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Present payment for services rendered
Succubi offer biomancy services for proper payment
Permalink Mark Unread

Magic... Does appear to be a thing. It's not properly explained in schools- The most that formal education goes to address it is a note in physics textbooks saying 'it is thought that abnormal phenomena still obey physical laws, and we simply do not understand them yet, however, studying such things tends to be difficult'. Occasionally news stories mention the Magical Girl Teams, dealing with some sort of supernatural hazard, or helping out with wildfires or floods. Or the news blames whatever random trouble is going on- Power outages, a missing teenager, a wave of drug abuse- On magic of one sort of another, usually with no actual explanation. Half the time, it turns out the explanation was mundane all along. 

This is all you would really know naturally as an ordinary American teen, if you didn't deliberately seek it out: Magic is rare and mysterious, and the Magical Girls keep the public safe from it.

Today, the local team of Magical Girls is fighting some sort of darkness-themed monstrosity in a large park. A few people, too close to it, have collapsed in psychic pain. Everyone further away sees an indistinct mass of darkness or smoke, occasionally forming tendrils shaped like claws or tentacles or mouths or arms or legs or naked bodies, like some sort of AI-generated fractal in a way that hurts a little bit to look at. The local three girls - Cherry Bomb, Fairy Fencer, and Velvet Maiden Vanessa - launch various glowing attacks at it until it's dead. Then the Puchuu, the colorful fluffy animal companions that seem to be in charge of the Magical Girls, go around to the people closest to the epicenter, and do something that seems to stop the pain, but also makes witnesses and bystanders look confused and dull-eyed.

Someone at the very edge of the zone might be able to witness this and not be noticed by the Puchuu.

Permalink Mark Unread

Alex while growing up had without really thinking about it, quietly filed magic and magical girls away in the corners of their mind as neat things that exist, but that one doesn't actually encounter in normal life everyday life, like nuclear fusion and astronauts.

Stumbling across the edge of a battle between actual magical girls and a blob of darkness that hurts just to look at was the first (but certainly not the last) time he realized that was a massive mistake.

And while he sticks around to watch how the fight develops (and reinforce to his brain that the Magical Girls are actually magical and not just cosplayers), when he notices the Puchuu going around doing something??? to the people who were closest to the fight, it crosses his mind that they might be memory wiping witnesses and that if he doesn't hide soon, not running away earlier will be tied for greatest mistake of his life. He starts looking around for potential hiding spots.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are a variety of stores, apartment buildings, and alleys around. There's some trees, and a utility shed. Traffic is still rolling, the park is big enough that mostly people couldn't see the fight from the road. So one could just... Walk away, preferably swiftly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Alex starts walking away from where the fight happened as swift as he can manage while internally considering which of the potential hiding spots to use. Apartment buildings run the risk of not being possible to get in due to lacking a key and of one of the actual residents being there and trying to chase him out if they find him suspicious. Alleys probably won't have anyone in them who might try to chase him out but if the Magical Girls or Puchuu do check in them while hunting for witnesses, having hung out in one would be very suspicious. similarly so for using the utility shed, plus it would also have a risk of being locked. Using the trees would be slightly less suspicious then an alley, but they would also provide worse cover. So he reasons that walking away and going adjacent to the road, or hiding in one of the stores would be the best options.
He starts examining the nearby stores after concluding that to see if there are any that lack windows or at least wouldn't any from which the fight would've been visible, or ones which it'd be reasonable to spend a while in like cafes, bookstores/libraries, or even massage parlors or something else that'd hurt his wallet to stop by in.



Permalink Mark Unread

Pharmacy, pawn shop, thrift store, McDonalds, Dollar General, sketchy massage parlor, some Mexican restauraunt, bookstore, FroYo place... The Mexican place seems promising, or the bookstore.

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Mexican is not in the somewhat limited category of foods Alex can tolerate eating, so he goes with the bookstore. After entering he looks around to see how the bookstore is divided up, and what genres of books it stocks. He also considers seeing if it has any books on magic or Magical Girls or the Puchuu in charge of them but realizes before even picking up any books that while worried about his memories of something magic that just happened being wiped, is one of the worst possible times to be publicly looking at books on magical stuff.

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It seems like a fairly run down example of the type. Lots of sci-fi and fantasy. Soft classical music playing. Lots of miscellaneous paperbacks on old looking wooden shelves going deep into the building. Some self-help and how-tos. Nothing new and popular. A fan turns lazily, and the cashier is on her phone but sets it down as he comes in. Prices are cheap, but everything looks used.

"Hey! Looking for anything in particular?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Alex finds used books perfectly respectable, even if he's too much of a sentimental hoarder himself to understand on a emotional level anyone who'd sell their old books, and would've happily perused the collection of used fantasies and sci-fis on his own if the cashier had stayed on her phone. In response to her question, and because his recent witnessing of a magical fight has got him wondering what actual magic is like and not just the ways it might be in fiction, he blurts out "Would you have any books on magic?".

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"You mean like fantasy, or you mean like the Magical Girl teams? 'Cause..." Wave at the fantasy section. "Or like, I have some stuff on card tricks and stage magic in the self help sections. And some stuff that's supposedly more real on shelf four in the back room, but uh... never got any of it to work and none of it seems very reliable. So absolutely no guarantees there."

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"I had meant supposedly real magic! though I'd also like to check out the explicitly fictional magic section afterwards, and thanks for the warning on how most likely none of it actually works, but I'd still want to check it out." Alex replies before heading to shelf 4 in the back room, and looking at the blurbs of the books contained on it, and flipping through them briefly, to see which of them contain exercises for possibly doing magic.

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One row of shelf 4 is labelled "Actual Magic (Supposedly, NO GUARANTEES)".

Standout titles include: 

Love and Justice: A Chronicle of Magical Girls!

The Hedge-Witch's Housework Manual

Collected Statements on Magic From the U.S. Government

Do-It-Yourself Rituals for Inner Alignment, Energy Clearing, and Wholesome Wellness

Muncie's Magnificent Monster Matrix (17 new entries!)

