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z contains the key to the future. let's acquire it.
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The beam he is impaled on has apparently since fallen over horizontally. If he can scoot himself back off the bloody end (over some unfortunately pointy smashed-up robotics attached to the beam) he can drop onto a — pile of burnt plants? — on the debris-strewn concrete floor.

There's a lot of more-or-less dead vines here, having been in the process of climbing all over the beams and associated equipment. It doesn't really look like that was an intentional experiment.

Some small monstrous animals and particularly-mobile-plants are loose and running about or poking at the debris or fighting each other. Farther from the immediate vicinity, the interior structures are less wrecked and there are even lights on. There are distant sounds of continuing commotion.


...okay. Monsters. Escaped experiments, probably. That’s...fine, they can deal with that, once he...


...drags their body off the beam that impaled them, by himself.

The beam which is covered in what are now essentially spikes.

Sorry in advance, Jonathan. Wherever you are.


He grabs hold of the beam in front of them and begins to drag their body forward, inch by torturous inch.


...he’s probably making some kind of noise, he can’t quite tell...


...the crushed machinery drags through the wound, tears up their insides every time he moves...


...(they’re definitely going to need another shower)...


...he makes it off the end and they plummet to the ground.


The mess of vines makes a fairly good cushion, for something not at all designed for the purpose and being dropped on from a couple stories up.



He takes a minute to catch his breath, watching the hole in their chest start to close.

Once it doesn’t look like they’re going to hemmorhage their remaining blood or spill any organs in the attempt, he tries to get to his feet.


A vine or something feels tangled in the hole in his back.



This place just doesn’t let up, does it?

He reaches behind him, sees if he can feel out what it is.


It's a crispy dead vine.

—the part that is now kind of stuck into the healing edge of the hole is less crispy. It doesn't seem to be writhing about trying to eat him or anything, though.


...what happens if he starts trying to pull it out?


It seems pretty attached to his flesh, but it is unclear whether that is extra creepy biology or he just healed-or-scabbed around it.

Permalink it out, don’t rip it out. Rip it out, don’t rip it out. (He loves me, he loves me not...)


He tries to turn around enough to see where it’s coming from.


It is not a particularly distinguished part of the mess of vines he fell into. It can't(?) be alive because it has some thoroughly burnt parts before it becomes untraceably tangled into the pile.


Rip it out, don’t rip it out. Rip it out, don’t rip it out.


Rip it out.


He wraps both hands as tightly around it as he can and pulls, hard.


This feels like someone is trying to rip some of his insides out and pulls on the skin and —

the vine breaks.




He feels his back to try to find the remaining length of vine.


There's maybe four inches left to be felt.


Just checking – does trying to tug on this feel like he's trying to pull out all his organs through a hole the size of a golf ball?


It does not feel particularly attached to his organs as opposed to his skin and muscle and bone. Also, just grabbing the vine itself hurts a bit, if he can notice that beside the rest of the hole in his/Jonathan's back.



He squeezes the vine hard.


Yup that was definitely some sensation. Now the vine is crushed, too, but it doesn't really hurt worse, it's just — there, and less of it there now.


Can he

move it?





how'm i gonna explain this to j

oops sorry you're full of plants now

fuck me


He stumbles off the pile of vines. Now that he's not in such incredible amounts of pain, it's easier to notice that they're really fucking hungry, and it's making him a little dizzy.


As he steps onto the bare concrete some of the miscellaneous mobile life-forms flee or watch or approach. Maybe he would like to fight, kill, and eat this sixteen-legged dog?

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