?"

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"Six years, give or take a few months. Prince Yakhir had known her a bit longer, though I'm not sure how long."

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"I'm assuming the shift in gossip coincided with the late Prince's passing."

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"Some of it began earlier, but - Prince Yakhir was quicker to take offense than his sister."

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"Sae'ira may have sensed this trait as well."

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"I'd be surprised if they didn't know. While technically this Principality is responsible for foreign relations, it's typical for the border Principalities to be familiar with their immediate neighbors - socially as well as formally."

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"Of course."

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"And... Sae'ira targeted Prince Yakhir early on in the war, which is... Far more serious than most border spats get."

Around here - seizing a bit of land is provocative, but not generally a cause for more retaliation than 'seize the land back, with a bit extra.' The nobility usually care more about each others' lives than their peasants, too, and few want to spark a total war.

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"No profit in something like that, unless you're facing an existential threat already."

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"Or intending to pick a more serious fight, yes."

"It's... Hard to figure out what happened. We haven't been able to get into contact with anyone in Sae'ira, except farmers near the border who fled into Dau'ukar, just as confused as us."

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"Closer investigation may reveal more details."

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"Yes, absolutely - especially if the two of you can get into those lands."

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"We'll see."

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"Whatever you can learn will be of use, of course."

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"Do you have further questions?"

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Eridani glances at Wyld.

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Small shake of her head.

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"Not at this time."

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He nods. "You can send me a messenger if a question comes up, of course."

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"We'll be sure to, if one does."

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He lets the conversation drift a bit after than, into less consequential topics, though doesn't draw it out past a point where he'd be rudely taking up their time.

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Adept of him, but expected for someone in politics as long as he's been.


Maybe they have time to take a look at the archives and the recorded messages tonight?

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Yes, some - the archives are actually accessible all night, if they want to stay up late.

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Eridani wants to investigate, if Wyld's okay with that.

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"Bet I can stay up later than you."

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"Shall we find out?"

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To the archives, then.

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To the archives!

How do they want to divide the work?

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...Left half, right half?

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Works as well as anything for a first pass.

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Cool. Eridani will take right.

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Wyld will head left, then.

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And... to work.

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For what's reported by and about Dau'ukar (which Eridani finds first):

There's a wide range of reports, some of them more transcripts of verbal reports - some from Hhazrik's older brother, from very early in the war before he was slain in an ambush. (The report on which was given by an apparently emotionless Hhazrik.)

They describe a Principality scrambling to mount a defense against an unexpected invasion - and doing surprisingly well, it sounds like, but...

Hhazrik's earliest reports actually go into very exhaustive detail, often with no embellishment. The level of detail very slowly tapers off over time, and... Something's odd, possibly.

Eridani does probably have all of the Dau'ukar reports here, unless something has been misfiled, if she wants to call Wyld over to read through them with her.

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Hum. Maybe she'll have a useful perspective.

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She comes over, settling in with Eridani to read. 

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The early forms help, really. They give a very good inside view into the functioning of the Dau'ukar Principality, even if it's through a lens of warfare. (Something Eridani is less familiar with, but, bureaucracy is bureaucracy and politics are politics, even if you put a sword in the paper pusher's hand, and many leaders were soldiers first.) (Something Wyld is very familiar with.)

But... There's a breaking point, sharp and sudden, immediately after a transcript that notes, rather obliquely, that Princes Jhalij and Hhazrik had an altercation - the system described is wrong. The events and locations reported don't flow perfectly with what's been established previously. There's - errors. Misdirections, and the skipped details aren't just sloppiness from a rushed life - they're at critical points to anyone trying to get a fine grained picture of the situation on the ground.

It builds up slowly, but the reports draw more and more into describing a Principality detached from what was initially laid out. They can't be fully certain, of course, they haven't seen the situation on the ground, but...

Nearly every report since Hhazrik's last in-person Council session has something odd about it.

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"...So things are being hidden from the Council. Either by Hhazrik or someone intercepting her messages."

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"Though, whoever's intercepting her messages would need to be very good or very familiar with both Hhazrik and Dau'ukar and the wider Principalities - this is all plausible, especially if you aren't reading closely."

"And especially if you're just experienced enough to realize the situation on the ground could easily be complicated enough to produce this much noise - or if you're experienced enough in systems with low bureaucratic infrastructure to know it's extremely difficult to get that much detail to report in the first place, but not imaginative enough to know it can be done, let alone in one lifetime, and you're assuming Hhazrik's been embellishing since the start."

"The Principalities aren't complex in a way that'd produce this much detail - everyone else's reports are likely normal within the limits of what their infrastructure can manage, and honestly what I saw of Hikep's bare bones reports felt more like 'they don't have a notable bureaucracy' than 'they're hiding something.'"

"This is - effectively tailored to trip up someone assuming Dau'ukar has the same lack of a bureaucracy."

"Either that, or they do actually lack this much of a bureaucracy, and Hhazrik did in fact just stop putting effort into embellishing."

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"Taking a tour in person of that province is looking more and more appealing."

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"Absolutely. Even if we weren't trying to unravel this mystery - if they're actually getting that much detail on their province, I wanna go whine at the Prince until she'll let me shadow some of her bureaucrats. I've been having a hell of a time getting even so much as a non-indiscriminate tax collection system properly up and running."

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"It's a date, then."

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Giggle. "A somewhat strange date, but I'll take it."

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"Well, it's a bit open-ended. Plenty of time to twist it around."

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"It'll make the bureaucracy much less tedious."

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"A pleasant little thought to keep you going."

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"A frequent opportunity for a break in the routine."

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"Yep!" Kiss.

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"Want to take a look at anything else while we're here?"

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"Yeah. The province's older stuff - also some of the other Principalities' records, though we'd have to be a bit sneaky since we aren't supposed to look at those."

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"It is the middle of the night. I'd say we're well on the way to sneaky."

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"So long as we don't make a racket on our breaks."

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"That'll be up to you, won't it?"

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"Just me?"

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"Mostly you."

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"You've done more than a bit of the screaming, pretty girl."

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"So don't make me scream."

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"Don't think I packed a gag, though..."

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Eridani sticks her tongue out at Wyld.

"I'd be a little concerned if you brought a gag to the archives."

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"Maybe I should start keeping one with me at all times. Just in case of emergency."

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"Strange kind of emergency."

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"There's a lot of strange things in the world."

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"Not least pretty girls with iridescent tattoos and cannibalism fetishes."

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"I'm unique, it's true."

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"Yes you are, miss monster."

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Kiss! (Quiet one.)

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She shushes Eridani. "No loud giggling, remember... We're being sneaky."

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"Yes, miss monster."

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Quick kiss.

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Back to work?

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Back to work, like the responsible people they are.

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Yes. responsible agents of espionage.

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It's a very important task.

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Something something vital part of interstate diplomacy.

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Of all forms.

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It's fortunate they're both excellent diplomats, then.

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Anything interesting turn up?

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Nothing that's jumping out at her... There's the usual undercurrent of corruption, but, well, that's hardly interesting.

Though it does confirm to her that Dau'ukar's claimed level of data is very, very strange for the area. That rich Principality, Maizhekor, comes somewhat close with their tariffs, but they're still a decent bit behind.

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Nice to have that confirmation, anyway.

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She's also decently sure all the Principalities are reporting less than they theoretically could, but there's no actual changes in the pattern there - it just seems the norm.

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Makes sense, there's not really a central bureaucracy.

That's probably all the information they'll get out of the archives, then.

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At least without a lot more context - which is best to get elsewhere. 

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Yep. Time to call it a night.

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Good. She can take Eridani back to their rooms and get all those screams out of their system, then. 

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Or maybe they should practice using a gag.

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Nothing says they can't do both at the same time. 

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Of course, they'll need to find or make a gag...

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A little bit of an improvisation challenge isn't enough to stop her, surely?

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Not at all. 

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Oh good.

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Cloth will rather do, she thinks... Perhaps one of Wyld's scarves, even. 

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It'll be almost like biting Wyld's neck.

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little different. 

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Little differences are good, from time to time. Keeps life exciting.

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Variety is the spice of life, and all that. 

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She secures the scarf rather firmly on Eridani.

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She grins around it, as best she can.

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She kisses Eridani's nose, then sets to testing it.

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Initial results: promisingly enjoyable, but they'll certainly need more specialized equipment for really effective containment.

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A future shopping trip, then.

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Eridani will look forward to it.

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In the meantime... They'll make do. 

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Rather a specialty of Lunars, she understands.

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They're better at roughing it than a pampered girl like Eridani, at least. 

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Well, someone has to set an example for the masses.

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"I'll keep pampering you, don't worry. Even when I'm roughing you up."

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"Thank you, miss monster."

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Kisses! "You're very welcome, pretty girl."

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Giggle and nuzzle.

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She likes Wyld very much.

There's some more diplomatic things Eridani should attend to in the capital- but it's fairly clear that her attention really needs to be in Dau'ukar.

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They can get finished up quickly, then - Eridani brought a whole delegation, right? She should be able to delegate a lot to them, once the stuff that benefits most from her presence is sorted.

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Yep. Means it'll pretty much have to be just Eridani and Wyld leaving but- the others won't be really helpful out there anyway, she thinks.

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Maybe, maybe not - but they can summon any of their retainers they need, once they're on scene. Better to keep to the necessities, right now.

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Just Eridani and her swords and Wyld and her scarves.

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They might want some proper clothing, too, at least for the formal parts.

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Well. Maybe. If she insists.

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They have to leave something for later revelation.

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Keep 'em guessing. Good point.

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Keep some rewards in reserve.

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The opposite approach to the one Wyld tried with her.

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"You got a special deal."

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"A pretty good one."

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"For a pretty good girl."

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"Aw, you think I'm a good girl?"

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"I know you're a good girl."

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Eridani has some time to prove it again, though, before they need to set out...

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Proving it is her favorite part, even more than asserting it.

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That's fortunate, since it's Wyld's favorite, too.

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Compatible tastes!

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Very important to any relationship.

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They'll be well refreshed for the journey.

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So Wyld shouldn't tire Eridani out too much? 

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Just enough that she sleeps well.

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"As you wish, pretty girl."

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And pleasantly tiring exercises. 

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Successfully both pleasant and tiring.

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And the next day, they can set things in place, and begin the next stage of their journey.

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Dau'ukar is a mountainous region, as promised, with well maintained roads. Most of the towns are fortified, many of them apparently centered around mining and quarrying.

Dau'u City itself isn't that hard to reach - though they're quickly told that Prince Hhazrik has been leading from a fortified town deeper in the mountains that overlooks the major pass on the road into Sae'ira; Dau'u City is apparently located conveniently for politics and trade, not for war.

The fort, when they reach it, is imminently practical; there's a distinct air about it that any decoration is has is purely to confuse the enemy eye, hide arrow slits and the like. They're met at the gates by serious guards with suspicious eyes.

"What are your names and business?" one asks.

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"Elathea Eridani, scion of Prasad. My companion, Shimmering Wyldclaw. We are here to speak with Prince Hhazrik."

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He examines them for a long moment, then gestures to the gate house. "You may enter, so long as you affirm that you do so under the customary laws of hospitality of the broader Sea. I will see that the Prince is informed of your arrival."

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Affirmations: no problem. It's even true.

Little more worrying that it's something that was asked for, though. Means the fae, or at least suspicions thereof, are rampant.

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She repeats the same affirmations, and - yeah, she's similarly on alert now. 

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The gate will open, then, and a page is summoned to bring them to a well-appointed but windowless receiving room, while a runner is sent presumably to the Prince.

Who arrives after not particularly long. She's an exceptionally tall woman, with stark white hair and exceptionally pale skin - albino, most likely, given the appearance of everyone else here. She's clothed more thoroughly than the norm, too, only her face visible, but her outfit is one of a warrior, not a modest housewife, and her lamellar armor is of almost startlingly fine work, given what they've seen of everywhere else's military. She carries a long, thin sword openly on her hip, but her other weapons are mostly tucked away in her sash or some hidden sheath or another.

"My guards informed me that we had visitors from Prasad." Her voice is flat and smooth, and it'd sound bored if her gaze wasn't so intense.

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"That would be us. I'm Elathea Eridani. My companion, Shimmering Wyldclaw."

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"You two alone?"

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"Two Exalts are generally considered a sufficient force all by themselves. And bringing more people along would only muddy the waters, I think."

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She inclines her head, then. "Most would drag along their status symbols anyways," she says, a bit wryly.

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"I myself am all the symbol I require." Eridani is every inch the noble Dragonblood Dynast, despite her banter with Wyld about not needing a wardrobe. The fine silks she wears are both immaculately tailored and flawlessly designed to not actually impede her movements while being maximally flattering to her figure. She is also wearing her swords openly, a large fine ruby capping each hilt, which are wrapped in dark red leather and chased with platinum, the wide jadesteel blades showing an impressive wavy flame pattern in yellows shading through orange to red.

"But our purpose here is not to impress, but to determine whether this little war with Sae'ira will threaten the safe passage along the Heart Way that Prasad is interested in maintaining. Or if there is in fact a more urgent threat, posed perhaps a raksha court as our greeting at the gate might suggest. The reports in the Council's archives were, shall we say, less than perfectly clear."

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She inclines her head.

Then, casually (watching Eridani intently): "Clear words have had a way of getting into enemy hands, of late."

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"You suspect a leak, then."

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"Yes. And I haven't been able to isolate it - I'm fairly certain there's been no active supernatural surveillance during meetings, but that doesn't preclude a traitor, loose lips and gossip, or illicit access of the physical records. Or, indeed, stranger means of accessing information after the fact."

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"'Fairly certain'? How can you tell?"

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"The same way I know the raksha have sent more subtle spies into my lands than unseasonable birds, and the same way I guard my own work."

"Even mortal houses have artifacts, however minor they may be."

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"Though the facility to use them is somewhat rarer."

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"I was pursuing artificing before my brother's death."

"It does not behoove me to leave potential advantages unusable."

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"Of course not. I assume these concerns are also why you are here, rather than Dau'u City."

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Nod. "This location is in general more defensible, and there are less civilians to worry about in the case of a battle - which, in turn, makes it harder to infiltrate. Dau'u City has walls and can withstand sieges, but it is not a fort, especially for a war like this."

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"And what is this war like, exactly?"

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"The enemy appears in places that are conventionally improbable or even impossible - units moving too quickly between wide flung points, enemies striking over sheer cliff walls with no evidence of climbing gear - not just assassins, but soldiers too - but not doing that during a siege, merely doing ambushes."

"They also haven't offered a siege very often, or stood still to be engaged in the field - they're using raiding techniques, but they're not otherwise behaving like raiders, and we're unsure of their objectives."

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"Are they taking captives?"

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"Not often, that we know of - there's been instances where someone seems to have been replaced, but we've usually found the body at some point."

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"Seems strange for either raiders or fey," she says, glancing questioningly at Eridani. 

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"It is. Not at all a pattern with precedent."

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"Unless there's a story they're playing out."

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"Still not a story I've seen before."

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"No... But they don't always go for worn down tropes."

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"We haven't noticed any story-like patterns yet... But the war's still young."

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"I see no profit in letting it age much further."

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"I feel the same."

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"Perhaps we should pool our efforts, then."

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"I would be amenable to that," she says after a moment's thought. She stands, then, and summons a page to 'bring the Lady Ridis.'

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Ah, the famous Ridis. This should be good.

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She arrives rather promptly. She definitely looks foreign - certainly southern, though likely nearish the Threshold. (She's also visibly pregnant, though the swell of her belly under her robes is subtle.)

She bows lightly to the two Exalts. "Good day," she says. "My name is Ridis, Lady of Dau'ukar."

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Wow she is very tall.

"A good day to you as well, Lady Ridis."

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A good bit taller than Wyld, even, and Wyld's already got quite a few inches on Eridani.

She returns the light bow. "A good day."

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She smiles a little and steps closer in. (Forcing Eridani to crane her head back a bit more.) "May I have the honor of knowing who I'm addressing?"

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"-Elathea Eridani. Of Prasad."

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"Shimmering Wyldclaw, of nowhere in particular; I'm Eridani's friend and companion."

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"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you."

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"-I gather you have some insight on the war?"

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"I do. I've been helping Prince Hhazrik with updating and developing our systems of warfare."

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"To better adapt to the enemy's tactics?"

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"And to begin getting ahead."

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"What do you have so far?"

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She sits. 

"We've been implementing procedures for screening for and defending against raksha infiltration at all of our outposts. The uptake has been variable, but compliance is steadily improving."

"We're also developing a more thorough idea of Sae'ira's geography, especially the parts nearby our border, and creating more accurate maps. We're also building analyses of the enemy's actions, and of our own war readiness."

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Sounds like good preparations, if a little late at this stage. Eridani can ask some clarifying questions and suggest points to look further into.

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'Started' might be a bit of an underexaggeration - they've gone into overdrive since the war began, but much of this has been on ongoing process for years. 

Ridis does apparently prefer to show them things rather than simply tell, though - she mentions reports, and the value of a physical orientation to the systems in practice, at least at this one fort. 

Still - "What can you two do to assist us?"

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"In the long term, request reinforcements and material aid from Prasad. More immediately- I do agree that it's best to see things in person, and two Exalts prowling the border won't hurt your cause."

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"What are your skills?"

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"Interpersonal communication and two-weapon fighting."

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"War, and much of what it entails - though I'll admit I'm better at the interpersonal parts than the engineering parts."