Modern-Day Miracles: Calling Upon Thy Faith

The Fine Art of Mentalism

Paint Magic and Spirit Crafts

Demonic Delights - Summoning for Fun and Profit

Cultivating Your Inner Garden

Daoism, Buddhism, and Legalism - Three Lenses to Ancient Magic

True Tales of Ghosts, Specters, Hauntings, and More

The Dangers of Old Stones and Old Gods

Survivalist's Guide to Magic! (Blurb: What do you do in case of tentacle monster? What about a werewolf? Is a sudden frost just weather, or evil spirits? When magic happens, knowledge is power- Educate yourself so you are prepared to survive what life throws at you!)

Permalink Mark Unread

Love and Justice: A Chronicle of Magical Girls!

Alex figures based off the title that probably Love and Justice will just be informative on the history and maybe politics of Magical Girls, and not how to become one, but as encountering them (at a distance) in real life has made him more curious on them in general, he'll briefly read through the start of Love and Justice before buying it to have something to read later in between attempting to do magic, and to help avoid annoying the bookstore's cashier with the amount of reading/browsing-before-buying he'll be doing with the rest of the titles.

The Hedge-Witch's Housework Manual

Magic for helping with housework would be quite nice though if it's specifically only for witches, Alex will need to put off getting and looking at it or similar books until after fixing not being a girl. Is it obvious from browsing through the start of it whether the magic in The Hedge-Witch's Housework Manual is gender locked?

Collected Statements on Magic From the U.S. Government

Alex is even less inclined to trust statements from the Government on magic then from the rest of these books, but is in fact curious what some of the things the Government has said on it are?

Do-It-Yourself Rituals for Inner Alignment, Energy Clearing, and Wholesome Wellness

Ignoring a potential path to power/magic just off aesthetic vibes would be dumb, but as there are a bunch of other potential titles to look at it, he'll investigate them first and only look at Do-It-Yourself if none of the other books on doing magic seem viable.

Muncie's Magnificent Monster Matrix (17 new entries!)

A monster encyclopedia would be straightforwardly useful, if Alex peeks at a couple random entries what does it read like? 

Modern-Day Miracles: Calling Upon Thy Faith

Seems like it'd be especially unlikely to work for someone with negligible to negative amounts of faith so Alex does not investigate it further.

The Fine Art of Mentalism

Tempting, but it'd require someone to practice on or preferably to practice it on him and Alex does not in fact that kind of relationship with any of his friends, practicing it on himself would seem like an especially bad idea, and mental magic would be especially hard to check whether it's working or just a placebo, so he'll unfortunately have to table checking it out for now.

Paint Magic and Spirit Crafts

Alex is terrible at painting and other kinds of crafts, but maybe Paint Magic and Spirit Crafts could be an excuse to try fixing that, what kinds of things does it claim to be able to do, and what actions are involved in making paint or other kinds of craft magic?

Demonic Delights - Summoning for Fun and Profit

Trying to summon demons just because it's aesthetic is a terrible idea, investigating what it's supposedly like on the other hand should be fine, Alex rationalizes to himself. What are demons like according to Demonic Delights , fun trading partners? rule lawyers you need to be careful around? ravenous horrors that'll devour your face if you mess up the summoning? what are the different species/categories of demons? what do they like to take payment in? what stuff do you need to summon them?

Cultivating Your Inner Garden

Alex is tempted to skip this one off vibes again, but does check what results it claims to be able to give if one succeeds at the magic it's offering, as it's title make it seem like it might offer body improving magic.

Daoism, Buddhism, and Legalism - Three Lenses to Ancient Magic

Alex completely bounced off the philosophy of Buddhism last time he heard about it, so it's very unlikely he'd be able to use any magic or lenses on it derived from Buddhism. He does however glance through some of the sections on Daoist and Legalist magic while half-expecting his ignorance of them to render the book incomprehensible.

True Tales of Ghosts, Specters, Hauntings, and More

Alex would just skip True Tales due to not being particularly interested in ghost stories, but does check if there's an elaboration on ghosts and specters apparently being different things?? 

The Dangers of Old Stones and Old Gods

Alex is not any more temperamentally inclined to try encountering or gaining power from Old Gods then he is regular or new ones and does not need to be warned about the dangers of attempting it, but is curious if one of the listed dangers is getting tentacled? or if that's only something that happens in hentai novels.

Survivalist's Guide to Magic! (Blurb: What do you do in case of tentacle monster? What about a werewolf? Is a sudden frost just weather, or evil spirits? When magic happens, knowledge is power- Educate yourself so you are prepared to survive what life throws at you!)

So apparently tentacle monsters are real (or at least as real as anything else in this section of books), what does Survivalist's Guide to Magic say you should do if you encounter one? (and is it better then Alex initial guess of "get molested if you're a pretty girl, or hopefully genderbent and molested if not") what about werewolves? demons? other kinds of magical creatures?

Also about halfway through this, Alex will realize that he should really be taking down notes, goes to check if there are any notebooks and pencils for sale, and when it turns out they've got them for cheap he buys a few and starts taking down some of his earlier thoughts and various tidbits of information as he browses through the rest of the books.

Permalink Mark Unread

So apparently tentacle monsters are real (or at least as real as anything else in this section of books) , what does Survivalist's Guide to Magic say you should do if you encounter one? (and is it better then Alex initial guess of "get molested if you're a pretty girl, or hopefully genderbent and molested if not") what about werewolves? demons? other kinds of magical creatures?

If you are a biologically sexed female who has been impregnated with tentacle monster eggs, HAVE VAGINAL SEX WITH A MALE PARTNER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is not a joke or exaggeration or some sort of fucked up pickup line. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

If you spot one from a distance, stand still and look around carefully for potential hiding spots where MORE tentacles might be waiting in ambush- Fallen logs, vent grates, dumpsters, storm drains, abandoned bags, large bushes- Keep clear of such places and maintain situational awareness while backing away.

If you're suddenly attacked by one, try to hit the central body before it manages to fully restrain you. You'll only have seconds! Guns tend to be ineffective, slashing weapons are better. They're afraid of fire.

