Eclipse Bell in Arda
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I haven't had any brilliant insights on the best way to help your world. Maybe we'll try several, see what works.


But then your results will be confounded.


We will have to go find portals to more planets in need! Oh, the hardship!


Giggle. Quietly, so she can still hear the song.


Perhaps Valinor can solve it's lack-of-succession problem by sending its prodigal daughters off to conquer their own worlds to rule.




Anyway, if you can tell people how to do boats they can scout Endorë for the feasibility of having a nice-for-humans society in Endorë.


I have ever read a Wikipedia article on boats but I don't know if it'll get you to intercontinental shipping, might have to wait for contact that isn't me personally.


Well, hopefully we have that once we talk to the Valar.


Or once they figure out the portal. The portals are very weird because they seem to be persistently magical and things don't usually do that in my world.


True, that might take them Years. 


Oh, I meant the people from my world. I was there to help study it - bring precog, all tests are suddenly down to the price of the precog, you know?


If they take less than an hour. But yes, makes sense. When were portals discovered?


Couple years back. Most of them let only mages through, and only some of those; the one I was helping with wouldn't let anybody through until I fell, which was not one of the tests they were lining up on purpose.


Any guesses why that worked?


Presumably it lets psions or some psions through and I'm one of those, but also the others were traversible in both directions and this one didn't land me near anything that looked remotely portalish. Also the others led to uninhabited planets. So this one is presumably different in more ways.


I wonder if some of the magic on our end threw it off somehow. Where'd you land?


Isabella sends a picture of the spot near the edge of the city where she landed.


Hmmm. Add it to the list of mysteries, I suppose. That's the whole song. May I find you this evening for dinner?


And she goes off back to work.


Isabella hums the song to herself - eidetic doesn't mean immune to practice - and tries the grace ring, which is pretty miraculous, and carefully unwraps the song book to page through, and then goes to poke around in the library. The alphabet's phonetic enough that she can make some progress, at least with words that have come up in conversation, and she doesn't have to actually interrupt Maitimë with questions as long as she'd hypothetically answer interruptions.


She totally would! Uninterrupted, though, she makes significant progress on indoor plumbing.


Then indoor plumbing and Isabella's Quenya can both be substantially progressed. Isabella would also like to know where to get a notebook; the one she has on her will not hold up to intensive language learning and cultural notes.


There's a paper shop in King's Square.

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