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"I can find a use for both of you, then."

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Eridani could definitely find a use for Ridis, like as a climbing tree or something because wow. (This is an inappropriate thought to have about a recent widow at a diplomatic meeting and so she will carefully not express this thought.)


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Her lips twitch ever so slightly. Not quite into a knowing smirk, though. 

"It's good to be of use, yes."

"Will you follow our command?"

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"That's not something I can promise."

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"It's something we will require to an extent if you wish to operate within our systems. None are immune to the law, here."

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"I am interested in working with you and I do not intend to cause problems or usurp your authority here, but I am a representative of a foreign power and as such cannot entirely subordinate myself to you."

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She nods. "Understandable, and your firmness speaks well to you."

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"Is that acceptable?"

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She glances at Prince Hhazrik, a little smile on her lips. 

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"It is," she says, more openly - but also more mildly - amused.

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Then -

Ridis can take their visitors on a tour, if that is pleasing to everyone. Let Prince Hhazrik return to some of her work. 

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Works for Eridani.

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For Wyld, too.

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"And I'll have a lunch prepared, too - you both must be weary from the road."

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"Somewhat, yes."

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"I'll make sure we break for that early on, then."

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She grins back. "You're welcome, Lady Eridani."

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"Lead on, then."

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To the tour, then. 

"We do receive delegations from Prasad from time to time, though not as many as Tzilakor," she comments. Then, with a little smile: "Though none as august or unique as yourselves."

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"This is a special occasion, then."

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"It is."

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"Glad I could make it possible for you."

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"Glad you could be here."

"We're sadly not set up for elaborate welcome banquets here - but once we have some breathing room, I'd love to host you at the palace itself."

(The palace in Dau'u City had been gorgeous, even from a distance. It's clearly had some recent renovation, too, though Eridani hasn't heard much gossip about that in specifics.)

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"That sounds lovely. And a victory is always a good excuse for a party."

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"Especially a feast."

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"I'm quite eager to see what the regional differences in cuisine look like."

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"We'll have to bring out our best, then."

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She smiles and then continues the tour of the fort. 

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It's a pretty cool fort, all in all.

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She's glad Eridani appreciates what she sees. 

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Oh, Eridani's definitely appreciating everything she can see.

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Small, definitely knowing grin. 

Then: "You'd mentioned prowling the borders as a possible contribution you two could make."

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Eridani nods. "I would like to see what the front looks like."

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"I like to check up on the border myself, at irregular intervals - we have patrols, but, I catch things others don't sometimes. You two could accompany me."

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"Sounds like fun. If we won't be disrupting you unduly."

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"I don't think you would be."

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"Then we're happy to join."

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She nods with a grin.

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"We're a bit in the middle of things, here - we can head inland or towards the coast first. I usually randomize a bit, but... Leaving it up to the two of you works just as well."

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"Inland sounds good."

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"It's all the same to me... Coast-wards sounds like it'd have more fey, though."

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"It does. The coastal outposts are often more compliant with anti-fey measures, simply because they're more challenged."

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"Okay, cool."

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"So the inland ones need the encouragement- and possibly the help- more."

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"That's the usual course of things, yes - I just dislike being consistent in my checks."

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"That's fair. Patterns are exploitable."

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"My reasoning."

"There are also more routine checks, of course, done by various captains, but they're often not as thorough as me."

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Nod nod.

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"I can be ready to set out early tomorrow."

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"If there's space for us to stay here, that works."

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"There's even some rather nice rooms available."

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"Oh, excellent."

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"I'll have those prepared for you, as well."

"Will you two be sharing a bedroom?"

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She nods. "Yep."

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"I'll have one with a larger bed prepared, then."

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"You're welcome."

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"So, I believe a lunch was mentioned?"

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"It was."

There's not really a banquet hall here, and Ridis has their lunch brought to a smaller room, one that seems to usually double as an office - there's several desks on the walls, laden down with papers.

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"Is this your office?"

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"Yes - the one for paperwork at least."

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"Looks like you keep yourself busy."

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"I do. I enjoy having plenty of things to occupy myself with, even when my to do list isn't quite so long as it has been lately."

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"A busy mind is a joy to Mela."

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"You like to keep busy too, then?"

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"Not with paperwork, to be fair."

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"I've been trying to streamline the system... But yes, many do find it gets tedious fairly quickly." Soft smile. "What do you keep yourself busy with instead?"

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"Physical stuff, when I can. Exercise, sparring, dance."

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"She's very flexible," Wyld says with a little smirk.

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She laughs. "You must dance beautifully, then."

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"I've been told as much more than once."

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"I'd like to see it sometime, then."

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"It'll have to wait until we're somewhere with a little more free space."

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"Fair enough. Perhaps there'll be places along the border that suffice, at least."

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"That could very well be the case."

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"Depends on what sort of open you need."

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"A flat, solid surface, mostly."

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"Our border's mountainous, but there's flat areas and courtyards and the like, especially towards the coast."

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"A courtyard would be best, especially for an audience."

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"Alright. There's forts that will meet our needs, then."

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"I look forward to it."

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"As well you should."

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"You're getting my expectations higher and higher."

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Cheerful smile.

"The anticipation is part of the performance."

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"Don't leave me hanging for too long, though."

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And then she offers to pour tea for her guests. 

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Tea! Eridani has very nice tea manners.

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Wyld can pretend she has nice tea manners, which amounts to basically the same thing. 

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Ridis is exceptionally orderly as she serves the two of them.

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Very neat, very nice.

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"Thank you."

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"This is very good tea, too."

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Grin. "That one's imported from the far east. It's one of my favorites."

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"You have good taste."

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"It's something I've worked on cultivating."

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"Well. Good job so far."

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"Thank you."

"I hope to further refine my tastes, but... The war makes that hard."

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"Well, if you ever feel like you need any advice, I'm available."

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"I'm sure I could use some." Soft smile. "It's always best to go to an expert when refining your palate."

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Nod. "Taking proper advantage of hard-won experience."

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"Skip over much of the early fumbles."

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"Get straight to the good stuff, which is just the way I like it."

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She laughs. 

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She has a nice laugh.

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Then: "Where would you suggest I start?"

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"Well, there's some other Eastern blends if you're importing from that direction already..." And she can describe the possibilities in that space, but there's also some more local varieties popular in Prasad, and some more southwesterly ones that have a little bit of a kick, she likes those.

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She'd be interested in expanding in a new direction - the Prasadi and southwestern varieties all sound lovely. 

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Eridani's glad to show her the way.

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She's looking forward to it. 

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Once this mess threatening the trade routes is sorted out.

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"It should go faster now, at least."

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"That's the plan."

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"It's a relief, having you here..."

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"That's what Dragonblooded are for, solving problems."

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"I'm sure you live up to it."

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"You bet."

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She smiles and turns the conversation to more inconsequential things.

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Works for Eridani.

More of the fort or the forces after lunch? Or if Ridis needs to get back to work, they can keep themselves busy.

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She has some work - but she can show them more in the evening, and they can plan their route at the same time. 

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Sounds like a plan.

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She'll see them this evening, then. 

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Until then.

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She leaves them to their own devices, then. 

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Does Wyld feel like doing anything in particular?

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Practically - listen into gossip, see if any of the soldiers will talk to them directly, explore a bit on their own...

Hedonistically - go relax, really. See if they have any baths here, or any gardens, or if they'll let her pet any war animals. 

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There might be gossiping soldiers around the war animals.

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Two birds with one stone, then. 

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Their hosts will get upset if they start throwing stones at the war animals, though.

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Wyld would never.

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And the same thing goes for the soldiers.

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She knows how to be a polite guest.

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Knowing's not always doing. Eridani just wants to be sure, here.

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"I promise I'll be good while we're under the hospitality rules."

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"Thanks." Kiss.

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Giggle kiss.

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Off to see the animals?

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Off to see the animals!

(Eridani might have to turn up some of her charm, here, apparently the fort's run rather strictly.)

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The power of a pretty smile is not to be underestimated. Plus she's pretty sure she reminds the stablemaster of his favorite niece or something because she hardly has to bat her lashes at all.

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He also ends up a good source of gossip.

Wyld leaves Eridani to the charming. She has warhorses and hunting dogs to convince to allow her to pet them. 

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Sounds like a fair division of labor.

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Once she has the animals happy with her, Eridani can pet them too, of course. 

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Not as cute as this puppy! Who's a good boy, who's a good boy!

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All the puppies are pretty sure they're the good boys. 

"Do you want me to take some?" Wyld asks, as Eridani gets buried in puppies. 

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"I'm good," she says, voice a little muffled by the pile of furry bodies.

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"You're very good."

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"These puppies are very good." She attempts to flash a thumbs-up but the hand is immediately mobbed for pets.

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She laughs and starts giving supplementary scritches. (Some of these scritches are for Eridani. Especially behind her ears.)

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Excellent scritches. Very welcome.

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Some of the puppies get jealous and start wiggling for Wyld's hands - or licking Eridani's ears - which Wyld finds very funny. 

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Not funny! That tickles!

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Hilarious. And adorable! 

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A dark current of resentment seethes beneath the cuddlesome surface of the puppy sea.

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She giggles and snuggles into the puppy sea, giving Eridani a few kisses of her own. 

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Hmmm yes all is forgiven.

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Excellent. It'd be terrible to have Eridani still mad at her. 

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Wyld would need to try a lot harder for that.

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"I'd rather not."

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Puppy kisses!

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Wyld licks Eridani's cheek.

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Authentic puppy kisses.

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"I used to be able to turn into animals... Didn't have any puppy shapes, though - I'm not a monster." 

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"Oh, are you one of the bitey ones?"

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"...The bitey ones?"

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"Yeah, I learned this in school, there's um... three kinds of Lunar shapeshifters. The ones who eat hearts, the ones who seduce their targets, and the ones who spy on you."

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"...All Lunars have to eat heart's blood to gain a shape, in my world. Some very experienced Lunars figure out other ways to get temporary forms, but that's not real shapes."

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"...Sounds rough."

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"Only if you're squeamish."

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"Guess that explains the cannibalism kink."

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"It might have contributed."

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Puppies and kisses, best way to spend an afternoon.

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This is the break she needed, honestly. 

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Good. Wyld deserves some relaxation.

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According to everyone around her, at least. 

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Perhaps she ought to consider listening.

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"I'm working on it, cutie."

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"I'll keep helping, then."

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"Thank you." 

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"Helping you along the path to perfection is a pleasure."

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"Everything I do with you is a pleasure."

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"Glad to hear it."

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Very kiss! 

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Kiss! But they shouldn't get too carried away here...

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Probably not. 

(Also, the puppies seem to have exhausted themselves and are now very flop.)

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They should maybe get up and move on, then.

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She helps carry the puppies back to be deposited with their mom.

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Goodbye puppies.

Then- they should clean up a little before meeting Ridis again.

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Some, yeah. But she hadn't seemed the type to stand on ceremony. 

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Maybe not, but it'll make Eridani feel better.

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Of course. Eridani should always feel great. 

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Awww thanks!

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"You're welcome, cutie."

Off to get nice and pretty for the very tall lady, then. 

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She is rather... towering, isn't she? Eridani doesn't know that she's ever actually met someone so tall before.

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Especially seeing her next to Eridani... It's an interesting contrast.

Wyld almost envies Eridani her view, really. 

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Oh, Dragons, it is an incredible view.

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Especially with how those nice clothes drape just so over her chest...

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Just... woosh. Like a waterfall.

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A very tall waterfall. 

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That gets you nice and wet.

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-Eridani bursts into laughter.

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"Though you gotta stand under her for the full effect."

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"Oh, if only," she sighs dreamily.

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"Hey, dreams can come true you know."

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"Yeah, but like... she's a recent widow and three months pregnant or so."

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"She might be interested anyways... But yeah, I get not wanting to push."

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"Instead, I will just dream."

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"Maybe you'll get lucky, and she'll make the first move."

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"That would be amazing."

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Kiss! "Just let me watch."

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"Thank you, cutie."

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Though, they should get Eridani cleaned up, not more messed up...

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Yyyes. Good point.

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"I can mess you up tonight, pretty girl."

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"Promises, promises."

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"Think I won't?"

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"I think you will, but I enjoy provoking you."

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Grin. "Like playing with fire?"

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"It's my aspect, so."

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"Well, who am I to disappoint a pretty girl?"

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"That's not in your repertoire."

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"One of the few things I'm completely incapable of."

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"Fortunately for me."

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"As the prettiest girl around..."

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Giggle kiss.

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Oh no distraction!

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Sorry, sorry, she'll be good. 

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Maybe they can finally get washed up and back to Ridis, then.

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Ridis is pleased to see them. 

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"I hope you had a productive afternoon?"

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"I have, and I even got more work done than anticipated."

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"Always a nice surprise to find in yourself."

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"Especially when it gives me more time to spend with important guests."

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"We certainly appreciate the consideration."

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And she lets the conversation wind into pleasantries for a while, bringing in information on their travel route after a bit...

She doesn't seem to really get tired from working. 

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Neat trick, if you can manage it. Personally, Eridani would rather not go past a late dinner.

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She won't tire her guests out too much. 

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Gotta leave Wyld something to do.

That's very considerate of their host.

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She strives to be considerate in all things. 

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Well. Mission accomplished.

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She lets them go after dinner (and after showing them their suite, which is pretty well appointed for a fort like this, with a nice huge bed and a big soaking tub), and wishes them a good night.

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"Good night, Lady Ridis."

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"I'll see you in the morning."

And she's off.

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Hate to see her leave but love to watch her go.

"The room's nicer than I was expecting," she says to Wyld.

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"Yeah. They're spoiling us."

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"I won't raise any objections to that."

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"A pretty girl like you deserves it."

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"And a pretty girl like you."

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Giggle kiss. "Nice things deserve nice things."

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"True. Very true."

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"And pretty girls deserve pretty girls."

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"Must be why you appeared next to me."

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"Creation rewarding you for being so excellent and beautiful?"

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"It has good taste in rewards, then. And recipients."

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"Destiny works in my favor."

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A justly fated kiss!

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And speaking of well-deserved things... Wyld recalls they had a conversation about Eridani playing with fire, earlier?

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Hmm, did they? It seems to have slipped her mind somehow...

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Teasing nibble.

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She picks Eridani up, spinning her around and shoving her back against one of the lovely pillars flanking the merrily burning hearth. Then kissing her more, of course.

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She tries very hard to keep Eridani distracted while Wyld gets a poker in the fire, lets it heat up...

And then presses it into Eridani's bare thigh.

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Eridani whines into Wyld's mouth.

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"Didn't I warn you," kiss, "About playing with fire," kiss, "pretty girl?"

The poker is hovering tauntingly near Eridani's thigh, still.

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"Mmn. You did."

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She bites Eridani's lip, hard.

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Eridani bites back.

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And Wyld burns her again. Her calf, this time.

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There's so many other things to burn Eridani with here, too, and a nice lovely warm hearth to spread out on...

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Of course, if Wyld gets her too excited, her anima's gonna flare up and Wyld will get burned too.

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A risk she's more than willing to take. Everything she can't just heal's already been stripped off of both of them, after all...

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And the lovely warm hearth is made of nice solid stone.

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So no problem at all.

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Absolutely none.

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Wonderfully burny kisses!

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With a few bites here and there...

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Mhm, mhm, those're important to keep things spicy.

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"Mmmm, a spicy oil sounds like an excellent addition to an Eridani-feast..." she muses teasingly.

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"Is miss monster still dreaming about that?" she laughs.

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"Absolutely." Quick nibble.

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"I'll have to pick some up next time we pass a market."

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She kisses Eridani hard.

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"You're a very good, pretty girl..."

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"As is my birthright."

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Kiss. "Something you've ongoingly earned. Birth doesn't much come into it."

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"Sure, sure." Kiss.

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Mmm kiss!

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Then big yawn.

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"Time for bed?"

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Mmm nuzzle. "Yeah."

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"Kay." Small yawn. "Let's go to the soft place."

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She giggles and stands, scooping Eridani up to carry her to bed. 

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All according to plan.

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And - cuddle time. 

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And a slow drift to sleep.

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The best.

Wyld falls asleep a bit after Eridani, relaxed and warm and very, very much wishing her girlfriend was here. 

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Maybe wishes do come true in dreams, because she hears a familiar voice calling her name. "Wyld? Wyld?"

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"Luc'? Luc'! Over here - " she calls, trying to turn the buzz of Essence through her towards the familiar pattern of dream-walking.

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And here she is!

"You're alive!"

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"You're real - "

...She did not mean to say that, whoops.

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"I've been so worried, you just vanished-"

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Tight squeeze. "I'm okay - I woke up in a world where you don't exist but - I'm not injured or in significant danger or anything."

...Eridani has proven a very excellent distraction from all the ways she's not okay, but, she has her girlfriend now so most of those are fixed anyways. 

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"-What do you mean, a world where I don't exist?"

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"Everything is - weird."

"It's Creation, but - everyone's different, and I - can't - I'm not a Lunar, and I don't have a history here, nothing I know is real - like someone dumped out of a raksha dream, and I woke up on the edge of the wyld in the middle of a flux - and - "

Oh no she does not want to start crying right now. 

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"It's gonna be okay. I found you again, we'll figure out how to get you back."

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So many hugs.

