elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Counts as dead. In the relevant sense. He cannot make my life better or vice versa.>


"Okay. I'll set aside some time to get better acquainted, shall I."


<I am not expecting the fleet to arrive any day now, and there is lots to do, but you can anticipate that if you do so it will help his productivity.



Probably do not talk about our father.>


<He was brilliant and would have invented a morph cube without limitations, given enough time, and he loved us, and he would not have hesitated to defy the law and hand out technology to every world that desired it, he was just waiting to do it until he could no longer benefit from access to state-of-the-art Andalite researchers and facilities. He was also paranoid and did not work well with anyone who disagreed with him. So people like my brother who worked at his side got in the habit of not disagreeing with him.>


<On any other topic you will find him eminently sensible.>


"I expect I can route around the subject all right."


<Thank you. Let's clear out India.>


She nods.

They clear out India.

She introduces herself to Ristrell. She and Ristrell get along rather well, considering, although Bella does check the voluntary fetishist host story (and giggle, a little). After a little quizzing on what effect, exactly, Hork-Bajir have on trees, Bella gets them a preserve area in Canada, near a maple farm where they can pick up some maple related chores if they want to participate in the economy or anything. As long as none of the Gedds actually want kids - and Bella's standards are fairly high for evaluating that, enough that Ristrell gets impatient about it - she's fine with sterilizing them. None of the Gedds want kids. They have different environmental requirements from Hork-Bajir and wind up in Namibia, fenced off from the cheetahs. The Taxxons' priority is to stop being so hungry all the fucking time. Even humans and their preference to eat three times a day seems like it would involve spending a lot of time hungry. The Taxxons are so sick of being hungry why can't morph cubes just turn them into plants. One of them tries being an anaconda on Bella's recommendation, and then recommends it to all the others and soon there are lots of Taxxon anacondas (and one Taxxon Hork-Bajir, in the Canadian preserve; it was friends with a Hork-Bajir).

The overprotective Yeerk with the Syrian host who forgets to eat, and an anonymous Hong Kong investor, with Bella breathing down their necks, set up a pilot program for consensual Yeerking in the EU, which has been largely unaffected by miscellaneous alien events. Anyone being Yeerked will have to wear a locked-on wristband (this is retroactive and includes anyone from Syria or India who is keeping their Yeerk, too) so that people can be advised that there is an extra person in there and take any precautions they need to feel more comfortable with that. Yeerks and hosts both will be held jointly responsible for criminal acts committed while hosted, the age of consent is 22, and the contract you have to sign indicating that the consent is informed and detailing the nature of your agreement with your Yeerk is sixteen pages long.

They run out of cousins to go around in two months.


Humans are so weird. 


It is presumably harder to find anyone interested in being a host for the Yeerk Resistance members who are not radiation-resistant? Do animals-morphed-human work if the Yeerk has separately had the chance to pick up some languages?


Well, they work, if the standard for "work" is "can the resulting combo organism move around and talk", but the Yeerks mostly really don't like it. A few of them will take it over nothing, most won't.




They figure out mass manufacture of the one-shot cube and place it in hospitals everywhere with trained personnel. They debate whether Yeerking brain-dead people and morphing and demorphing them to try to heal the brain damage is permissible. He goes on more talk shows and meets with world governments and gets agreements for their various organizations to carry out activities there. There are a lot of Earth countries. He would be very thoroughly enjoying himself, except every few seconds he twitches to make sure his body is still under his control and he has not slept through the night since they returned. Finleran travels with him, enough that some of the humans start asking questions about that.


They start considering how best to bring Earth unrestricted morph.


"It'll obviate a lot of structures currently in place to prevent all kinds of mischief. I think we can handle the transition but I think the announcement should be well in advance of the actual rollout, give people time to think of exploits and ways around them."


<If we can figure out how to safely give humans the translation chip we can also make it a tracking chip, make it a condition of getting morph with sufficient restrictions on when and how people can use it.>


"Some people will really resent being surveyed like that - and unlimited morph is necessary for repeated cancer cures, so it will look nontrivially coercive until and unless Cayaldwin figures out how to re-grant morphability to nothlits. It strains credulity a little to say that it would only be used for benign purposes ever."


<Then something that does not do general tracking but notifies people of morphed people in a small radius of the device, so people can for instance put one in their bedroom or at a location that requires photo ID?>


"Is that even remotely feasible? That would be amazing."


<I am not an engineer, and it cannot be done without some sort of voluntary chip installation because the Yeerks would presumably have done it, but if you had a way of identifying people with the morphing capability and people not-currently-in-morph - the latter you can do from the presence of a chip in their head rather than z-space - then you could flag people with the morphing capability who were not not-currently-in-morph.>


"I think there are many fewer potential objections to a translation chip that also registers to nearby morph-checkpoints than to one that did locations."


<Then we should hire a lot of human scientists and give them animals-morphed-human to test on and see if they can get chips working.>


He has not seen her smile much. Tail-flick-nod. More countries to negotiate operating agreements with.


Malawi is doing well. There is a waiting list to be the next Malawi. Humans really want to know if that other Andalite who hangs around Matirin all the time is his boyfriend or what. The Pool ship lands on the moon when Bella suggests that the literal same ship that caused the Atlantic disaster should maybe not be in orbit above the Earth all the time. Some humans go live on it to host friendly noncousins, often under arrangements like "okay I'll be your set of eyes and pair of hands but for at least four hours a day you have to help me write my thesis". There is a lively Internet debate about Yeerks and academic dishonesty. Ristrell considers plans for building a more appealing arcology next to the ship on the Moon and is calling her polity "the Tide". There is some fussing about the citizenships of various Yeerks and whether they need their own passports if they-and-hosts wish to travel. People want to try putting Yeerks in noncommunicative mental patients, in parolees, in violent offenders, in drug offenders, in wayward children, in badly behaved politicians - Bella stomps on the ideas unless the usual standard of informed consent can be met.


There is still more tech to offer - miniaturizing computers allows for all sorts of useful consumer devices, he will start spending some time meeting with people who can take Andalite consumer devices and get human-equivalent ones to market. Andalite medical technology is useful even for some things morphing can't solve. Andalites think factory farming is horrible, they don't eat animals themselves as a species so they never developed a less horrible way to do that but it should follow from plenty of tissue-culture technology they do have. 


Even if they cannot chip people with the translation devices yet they can build and sell pocket-sized translators.

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