If it manages to fully restrain you, stop fighting back and try to stay calm. Fighting back could induce it to knock you out and drag you to another location, which could leave you stranded and unable to seek aid.

For biological females, if it's an adult tentacle it will most likely lay tentacle eggs inside you. IF YOU ARE IMPREGNATED WITH TENTACLE EGGS, you should have vaginal intercourse resulting in semen inside the vagina, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, on pain of PERMENANT AND SEVERE mindbreaky consequences. This will not result in a normal pregnancy, and will instead produce tentacle eggs in 48-72 hours, which can be summarily destroyed.

Biological males are rarely attacked by tentacles, but if they are attacked it will, most of the time, eventually figure out that they don't have a womb and just sort of... Leave you basting in aphroditic venom.

Either way, REPORT IT TO THE MAGICAL GIRL HOTLINE OR OTHER RELEVANT LOCAL AUTHORITY as soon as possible so that the pest can be exterminated. Despite all pest-control efforts, they remain endemic across much of the Eastern Seaboard, and can be found in almost all major cities worldwide if you look hard enough.

There's an 800 number that's supposedly for a national tentacle hotline.

Alex is not any more temperamentally inclined to try encountering or gaining power from Old Gods then he is regular or new ones and does not need to be warned about the dangers of attempting it, but is curious if one of the listed dangers is getting tentacled? or if that's only something that happens in hentai novels.

The dangers listed seem to be Lovecraftian- Madness, horrible curses, bleeding from every orifice, shadowy creatures murdering you, and the like.

Alex would just skip True Tales due to not being particularly interested in ghost stories, but does check if there's an elaboration on ghosts and specters apparently being different things?? 

Not an easily accessible and clearly explained one, at least. Maybe specters are more... Aggressive?

Alex completely bounced off the philosophy of Buddhism last time he heard about it, so it's very unlikely he'd be able to use any magic or lenses on it derived from Buddhism. He does however glance through some of the sections on Daoist and Legalist magic while half-expecting his ignorance of them to render the book incomprehensible.

It's pretty incomprehensible, and the whole thing reads more like a history or theory book than an actual manual anyway. Apparently having a court position is something that supposedly grants you magical power, so long as you behave appropriately solemnly? And Daoism seems to be some kind of ancient alchemist thing?

Alex is tempted to skip this one off vibes again, but does check what results it claims to be able to give if one succeeds at the magic it's offering, as it's title make it seem like it might offer body improving magic.

It claims to make you better at growing plants, gain plant-based sensory powers, become resistant to poison, hunger, temperatures, and disease, and that 'true masters can step into the worldroots'.

Trying to summon demons just because it's aesthetic is a terrible idea, investigating what it's supposedly like on the other hand should be fine, Alex rationalizes to himself. What are demons like according to Demonic Delights , fun trading partners? rule lawyers you need to be careful around? ravenous horrors that'll devour your face if you mess up the summoning? what are the different species/categories of demons? what do they like to take payment in? what stuff do you need to summon them?

No summoning is a guarantee. There are quite a variety, apparently? Often, demons don't want to bother with you. Imps are good for minor mischief or petty chores, and must be paid by indulging in their appropriate sin, or letting them so indulge. So, break something for Wrath imps. Harpies will pluck your enemies' eyes out, or carry you to safety, and one is advised to pay the promised fees in gold and silver promptly lest one suffer eye-plucking themselves. Hyssak build spiderweb-like arrays of sharp glass, which can have magical effects on a room, usually curses. Succubi are good at healing, including cosmetic surgery, take payment by having sex with the summoner (usually dozens of times, for something like healing a major wound), and are one of the most popular summons, as well as one of the safest if you negotiate properly. No permanent consequences to fucking a succubus, or so the book claims. Pit Hounds are basically just immortal dogs; They eat a LOT, like ten pounds of meat per day, but are otherwise just... Dogs. Kind of hard to train, but not inherently malicious.

There's plenty more. A few have stern warnings, but most sound safe-ish. Candles, drawn symbols, a sacrifice (preferably live, but store-bought chicken will do in a pinch) and a knife are all the physical accouterments needed.


Permalink Mark Unread

Alex is terrible at painting and other kinds of crafts, but maybe Paint Magic and Spirit Crafts could be an excuse to try fixing that, what kinds of things does it claim to be able to do, and what actions are involved in making paint or other kinds of craft magic?

Craft magic appears to be about working in little slivers of magic as you make things by hand- Painting, weaving, sewing, pottery, whittling- Resulting in a magical object, if you did it right. It's related to the Japanese practice of ofuda. Most often the resulting object will just be better at what it is- A watering can never spills, an oven mitt never lets you be burnt. If you make art, though, and really feel it and take your time agonizing over it and pouring magic into the process, you can do all sorts of things. The examples given are a carved statuette that grows warm when 'trouble' is near, and a woven rug that prevents anyone who sleeps on it from becoming sick.

A monster encyclopedia would be straightforwardly useful, if Alex peeks at a couple random entries what does it read like? 

It describes their habitats, lifecycles, appearances in popular mythology (if any), threat level, and what sorts of things their body parts are good for in a neat little table. It almost looks like it could be some sort of game manual, if an exhaustively creatively written one. Apparently the German Forest Rhinoceros are found in the forests of, well, Germany, and their horns can warn of upcoming earthquakes?

Alex is even less inclined to trust statements from the Government on magic then from the rest of these books, but is in fact curious what some of the things the Government has said on it are?

Lots of statements asking people not to panic over this or that. Formal denials of allegations that the President is a lizardman/puuchuu puppet/demon/etc. A CDC statement that 'protective charms' are not an adequate replacement for masks in a quarantine situation. A case study from the ATF on whether the drug 'Deep Pink' has a magical source or not.

Magic for helping with housework would be quite nice though if it's specifically only for witches, Alex will need to put off getting and looking at it or similar books until after fixing not being a girl. Is it obvious from browsing through the start of it whether the magic in The Hedge-Witch's Housework Manual is gender locked?

It's not explicitly gender-locked, but all the stated spells are to do with housework- Cleaning, cooking, mending, dealing with children, that sort of thing.