" - I haven't been - miserable, there's raksha activity I'm investigating, and a pretty girl who lets me strangle her, and - I've kept ahead of - doubts or anything, I did think I was just - displaced - but - "

"I miss you. That's the only thing that's actually bad. And so long as you're okay - we've been apart for long stretches of time before, just -

"This was... Surprising."

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"Just make sure you're sleeping regularly. I'm not going to let it be another three months before we talk again."

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"...It hasn't even been two weeks - uh. Here at least."

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"Well, fuck."

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"Yeah that's - "

"Weird. Especially because I think it was the same season and year when I woke up here - just after Calibration, though history is weird enough I wasn't sure at first if I'd just - jumped forward a thousand years or something."

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"I think this is better than that scenario, at least."

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"Though, you'd be pretty hot as an immensely powerful elder Exalt..."

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"A thousand years without you is too steep a price to pay for that power."

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"I love you."


"...Oh, by the way - let's figure out how to move more than just me between the worlds. I mentioned the pretty girl who lets me strangle her, right?"

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"Uh, yes you did. But now that you say it's only been a couple weeks I'm a little concerned by how quickly you found her."

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"I'm very talented!"

"...Though also she fished me out of a raksha-infested sea during said flux and I woke up on her ship, which was admittedly weirdly convenient."

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"Very much so."

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"I don't think she's had anything to do with it. She's - straightforward in her own way, and she's definitely a Dragonblood - the raksha have trouble pretending to be Exalts to anyone who isn't very naive. It - seemed like I'd been drifting a while, I was pretty far from the worst of it, and she was just the one who thought to rescue me."

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"I'll trust your judgement, darling."

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Smile and kiss. "Good. And my judgment on her is that she's a good ally, and also that I'd very much like to push her to her knees in front of you."

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"And watch me strangle her for a change?"

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"Of course." Kiss. "And, mmm, I think I've finally talked her into letting me take a few bites..."

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"You are incorrigible." Kisses.

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Kisses! "It's why you love me so much."

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Laugh. "Mhm."

"Though when you get back... I might have to tie you up a little, to keep you from running again. With the new girl, maybe, a rope around both your necks..." Nibble.

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"Yes, that sounds like an excellent celebration for your return."

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"Mmm, we should get you in her dreams, in the mean time... I've been bragging about you, and she's dying to see you herself."

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"Sounds delightful. I can't wait to meet her."

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"I can't either." Kiss! 

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Dream kisses: much better than no kisses at all.

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Still only a teaser for real kisses. 

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Luc' has a way to talk to Wyld now. She's not going to stop with that.

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Speaking of... She wants to give her girlfriend all the attention she's been missing over the last three months - catch up on her life - 

Wyld's going to keep her Luc' here every moment she can. 

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They've got all night.

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Luc' just better not wake up before her. 

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Wyld's always been the early riser between the two of them.

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Not tonight. 

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Let's see how long things go, then.

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All right then.

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Wyld at the very least manages sleeping in, that morning. 

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Poke poke, poke poke.

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Nooooo she wants to sleep. 

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"Wyy~ldd. It's time to get up. We gotta leave."

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"Yeah, come on. There's forts to check, fae to kill, and tall women to admire."

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Argh she's AWAKE.

"Was dreaming..." she mumbles, and tries to snuggle back under the covers in case that reveals Luc' to her.

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"You can find the dream again tonight."

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"Was Luc'..." She stuffs her head under the pillow.

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Eridani sits down next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You miss her."

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"She sent me a dream..." she mumbles.

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"What did she say?"

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Ugh she's not getting back to sleep, is she?

"Had all night."

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"Must have been nice."

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"We gotta sleep at the same time, to do it again..." she mumbles. "But the worlds aren't synced up..."

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"You know it's possible to communicate now, though. So that's a start. And maybe we can look into something here, too."

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"Didn't wanna wake up."

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"...It's okay."

"We made some plans earlier, so we can keep meeting up."

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"Hope you do."

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"We will."

She pushes herself up, sighing. "So - I slept in?"

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"Yeah. Breakfast has already been breaked."

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"Is there still food?"

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"I saved you some."

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"Thank you, pretty girl."

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"You're welcome!" She gets up to fetch the plate from the side table.

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She gets up to stretch a bit before accepting the food.

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Eridani only stares a little bit.

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"Like what you see?"

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"You know it."

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"Good." Another languid stretch.

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Nice. Very nice.

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She giggles. Then: "How long do I have before we leave?"

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"About half an hour."

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"...I need to hurry then..."

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"You were very asleep."

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"My girlfriend is very clingy." She starts eating a bit faster. "Anything for me to do other than like, bathing, before we set out?"

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"We've got everything all set, I think. Lady Ridis is a very efficient packer."

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"I'll just get myself ready, then."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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She's packed up and moved out in less time than this before, so she doesn't even have to rush through her shower too much - so long as she doesn't dally, but, well.

She's ready to go even before the thirty minutes are up.

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They can meet Ridis out by the gates, then.

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She's beat them there, of course, but doesn't look like she'd grown impatient in the meantime.

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Oh good.

"Ready to go?"

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"Yes, if the two of you are."

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"We are."

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Off they set, then.

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"I'd like to focus on making good time today," she tells the other two. "The outposts nearest here aren't of major concern, but we're decently likely to get slowed down the farther inland we go."

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"Gotta run while we can, huh?"

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"Effectively, yes."

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"Though I might struggle more with running the whole way than the two of you," she teases.

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"You can set the pace, then."

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"And let us know if you need a ride."

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"On one of you?"

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"I'm stronger than I look."

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"I might take you up on a ride at some point, then."

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"I'm always available."

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She laughs. "Excellent."

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"It'll be an important help on some of the steeper roads."

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"Glad to be of service."

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"Do you often seek to be of service, or am I special?"

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"A virtuous Dragonblood should always be as a leader and example to others, a guide and an aid."

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"I do appreciate virtue in my companions."

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"I've got all kinds of virtue. Virtue coming out of my ears."

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"Oh? What are some other virtues you strive for?"

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"Oh, grace, wit, sparkling beauty..."

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"All good things."

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"Just like me."

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She laughs. 

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It's a good laugh.

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Eridani's going to have to do more to hear it, then. 

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Maybe Ridis would like to hear some Prasadi jokes?

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She'd love to. 

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Excellent. Eridani has a pretty good stockpile.

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And a good sense for what Ridis will laugh at, apparently. 

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Must be a natural instinct.

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Or perhaps part of one of her virtues.

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Could very well be.

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They might need more data to be sure.

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Of course she's happy to oblige.

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Wonderful. Ridis can help design the experiments. 

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Ooh, collaboration.

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Important to any venture. 

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It's how all the best projects get done.

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Then Ridis is glad she has Eridani on her team. 

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She grins. 

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Eridani casts about for further conversation topics.

"How'd you come to the area?"

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"I was traveling, just... Trying to see the world, and in doing so figure out my place in it. And then I met my husband, and met his people, and things - felt like they'd fallen into place. Like I was finally where I was meant to be."

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"Sounds romantic."

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"It felt it."

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"I never had the chance to meet Prince Yakhir. What was he like?"

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"...He was - dedicated. He cared a lot about his people and everyone he met, and he wanted to make a better world for them. He worked hard not to have too much of an ego, and to accept criticism with grace."

"He was funny, too. He liked telling jokes. He liked surprising people - sometimes with pranks, though apparently that was more when he was a teen. But he'd leave flowers at the door to my workshop, just at random, and he'd - keep track of what people liked."

"He was considerate like that - he'd make me take time to eat when I was working, and he'd order new supplies for me before I asked - he wasn't very meticulous at all, but he read every report I sent him, because he cared about my work and what it meant for his people, and - he cared about me. He said once he'd read anything I wrote, no matter what it was..."

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"He sounds like a good person."

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"He was."

"I loved him for it."

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"Everyone should find someone they can love. At least once."

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"It'd be - sad, to only have that once, but - not having it is much worse."

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"I haven't had any big loves. Lots of small ones, though."

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"They're different sorts of pleasures, I've heard."

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Serious nod.

"My research on the topic concords with that conclusion."

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"What research have you done so far?"

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"Mostly romance novels."

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"A survey of the existing literature is often a good place to begin your experiments."

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"My thoughts exactly."

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"But it won't substitute for direct experience."

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"Well, you can't exactly pick true love up at a market stall."

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"No. It was - the most surprising thing I'd ever encountered, for me."

"But you can keep your eyes open for opportunity."

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"I plan to."

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"Have you encountered any potential opportunities yet?"

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"Maybe a couple."

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"Wonderful news."

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"Hope so!"

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"Any of them available for gossiping about?"

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"A lady doesn't kiss and tell."

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"Of course."

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They make good time that night, stopping at a small outpost to simplify making camp. 

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Does that mean a real bed, or just a roof they don't have to put up themselves?

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Depends on how she categorizes 'a cot.'

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Leans towards the 'roof' side of things, but it's better than nothing.

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Likely better than a bedroll, too.

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Depends how creaky it is, and how much weight it can hold. Bedrolls can be pretty cozy in the right, ah, circumstances.

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They can be wider, true, and pushing two cots together isn't quite the same.

Of course, there's floor space. They could set out their bedroll anyways. 

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Sleepover time?

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If it pleases her guests. 

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Sounds excellent to her.

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Let's do it, then.

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Of course, how to arrange all the bodies they have is another important question...

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Maybe... Wyld here, Eridani in the middle, then Ridis?

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Works for her. 

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For Ridis as well. 

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They should set up, then. Eridani opens her pack to get her bedroll out.

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...Ridis twitches a little at the... Inefficiency of Eridani's pack. 

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"Something wrong?"

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"...Your pack seems a bit... Interestingly organized."

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"Weeeelll... that's because it's not, really. Organized, that is. I mean, I've got kinda of a strata thing going but y'know, stuff tends to bounce around."

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Eridani giggles.

"Does that bother you?"

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"... In concept."

She is trying very hard not to be horribly rude. 

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"Oh dear. Maybe you can help me repack tomorrow morning."

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She relaxes. "I'd like that."

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"And maybe if you explain well enough I'll even be able to follow your system."

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"Any good system adjusts to its user - and I can demonstrate as often as needed."

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"That's very helpful."

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(Crisis averted! And turned to her favor, even.)

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(Ridis doesn't disagree, at all.)

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Then that's doubly excellent.

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It's good for everyone involved to be satisfied. 

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They'll see how the night goes.

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No specific plans? 

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Eridani prefers to play things by ear. Make it up as she goes.

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A method that often produces interesting results. 

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She's found it so!

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Grin. "I don't have as much experience with spontaneity, though."

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"Maybe I can show you a trick or two, then."

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"I'd like that."

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"The main thing you have to be careful is accidentally creating implications you don't mean."

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"But also, not think too much before saying something. For example."

"I think you're very pretty."

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"I think you're very pretty, too."

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She giggles.

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"I like to kiss pretty girls."

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"I like being kissed."

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"What a fortuitous confluence of preferences," Eridani says.

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"Indeed it is."

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Eridani leans over to kiss her.

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Oh this is a very good kiss.

Eridani gradually slithers closer, draping herself across Ridis.

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She pulls Eridani more firmly into her lap.

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And Wyld slides up behind Eridani, kissing the back of her neck. 

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Oooh. Eridani sandwich time. She is all about this. As hinted at by her suggested sleeping arrangements.

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A very yummy Eridani sandwich. (Nibble.)

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Ridis laughs and pulls Eridani more into her - probably trying to shift them so Ridis is having to crane her neck a bit less.

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Eridani has been doing some idle fantasizing mental calculations, and is pretty sure that she fits very neatly indeed into Ridis's lap.

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Her calculations appear rather accurate. 

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Wonderful! She wiggles happily, getting comfortable.

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Ridis laughs and strokes her sides. "Am I going to be your pillow tonight, then?"

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"You're pretty well equipped for it."

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"Nice and soft?"

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"Mhm." She snuggles in.

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Hair pets.

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Hair pets are good, but Eridani would also like to do some more kissing.

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Ridis can multitask!

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Fancy. She will shortly have a very pleased Eridani in her lap, then.

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All according to plan. 

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A good plan, then. But let's not forget this started with Eridani's spontaneity.

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Ridis can form plans very quickly. 

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What a handy talent.

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It's certainly coming in use here. 

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Where is Eridani's spontaneity leading her next? 

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To wiggle out of her shirt!

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Ridis is very fascinated, to say the least. And there's now so much more skin to kiss...

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Eridani arches backwards to better expose said skin. Perhaps Wyld can support her?

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And help move her best assets so they can be properly appreciated. 

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That's some nice teamwork.

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One of Wyld's specialties.

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Eridani appreciates it a lot.

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As does Ridis. Teamwork makes everything more efficient. 

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Absolutely! And Wyld's good enough at multitasking to keep ahead of Ridis's mouth in removing Eridani's clothes, which she's sure also helps. 

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It absolutely does!!

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She's glad to be of service, then. 

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Awkwardly stretching kiss!

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She's tempted to meet Eridani partway... But she looks so good stretched out like that, and Wyld is a simple woman at heart.

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A simple and kinda mean woman.

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She has a reputation to uphold, pretty girl. 

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Fair enough.

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Quick bite.

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Eridani jerks at the suddenness.

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She giggles and kisses the side of her neck. 

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And Ridis makes a very interested noise. 

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"I won't object if you want to get a little more aggressive too," she says.

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She bites the area she'd just kissed. 

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Eee! Happy wiggles!!

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This opens up entirely new vistas of opportunity. 

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Seize the moment, is Eridani's advice.

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An excellent idea. And there's more than a moment to seize...

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Eridani shimmies enticingly.

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Don't mind if she does, then. 

She gets the last little piece of clothing out of her way first, of course, then proves that long, sharp nails are much more her thing than biting.

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Oh that is a delightfully different sensation.

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It's really amazing she hasn't broken these - and equally amazing they're not breaking now, given the rather interesting stresses she's putting on them. 

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Eridani is rapidly being distracted from being able to think about that sort of thing.

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She's not complaining.

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Of course not. 

Ridis doesn't seem likely to get tired of this any time soon, too. 

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Neither does Eridani!!

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It'll be sensible to sleep eventually... But they have some time before they need to. 

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And it's only efficient to spend that time as pleasurably as possible.

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An astute observation, and a persuasive argument. 

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Eridani's good at both of those. Also making encouraging noises.

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She might have to gag her if she gets too loud, though. 

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Or maybe if she asks nicely?

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Perhaps. How nicely is she asking? 

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How nicely is required?

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Only a little. They can save any real begging for better surroundings. 

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Something to look forward to.

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Goals are important, after all. 

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Having something to work for is excellent motivation.

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Ridis improvises a rather effective gag at that point. Some of Ridis's clothing can go towards the cause...

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Happy 'hrmffrmm'!

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She giggles and kisses Eridani's cheek above the line of her gag.

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Seductive wink.

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Now that the noise issues are handled... Ridis can really get to work, starting back up at the top and heading down. 

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Perhaps the next issue Ridis will need to address is the excessive wiggles.

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That seems something to request help on...

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Which Wyld is more than willing to provide.

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Pinned down by one pretty girl and worked over by the other. She's having the time of her life.

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Good, because Ridis is loving this too.

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She wakes up early the next morning, but keeps snuggling until Eridani wakes. She's cozy, and they can get moving quickly enough. 

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Eridani is wrung out and very snuggly, but she still wakes decently early.

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"Morning, cutie."

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"Mmm... hiii~"

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"Last night was very fun," she teases. 

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"I'm glad you think that too."

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"Mutually satisfying all around."

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"We should do it again sometime."

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"We'll be traveling together for quite a while..."

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"Lots of opportunity, then."

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Kiss. "Absolutely."

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Eridani is the greatest diplomat ever.

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She giggles.

Definitely the sexiest.

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"We should probably get up before we get distracted..."

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"Yeah. We have another long day ahead."

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"Plenty of motivation to reach the end, though."

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"A drive to push us forward." She kisses Eridani and stands.

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Eridani admires the view for a moment, before joining Ridis in the business of getting ready.

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Wyld's been up for a short while - which fortunately means she's gotten some of their prep done already.

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Very thoughtful of her.

An early start to the trip, then?

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Seems like it, which means they have a headstart on making good time. 

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Mhm! All kinds of success going around right now.

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She laughs a little. "We do have serious work to do today too..."

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"Best get to it, then."

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Of course. 

She sets off in a better mood than for yesterday's trip.

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They get most of the way to where they were going to stop for the night before one of the stones Wyld steps on - a reused paver - starts glowing - 

And then there's a deep rumbling around them, a small quiver in the ground under their feet. 

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Oh shit.

Eridani draws her weapons.

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And Ridis steps closer to her companions, her hands curling into fists. 

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Wyld gets her own weapons ready in time for the ground to drop - and for something to rise off the path, small trees growing from its spine. The ground under them ripples and buckles as it pushes itself up with a low moan - some part of its body must run under the road.

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"...Bigger than I was expecting."

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She snorts, softly. Then: "Fight or flee?"

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"Dunno if we can actually get away from it fast enough."

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"It's slow..." She murmurs, "And might not pursue..."

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"Unless it wakes up cranky. Worth a try though, come on."

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And to very softly but quickly get the fuck away! 

...Wyld scoops up Ridis.

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Who grunts but doesn't protest.

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They're able to get clear of the breaking ground before the monsters finishes standing - it looks like it was spun from something that used to be a tiger, though its stripes have become open gashes in the twisted, sickly wood of its body. It groans and shakes itself - and then looks at their party and roars, and the trees around them quake - 

It seems to have woken up grumpy.

