elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Well, I wouldn't expect them to be trying the 'Sharing' thing worldwide, it's the sort of approach that you have to vary regionally to get much traction."


"Do you know what we should be looking for overseas?"


"I've never left the country and don't trust the state of my education on foreign cultures; it may be that they're concentrated entirely in the United States anyway. My naive expectation would be that in China they'd want very much to work within the existing power structure of the Communist Party rather than starting something de novo."


"We may conduct operations overseas similar to the ones that we conducted here, see if we can find someone who can do more locally-specific advising there. The Yeerks may also know."


"How much is my dad likely to know from his Yeerk?"


"He should have experienced everything the Yeerk did, and should know the contents of conversations the Yeerk had. Though unless the Yeerk is important it may not have been told much."


"How do they assign hosts, do you know?"


"Merit and loyalty - I don't think 'suitedness' comes up much, any Yeerk can imitate any host - there are status things, Taxxon hosts are undesirable..."


"Taxxons are disgusting. Perhaps the Yeerks find them so as well."


"...so you don't know."


"Opportunities for cultural exchange have been limited ever since they killed their teachers and took off from their home planet in stolen ships on a campaign of mass murder and slavery."


"I would imagine, but if you don't know it's probably more useful to say that than to speculate about the aesthetic appeal of a host species."


"My best guess is genuinely that Taxxons are disgusting and therefore undesirable hosts."


"...but Yeerks are grosser."


"Yeerks clearly do not regard a Yeerk body as a desirable one to live in."


"Whatever. Taxxon hosts are low status so whoever's in Charlie is probably not the lowest rung of hosted Yeerks and he might know some things."


"We can hope."


The Andalites set up a place for themselves to sleep on the grass. They marvel over (and practice turning into) beetles, though only one or two apiece. They ask the humans for instructions in cooking the rice and opening the cans.


And Bella explains can openers and pots and stoves - "You might want to raid Charlie's house for cash and food before you set it on fire. Though he'll have a lot of stuff that needs to be kept refrigerated or frozen."


"What is the desirable temperature for refrigeration? Are there other people who should see you arrive in the city?"


"I don't remember exactly - maybe something like forty degrees Fahrenheit, cold but not freezing. There's nobody else we'd make a point of saying hi to. Renée has certainly already called Charlie and told him to expect us but he won't know on what schedule and probably expects a phone call asking him to pick us up from somewhere."


"Can you tell us more about the geography of the area, who would respond to a fire, who lives nearby and how nearby..."


She sketches out a map, describes emergency services, they probably want to kill the smoke alarm, they need the place seriously burnt before it's guaranteed that forensics won't try to find their bones and identify them by dental records and that's important since none of them will be there, the fire department can detect arson in thus and such a way but Charlie will know more about that than she does, they have neighbors but not close ones and back up against the woods, most plausible mechanism for a non-arson fire to start is Charlie having some disastrous kitchen accident, plausible household accelerants are thus and such -


"If the Yeerks are suspicious they may desire to check that your mother was not somehow involved in any of this."


"Somehow involved like -? It's profoundly implausible that she would have sent her teenage daughters to go assassinate her ex-husband."

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