Alex figures based off the title that probably Love and Justice will just be informative on the history and maybe politics of Magical Girls, and not how to become one, but as encountering them (at a distance) in real life has made him more curious on them in general, he'll briefly read through the start of Love and Justice before buying it to have something to read later in between attempting to do magic, and to help avoid annoying the bookstore's cashier with the amount of reading/browsing-before-buying he'll be doing with the rest of the titles.

It's something like a set of memoirs and a broad history claiming Magical Girls have been defending the innocent and keeping magic out of the hands of evil since before the middle ages. Magical Girls have secret identities, and apparently stay magical even as they grow older, though they usually retire from active hero-ing in their 20s. Puchuu apparently seek out those with potential all on their own.

Permalink Mark Unread

If you are a biologically sexed female who has been impregnated with tentacle monster eggs, HAVE VAGINAL SEX WITH A MALE PARTNER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is not a joke or exaggeration or some sort of fucked up pickup line. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Alex's first thought on reading on that is euggh (and "but what if hypothetical girl!Alex would rather deal with permanent mindbreaky consequences then have sex with a guy??" even though that is objectively stupid).
And makes notes on recommended responses for spotting and/or being attacked by a tentacle monster, including distastefully, what to do if impregnated with tentacle eggs and it turns not having a womb doesn't prevent tentacle impregnation, and/or none of the potential options for becoming girl have a no womb option. (and also that he really shouldn't have expected the correct strategy to being attacked by some kind of magical pest to be "lay back and take it / have funeven if that would've been a hotter way for reality to be.) and the phone number to call if one encounters a tentacle monster. 

The dangers listed seem to be Lovecraftian- Madness, horrible curses, bleeding from every orifice, shadowy creatures murdering you, and the like.

That's basically what he should have expected, Alex won't be changing his policy on not wanting anything to do with Old Gods anytime soon.

Not an easily accessible and clearly explained one, at least. Maybe specters are more... Aggressive?

Being maybe more aggressive does not seem like it'd warrant an entirely different word for referring to them, but English has plenty of more ridiculous examples of that kind of thing, so Alex won't judge the author or whoever invented the ghost/specter distinction too much for it.

It's pretty incomprehensible, and the whole thing reads more like a history or theory book than an actual manual anyway. Apparently having a court position is something that supposedly grants you magical power, so long as you behave appropriately solemnly? And Daoism seems to be some kind of ancient alchemist thing?

The incomprehensibility is basically what he expected, and there being court positions that give magic if you act solemnly is wild if true. (and Alex is also now wondering whether they are any fantasies novel with a premise "court positions give you magic powers if you act appropriately" and makes a note to search that up later when at his computer.)

It claims to make you better at growing plants, gain plant-based sensory powers, become resistant to poison, hunger, temperatures, and disease, and that 'true masters can step into the worldroots'.

Neat! Alex isn't interested in growing plants or gaining plant themed sensory powers, but does make a note that if the other magic stuff turns out to work, and he can't find any better options for hunger/temperature/disease resistance he should track down and return to Cultivating Your Inner Garden.

No summoning is a guarantee. There are quite a variety, apparently? Often, demons don't want to bother with you. Imps are good for minor mischief or petty chores, and must be paid by indulging in their appropriate sin, or letting them so indulge. So, break something for Wrath imps.

Are there Sloth imps, and is being too lazy to do the chore you summoned an imp for or to even pay them, enough of an indulgence in the sin of sloth to count as payment (Alex does not expect this idea to work, but is curious about where it'd fail if Demonic Delights mentions anything like it)?

 Harpies will pluck your enemies' eyes out, or carry you to safety, and one is advised to pay the promised fees in gold and silver promptly lest one suffer eye-plucking themselves.

Even if Alex had enemies he certainly wouldn't want to have their eyes plucked out, most situations he might want to be carried to safety from wouldn't leave him with the time or opportunity to summon a demon, and he's too attached to his eyes to risk having them plucked out for anything more frivolous, so he won't be summoning any harpies.

Hyssak build spiderweb-like arrays of sharp glass, which can have magical effects on a room, usually curses. 

The Hyssak arrays sound pretty, but summoning one just to have them build some arrays for Alex to look at when he doesn't even have a room he wants cursed seems like a bad and possibly dangerous idea, so he won't (unless he ends up with a room he needs cursed for some reason).

Succubi are good at healing, including cosmetic surgery, take payment by having sex with the summoner (usually dozens of times, for something like healing a major wound), and are one of the most popular summons, as well as one of the safest if you negotiate properly. No permanent consequences to fucking a succubus, or so the book claims. 

Succubi are good at healing, including cosmetic surgery

including cosmetic surgery

Does the book give any details on what kinds of cosmetic changes succubi can do? even if they don't explicitly do gender changes he'll definitely be trying to summon one later for the chance to get his face adjusted and fix various cosmetic blemishes the narration will not go into detail on. Do succubi have any specific additional requirements to summon them, or things they'd prefer when being summoned beyond just being paid in sex?

Pit Hounds are basically just immortal dogs; They eat a LOT, like ten pounds of meat per day, but are otherwise just... Dogs. Kind of hard to train, but not inherently malicious.

Demon doggos! Alex is unreasonably tempted to try summoning one even though most of the considerations against getting a dog still apply when the dog in question is immortal, and especially so when they'd eat a ridiculous amount a day.

There's plenty more. A few have stern warnings, but most sound safe-ish. Candles, drawn symbols, a sacrifice (preferably live, but store-bought chicken will do in a pinch) and a knife are all the physical accouterments needed.

Are there specific kinds of candles or materials to draw the symbols in that work best, or would any do? and would summoned demons be liable to get offended if summoned with store-bought chicken or is using a live sacrifice just for improving the odds of the summoning working at all? (Alex is a bit too squeamish to use live sacrifices, and would find it kind of mean to do when the summoning most likely won't even work.) 