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"Looks like we've got to fight."

Eridani slaps the flats of her swords together, and the blades light up with fire.

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"Yup!" She lets Ridis get down and eyes the creature, silver wisps of light building up around her, bleeding from her tattoos. "Ridis, stay back - "

And then she glances at Eridani. "Attack together?"

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She retreats a little.

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"Let's take it down."

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She smirks and throws herself at the creature, her daggers at the ready. It swats at her with claws like thorns - and misses, and she laughs wildly as she leaps onto its paw and nearly dances up its arm. 

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Ridis concentrates - and thinks, and remembers - and calls out, "I've heard of beasts like this - don't waste your time trying to wear it down, and go hard and fast for its weak points - there's a mesh of vines near the spine, and it's a fey creature - "

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Should be vulnerable to getting stabbed with flaming jadesteel swords, then. Eridani charges in.

Her ascent up the creature's flank is less delicate than Wyld's, as she jumps from crag to protruding root, stabbing open footholds as necessary.

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Wyld goes at a gap in its spine, a silver cascade building around her as her daggers blur. The first one glances off, but the second strikes true, slashing into the pulpy vines beneath the bark and soil hide.

The creature roars and shakes itself, trying to throw Wyld off - and it paws at her when this fails, forcing her to twist away and tumble to a somewhat less ideal position.

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Eridani rides the bucking motion, adding that momentum to a leap up into the air that positions her over the spinal weak point Wyld was attacking.

She descends blades first, streamers of fire whipping into the air through the rush of wind. Her swords bury themselves almost up to the hilt and the viny flesh catches alight as her heels slam onto the behemoth's hide. She rolls with the landing, dragging the swords along with her, exacerbating the damage.

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It roars and twists, its claws swiping directly - relentlessly - for her.

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She gets her swords up, catches one claw, two-

-doesn't manage to halt the hand entirely.

She receives a nasty gash down her left side as she stumbles.

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There's an angry scream, and then a blazing arrow of diamond, coruscating with a million flickering prisms of light, flares through the monster's heart, tearing it apart like it's nothing more than gossamer - and it disintegrates, unraveling out from the arrow wounds with a low moan, and the dirt and vine and sinew of its body becomes snow and light and crystalline sound.

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Holy shit. Was that- Ridis?

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Seems likely!

The being who rushes over to them certainly resembles her in many ways - has her facial features and wears her clothes, but her body is made of dark adamant, her skin glittering with the light of millions of finely cut gems. Her hair shimmers as she moves, her stride now sure and powerful, not the carefully measured grace of an aristocrat but the firm confidence of the general, the engineer, the maker and controller of all around her. She has thin lines of starmetal tracing from the center of her forehead and into her hairline, blue jade framing her eyes like kohl, and her lips are crafted from a tiny plates of red jade connected by a more elastic - alloy, or something, it's only distinguishable from the jade because it moves as her lips do in ways jade shouldn't. She's beautiful, of course, but not in the way of even the most gorgeous Solar Exalt - she's not an exemplar of human perfection, but rather what you might get if an alien who only theoretically knew what humans look like tried to create one with mathematically perfect aesthetics.

And her eyes are of pure, clear adamant. They have no pupil or iris, and miniature gears beyond count whirl and click in the space behind them, a microcosm of a vaster work. An adamant bow folds itself into her arm as she moves, and a strange, tightly controlled Essence flickers around her like flares of rainbow flashing out from half-real crystals. There's glimpses beyond those crystals, of a vast workshop, of glass and gem-cutting tools, of a dark silhouette bent over his work.

And when she speaks, her cadence is Ridis's - her tone clarified, none of the hoarse irregularities of humanity, but her all the same, and there's a tight concern as she calls, "Eridani! How badly are you hurt?"

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Oh wow. That's... Wow.

"Uh. I." She reaches down to pat her wound and winces, her hand comes back sticky with blood. "-Worse than I'd like."

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She comes up beside Eridani. "I can treat injuries - may I touch you?"

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"Uh. Sure?"

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She rests her hands near Eridani's wound - and it closes most of the way, and an equal wound opens on Ridis before her body shifts and begins re-weaving itself. The flickering glow around her intensifies.

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Blink blink. She pokes herself near where Ridis's hand is. Just some bruising left.

"...Thanks. Are you- okay?"

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Smile. "Yes. It's - transient."

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"Opens up some interesting possibilities for later."

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"Really, Wyld?"

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"Hey, things were threatening to get awkward, so..."

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Eridani, standing there with her hand pressed to her side just below Ridis's, keeps getting too distracted by all the pretty shinies in Ridis's face to really come up with a proper response to that.


"Crisis averted, I guess."

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She gives Eridani a soft look. Then: "We should get away from the area..."

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"Off of the uh. Spirit tiger?"

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She nods.

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Probably will have to move Ridis's hand to do that.

Maybe they can hold hands?

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It'll allow her to heal Eridani the rest of the way once she catches her breath, too.

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Multiple benefits to the approach. Very efficient.

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Ridis's specialty.

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Off they go, then.

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Of course, it's at that point that the ground collapses under them.

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Ridis isn't very athletic, and she has trouble twisting to her feet. 

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Wyld's having no such trouble, and doesn't even make a sound of surprise as the ground crumbles. 

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Eridani can help Ridis stick the landing... at the cost of staying on her own feet.

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Even with help - Ridis just ends up falling on top of Eridani.

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Wyld lands perfectly on her feet. 

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They appear to be in... Underground ruins? The ceiling they fell through is vaulted, and the stonework is smudged and dirty but mostly undisturbed by growth. There's splotches of mold, but... It's been a very long time since the sunlight reached down here.

The stonework then is perfect in its details, some of the color faded but not much.

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Eridani doesn't have the greatest view from underneath Ridis, but. This architecture is still... weird.

"Where are we?"

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"...Looks like a temple." She goes to help both of the other women to their feet.

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"Didn't know there was anything like this in the area..."

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"It looks old," she says, somewhat slowly. "First Age, most likely - there's a lot of ruins around here from that time, and a few temples still in use... But, see the animal motifs - those started disappearing from local architecture built after the Great Plague."

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"Huh... Oh! Oh! It must be one of the Lunar's temples. There used to be a really old one that ruled the area. Her name was, uh, Gleam of... Freedom, I think? She was big into tigers."

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"And apparently had excellent taste. Tigers are awesome, that's a good name, this artwork's pretty..."

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"I'm sure she'll be glad you approve, Wyld."

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"Of course she would. My own taste is impeccable."

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Eridani giggles.

"We should look for a way out."

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"Yeah. And keep watch for more tiger monsters - also great taste, but I'd rather not fight any more of those."

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"Yeah, all tigered out for a while."

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"I'll hold off on spontaneously relearning how to transform into my Heart's Form, then, until your tiger meter has reset."

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"Thanks, miss monster."

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"You're very welcome, pretty girl." Kiss!

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Off into the temple?

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Off! Fortunately, their anima is providing plenty of light to see by - so Wyld can make appreciative noises about the tigers and knotwork and calligraphy - and so she can come to a dead stop, staring at one enormous image of a white tiger. 

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"Do you- recognize that?"

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"...Yeah. I do."

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"...Is it- you?"

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"My Heart's Form."

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Oookay. That's weird.

"This is weird."

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"...They can reoccur sometimes, across hosts of the same Exaltation."

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"But you're not... from here."

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"Definitely weird."

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"And... You aren't a Lunar."

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Grouchily: "I was."

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Considering hum.

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"It's uh. Complicated."

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"...Her current type of Exalt often is."

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"-You know others like her?"

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"Of them; I've never met one."

"I was created by Autochthon eons ago - even before the First Age - and one of my tasks is monitoring other Exalts. Therefore, I was loaded with knowledge on those Exalts - especially ones from outside the weave of fate."

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"One of the Primordials who sided with the Incarnae in the Primordial War. Autochthon is the Great Maker, the ultimate patron of crafting."

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"Is that why you're so... sparkly?"

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"Yes. I'm primarily constructed from adamant."

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"That's really cool."

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"Makes me the most expensive girl you'll ever meet."

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"Hope I can afford you."

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"There's very generous discounts available, for the right people."

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"Oh good."

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Wyld opens her mouth to question all the 'what the fuck' -

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Which is when snow starts to swirl around and then behind them, coalescing slowly into a distinctly tiger-ish shape.

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Eridani tenses up, ready to fight again.

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The tiger doesn't attack, instead sitting back on its haunches, posture relaxed.

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"Uh. Hi?"

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"Hello," it rumbles. Then: "I thank you for freeing me."

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"That was you? Up on the road?"

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"In a way, yes."

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"I like this look better, I think."

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Amused rumble. "I do as well."

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"Soooo did you just drop by to say 'thanks' or...?"

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"Somewhat. Though your group is interesting to me, as well."

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"How so?"

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Rolling shrug. "It's not everyday I see a sort of Exalt I don't recognize, let alone two - and it's rarer still for one of them to smell familiar."

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Eridani glances at Wyld and Ridis. "These two? Huh. What do you mean 'smell familiar'?"

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Rolling shrug. "It is not, precisely, smell - but that one," it nods to Wyld, "Reminds me of the queen who allowed me to become who I am."

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"...You mean the old Lunar, the one who used to rule here."

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"'Rule' is... Somewhat imprecise. We loved her and sought her guidance, but the only laws she set were of non-violence."

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"There's not a lot of concrete records left of that time."

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"Unfortunately so. She and her honored daughter did what they could to preserve these lands - and Creation as a whole - but the disruption was... Severe."

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"The Wyld Crusade."

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"Yes. She died during that, as did many - but she died more bravely than most, and it saddens me that so much has been forgotten."

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"It's been a long time. Even for Exalts."

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"The honored daughter would remember, though it seems she has chosen to leave the past behind her."

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"Who's the honored daughter?"

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"I am surprised you don't know - you have the scent of one of her descendants."

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Blink blink.

"...The Empress?"

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The tiger inclines its head, clearly amused. "There is a reason Suul Elathea was welcomed here with open hearts. It had saddened us that little Layla chose to settle so far from the wyld - that family is ours."

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Yeah, Eridani just, uh. Needs a minute. To process.

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"...Did Gleam take her second breath before the Usurpation?"

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The tiger tilts its head and says, "Yes. She had already guarded these lands for centuries when she elevated me - and that was some time before her honored daughters were born, and those three were adults when the Deliberative fell."

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She remembers something Eridani had said about the Empress here, and her rise to power - 

"Wait. Her wife survived the Usurpation?"

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...Unhappy rumble. "She did. Though many would have preferred it had Elathea Brightspear died there, in the same ignominy that took the rest of her kind."

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"No fucking kidding."

She's mad at her past self sometimes, for helping in the Usurpation, for killing Luc's past self - and sometimes she isn't, especially when she sees the shadows of someone else's regret in Luc's eyes. 

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"I did not hold the same enmity for her as many - this temple was once one of the shrines surrounding the mountain where Elathea Brightspear was imprisoned between the Usurpation and the Crusade, and our Lady would not have permitted guards who could not maintain our neutrality."

"But it was... Sad."

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"'Sad' is pretty accurate all around."

"...Especially if they had children. If they did - none were recorded in my world."

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"Perhaps your world was kinder."

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Unamused laugh. "A kinder past for a crueler present."

"Not a trade I'd make, if I ever had the choice."

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Eridani quietly hugs Wyld.

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"It's why we're here now," she says quietly. "So we can do better than the past."

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Slow, considering nod.

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Pat pat.

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Lean! "You're very good," she tells Eridani. 

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"I'm trying."

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Eee kiss!

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The tiger stretches. "I can't say I know why you're here now, though. Someone who is and is not a Lunar, in a time and place where she shouldn't be, with a familiar scent and an unfamiliar face... Creation contains strange things indeed."

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"That's not really anything new, though, is it? Times are always strange somehow."

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Amused rumble. "Some are stranger than others."

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"Fair enough."

"So, do you know the Empress like personally, or...?"

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"I knew her only distantly, and I doubt she would remember me as an individual - but I knew her mothers well, and I suspect she would recognize me as one of Elathea Brightspear's guards."

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"What was Brightspear like?"

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"She changed over the decades and then centuries. I didn't know her well when my Lady married her, or during their courtship - my Lady brought her to her domain, of course, and gave her this or that tour, but there are very, very many of us, and I was not yet someone of any note. From what I have heard... Intelligent, witty, ambitious. She and my Lady rediscovered or invented several new workings, melding sorcery and wyld-shaping."

"She grew possessive over time, though, and she grew angry - as all within the Solar Deliberative were. And after the birth of their children, she withdrew from her family and began arguing with my Lady more. This first exploded in a fight she had with my Lady, in which she nearly killed her wife. The eldest of the honored daughters, the Lady Micqui, took her sisters and fled through paths known only to Sidereals. This angered Brightspear, as it would anger any tyrant, but no matter how she searched, the Lady Micqui stayed ahead of her, and Heaven had already turned its back upon the Solar Deliberative - and though the Lady Luna had been directly ordered not to interfere, she had never been one for orders, it is said, and she claimed my Lady Gleam as her favorite, and so Brightspear's endeavors often came to ignoble ends."

The tiger pauses for a long, solemn moment, glancing down.

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"That's sad."

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"Not as sad as it would become, unfortunately."

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"What else happened?"

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A pause, then, softly: "It was never confirmed to me, but... I believe the honored daughters aided in and perhaps significantly drove the Usurpation, or at least its success. The Lady Layla at least was central to the government formed immediately after, though she was eventually pushed out of power."

"In the decades before this - Brightspear had been gradually building a massive sorcerous work, and was to complete it shortly before the Usurpation. It seemed to me that there were fears she would activate it in response to the Usurpation, possibly destabilizing Creation itself. Given her anger, and given that I'm fairly sure that work became the Realm Defense Grid... It's far too plausible."

"I do not know the full sequence of events, but I believe the honored daughters tried to kill Brightspear ahead of the Usurpation, and she survived and retaliated. The Ladies Micqui and Samira were killed in that conflict, though the Lady Layla had not been present."

"Brightspear came to the edges of my Lady Gleam's realm, then, and begged to be killed. My Lady imprisoned her instead."

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"That's terrible."

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She loves Luc', but - it's not too hard at least, to separate Elathea from her own girlfriend now. 

"Then I hope Gleam returned every offense with interest."

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Tail flick. "She did."

"And Elathea Brightspear did not offer even a moment's resistance, unless Lady Gleam needed it to vent her anger properly. She repented, as much as any can, and in time the Lady Gleam grew afraid of her own rage, and then regretful of her actions, and then mournful of the relationship she'd lost. And her anger began to spill around her, to more than just Lady Elathea."

"She joined her wife in this temple complex over a century before the Great Plague. Her exile was voluntary - but in truth, Lady Elathea's had been as well. We could not have held her if she wished to escape."

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Sigh. Sad story for everyone.

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She - folds in on herself, expression crumpling.

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Hugs. All the hugs.

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She's just - going to tuck her face into Eridani's shoulder now. 

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Pat pat.

"Thanks for telling us."

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Nod. "I'm - sorry, for the past."

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"Not your fault, really."

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Small nod.

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Awkward smile.

"-We should... probably get moving, I think."

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"Yeah. Let's."

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"Do you know the way out?" Eridani asks the tiger.

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"Yes; I'll lead you." It stands, stretching.

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And follow the tiger.

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And out, back into the sunlight.

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Not an unwelcome sight.


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"Thank you."

"I will remember what you've done for me."

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"All in a day's work."

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The tiger huffs agreeably, and then fades away.

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"...So that was all very exciting," she says to her companions.

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"A bit of a whirlwind." 

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"Certainly not what I planned for this morning..."

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"I think we all learned a lot, though. Good job us."

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"We carried ourselves well."

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"I like this look on you, by the way. Did I say that already?"

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"Not in those exact words."

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"Well. Consider it said."

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"Sadly, I'll want to move back to a more human appearance before we get very far..."

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"How many people, uh, know?"

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"...Few. Only you two and Prince Hhazrik have anything resembling a clear picture, though there are generals and the like who know enough to be quickly read in."

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Wow okay there's some Implications there.

"I appreciate your trust."

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"I would ask that this be kept in confidence, going forward."

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"Of course."

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"I won't spread it around."

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Nod. "I'll keep your own - revelations - to the same confidentiality."

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"Though, uh, I just thought of something- you looked pregnant, are you actually, or...?"

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She blinks, surprised and - a bit confused - and then laughs. "Oh! Oh, it's - the nobles here find it very gauche to admit you're infertile, you know. I'm being very irregular about not just going into seclusion for nine months to emerge with a baby I'm pretending I gave birth to at the end, but, well, I imagine the same thing comes up in Prasad."

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"Not so much, actually. The Dragons' gift is heritable so if you can't have blood children people want to know that before you get married. Though it's still- shameful, embarrassing."

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"The only concern here is for the Princely bloodline - so it could be an issue for Prince Hhazrik to be infertile with no other heir, but a surrogate from a well regarded family suffices for - the position I'm in."

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"I find it - strange, that people place more than a practical importance on bloodlines, but... I do love the people here, oddness and all."

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"It's part of their charm."

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"Which they have in abundance, it seems."

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"You'd know that best!"

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"I'm rapidly becoming an expert."

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Quick kiss. 

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Kiss! The magical materials lend a delightfully new and interesting texture to the experience.

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They'll have to find some time for real privacy then, at some point.

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Suppose the first step there would have to be continuing their journey.

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It would. 

Ridis returns to her human appearance, Essence very briefly dancing over her skin as it shifts.

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"You're pretty like this too."

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Blush! "Thank you."

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Smug Eridani.

Shall they continue?

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They were already nearly to their stop point, and they've lost time - Ridis is actually comfortable camping near here and continuing in the morning if the others are. It might be the best privacy they get for some time, especially with the complex still watched over by the spirit. (And Ridis wants to poke around, anyways, though she doesn't emphasize this to Wyld.)

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Works for her.

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Better than most camps. 

(...She also wants to poke around, actually.)

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Sure. Combination sleepover and poking session.

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Fun all around. 

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It's always a good time when Eridani's around.

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Might distract them from the poking...

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Well, Eridani's less invested in the poking than Wyld or Ridis seem to be, so maybe they can take turns and whoever's not poking the ruins can poke her instead.

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A wonderful suggestion. 

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Maybe they'll even tire Eridani out a little that way. 

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They can try.

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They might have to stop for more than a day for that...

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...Thoughtful hum.

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It would add an extra bit of unpredictability to their schedule. Which, to be fair, could be good or bad.

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She does like to add some randomization for how quickly she progresses, and what paths she takes when possible, and that's often difficult to do actually unpredictably...

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Well, if that's what they want to do, it seems Eridani has no choice.

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None at all. 

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Kiss for Eridani.

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Mmm, which of them does Eridani want first? 

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Eesh, that's a tough one.

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Maybe Wyld and Ridis should have a little competition. 

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...Go on.

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Well, the classic would be a simple contest of skill - chosen, of course, by the fair lady whose hand they're competing for. 

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Hmmm yes. But simple is a bit boring, isn't it?

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More than a bit. And it's Eridani's contest to judge...

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What would make this entertaining for her, she thinks, is if this were a sexy contest. A competition of seduction.

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There's quite a lot of territory in that. 

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Space for both of them to show off their good sides, then.

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Absolutely. And Wyld has experience in a wide range of fields...

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Yet it's Ridis who draws ahead. 

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Then as a fair and unbiased arbiter, Eridani has no choice but to give the victory to her.

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An excellent call. 

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Wyld pouts a little, but concedes defeat and sets off to explore.

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"So," Eridani says to Ridis, "What other delightful tricks do you have?"

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"Nothing designed for this... But let's see what I can put together."

(A lot. A lot is what she can put together, especially once she drops her human seeming and starts opening up compartments in her body to access certain tools.)

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Oh, tools on demand open up entire new avenues and boulevards to explore!! Provided one has the proper... creativity. Which Eridani absolutely does in this arena.

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A small flaw in the 'trade off poking the strange temple and poking the hot dragonblood' plan arises, which is that Ridis is currently a melted puddle of bliss in Eridani's lap. 

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Hmmmm that doesn't super sound like a flaw to Eridani. It sounds more like an unexpected benefit.

(She's glowing smugly a little bit.)

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Once Wyld returns, she fully agrees about the benefits.

In fact, maybe she can help keep Ridis in that blissed out state...

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This is what's called improvising on the fly.

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An essential skill, though Ridis might need later reinforcement to properly learn it. 

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That doesn't sound too hard.

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They'll just need to include periodic reminders. 

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Intermittent rewards.

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Refresher courses, with new material to practice on spaced in. 

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Sounds like a plan.

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They might let Ridis recover a bit tonight, though. Just a little. 

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Sort of ease her in to the process.

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Give her any time to poke the ruins, too.

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Hmm true but there's all of tomorrow, too.

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True enough! 

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So they've got time to poke Ridis now and let her poke the ruins later!

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Works out well that way. 

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Things are working out in their favor.

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They really are! (Snuggle, then tiny yawn.)

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Aw, is Wyld getting tired?

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Only a little - but Eridani is clearly the superior lover, here. Old girls like Wyld and Ridis just can't keep up. 

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Maybe they should try a proper team-up.

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That can be tomorrow's main exercise.

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Can't wait. Kiss!

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Kiss!!! And cuddles. 

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Quiet, sleepy cuddles.

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And Wyld drifts off to sleep. 

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"You seem happy tonight."

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Giggle! And hug!!!

"Happier now that you're here."

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"So I haven't lost your heart to that fiery little Dragonblood yet?"

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"There's not even a chance." Kiss! 

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Hungry kiss.

"You know what I like to hear."

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"Speaking of things you like... I found some exciting leads on getting you over here."

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"Do tell."

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"We're spending the night in a temple complex - the local spirits are friendly - and an elder Exalt sorceress was in exile here for a while, and I found her notes. There's - some complications though..."

She tells the story of yesterday and all its weirdnesses and revelations and upsets - pausing at Elathea and Gleam's tale.

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She frowns.

"...Those weren't our names."

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"...Yeah. My past self - I don't know her name before the Usurpation, but... She changed it after, to Silver Ambush, and - "

"I don't think someone shaped like me would change away from Gleam of Liberation after that sort of - violent overthrow."

"I don't know what's going on here, but..."

"I found some of Gleam's stuff, too. Even beyond the Heart's Form and the spirit recognizing me, it's - she thinks like me."

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"Elathea... I don't know. I could fuck up like that. If I- went too far inside my own head."

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"Silver Ambush never - I don't get her. But - Gleam makes sense, even the terrible parts. Even the - horrible things, the things I never want to see in myself - the stuff like torturing Elathea 'cause, well, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, do to them what they did to us - "

She cuts off, choking on the words, and buries her face in Luc's shoulder, hugging her tight. 

(The first writings she'd found from Gleam had mentioned her thoughts about that, a bit more in depth than the spirit had described. It was... Unsettling in a different way than Silver Ambush is unsettling.)

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Hug hug hug.

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Such hug. 

"...I feel bad for them. Not just - angry."

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"It sounds like they didn't- really get a chance to have a happy ending."

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"And it sounds like they'd - actually tried."

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"They had good notes, though, which is convenient for us... My group's staying here at least one day, and I might tell them to continue on without me..."

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"You think you can make progress that quickly?"

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"I think I can get an idea of if staying or coming back is the best option that quickly."

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"Smart." Kiss. "Let me know if you need me to do anything or find anything out."

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"You know more about sorcery, so, if you can recommend things I can look for - also let's try to sync sleep again tomorrow, so I can run whatever I find by you."

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"Good plan."

Luc' will summarize what research on her end has turned up so far.

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She goes over what parts she's found so far. 

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So it sounds like there's some possible intersections- here's what Wyld should be looking for in particular...

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She listens carefully. 

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Luc' loves it when her girlfriend pays attention to her.

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It's very easy to do. 

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She's the prettiest, smartest thing around.

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The most fascinating person there's ever been. 

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Many kisses! 

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Mmm, yummy Wyld.

"Was there any more important business we needed to get to tonight, sweetheart?"

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" - Oh, so the woman Eridani and I are traveling with turned out to be secretly a weird Exalt, and also she knew a tiny bit about what sort of Exalt I am now..." She summarizes the entire adventure with Ridis to Luc'. "Also she and Eridani are extremely adorable at each other."

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Luc' laughs.

"You get into such trouble when I leave you alone!"

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"Keeps you on your toes."

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"It does that. I look forward to meeting her too."

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"We'll need quite the introduction party."

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"Block out several days worth of time for it."

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"At least."

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Giggle kiss.

"I want you here, darling."

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"I would like nothing better than to be with you."

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"Be my dream come true?"

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"Every single one of them." Kiss.

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Kiss! "Love you."

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"Love you too, sweetheart."

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Nuzzle. "It's just not the same without you here, you know."

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"Maybe it won't be too much longer, if our alternate universe past selves have done the preparation for us."

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"I have faith in them."

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Very kisses!

And, since that's the end of her news. they can spend the rest of the night getting caught up in other ways...

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A very important bit of social engagement.

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Keep those parts of their relationship strong. 

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And well exercised.

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Not a problem they're having right now. 

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Wiggle kiss.

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Luc' has every intention of making this another long night for Wyld.

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And yet somehow, she wakes up refreshed the next day. 

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Hmm what an extremely mysterious occurrence.

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Then: "I'm gonna poke around a lot today. There's some texts that I'm hoping will have what I need to pull Luc' over..."

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"Really? That's exciting!"

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"Though... If I think I can get through it quickly, or that it'd be worth it, I might stay here even after you two move on?"

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"If you think you'll be okay..."

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"I think I will - I'm more concerned about you two possibly needing me."

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"We'll be fine. If there's any more enormous road-tigers we'll just run back here."

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"I'll be your cavalry."

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"Maybe your girlfriend too, if it takes long enough."

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"At that point, we'd almost need to split up, just to give the enemy a sporting chance."

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"Sometimes it's more fun to beat problems to death with overwhelming power!"

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"Depends on the problem and what else you have on your plate."

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"Meh. Details."

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"Which's where all the devils are."

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"So crush them and their details with overwhelming power! See, it all circles around."

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"Well... My girlfriend's a bit of a devil, herself."

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"But in a good way, right?"

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"Depends who you're asking." Her smirk certainly communicates what Wyld thinks there.

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"Of course, you'll have to judge for yourself..."

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"I'm looking forward to it."

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Giggle kiss.

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"Luc's looking forward to meeting you, too."

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"Hope I live up to the hype."

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"Well, I've been doing all the hype, and I have impeccable taste..."

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"No worries, then."

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"Not about that, at least."

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"There's quite a few other things to worry about, though..." Wyld purrs. "Some teasing hints that haven't been followed through on. Delights that haven't been tasted."

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"You're a tease," Eridani laughs.

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"Not my fault you keep getting distracted every time we have a bit of privacy."

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"I'm pretty sure it's at least forty percent your fault."

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"Sixty percent Ridis's fault, and zero your own?"

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"Sounds about right, yeah. After all, I am the most virtuous person here."

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"Dunno, I think Ridis is pretty virtuous herself."

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She sticks her tongue out at Wyld. "I said most, not only."

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"Sounds like something we'd need to measure objectively, just to be sure."

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"Let me know when you figure out how to do that."

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"Might be a small challenge..."

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"So work on it when you need a break from your other challenges."

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"Something to entertain me when you're asleep."

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"Perfect." Kiss.

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Giggle kiss!

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"Still wanna take a day off?" she asks Ridis.

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Sleepy mumble.

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Hmm probably a yes.

Eridani will get in more Wyld cuddles while she can.

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An excellent choice. 

She does stick around long enough for Ridis to wake up and them all to eat breakfast - and notes she'll be checking in through the day, and she'll come back here to sleep. 

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"Feel free to shout if you get into too much trouble."

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"I'll be extra loud so I'm audible over the two of you."

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"Well, I might be getting gagged, so."

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She laughs, gives Eridani one last parting kiss, and heads off into the ruins to explore. 

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That means she has her full attention free for Ridis.

"Guess it's just the two of us now..."

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"Seems so."

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"Gonna do naughty things to me?"

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She licks her lips. "Depends how you're rating naughtiness."

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"Say... things that would scandalize the council of princes, were we to do them on the table during the meeting."

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"So... Expressing controversial political opinions?"

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"Only if you're doing it naked."

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"Lends a flair to the argument."

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"Might even ward off debate."

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"Or shift the debate to a more interesting format."

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"Either works."

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Kiss! "There's some interesting debates I'd like to have with you."

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"Such as?"

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"Well... The best sex position for any given use case would be a very illuminating place to start, here."

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"I think that calls for some practical experimentation."

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"Give us a proper grounding in the subject matter."

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"Very important for reasoned discourse."

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Okay that's enough talking time for kisses.

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Excellent decision. (Kisses! And experiments!)

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Detailed and thorough experiments.

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With appropriate checks that they're repeatable. 

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Naturally. Wouldn't want to let the results get ahead of them through overexcitement.

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And it'd be tragic to forget their results. 

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Gotta make sure they have everything well memorized.

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Especially since their schedule isn't exactly giving her time to document extensively. Though perhaps if she ties Eridani up for a little bit...

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That would be one way for Ridis to get some breathing space. Though then Eridani might start whining...

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She did mention the probability of being gagged, earlier. 

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What a coincidence! It's almost like Eridani's asking for it.

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Ridis lives to please, and she's had more time to construct proper bonds and a gag this time. 

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Very constrained wiggles. 

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Well, the enthusiasm's still there.

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A nice backdrop as Ridis works on her notes. 

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Mmmnn, and how long are those going to take?

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Hmmm... Not too long, if you ask Ridis.

Might feel like a small eternity to Eridani, though, especially as Ridis starts narrating her notes as she writes them. 

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She wants to be touched more!

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Ridis sets up on a low ledge, then, so Eridani can kneel beside her and receive hair pets. 

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That's better than nothing, she guesses.

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Patience is a virtue.

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Mrrrrr extremely rude of her own running joke to come back to not bite her like this.

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Play with fire...

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And then she reaches behind Eridani, and something scrapes on her ropes, and then suddenly one of the knots is extremely hot. 

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Muffled scream!!

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She notes something down. The knot keeps burning. 

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Eridani moans and wriggles around it.

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Smug Ridis is smugly writing. 

She then reaches down to ignite another knot. For science, of course. 

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Hopefully she's getting some good data because Eridani is feeling like she might herself ignite at some point here.

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Amazing data. 

And then - after another two minute long eternity - she sets down her pen, stands, and then turns and picks up Eridani, kissing her. 

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Eridani loves that Ridis can just do that.

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There's an awful lot Ridis can just do it seems, including suspending Eridani over six feet off the ground - so, right at eye level for Ridis - and making the earlier burning knots feel like butterfly kisses. 

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She giggles, drinking in Ridis's face.

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Ridis is very, very enamored with her, by her expression. Of course, that doesn't mean she goes easy on Eridani.

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Eridani wouldn't ever want her to.

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They have compatible desires, then. 

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So nice when that works out.

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One of the best feelings in the world. 

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Very much so.

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Soft kiss; it's a rather interesting contrast with all the pain. 

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Aww she wants to kiss back!

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Well, Ridis has been guessing her body language's meaning exceptionally well this entire time - perhaps if she wiggles enticingly enough.

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Oh, she has wiggles. She has, in fact, what might be better termed an entire lap dance were it not for the fact that she's currently suspended six feet in the air and much, much closer to Ridis's face than her lap.

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It turns out that Eridani's gag has an emergency release, because her gag is out of her mouth and replaced by Ridis's own lips very quickly. 

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Guess who's not complaining!

(It's Eridani. Eridani is not complaining about any of this.)

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Ridis seems rather intent on kissing her silly. 

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Eridani is starting from a baseline of pretty silly already, with all the stimulation she's had so far.

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Then it should be an easy task. 

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Wouldn't want Ridis to have to work too hard, after all she's already done for Eridani.

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It's only fair. 

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And fairness is a virtue!

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So Eridani has plenty. 

Ridis seems to be transitioning away from the torture now - she lowers Eridani after a while kissing her, pulling Eridani into her lap and touching her softly. 

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Mmmm, that's nice...

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"Such a lovely, good girl," she murmurs, gradually - gently - untying Eridani, massaging each freed limb in turn.

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"'M the goodest..." she hums. "'nd y're the bes'..."

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Pet pet.

"A sensible division."

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"Yep!" She snuggles her face into Ridis.

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She kisses the top of Eridani's head. 

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Eridani might just drift off to sleep a little bit here.

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Ridis is perfectly fine with that. She keeps petting Eridani.

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Very nice.

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Wyld's back by the time Eridani wakes, quietly helping Ridis prepare lunch. 

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She yawns and stretches.


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She kisses Eridani (she's been needing the help because she hasn't yet entirely stopped cuddling). "Hey yourself, lovely thing."

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"I am a lovely thing."

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Her expression is fond - almost adoring.

"The loveliest in Creation."

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Heee. She cuddles more into Ridis.

"You say the nicest things."

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"Lovely words are only fit as gifts for a lovely girl."

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"Though I'm not complaining about all the other lovely things you do to me."

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Kiss. "I'll do as many lovely things as you want."

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"All of them. I want all the lovely things."

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"Then I'll give them to you."

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The best part of kissing Ridis is climbing up to get to her lips.

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(She can certainly provide that sort of lovely thing very, very easily.)

Then: "I'll be quite lonely after your mission here finishes..."

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"It might take some time. Gotta make sure I have all the relevant information."

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"Information gathering is a long and arduous process, if done to an exacting enough level of detail."

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Squeeze. "I'll keep you for a very long time, then."

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"I'm looking forward to it."

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Soft kiss. 

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But about that lunch...

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"I'd like to feed you, lovely girl," she murmurs to Eridani.

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"I never say no to getting spoiled."

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Of course, everything she directed Wyld to make works as finger food.

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It's like she planned it!

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Exactly the case. 

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Maybe there's something to this planning stuff after all.

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At least when Eridani's not having to worry about it. 

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Ridis will do all the planning needed, then. 

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And Eridani will sit back and reap the benefits.

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All according to plan. 

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The most kiss.

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Eridani is having a very good time.

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She is, thanks for noticing.

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"Oh, I think I could bring you to new heights."

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"Perfection is always better shared."

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"And more satisfying when crafted by a true artisan."

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"I'm quite looking forward to see more of your artistry."

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"I haven't even scratched the surface of what I can do," she says, tracing a finger around Eridani's neck. 

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Excited shiver!

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"The real question is if you'd like a memento to keep," she murmurs, voice low and husky.