Craft magic appears to be about working in little slivers of magic as you make things by hand- Painting, weaving, sewing, pottery, whittling- Resulting in a magical object, if you did it right. It's related to the Japanese practice of ofuda. Most often the resulting object will just be better at what it is- A watering can never spills, an oven mitt never lets you be burnt. If you make art, though, and really feel it and take your time agonizing over it and pouring magic into the process, you can do all sorts of things. The examples given are a carved statuette that grows warm when 'trouble' is near, and a woven rug that prevents anyone who sleeps on it from becoming sick.

Neat! Alex isn't sure there's anything which he could maybe eventually craft which would be both fun to make and useful to have be magically better at what it is, but does make a note to maybe come back for *Paint Magic and Spirits Craft* another time.

It describes their habitats, lifecycles, appearances in popular mythology (if any), threat level, and what sorts of things their body parts are good for in a neat little table. It almost looks like it could be some sort of game manual, if an exhaustively creatively written one. Apparently the German Forest Rhinoceros are found in the forests of, well, Germany, and their horns can warn of upcoming earthquakes?

Cool, Alex is definitely getting this one, even if it's contents turn out to be unrelated to reality, it's still a fun and interesting read.

Lots of statements asking people not to panic over this or that. Formal denials of allegations that the President is a lizardman/puuchuu puppet/demon/etc. A CDC statement that 'protective charms' are not an adequate replacement for masks in a quarantine situation. A case study from the ATF on whether the drug 'Deep Pink' has a magical source or not.

Why would you confirm the President isn't a demonic reptilian puppet of the Puchuu when that would be much cooler then them being a regular human. What's the deal with 'Deep Pink' and why's it maybe magical according to that case study? does it turn the users skin pink? does overdosing turn one into a flamigo? or is it just another boring drug that happens to be pink and might've been manufactured with magic or something?

It's not explicitly gender-locked, but all the stated spells are to do with housework- Cleaning, cooking, mending, dealing with children, that sort of thing.

Most of those seem useful to have magic to help with!

It's something like a set of memoirs and a broad history claiming Magical Girls have been defending the innocent and keeping magic out of the hands of evil since before the middle ages. Magical Girls have secret identities, and apparently stay magical even as they grow older, though they usually retire from active hero-ing in their 20s. Puchuu apparently seek out those with potential all on their own.

Neat! does it mention anything on whether the Puchuu/Magical Girl's conception of what's evil and needs to be prevented from having magic changed over the centuries, or have their views on it remained relatively stable throughout history to Love and Justice?


After looking through the various books, Alex is tempted to get (in order of priority) Demonic Delights, Muncie's Magnificent Monster Matrix, Survivalist's Guide to Magic!, The Hedge-Witch's Housework Manual, Love and Justice.
What's the price of them all together look like versus just Demonic Delights and Muncie's versus what a brand new book would cost?

Permalink Mark Unread

Demonic Delights is listed as $8.99, Muncie's as $14.99 (it's a hefty hardcover), Survivalist's as $5.99, Hedge-Witch at $8.99, and Love and Justice sits at $7.99. All together, that's $47 bucks before tax. Just Demonic Delights and Muncie's is $24.

New hardcovers are going for $25-40 each depending on how popular they are, and new paperbacks are usually around $15ish too.

Neat! does it mention anything on whether the Puchuu/Magical Girl's conception of what's evil and needs to be prevented from having magic changed over the centuries, or have their views on it remained relatively stable throughout history to Love and Justice?

The memoirs don't do a deep dive into Puchuu Philosophy. In fact, it might be deliberately avoiding explaining in clear terms. It looks like basically any magic-users taking advantage of non-magic people, especially on a large scale, get targeted by Puchuu. Reading between the lines a bit, monsters, 'cults', major disasters, accumulation of power by non-puchuu factions, and mundane-on-magical violence are probably things they push back against, too.

What's the deal with 'Deep Pink' and why's it maybe magical according to that case study?

Deep Pink is a club drug used to sharpen senses and create a stimulant high. It can induce heart attacks and seizures. It might or might not be refined tentacle monster venom? Sections of the text are redacted.

Does the book give any details on what kinds of cosmetic changes succubi can do?

Do succubi have any specific additional requirements to summon them, or things they'd prefer when being summoned beyond just being paid in sex?

Are there specific kinds of candles or materials to draw the symbols in that work best, or would any do? and would summoned demons be liable to get offended if summoned with store-bought chicken or is using a live sacrifice just for improving the odds of the summoning working at all? 

There aren't a lot of details listed, but 'fair skin and athletic build', and 'a more satisfying lower member' and 'adjustments to the hair and bosom' are all listed. Each type of demon has a set of 'recommended resonant materials for ideal results'. It's unclear if un-ideal results mean it doesn't work, or the demon gets offended. Succubi: Brass, bronze, or copper candle-holders x5, pentagram drawn in quality white chalk. Do not use salt. For succubi in particular, sexual fluids can and probably should replace an ordinary sacrifice.

Sloth Imps take payment in the chance to laze about unmolested in a secure and comfortable spot. They are not very reliable workers.

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The memoirs don't do a deep dive into Puchuu Philosophy. In fact, it might be deliberately avoiding explaining in clear terms. It looks like basically any magic-users taking advantage of non-magic people, especially on a large scale, get targeted by Puchuu. Reading between the lines a bit, monsters, 'cults', major disasters, accumulation of power by non-puchuu factions, and mundane-on-magical violence are probably things they push back against, too.

Alex is vaguely suspicious of the lack of a deep dive into Puchuu Philosophy but continues reading through it. He would also judge them for pushing back against non-puchuu factions accumulating power, but he'd do basically the same thing in their position and he's not that much of a hypocrite.

Deep Pink is a club drug used to sharpen senses and create a stimulant high. It can induce heart attacks and seizures. It might or might not be refined tentacle monster venom? Sections of the text are redacted.

Welp that's as boring an effect as the ones from every other drug Alex has heard about, it's neat that it might be refined tentacle monster venom though.