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"That would be- really nice."

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"I," kiss, "Want to make you something very lovely to wear. And useful, of course, Something that will let me protect you even if you wander off..." Softer kiss.

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"If you feel that, I'm not going to tell you no."

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"Thank you, lovely."

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"You're cute when you're happy."

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Flattered giggle. "So are you."

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"Guess we match, then!"

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"A perfect pair."

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This calls for a kiss!

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This is the best day Eridani's had in a while.

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Soft kiss. 

Ridis more than agrees. 

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And it's barely half over.

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Ridis does want to explore a little bit more... But maybe she can truss Eridani up in a more portable configuration. 

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That sounds fun-

Does Wyld want a turn, though?

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"Ridis can bring you by to convince me to take breaks."

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"I am very convincing."

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"That you are, pretty girl." Kiss! 

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"And, since I have you here in front of me right now..."

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"Gonna make me scream?"

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"And yelp, and howl... Leave me some echoes for later."

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"I'm sure I can make your ears ring."

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"Wake up any other spirits dozing nearby."

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"So it can also be a valuable public service."

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"A multitude of benefits."

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Giggle kiss. 

Then Wyld picks Eridani up. 

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She'll just take them out of the splash zone of Ridis's lunch - 

Then set to showing Ridis what one can do with a very eager masochist. 

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And Eridani, for her part, will demonstrate why gags are a good idea.

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One Wyld has no intention of availing herself of. 

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Hopefully Ridis is enjoying the show.

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Very much so. It's almost tragic this can't really be a proper 'dinner and a show,' since she already finished eating...

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...Wyld has yet to follow through on certain teasing...

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"Probably that's going to be even more lost on her than me. She's not even really made of meat."

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"Seems to have a sense of taste, though, and if you're the one who's both dinner and the show..."

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"I guess it doesn't hurt to ask."

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Hum. "I have a sense of taste, yes - and I'm not human and don't have any sort of cannibalism taboo, just a moral objection to murdering sapients for a reason like that." Small smirk. "Which is different from a situation like this, of course."

Then, with a shrug: "I'm not attracted to cannibalism for its own sake, but I am shall we say... Curious... About the sadism and control side of things."

"But if Wyld's being pushy in a way you dislike, lovely, I'll tell her to cut it out."

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"I don't mind indulging her once in a while. Especially if you want a demonstration."

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"Perhaps I'll pick up some new techniques."

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"Watch closely."

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"I always do, lovely girl."

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She turns back to Wyld, tilting her head to expose a very vulnerable-looking neck and collarbone. "Go on, then."

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"It'd be unfair to get started while Ridis and I are full though... Really more a dinner than a supplement to lunch."

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"Oh but my lady, I'm a tiny slip of a girl. Hardly a fit meal for two imposingly tall and beautiful ladies."

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"We can supplement with side dishes, of course - but a pretty thing like you deserves to be the centerpiece."

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"Well when you put it like that..."

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Kiss. "You'll just have to wait your turn, pretty girl."

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"Are you really going to get me all excited then just leave me hanging like that, though?" she pouts.

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"You should know by now that I'm a cruel woman."

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She sticks her tongue out at Wyld.

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Eridani bites Wyld's lip.

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She nips back. Lightly. 

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Only lightly? Eridani can't squeeze anything more out?

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Maybe if she begs. 

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She's not above begging.

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Then Wyld's not above some extra roughness!

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For a while at least. 

Wyld does eventually declare she needs to go back to work, tragically enough. 

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Very tragic.

Eridani wriggles her way back over to Ridis.

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She laughs and scoops Eridani into her lap once the girl reaches her.

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Cuddle time.

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Best time.

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Definitely up there.

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It has quite a lot of competition, she'll admit.

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Especially considered in terms of things Ridis can do to Eridani.

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There's quite a lot of things Eridani does that Ridis would rank pretty highly.

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She aims to please.

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Ridis likes a girl with good aim.

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Hair pets.

"Now, Wyld did have a good point about getting started on searches before it gets dark..."

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"Are you gonna make me portable?"

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"That was the plan, lovely thing."

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Excited wiggle! "Kay."

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She's going to need to get out a bit more rope, she thinks...

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Whatever she needs. Eridani is feeling cooperative.

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Then she can get kisses and pets and praise while being tied up, rather than having to be held down.

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Maybe next time they can do the other way.

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That's... An interesting idea.

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"Should I be wiggling more just baseline?" Eridani giggles.

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Hum. "Sometimes perfect stillness is desirable," she says, thoughtfully. "But wiggles are very beautiful..."

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"So I'll wiggle and you can be very clear when you need me to not. As forceful as you need to be."

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"A clever compromise."

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"I am theoretically a diplomat."

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"There's no 'theoretically' about it. You're rather excellent at diplomacy."

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"Our alliance is as secure as these knots, then?"

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"At least as much."

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"You've got a deft hand with them."

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"I value making durable things."

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Not too many wiggles, of course, and Ridis promptly adjusts the knots to restrict any movements Eridani just managed.

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She'll make sure to thoroughly test Ridis's rigging. Wouldn't want to slip after she's been picked up.

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Very helpful of her! Ridis makes several more adjustments, each one ever finer, until Eridani can't wiggle at all.

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"Think I'm ready."

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"I think you are too, lovely thing."

(Talking makes the rope against Eridani's throat feel particularly obvious.)

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As does giggling. Hee hee urk.

"-Kay. Let's go?"

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She lifts Eridani in one hand. The handle is attached such that the ropes pull on some rather sensitive parts when she does this, of course, and there's a few points where it's attached to anchors Ridis lovingly slid into her skin and flesh. Ridis gives her an experimental little swing.

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Eridani squeals happily!

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"Add a gag and an appropriate cover, and I could sneak you into meetings like this..." Ridis muses.

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"I might be a little distracted from- ghk- giving a proper analysis later..."

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"On the other hand, it preserves confidentiality if I distract you enough."

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"So basically you'd just have me hanging around to be mean."

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"To provide stress relief and make the long hours pass quickly," she corrects.

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"I see, I see." Eridani would nod sagely but she, uh, can't.

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Smirk. "Might instead offload some of the long hours to you, of course."

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"Hmmm..." Futile abortive wiggle that causes a little involuntary moan.

"-I think I'd manage."

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"Of course you would. You're a very good girl." She jostles Eridani, just a little bit.

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And then off with her luggage to poke through ruins and analyze whatever artifacts, murals, or writings she comes across. There's an awful lot of stairs involved in this, all of which set Eridani swinging by Ridis's side.

And Eridani makes a very excellent low desk, it turns out, so long as Ridis lays down a cloth to protect her papers from any sweat or blood.

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As the hours wear on, Eridani gets antsier, trying to wiggle more and more. It turns out that Ridis is very good at knotwork, however, and she does not so much as manage to loosen her bindings. The twisting and pinching and pulling and rubbing her efforts result in at least distract her a little bit, though Ridis may need to exert her will to cause Eridani to stay still while she's being used as a desk.

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She can always add a few more attachments to nearby stones.

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That would be worse!!

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Then perhaps Eridani shouldn't make Ridis need them just to do her work.

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Hair scritches.

"Why don't we stop by and see how Wyld's doing next, pet? I'm sure she needs a break by now."

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"But first..."

She starts untying Eridani, giving her gentle kisses.

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Ahh sweet freedom of wiggles.


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Kiss! "You've been very good, lovely girl," she says. "You did excellently..."

She gets Eridani all the way untied - though tries to do this in an order that lets her finish untying Eridani before Eridani can really pounce at her freely.

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Eridani goes for more of an extremely loose-limbed hug.

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Ridis has so many hugs and pets and little murmurs of praise to dole out for her good girl.

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Eridani greatly enjoys her returned freedom of movement.

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Kiss. "What do you think of that little experiment, lovely?"

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"...More fun to think about than actually do," she says.

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Giggle. "I'll reserve it for sexy threats, then."

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"I now consider this very threatening. Still sexy, though."

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"A good tool to have in reserve, then."

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"Mhm." Kiss!

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Smug kiss.

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"Let's go find Wyld." And maybe Eridani can be a backpack instead of a handbag.

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If she's loose-limbed enough, this might require some shuffling around.

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It'll be worth the effort.

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She gets Eridani secured and sets out.

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Wyld is surrounded by so many books and papers when they find her. There's definitely stacks but the sorting system is hard to discern, and she has her forehead in one hand as she scans one weathered page.

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"Wyy~yyld!" Eridani calls.

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" - Hmmph?"

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(Ridis stops just outside the edge of the mess, of course.)

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"It's break time!"

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...Conflicted noise.

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Puppy dog eyes.


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She sets her page down in its stack and makes her careful way out. "Ridis freed you already, pretty girl?"

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"Ridis is nicer than you are, miss monster."

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"Eridani," she says primly, "Was exceptionally well behaved, and so earned parole early."

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"I don't think Wyld agrees with the concept of early parole," she stages whispers into Ridis's ear.

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"Why wouldn't I?"

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"Because you have more fun when I'm suffering."

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"My torments aren't related at all to punishment or parole though, pretty girl."

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"Which is why you'd never let me go early."

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"I wouldn't call it a parole if I did, though."

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Giggle. "And I support Ridis giving you rewards for good behavior. Such as by letting you free early, if you learn your lesson quickly enough."

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"All right, then."

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She gets sufficiently clear of her work and kisses Eridani. 

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Giggle kiss. 

She tugs Ridis even more away from anything delicate, then - how does Eridani feel about being moved from Ridis's back to Wyld's lap? 

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She expresses this via wiggle.

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And Wyld expresses her strong approval of Eridani's most excellent wiggles by chomping down on her neck. 

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Playful growl! 

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Ooh, miss monster's being scary!

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Eridani better watch out. 

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She seems to be a little bit trapped already...

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Then it might be too late...

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Oh no!!

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Oh yes.

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...Well okay. Yes.

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Giggle bite.

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Of course, there's other places than Eridani's neck to bite...

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Very fun places, some of them.

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Perhaps they should rank them by fun-ness.

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Y'know, six weeks ago, Eridani would not have predicted her love life involving this much scientific experimentation.

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She's refined her taste in women since then, clearly.

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She's changing with the times.

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Adapting to a world that contains sexier women than it used to?

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Sexier, nerdier women.

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Ones with standards about maximizing pleasure.

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Which is, to be clear, a good trait.

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Especially for Eridani's love life.

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Very much so.

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Wyld spends the rest of the evening and night making up for the fact that she's staying behind - she's gotten enough information to know that, at this point.

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Eridani will make double sure Wyld won't forget her, even when she gets her girlfriend back.

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Very little chance of that - but Wyld absolutely doesn't mind the reinforcement. 

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The next morning, then -

"I do want to set out with Eridani today, but we don't need to leave immediately - and I'd like to all get on the same page about some things, first."

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"What kind of things?"

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"Information and implications I have about - recent events, on my end."

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"Do tell."

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Sigh. "I was made a very long time ago, before the Primordial War spilled from sabotage into open battle. I didn't participate in the fighting, though my Maker imbued me with enough knowledge of the crafts of war that I could've been called upon in need."

"Instead, I was placed as an overseer of a node in a network created by Gaia and Luna - they'd requested Autochthon make guardians for it, and so my Maker decided to test his first conceptualizations of Exalts at the same time. That network is one of the many fall backs maintaining Creation's integrity. It's been - challenged, more than once. The Wyld Invasion had been the worst of that, and the network began degrading even after the Realm Defense Grid re-stabilized the underlying systems. None of us Alchemicals were able to maintain it at the highest level, and Luna had been the only one who knew all its secrets who remained within Creation. I - don't know what happened for sure, but there hasn't been any divine maintenance since the invasion. We kept it functioning as best we could, but..."

"About a year ago, a burst of Essence threatened to overload the network. My node was - sacrificed, essentially, to break that circuit and safely vent the stresses, and I was shuffled back into Creation proper for the first time in millennia."

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"That sounds... important."

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"It is."

"I lost communication with the network, but - I've at least set up enough instruments I'll know if things keep failing. They haven't so far, mercifully."

"The Dreaming Sea is also important to it, which is why I initially came here. There's a dense cluster of nodes in the region - including one of the two largest in the network. And I'm very, very suspicious about the changes in raksha activity lately, since trying to control territory this way is unusual for them."

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"If the network maintains Creation's stability, and they get control of an important node and- overload it, or something-"

"Could be another Crusade. Worse than a Crusade."

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"...The Realm Defense Grid is built on top of it, and many of the other systems have degraded, too."

"I - don't know there'd be anyone left to compare the invasions, after."

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"I'll need to send a letter, next outpost we get to."

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Slow nod. "I've been hesitant to spread the information much - I'm fairly sure most of the inner workings of the network are still secret, and I... Don't know what information would allow an astute observer to derive the rest. I've been using my time here to feel out the other states around the Dreaming Sea, though, and - Prasad is one of the ones I'd trust with some of this, if your lines of communication are secure."

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"Me and my aunt have a code we use. And she trusts me enough that I can get her to send reinforcements against the fae without giving too much away."

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She nods. "Useful."

"I can help with the base details for that, then. I've - thought, before, about how to create a formal write up, though I haven't dared commit much to paper."

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"I'd appreciate it."

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"We can work on that before leaving here, then."

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Small smile.

"I'm glad to have help with this, honestly. It's - big."

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"Getting a hearth together is just what you do for fate-of-the-world type stuff." Eridani nods sagely.

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"Not a model I'm used to yet."

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"I've got some stories to catch you up on, then."

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"I look forward to it."

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"It'll pass the time while we wait for the next giant spirit tiger attack."

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"Give us something to talk about on the road."

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So, deciding what details she'll be putting in the letter?

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There's a lot to sort through. 

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Eridani's kind of interested in the exact workings, but a lot of it she can tell goes over her head and probably her aunt doesn't really need to know. Mostly that the fae need beating back and what sorts of things they shouldn't be allowed to do in the meantime.

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Ridis is also reluctant to share the exact workings with anyone, even someone Eridani trusts - especially over a remote form of communication. No code is truly impossible to crack.

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Fair enough.

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"But I can try to explain to you at least some of what I do know, whenever we're somewhere secure."

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"I'd like that." Listening to Ridis talk about things she knows a lot about is very soothing.

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Smile. "I would too."

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"Then it's a date."

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"You two are cute," Wyld offers from the door into the rest of the ruins.

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Eridani giggles. "So're you."

"Uh. We'll see you later, then?"

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"Me and my girlfriend both."

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"Looking forward to it."

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"Have fun you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't."

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"That doesn't really narrow it down any."

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"Maybe one or two things."

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"Bye," she says fondly.

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"Goodbye, pretty girl."

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A wave, and then Eridani and Ridis can gather up and be off?

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Wyld waves back, watching until they're out of sight.

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And the outpost is nearby, as promised - and they can recruit a runner for Eridani's letter - and then move on.

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And Wyld stays behind. 

She has a lot to sort through - two lifetimes, of two long lived people who both hoarded libraries, who set spirits and wards and all to preserving everything here. It'd take more than her entire life to even skim all of this -

- But they're her and Luc', and that means she knows the organization system, and Wyld's been a fast reader ever since she learned how.

Her timesync with Luc' drifts - Wyld's now getting more days for each of Luc's - and they figure out the rhythm at least a little, enough that they can catch more nights together now that Wyld's not beholden to the rhythm of travel.

And she delves.

(There's - so much. Gleam as the reflection of the Luna here - a very different god from the Luna of Wyld's Creation - and Elathea the reflection of Gaia. Three children, two of them Exalted. Love and betrayal and heartbreak, the two Exalted children slain when they tried to preemptively stop Elathea from using the Realm Defense Grid during the Usurpation - the third, Layla, spoke only three times to Gleam after that, and never since to Elathea. The Realm Defense Grid is tied into the network Ridis mentioned - there's details on that, and Wyld can skim them without too much of a headache, but they're not relevant - )

(She finds a lot in Gleam's notes, in her records of discussions with Luna. Gleam had created the Dreaming Sea, Wyld thinks - it'd been part of her enormous realm, which Wyld confirms with the spirit tiger had shattered and spilled into Creation during the Wyld Crusade. These lands know her, still. Love her, even if the memory of her has faded some from mortal minds. There's anchors here, connections to other places in Creation that Gleam used for raids, first to free slaves and then to strike at the Shogunate (and also free slaves) - Wyld's not positive she can use those directly, but maybe... They're a step outside of Creation, a loop through things that aren't into things that are, and the strongest goes from the bottom of the Dreaming Sea to a bower Luna and Gaia built together... Wyld doesn't want to poke that, not directly, but maybe - there's side vents, and Gleam had the ability to check on and indirectly access some of it from here... There's discussions, too, of 'lanterns' Luna placed to lead Gaia home, which...)

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She needs to time things carefully.

But as the world approaches Calibration, her and Luc's timelines flex, race to sync their calendars - and Wyld and Luc', in two Creations, both start a five day ritual.

She's been planning this for a while. Has had time for that.

And in a gate in the ruins she's prepared - a gong sounds as Calibration approaches its end, and the air within the gate glows a brilliant silver.

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The membrane flexes, shivers, takes on a sheen of iridescent green-

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-and it bulges, disgorging Luc'.

She immediately doubles over and vomits up a puddle of sickly vitriolic slime.

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She rushes up to her girlfriend - avoiding the slime -

"Luc'! You okay?"

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"Urgh." She spits the last of it out and wipes her mouth clean. "Yeah. I'm all right."

"Essence here tastes weird."

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"Can you still use it okay?"

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She concentrates a moment, and a crackling green fire forms in her hand.

"Seems like."

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"Oh thank fuck."


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Hug!! She has missed her Wyld very much.

She needs to wash her mouth out before kisses, though.

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There's a stream nearby.

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How convenient.

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The entire complex is very well designed, by two people with great taste.

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Funny how that works.

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It's really very amazing.

(Now kisses.)

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Extra kisses. She's got some time to make up for.

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The dream kisses hadn't counted, not properly.

(It's been so long.)

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Far, far too long.

(If this place was built alternate Creation versions of themselves, surely it has a room for proper fun?)

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Amazing amounts of room, fancier than what they have at home. Wyld's already explored and ranked the facilities.

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Luc' is ready for the tour.

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Right this way, madam.

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There's more than kisses they need to make up on lost time for.

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Needs that haven't been met.

(Wyld steers them to a perfect room for those, one Gleam had mentioned every now and then in her diaries. It's as well designed as promised.)

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It very much is. Quite enjoyable to experience from both sides.

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(They'll need to drag Eridani back here, speaking of.)

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Luc' definitely wants to see the two of them together. Assuming she can be prised off her intimidatingly tall ladylove at this point.

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They can invite Ridis, too.

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That could be fun too.

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They should thoroughly test all facilities themselves first, though.

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Oh, of course. It is, in a sense, theirs. They should have a strong understanding of what they've inherited here.

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Improve on Wyld's existing catalog.

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Some things you really need two sets of eyes to properly see.

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Mmmmm yeah. (Wyld is getting to where she's having trouble with thoughts that aren't 'desperately kiss her girlfriend.')

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Enough talking for a while, then.

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Probably eventually they'll be in a fit state of mind to emerge into the world.

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Sooner or later. 

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Hmmm let's make it later, Luc' wants to go back and try the third room again.

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There's no harm in some extra time together...

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A little bit of hurting, but no harm.

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It's around this point where Wyld gets an alert that someone has breached the temple's perimeter.

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"...Ugh really."

"Intruder," she tells Luc', untying herself and then heading out without bothering to get clothes on (though she does call on the flows of Essence to heal herself).

The spirits guarding this place are smart, and wouldn't have alarmed like that for an animal, passing traveler, or Eridani or Ridis, and there's a separate alert for any soldier bearing Ridis's coat of arms. 

She can get to the front pretty quickly, though she'll slow down if the spirits indicate she needs to or Luc' needs the time. 

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A tall woman carrying a large scythe, its blade a misty grey curve arcing wickedly through the air, lurks outside the entrance. Her hair is long and pale, her skin bone-white and smooth. She wears a black velvety dress with long gloves and high stockings, a dark silk blindfold wrapped around most of the upper half of her face. On her shoulder perches a bird the same color as her skin with a rough texture to its feathers. It cocks its head at Wyld as she emerges.


"Fffuck me sideways," the woman says, not too quietly. She doesn't turn her head. "You're not dead."

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"Alive and kicking." That's weird enough Wyld forgets a lot of her annoyance about being interrupted in favor of interest. "And I could double up the fucking and the proving it," she says, tone light and flirtatious, even as her expression remains not quite friendly. 

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"It's been long enough that I'm almost tempted. How pathetic is that..."

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"Just good taste."

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"Yeah, right."

"So you're not one of Deathdick Jerkwad's little fuckin' chess pieces, you smell wrong for one of those weird raksha assholes... What the fuck are you doing here?"

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"Taking advantage of a remote, fully equipped sex dungeon, among other things."

"What're you doing here?"

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"What, you have an archaeology fetish or something?"


"I'm- looking for someone."

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"The ruin's in pretty good condition."

"Who're you looking for? I've been here a couple months, so I know the area, and the spirits here all like me."

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"If you're here, she's not."

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"The spirits would know if she used to be, I bet."

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She shakes her head. "Wouldn't have been that long ago."

Then her face contorts in fury and she abruptly turns and kicks a nearby rock. "Godsdammit!" The rock goes flying far out sight.

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...A familiar sentiment. 

"I can help, if you want to stick around - especially if you don't have other leads. There's a lot of weird sorcery stuff here, and a lot of it's good for tracking."

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"Fuck!" She stays turned away from Wyld.

The bird tilts its head to look back. "...Might as well. It'll take three months to get anywhere else at this point."

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"I'll need to know who you're looking for and why, but - yeah."

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"It's my sister."

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"Yeah. I wanna help." She and Luc' can - probably actually just send a message from the nearest outpost to Ridis and Eridani, actually, that'll be simplest.

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She turns back and smiles a little.


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She smiles back. "I can empathize with being separated."

"There's supplies in the complex too, if you need food or water or something?"

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"I don't eat much these days."

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" - Can you eat, though?"

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"We can put together a nice meal sometime, then."

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"No need to trouble yourself for me."

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"I like a good excuse." Not that she's ever needed one. 

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"Fuckin'... whatever, then. You gonna invite me in or are we standing here forever?"

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"Come on in." She steps aside and gestures into the wide archway into one of the courtyards.

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She enters. The bird takes flight briefly, swooping around the area ahead before coming back to perch on her shoulder.

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"The place is pretty massive," she says. "Luc' and I haven't like, been marking out our workshops and libraries and all, but - I'll set up something. Some of the stuff in there's gonna be fragile."

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"If you asked me about my talents, 'breaking shit' would be at the top of the list."

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"Might wanna stay out of those, then."

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"I'm sure you'd prefer that."

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"...In all seriousness, lots of that stuff is important including to the sorcery things I was offering to use to help find your sister. Don't break them."

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"Not planning to. Wouldn't have bothered knocking if I was."

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"Good that we're all on the same page, then."

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"You seem like you'd be a fun fight, though."

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"Mmm, so long as we take it to a warded courtyard..."

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"Plotting trouble without me, dear?"

Luc', who took the time to get dressed, comes up and drapes herself across Wyld's shoulders.

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"Only considering initial possibilities. All final trouble decisions will involve you, of course."

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She plants a kiss on Wyld's cheek.

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"Who're you?"

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"Elucidation of Immanent Will. My friends call me Luc'. And you are?"

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"...Call me Winter."

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"Nice to meet you."

"I'm Shimmering Wyldclaw, or just Wyld."

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"You know your girlfriend smells like demon, right?"

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"She smells like a lot of things!" Including sex, right now. "But, yeah."

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"Just checking."

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"It was, to be fair, an unpleasant surprise the first time it came up."

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Kiss! "We worked things out, though."

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"Seems like it, yeah."

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"Open communication is important for every healthy relationship." Another kiss. 

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"Rrright. Do you two need me to just fuck off for ten minutes?"

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Giggle. "You did interrupt earlier - but we're fine. This is a very tame amount of public displays of affection."

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"Fuckin' wonderful."

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"We can hold ourselves back from banging in front of you, if that's what you want."

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"I don't put out on the first date."

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"I should start thinking up fancy dinners, then?"

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"Shit, if that's what you want to do with your life..."

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"Every girl needs hobbies. Breaks up the revolutionary routine."

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"That's one way to do it, I guess."

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"It's been working for me so far!"

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"Working pretty well, too."

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"Keeps my girlfriend and second-in-command from spending too much time harassing me about taking a proper break."

(She is sometimes anxious about the campaign back home especially now with communications at least temporarily cut off, but Luc' and Ling had apparently been appreciating the chance to consolidate their gains more fully than Wyld usually does, and Ling's confident of his ability to keep the ship of state running and continue at least accepting refugees, especially with Jubilee's help. Wyld is now only mildly nervous that she's going to return and her realm will be a weirdly efficient enormous hippy commune running on honor and universal love.)

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"Plus she's getting pretty good at cooking."

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Giggle. "I live to impress."

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"Better than living to depress."

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"You got any rooms in here that aren't a sorcery lab or a sex dungeon?"

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"Lots, actually."

There's bedrooms, though Wyld's blocked off Gleam and Elathea's personal suites, leaving only guest and pilgrim quarters. Courtyards, store houses, a kitchen... A grand banquet hall, and multiple shrines. The temple, and everything associated with its continued function. A library she's built out of copies of the other books - one of the sprits had been eager to take up that task. Gardens she's been restoring with spirit help. An assortment of places to spar, too. An armory, guard rooms, a blacksmith's workshop... Spaces for wild animals who approach the temple - tigers especially. Enormous pools, and a complicated bathhouse. 

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Winter takes a small room, while they're waiting here. She doesn't want or need much. Spends most of her time outside or haunting the armory.

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Wyld mostly gives her space - she also spends a lot of time outside, often meditating or lounging or gardening, but she's good at ignoring those around her when she wants - but does still make a point of luring Winter into spars or weapons discussions.

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Winter is fairly easy to lure into spars or weapons discussions. She has many strong opinions on the best blades for personal use versus what to equip an army with, and the pros and cons of various edged weaponry in different circumstances.

Fighting is when she seems most alive, though. She's a ferociously talented combatant, and when she hits she always leaves a mark.

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(Wyld takes notes on the weapons discussions, of course, especially anything on warfare, but she too loves the fight.)

She's not as universally vicious as she was as a Lunar - can't change shapes, which hampers her - but she's fast like moonsilver all the same, and her personal nature still shifts and twists with every moment. Her Essence behaves strangely enough to almost make up for the loss of flexibility.

She's still a damn good combatant, and not one at all bothered by the wounds she collects. (Though she tries - usually successfully - to just not get hit.) She responds to Winter winning most of their spars by training more - and by issuing more challenges, of course. 

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It's been a while since she's had a foe so evenly matched. It's a lot of fun.

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One of the best feelings in Creation. 

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And one she can still partake in.

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Having limited hedonism options available is a true tragedy. 

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Well. She's still not dead. So.

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Then she can revisit certain territory still?

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Providing an overview of hedonism is one of Wyld's specialties.

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Maybe she can enlighten Winter a little, then.

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She'd be delighted. 

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It doesn't really feel like the first date anymore.

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The fights each count as a date if you ask Wyld. They've practically had a courting period. 

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Few better ways to know a person than to fight them.

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Oh, Wyld can think of a few that at least come close - though one is arguably another kind of wrestling...

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Fighting or fucking, there's not much difference if you do it right.

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And they're both exceptionally talented women. 

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Is that an invitation, then?

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A challenge, more like. 

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Winter's not one to back down.

She pounces.

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She shrieks with laughter and then bites.

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(She's room temperature, slightly cold to the touch, and she tastes more like dust than meat.)

Winter bites back, hard.

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An interesting new flavor.

She moans and goes for more.

Wyld possibly tastes more like raksha nonsense than meat.

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Winter's not really looking for flavor, so.

She does show the same unerring instinct for drawing blood here as in their spars.

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Being able to apply your talents in multiple related fields is a good trait, and one Wyld certainly possesses too.

She also demonstrates that her incredible flexibility and endurance haven't gone away just because clothes have come off.

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That is very entertaining.

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Mmmmm fun times all around, then.

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Almost surprisingly so.

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She'll learn soon enough that Wyld's capacity for pleasure is inexhaustibly deep. 

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It's... an interesting challenge.

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Wyld very much likes a woman who sees a challenge and, mmm, seizes the opportunity.  

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Overall an enjoyable diversion.

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Another fun way to pass the time. 

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At least until the next set of guests shows up.

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She gets the alert about that in the middle of an otherwise tedious task. She jumps to her feet, excited, and tells a nearby spirit to let Luc' know they have friendly guests. 

And then she nearly skips to the front. 

(To Eridani and Ridis's eyes - the temple complex is dramatically different. Wyld's gone past cleaning up and into restoration work.)

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"Hi Wyld!! It looks like you've been busy!"

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"I've had a lot to do."

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"Girlfriend not keeping you distracted enough?"

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"I'm very energetic! We even dragged in a passerby, yet, still..." She winks. 

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"Is she cute?"

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"Very. And an excellent fighter."

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"There's a lot of introductions to make today."

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"Indeed there are."

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Oh no the girlfriend is very intimidatingly hot.

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Knowing smirk.

"This is Elucidation of Immanent Will, my girlfriend and bonded mate. Luc', there are Elathea Eridani of Prasad, and Lady Ridis of Dau'ukar, my traveling companions."

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"A pleasure to meet you both. Wyld's told me so much about you."

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"We've heard quite a lot in turn. It pleases me to make your acquaintance - and see for myself your excellent qualities." Her gaze drags down Luc's body, appraising. 

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Luc' poses seductively.

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Yeah Eridani will just be over here, fainting.

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Fortunately her own very tall girlfriend makes for a very excellent wall to lean against - and she can scoop up Eridani if needed, of course. 

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She doesn't need to go so far as actual scooping.... That would be too embarrassing.

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She'll merely offer a supportive arm draped down around Eridani's shoulders, then. 

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Her hand traces up Eridani's shoulder to her neck. Then, to Luc': "I apologize for my companion's lack of a proper welcome. I think your beauty has overwhelmed her."

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"An entirely understandable reaction, and in my opinion, a sign of good taste."

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She runs a finger up to hook under the collar she'd made for Eridani (a lovely thing, a thick black leather with hearts of red jade along its band, a sturdy steel buckle holding it closed and a thick, well secured ring providing an attachment for a little heart-shaped pendant, made of adamant with just enough impurities to make it a smokey black, set in a red jade backing). 

"She's quite the connoisseur," Ridis says, agreeably. 

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Luc' is very intrigued by the collar.

"I wonder if you'd be willing to let me borrow her briefly at some point. One of the first things Wyld told me about when we reestablished contact was the things they'd been getting up to together."

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She taps her chin with her other hand, thoughtful. "I'd like to supervise," she says, then, "At least at first." Soft smirk. "Make sure she's being properly treated."

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"I have no objections to that."

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"I might need a refresher, too. It's clear there's been some updates to the care and feeding of one Elathea Eridani." She's also eyeing the collar with a smirk.

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Smug wiggle.

"Maybe a few."

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"Or one big one."

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Hee. "Depends how you define things!"

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"There could be more than I'm seeing, of course."

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"You'll have to wait and find out!"

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"Or do my own investigations."

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"If you wanted to be proactive about it."

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"I'm not one to sit and wait around for good things to come to me."

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"Why don't we show you two what we've done with the place?"

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"Lead the way."

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Into the complex!

Luc' is fully prepared to stop at whichever sex dungeon room sparks their visitors' interest most.

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She likes the look of some of these suspension rigs...

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Then it's only courteous for her and Wyld to demonstrate their use.

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Of course, of course. Especially given Eridani's shorter stature, she's sure several adjustments will need to be made...

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That's conveniently simple, actually. Pull here, adjust this... And if you set the configuration smaller than the subject, you'll be bending their limbs more painfully or choking them harder.

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(Wyld is a very good test subject for this, too. Very durable.)

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Though Ridis would like a chance to see these tricks on Eridani, too...

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(Excited wiggle!)

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Of course.

They can set the rigs up to be in tension with each other, too. Add a few counterbalances to get the weights as close as possible, then each stray movement of one will tug on the other.

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Wyld sees absolutely no reason to wiggle less about this!

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Eridani giving her reciprocal wiggles is only fair, then.

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It's a bit unclear if Wyld is screaming or laughing right now. Shrieks are definitely happening, at least.

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The best sort of sound for her girlfriend to be making.

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The best sort of sound for her girlfriend to make her make.

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Eridani's helping too, y'know. And not being very quiet, either.

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She hopes Winter wasn't trying to meditate or sleep or anything.

Double the fun, double the volume?

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Something like that!

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Giggle shrieks!

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How's Ridis like the show?

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She's very impressed by the facilities here.

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They are pretty good. They only had to do a little bit of renovation to bring everything up to spec.

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Very skilled builders, then.

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Wyld and Luc's alternate past lives, for all their flaws, were exceedingly competent at a great many things.

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It's important to leave behind things of worth for future generations.

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They succeeded at that here, at least.

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And it'd be a shame not to put everything to its full and proper use.

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They've already done a significant amount of testing, just the two of them.

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Ridis is going to want to do her own battery of tests though, naturally.

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Feel free.

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Does Luc' have a favorite she'd recommend?

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The second one on the left has a wall with a delightful selection of implements... or the first door down the stairs has a spit and a firepit.

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"Hm... The implements sound more my personal taste, but I would like to note that Wyld made certain promises about my lovely girl and a firepit, that she's yet to follow through on..."

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"Oh?" Luc' pokes the hanging pair, setting them gently swinging. "Are you going to cook us a special meal, dear?"

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Giggle! "I did promise."

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"And you always keep your promises."

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This prompts an excited fit of wriggling from Eridani.

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She laughs as that sends them both swinging. "I can't cook when I'm tied up!" she says with a giggle.

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"I don't know that I'm feeling particularly hungry just yet."

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"Haven't worked up an appetite yet, darling?"

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"So far we've mostly just been watching."

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Tempting wiggle. "Then perhaps you should go past just watching, darling."

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She stretches and rolls out her shoulders. "Don't mind if I do."

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Is Ridis going to join Luc'? Eridani wants the answer to be 'yes'.

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If Luc' doesn't mind.

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Oh, she's more than welcome to.

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Then Ridis will absolutely join Luc' in working up an appetite. 

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Very much so. And it's apparently merely an appetizer...

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Once she and Ridis have had their fill, they can let their subjects down and proceed to the main course.