There aren't a lot of details listed, but 'fair skin and athletic build', and 'a more satisfying lower member' and 'adjustments to the hair and bosom' are all listed. Each type of demon has a set of 'recommended resonant materials for ideal results'. It's unclear if un-ideal results mean it doesn't work, or the demon gets offended. Succubi: Brass, bronze, or copper candle-holders x5, pentagram drawn in quality white chalk. Do not use salt. For succubi in particular, sexual fluids can and probably should replace an ordinary sacrifice.

Those listed available changes are promising. Does it say which of brass, bronze, and copper are a succubi's favorite, and whether they prefer that all the candle holders be of the same type, or different or would any combination of any of brass/bronze/copper work?
Alex is also glad to discover that a sacrifice can and should be replaced when summoning succubi, though his using cum would make trying to sell a succubus his orgasm complicated (unless it turns out succubus have a way of solving refractory periods, do they?).

Sloth Imps take payment in the chance to laze about unmolested in a secure and comfortable spot. They are not very reliable workers.

Completely valid of them.

Demonic Delights is listed as $8.99, Muncie's as $14.99 (it's a hefty hardcover), Survivalist's as $5.99, Hedge-Witch at $8.99, and Love and Justice sits at $7.99. All together, that's $47 bucks before tax. Just Demonic Delights and Muncie's is $24.

New hardcovers are going for $25-40 each depending on how popular they are, and new paperbacks are usually around $15ish too.

Hrmm, Alex would just get them all, but as he has no clue how expensive brass/bronze/copper candle holders might be, he'll just grab Demonic Delights and Survivalist and make a note to come back for the others later (unless the cashier seems to disapprove of him not spending much, he can easily be convinced and/or pressured into getting them all, does she?).

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Each individual entry in Demonic Delights is not that long; It doesn't specifically mention all the candle holders being the same, but in the... Illustration... They all look the same, if you carefully scrutinize that part of the drawing instead of the hot naked bat-winged and horned woman. It also mentions that succubi tend to be fine with you accumulating a 'debt' of future sex.

Nah. All she says is, "Would you let me know if you do get any of it to work? Unless you do something sketchy and get arrested. Then don't."

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Alex makes note of the fact that probably the candle holders should all be the same type, and that apparently succubi are fine with summoners accumulating a sex debt which seems like it could spiral in a really bad direction, but the sexy kind of bad at least.

"Sure! I'll probably be down again after finishing reading through them for some of the other books, and if it works I'll let you know then if it worked out! ... Unless it turns out demon summoning is way more dangerous then claimed, in which case you'll find out from my ghost haunting you." Alex say with the later half in a mostly joking. 

Then sets off in search of a candle store! Followed by immediately turning around when he realized he should write down the name of the book store, and some directions on how to get there, then he sets off in search of a candle store, but for real this time!

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The bookstore has a pretty generic name- Good Old Reads. There isn't a candle-specific store immediately visible but Google Maps can probably help. Maybe the Hobby Lobby a couple blocks away has some?

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On noticing that Good Old Reads has a generic name, Alex puts some extras details into the direction notes he was writing down in case he forgets how to get back to it and in case Google Maps isn't able to distinguish it from some other similarly named bookshops.
And when he can't see any candle stores nearby after finishing that, he consults Google Maps and heads off a couple blocks to the Hobby Lobby which luckily has five brass candle holders and pieces of chalk (both high quality which he gets to use for drawing the summoning pentagram, and some cheap ones he'll use to draw a few practice pentagrams beforehand) he can grab as well, so he doesn't need to make any other stops and can head straight home to get to work on summoning demons.

After which he gets to work, drawing out and erasing a few practice pentagrams until he's able to reliably get the angles mostly right and avoid making the lines squiggly, followed by drawing a pentagram out with the best chalk he could buy, laying out the candles in the appropriate positions and in brass candle holders, and all the other relevant preparations, followed by rather awkwardly beginning to masturbate so he could use his cum as the substitute sacrifice for summoning a succubus, something which gets much easier and less awkward when he starts thinking about how, if all goes well with this, he'll be turned into a cute girl and fucked or maybe even raped if he racks up enough orgasm debt by a hot succubus, which is enough to quickly push him over the edge into orgasming.

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The space is prepared according to instructions- And the sacrifice is... Spilled... Inside the circle. All is ready for the summoning ritual itself.

The first chapter of Demonic Delights details mental exercises to prepare yourself for summoning- A sense of calling out, of opening your mind and deliberately pushing, not with your body but with your soul. It is, the book warns, very hard to learn. There's no real feedback, most of the time, so you're encouraged to try summoning a few times until you can get it down correctly.

The ritual for summoning a succubus consists of standing at one of the five points of the pentagram and chanting a short verse repeatedly, while focusing on calling out, wanting to summon a succubus, and specifically what you want to summon a succubus for. The key, the book claims, is in speaking these desires so firmly that any listening demons can perceive it, and continuing long enough for them to actually successfully answer. The chant should be slow and methodical, and the whole ritual should take at least ten minutes.

If you succeed, it should be obvious, as the called demon will appear. Some can be dismissed without penalty. Some will insist on payment before being driven away.

The verse itself, for succubi, is: 

Succubi, creatures of lust, I call to you.

Answer my call and appear before me.

I want (speak your desires here).

Hear my call and come forth.

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Alex, once he spills his "sacrifice" into the circle, begins to try and open his mind and push out with his soul at the same time as he begins to slowly chant

Succubi, creatures of lust, I call to you.

and focuses his mind back on what he wants a succubus for

Answer my call and appear before me.

the same thing he was thinking on earlier 

I want a form beautiful and feminine.

to become a girl, sexy and lewd and

Hear my call and come forth.

to be defiled by a hot succubus, to have payment extracted in the form of something she'd have given away even in return for nothing, because it would be an inherently delightful experience for the both of them.

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It doesn't come on the first repetition.

Or the second.


Or the tenth.

Somewhere around halfway through, just at the point when you might start to worry it won't work-

a ghost of a whisper on your ear 
a tingling fingertip on the back of your neck
the sweet scent of flowers and sex

How can I resist such a desire? Whispers a rich, feminine voice. A faint presence, not truly there. Keep going so I can find you, cutie.