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Wyld might need a few moments of contented flopping before getting up.

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Of course. She can have as many cuddles as she wants.

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Best Luc' ever. 

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And this is how she earns that.

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Wyld's pretty sure Luc' would be the best even if Wyld was an incorrigible brat.

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Luc' has to put in some work for that too.

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Happy snuggles. 

Well, Luc's hard work more than pays off. 

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When they're ready they can move to the cooking room.

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And cuddles for dessert.

(Their past selves really were very smart to put cuddle locations next to all the sex dungeons.)

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One of their better choices.

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Their judgement about everything involving their sex lives was unparalleled. 

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As long as Wyld and Luc' are judging from the outside perspective.

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Even the incredibly terrible relationship decisions were very hot, so, from the perspective of their sex lives...

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More fun as a roleplay prompt than to actually live.

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Well, true...

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But they don't need to focus on that.

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Especially not right now. 

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No, there are many better things competing for attention.

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Like Eridani! She is a better thing!!

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Such a good, pretty girl certainly deserves all her attention. 

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All of everyone's attention, even.

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Ridis very much agrees. 

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Eridani: simply the best.

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The most excellent thing in Creation. 

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She iiiiissss.

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Loving kiss.

"When this war is over," she murmurs, "I am going to build you the greatest artifacts in Creation, so that everyone who looks at you knows you're a treasure beyond all words."

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"Lucky girl," Luc' comments to Wyld.

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"Elathea'd gone pretty over the top for Gleam..." she comments back. "Perhaps I can give Ridis a copy of her notes as a wedding gift, so she knows what her bar is here."

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"Bet that'd be appreciated."

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Ridis makes an interested and thoroughly affirmative noise, though doesn't stop kissing Eridani right away. But, a few moments later, she breaks for air. "I technically haven't proposed yet," she says. 

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Eridani giggles. "I'm expecting flowers, you know. Lots of flowers."

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"Would a bouquet of a million flowers of clockwork and gemstone suffice? Or shall I go on an epic quest for winter blooms, or pine away until the first flowers open in the valleys in spring?"

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"I do like shiny gemstones..."

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"Perhaps I shall do all three," she murmurs, cupping Eridani's face in one hand. "You'd be worth that and more."

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"The second and third seem a little contradictory. But you could figure it out, if anyone can."

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She trails a finger down the side of Eridani's cheek. "A bouquet of perfect clockwork flowers for Resplendent Air," she murmurs, "And then rare winter blooms harvested as the breath of Ascending Water freezes even the Sea," a soft kiss, "And the first blushing flowers from the valleys as Ascending Earth brings the world into renewal," Firmer kiss, "A ballroom of flowers for the bounty of Resplendent Wood," And a sharp bite, then, voice husky: "And in Resplendent Fire, I'll marry you beneath a sky full of flowers of fire, in all the colors alchemy can devise." 

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She kisses Ridis.

"My Lady Ridis of Dau'ukar, you know just how to win a girl's heart."

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Kiss! "It's only fair," she murmurs, "After how thoroughly you stole mine."

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"I'm not going to apologize for that."

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"An unrepentant thief, then?"

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Kiss. "I'm too pleased with the results to renounce the action."

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"Thievery should be punished..." Kiss. "But I might have to excuse this as a necessary action. And one I'm much too happy with to want to discourage, I'll admit."

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"Just as planned."

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"Are my calculating ways rubbing off on you, then?"

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"Love is at its best when it's a dialogue."

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"Where we can learn from each other."

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"You've taught me a lot."

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"You've taught me a tremendous amount, lovely." Soft kiss. "More than I've ever learned in my life."

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"Love you."

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"I love you too, more than all the stars in the sky."

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Very kisses, and further murmurs of how much she adores Eridani, increasingly silly and poetic, whenever she can get a moment to speak. 

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These two are ridiculously cute.

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"Young love always is." Sigh. "I remember when we were that silly..."

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"Good times."

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"Before we got all old and creaky."

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"Worn down by the terrible grind of continuous war."

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Giggle. "But given the wisdom of the ages - "

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Ridis stops kissing Eridani long enough to say, "I'm older than your entire civilization, brats," with laughter barely concealed in her voice. 

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Gasp. "You're craddle robbing? Poor baby Eridani."

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"I happen to appreciate the charms of a mature woman, thank you very much."

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"And I'm not mature enough?"

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Giggle. "Compared to Ridis..."

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"And while your girlfriend certainly knows you better, I don't think maturity is something I'd accuse you of having in excess."

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She sticks her tongue out. 

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"You've got just the right amount of maturity for me, dear."

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Kiss!!! "We're very well matched."

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"In our own special way." Kiss.

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Much kiss. "The only way that matters."

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Luc' is utterly delighted by her girlfriend.

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Convenient, because Wyld is totally gone over hers. 

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The next morning, Winter is lounging around near where people usually eat breakfast.

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Ridis is the first one awake of those four, and she does have to wander a bit before she finds the actual kitchen and breakfast patio - but she does get there. 

"Good morning," she says with a small, friendly smile. (She's not wearing her seeming of life right now. She's very sure this place isn't being spied on by raksha or their servants.)

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Winter's ever-present bird looks up.

"Yo," she says. "You're one of the visitors, then."

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"Yes. I'm Ridis - Wyld and I traveled together for a short time, until she found this place."

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"Guess everyone she knows is fuckin' weird, huh?"

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She laughs. "Like calls to like in many ways."

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"Either that or she just makes everyone weird on contact."

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"Oh, trust me, I was made this way," she says teasingly. 

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"In a more literal sense than usual, yeah?"

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"Yes; I was made by Autochthon early in the history of the world."

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"What have you been doing since then?"

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(She doesn't actually know this person.)

"Observing," is all she says. 

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"Nice gig, if you can get it."

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"It's something I'm good at, at least."

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"I'm more than hands-on type, personally."

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"I'm coming around to the advantages of that, lately."

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"So I hear. This place's soundproofing is good, but it ain't perfect."

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Embarrassed laugh. "I apologize if we disturbed you."

"I might be able to help improve the sound proofing on some key rooms while I'm here..."

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"That'd be cool."

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"A good way to repay Wyld for her help, hopefully."

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"Not sure she'll care. She'd probably say hearing stuff is an invitation to join in."

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She laughs. "True enough. Then a gift to myself and my ability to sleep through the night."

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"Sounds like a good enough cause to me."

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"Worth quite a bit of effort."

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The bird looks away, and so does Winter.

"Did Wyld tell you why I'm here?"

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"She said she was helping you look for your sister, using the sorcerous tools here."

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"Yeah. Don't suppose you've seen someone who looks like me before, in your observations?"

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"People who've felt like you - but the... Broadest reach, shall we say, of my observations ended a bit over two years ago."

"I might be able to help Wyld narrow down a range of places she could be, though."

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"You know about the- fuckin' conduit thing, whatever, that's here, right?"

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"Yes; I haven't had enough slack to work with it as constantly as Wyld does, but I've been studying it, and I've helped with a few preliminary steps to access it."

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"If my sister's not here, my best guess is that she's at the other end of it."

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" - This is part of a... Network, shall we say, but... That does narrow it down to three locations as far as primary connections from here go - and if your sister is the same sort of Exalt as you, I suspect that further narrows it to two regions, with one a... More essential line from here, effectively."

"Evaluating just those won't be immediate - but it'll be faster."

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Nod. "It's no problem - and I could use your help in interpreting much of what I see."

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"Ehhh. Big magic lines that people want to take over is about where I tune out."

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Grin. "More meant your knowledge of what the ground would look like, if I pointed you at a map - and of what kind of Exalt you are, too, if you're willing to share that."

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"I'm an Abyssal. Dusk caste."

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"What are Abyssals?"

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"They said we used to be Solars. Before the Neverborn and their Deathlords got our exaltations."

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"That explains much..."

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"If you say so. It's all creepy mystery shit to me."

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She laughs. "I enjoy solving creepy mysteries, luckily."

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"Nothing about the underworld isn't creepy, so."

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"There might be a lot that'd be interesting to investigate, then."

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"Yeah, if you can stand all the ghosts."

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"In small doses, maybe. I don't think I'd want to live there."

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"Nobody does live there. That's kinda the point."

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"Fair enough; I'm unsure if I count as alive or not, though, or if that'd be asking the wrong question for what sort of thing I am."

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"Wrong question, I bet."

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Small laugh. "There's a very strong argument in favor of that."

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"I won't be the one to make it, though."

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"The main crux is if definitionally all beings are either alive or dead. If not, it's the wrong question to ask about me."

"Of course, whether all beings are one or the other is a much debated subject; I lean that I'm neither, though, and that therefore it's possible to be neither."

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"Whatever you say."

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"Leave the esoteric debates to the eggheads, then."

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"I'm better at hitting shit than classifying it."

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"An essential skill itself."

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"Fuckin' right."

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"Most of my skill lies in archery, still, despite my girlfriend's attempts to get me at least decent with a blade."

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"You miss so much of the experience from that far away, though."

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"So I've been told," she says with a laugh. 

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"Wanna fight sometime?"

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"I'm basically always free so... whenever you're ready."

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"I want to make sure my girlfriend eats breakfast, first - and that she's around to watch this, if you don't mind an audience."

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"Fine by me."

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Grin. "Before noon, then?"

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"Sounds like a plan."

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Sharp grin. "And I have a pretty good idea which courtyard I want to fight in, too - unless you have a suggestion?"

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"I'm interested to see which you pick."

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"I'll surprise you, then."

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"If you can."

She's pretty familiar with most of the courtyards.

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"I'll try my hardest."

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Eridani skips in to give Ridis a hug and a kiss.

"Try your hardest to do what?"

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"Pick a surprising courtyard for my and Winter's spar today."

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"Winter being you?" Eridani looks at spooky vibes girl.

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"Winter being me."

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"Cool." Looks tall, pretty fit, that blindfold's kinda hot... yep. On a scale of one to ten, definitely a 'would fuck'.

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"I can tell you're eyefucking me even if I am blind. You're too short for me, girl."

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Blush! Whoops!

"Uh. Sorry."

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"Uh huh."

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"She's a pretty good climber," Ridis says with a smirk. "And she's an excellent fighter."

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"Maybe you can be round two then, kiddo."

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Small wiggle.

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"I'd like to see that."

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"I don't mind an audience."

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"You two wanna eat first?"

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"Yes." She turns to Eridani. "Any requests, lovely?"

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"Surprise me."

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"Will do." She kisses her girlfriend on the cheek, and sets about investigating Wyld and Luc's ingredients to make something interesting (and very spicy; rather easy with what Wyld has on hand), and then a tea she hasn't actually tasted before but that seems to grow here to go with it.

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Eridani is appreciative!

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Excellent! (Ridis really likes Eridani's expression when Ridis makes her nice things.)

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The things she makes are always very nice.

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They'd have to be, as gifts for such a nice girl.

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Tch. Seems like everyone she's meeting lately is fucking sappy as hell.

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She finishes kissing her girlfriend (for now) with a little laugh, then starts cleaning up the dishes from breakfast.

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Eridani thinks Winter is still a little too intimidating to talk to alone, so she will help.

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Tiny smirk.

"You're usually not shy," she murmurs.

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"Usually when I see dead people they aren't talking. Or saying I'm too short." Little bit of huff. "She's not even as tall as you."

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Smirk. "Few people are."

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"Fortunately for me."

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"For your ability to function?"

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"For my ability to think about anything else ever."

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She laughs. "I'm sure you'd adjust eventually."

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"But at what cost?"

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"Seeing that stunned look in your eyes is very nice," she murmurs.

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Wiggle! "I like looking at you."

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"Good. I like showing off for you."

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"I'm excited to see you fight."

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"Mmm, I'm excited, too. Especially with you in the audience..."

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"Do your best, okay?"

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"I will, lovely. I promise."

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"You two ready, then?"

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"I am." She gives her girlfriend a questioning look.

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Nod. "Let's go for it."

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The courtyard she's chosen is one of the more remote ones - and one of the ones Wyld hasn't fully tamed yet, where the forests outside still try to spill into the complex. The remnants of mist darken the worn stone - what isn't covered by moss and stubborn vines and the roots of an enormous tree that's growing from the roof of one of the buildings defining the plaza. Uncovered walkways meander around overgrown gardens, spilling from gaps between larger columns within the peristyle surrounding the plaza. Their tile pavers are cracked, several of them thrust up in jagged lines showing the slow and inexorable progress of other roots. A grand arcade tops the peristyle, and the enclosed third floor has numerous balconies, the wooden screens over their windows long since rotted away. Domed towers with deep carvings in their heavy stone rise from each corner. The colors beneath the dust and moss are still vibrant, though, and the bones of the building itself are still strong.

It's a perilous place to fight on foot, the ground uneven and quarters tight, but it's a sniper's paradise for anyone on the upper floors.

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"Nice choice," Winter says, as her bird takes off from her shoulder to make a loop around the yard. "Lots of cover."

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"Thought it might be an interesting change from the main courtyards."

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"Closer to an actual scenario."

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"Especially a fight in this area of the world."

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"Yep. Any rules you want?"

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Hum. "I'd like to avoid damaging the architecture more."

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"All right."

"Wyld and I usually go until someone's too bruised to move."

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"Works for me."

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Nod. She flourishes her scythe.


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She extends her hand, and her bow unfolds from her wrist in all its crystalline glory. "Ready."

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Then in a flash, Winter is upon her.

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Ridis leaps easily into the air, retreating to the upper balconies and letting out a stream of glittering arrows at her opponent.

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She spins her scythe to deflect them, and a thin silver mist bursts out to complete the shield. Setting her stance just so, she bounds easily up the rubble to close with Ridis again, her feet nimbly finding purchase between the vines and uneven stone.

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She jumps into the air, and her stream of arrows flash and sparkle, hiding her from even the senses of Winter's bird - for a moment, at least.

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The bird squawks in annoyance, the first sound they've heard it make. It's raspy, rattling, dry like dust.

Winter ducks behind a pillar, away from where she last had track of Ridis.

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She has the barest moment of warning - a faint whistle, a swish of air - of an incoming arrow. It might not be enough warning to dodge.

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It's not.

"Fuck!" she curses as the arrow slices across her shoulder. But the direction of the arrow gives her a hint and her bird's shaken off the flash so she can look for Ridis again-

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She seems to have activated something making her invisible, even once the flash wears off -

But her bird relies on more than just sight, and can locate her, even as she tries to move away from her firing position. She's above Winter, still, darting among the odd angles of the roof.

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Winter jumps up.

Wide, shadowy wings spring out of her back and carry her up to Ridis's location.

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She leaps away, and a very faint hum fills the air - she's falling slowly, almost hovering, as she continues firing a rapid stream of arrows at Winter.

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Winter catches up to her quickly, juking to avoid the rush of arrows and slapping aside the ones that get too close and would be a debilitating hit.

Being midair does not at all interfere with her ability to swing her scythe.

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She changes direction, plummeting away from Winter - but she's not quite fast enough to avoid the scythe cutting a thin line into one arm. There's a shimmering fluid under the gemstone crust; not quite blood, but - it serves the same purpose for many things.

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She tucks her wings in and dives after. She's got the scent of blood-or-close-enough now.

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Ridis keeps putting up a damn good fight - but once Winter gets that momentum, she's fighting a losing battle.

She holds on until she can't move, though. She's scored more than a few hits of her own.

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Winter is cut and bleeding, and has one or two arrow stumps still sticking out of her.

"Good fight."

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The arrows obligingly dissolve into glittering light and then fade away.

"It was." She laughs.

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"Interesting tricks, some of those."

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"Thanks; I've been working on fighting better, lately."

"Your style's fascinating, though."

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"I trained in White Reaper Style. More effective against larger groups, but there was a bit of it there."

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She makes an interested noise, and asks after a few particulars.

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Winter's more than happy to explain.

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Ridis will keep asking questions so long as Winter keeps answering them.

(She's keeping mental tabs on her Eridani, too; if her girlfriend seems to be hovering awkwardly, Ridis will call her to her side.)

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Eridani gets drawn into the martial arts nerdery quickly enough.

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There's nothing like a chance to geek out to help overcome shyness. 

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It does seem to help!

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With them all sitting down (and Eridani tugged into Ridis's lap), she might even forget how tall Winter is until they all stand up to go get lunch. 

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Yeah, she's about at eye level with her.

Whereas Ridis can still rest her chin on Eridani's head when she's in her lap.

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A rather perfect arrangement, if you ask Ridis.

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Eridani's in favor.

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Good, because Ridis isn't letting her up until she and Winter decide to take a break. 

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She gets a little squirmy come lunchtime.

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When it's about time for a break, fortunately. 

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Yeah, Winter's bored of sitting still too.

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Up and back to the main buildings, then. 

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Maybe Wyld and Luc' will even be awake by now.

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Wyld definitely; Luc' can be a bit of a toss-up some days. 

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She's tries not to miss lunch that often, thank you very much.

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Especially not when her girlfriend's cooking. (Kiss!)

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Best inducement to get out of bed.

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Definitely up there. 

(And Wyld's cooking for the entire group, of course, unless someone for some bizarre reason wants to prepare their own meal.)

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That sounds like way too much work.

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Especially when Wyld's so eager. 

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Awesome, then. 

(She gives each of her friends a kiss when she hands them their plate.)

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She has missed Wyld. It's good to be back.

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"Good to have you back, pretty girl."

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"Creation had better look out, we're joining up again."