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It not resulting in a response on the first , or second, or tenth, or twentieth or whicheverth repetitions doesn't deter Alex in the slightest, he knows the ritual is meant to take at least 10 minutes, and possibly multiple tries.
He was fully prepared to spend every single one of them slowly chanting and fantasizing/longing for what (s)he'd have if it works, without having any idea at all if it was working the entire time.
So when not even halfway through he feel those ghostly sensations and the faint presence of a rich, feminine voice, he almost startles from delight, but manages to keep himself from moving where he stands at one of the pentagram's points, and continues chanting at a slow melodic pace (he'd be tempted to chant faster from excitement, but the knowledge that the chanting is meant to be slow is enough to keep him doing at the right speed).
He does however let his excitement and the knowledge that someone heard his desire to fuel and intensify his fantasies and desires for what might happen if the rest of the ritual works.

That the owner of the voice he heard will appear, with a body as enticing and as feminine as her voice. To turn him into a her, to give them a body as soft, as beautiful, as feminine, as the succubus who gifted it (will gift it) to her in the first place is. To take and give payment in the sweetest form possible, in the pleasuring and molesting of her gifted body (and maybe putting it to use to pleasure the one who gave it to her) , over the course of days, and weeks, and months, and maybe even years until her debt is paid, with interest, and for as long afterwards as the succubus will have her.

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There's a flare of power, eventually. His 'offering' goes up in a flare of sparks, the candle flames soar, and red energy gathers at the center of the pentagram-

And Myra seems to appear between one heartbeat and the next.

Completely naked.

She has large, glowing red eyes, with pupils shaped like a five petaled flower. She has breasts that seem to defy gravity, smooth and perky and just large enough to spill out of one's hands. She has velvety purple bat-like wings that spread wide. She has cute goat-like horns that poke from her forehead and curl back. She has pointy, elfin ears. She has a thin, flexible tail that wanders, with a fleshy spade shape on the end. She has a smooth, toned core that shows just a hint at muscle underneath.

And a penis, too.

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"Hello, hello! Oh, it's always nice to meet new people. I'm Myra! When I heard what you were yearning for, I followed it as quick as I could. What's your name?"

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Alex does physically startle when his 'offering' goes up in sparks, followed by delighted cackling as he realizes it worked and he's got a live succubus before him, followed by intense blushing as he realizes he's got a live naked succubus before and his eyes hungrily wander across her body. 

She has large, glowing red eyes, with pupils shaped like a five petaled flower. 

pretty! (Alex had never even considered that her pupils might be shaped differently, and now he wants some of some his own, or her own considering the likely way things will go.)

She has breasts that seem to defy gravity, smooth and perky and just large enough to spill out of one's hands.

pretty! (He wonders how it'd feel to hold and grasp them, or to have gravity defying, smooth perky breasts of their own, which are grasped in another's hands)

She has velvety purple bat-like wings that spread wide.

pretty! (Alex wonders how it'd feel to be snuggled up against her wings.)

She has cute goat-like horns that poke from her forehead and curl back.

pretty! And can they be used as handlebars during sex.

She has pointy, elfin ears.


And a penis, too.

pretty! and oh wow it's completely unfair that she has that too, Alex is extremely into it.

"Hello, hello! Oh, it's always nice to meet new people. I'm Myra! When I heard what you were yearning for, I followed it as quick as I could. What's your name?"

And when he remembers that the pretty, unreasonably hot succubus he summoned said something he replies
"Hello Myra! It's a delight to meet you! My name is Alex!, though I might end up changing that later considering how the rest of this is likely to go."
He tries to look in Myra's eyes as he talks, but rather visibly fails and mostly ends up looking at her cock, or occasionally her tits when he manages to pull his eyes away from her lower member.

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She twists her hips a bit, leading to some swinging from her cock as it stands proudly. Then she leans forward a bit, wrapping her arms under her breasts.

"Like what you see, do you~? Hello, Alex. As you've surmised, yes- We can totally have sex. You can use my mouth and grab my horns, or tell me to bend over and stroke my wings... Also, I can turn you into a girl... And we can have sex that way too. However!" 

She places one finger on the tip of his nose, not hindered by the boundary of the pentagram at all.

"I'm not just going to snap my fingers and do it. For one, I can't. It would be terribly bad for you to have such drastic changes come in all at once. For two... I'll need to know what you want to end up looking like when all is done, and make adjustments as we go."

Her finger traces down over his lips and chin, then she giggles and leans back away.

"And finally at three, I'll want a down payment first. So... A gradual change sounds better, doesn't it? You'll become a woman a little bit at a time, more and more each day. We'll get rid of pesky hair one day. Work on your legs another. Your new breasts come in bit by bit... What do you think?"

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That sure is some more desperately aroused staring from Alex as Myra ends up swinging her cock about with twists of her hips, and making her breasts look even more erotic as she leans forward and wraps her arms under them, followed by some enthusiastic nodding on his part at her first question.

"Yes! You're very pretty and unreasonably hot even accounting for you being a succubus! and those all sound nice to do-" and now he's BSODing as he thinks again on what it might be like to have a sex as a girl, but this time with the knowledge that Myra has a cock, which will almost certainly end up inside her.
Which he gets snapped out of when Myra places a finger on and traces against his face, and once she's done going over those points he responds.

"That all makes sense, and while a part of me is slightly disappointed that you can't just turn me into a girl right away, it does sound hotter to gradually get girlier each day... So um did you want your 'down payment' first, or to discuss what I'd want the end result to be? which I admittedly haven't really thought about in much detail before beyond 'cute girl'."

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She smirks at his reactions.

"There's no hurry. I just want to make a couple things clear first... When I drive you to orgasm," she flashes a tiny smile and a small pleased sound, "And then, with my succubus magic, leave you still horny so I can do that again, and again... I am actually draining something other than cum. I don't want to lie about that, or hide it. It's a bit of magical essence, and I need it to sustain myself and do my own magic. It comes back on its own. Most people have very little, some have a bit more, and a rare few have a lot. You're in the second category."

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Alex blushes and smiles back.

"Thanks for mentioning that! and I'd probably be fine with you draining all of my magical essence or as much as is safe to have drained, assuming you've also got succubus magic for handling or preventing any soreness that might normally result from being brought to orgasm a dozen times?" 

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"It's safe. It mostly means you can't do other magic, if you've learned any, until it comes back. And I sure do. That's just a teensy tiny bit of healing."

She leans forward and speaks more quietly. The same scent of flowers and something husky and alluring is very distinct now.

"You'll want to hydrate before we start, though. Because 'a dozen times' is about right. You're in for some fun. I'm going to say... The whole process, start to finish, is going to cost you about one thousand orgasms. Up or down some depending on details. If you want to keep your cock, for example, that would lower it some."

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"Great! And luckily I haven't learned any other magic yet that I'd actively miss out on, so feel free to drain me dry!"

When Alex gets another whiff of Myra's husky scent he lets out some needy aroused whining, before managing to get out "I'llgohydratethen!" and with a great effort of will forces himself to go hydrate instead of begging Myra to fuck him.

Once he's done that, he returns bringing along several bottles filled with water in case he needs to hydrate again later and says once he returns.

"I'd be fine with keeping my cock, or at least leaving the decision of whether/when to lose it to future Alex. And um, is there anything else we should discuss? I'm overwhelming horny enough that once you start doing things to my body I'll be stop being able to speak..."

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"Heeee. Good planning. Our safewords are 'stop', 'safeword', or 'red'... It's only responsible to have one. If I'm doing something you don't like, say so. I'll do the same. We don't need condoms since I can heal away anything and can't get pregnant..."

She licks her lips, looking at Alex's cock.

"You know what, let's start your transformation early. It'll only make it better, the first step~ Do you want to keep any hair below your eyebrows and scalp? Or should I get it all? After that, the only thing left, is telling me how you want me~"

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"Thanks! and 'stop' would probably be the easiest for me to remember, so let's use it for today?"

Alex shudders from arousal when he notices Myra looking at his cock, and wonders how it'd feel to have her mouth wrapped his length.

"That sounds great, and I'd want you to destroy it all, and afterwards you could suck me off, and guide me in how to return the favor after that if you'd enjoy that too?"

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"Oh stars that's cute. Ah, I mean... Yes."

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"Okay, here we go!"

Myra steps closer to Alex and raises her hands to his face. She begins running her fingers all over his face, tenderly and rhythmically. Over his ears, and behind them, and then over the sideburns and cheeks. All over his face, chin and mouth. Wherever she touches, it's perfectly smooth afterwards, when her massage-like motions continue. No hint of stubble at all. For that matter, no moles or other pretty blemishes either.

Then she starts trailing her fingers over his left forearm, carefully massaging the back of his hand, the knuckles of his fingers, up and down his forearm with light, stroking touches. She repeats the treatment with the other arm. And then the armpits, swiftly removing all the hair there, too, and moving on to gently stroking down his chest. Her face is very close to his, now, and her breasts idly brush against his front, occasionally. The tips of their cocks might brush against each other too.


...Now, does she actually need to touch every part of his skin that she wants to remove the hair from?


Does Alex know that?

Also no~

His facial expressions at this teasing 'massage' will probably be pretty validating, Myra thinks.

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"C-cute?" Alex squeaks out in an embarrassed questioning tone, before getting too distracted by Myra's touches to ask what exactly she found so cute.
Leaning into her touch as she rubs across his face, making a dumb happy smile and the occasional moan, not just from arousal but mainly simple happiness as Myra leaves behind smooth skin, free of hairs or any other imperfection wherever she touches. 

When Myra's face gets so close to his own, he finds himself tentatively trying to close the distance between them and kiss her.

Also once Myra's breasts brush against his front, Alex's moans turn more erotic and he finds himself wondering how it'd feel when (s)he finally has breasts of her own and what if they brushed against Myra's own, their soft mounds pressed together and squishing against each other.

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Myra hovering her face close, lips partially open, looking at him with those glowy eyes full of desire... Would she refuse a kiss? Never.


She presses close, rubs one hand on the back of his head and one along his back, and plays with his mouth for a bit, keenly aware just how sensitive lips can be. Soft nibbles, warm breath, and that ever-present scent seem to sink into him. Her skin presses against him up and down, soft and warm. She continues working with her hands as the kisses continue, making sure to keep rubbing her hands and the rest of her body against Alex, smoothing his skin as she does. Hands moving along his chest, and then his abs, and his back, and then just above his crotch... And then pausing.

"You can tell me to stop teasing you, you know. If you want."

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Alex delightfully leans into the kiss with Myra, gently trying to return the soft nibbles as well.
While also directing his hands to start trailing along her body, hoping to return at least of the favor of how good she's making him as she traces her hands along his body, starting by gently rubbing her shoulders, then slowly down along her back, followed by tentative touches against her butt.

And when Myra stops just above his crotch and says

"You can tell me to stop teasing you, you know. If you want."

Alex's wandering hands freeze and he sputters out "That's the teasingest possible moment you could've said that!!! though I don't in fact want you to stop..."

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(She pushes happily into his touching, smiling and trying to encourage it with pleased noises.)

"Oh reaaaally? Aaaahn~" She quickly kneels and opens her mouth wide just before his cock, staring upward. Her breath brushes over the head.

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(At Myra's encouraging reactions, he gets alot less tentative about his rubbing and tracing against her skin, and ends up groping her butt once his hands get there)

At the sight of Myra kneeling before him, her mouth wide open right before his, he instinctively thrusts his cock inside her mouth before he even realizes what he's doing.

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(Her butt is very soft and gropeable.)

"Mmm!" Victory!

Her mouth is warm and slick. She outright moans in pleasure, before rubbing her hands along his thighs and bobbing up and down on his cock. She makes sure to stare up at him, lust in her eyes, as her lips move up and down, leaving obvious trails of moisture. Occasionally she pauses and swirls her tongue around the head.

Her horns are right there. Great angle. Very grabbable. Almost like they're designed for this position.

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(Alex will have delightfully groped her soft butt then, and will later end up asking for a butt just as gropeable for herself)

She isn't the only one moaning from pleasure, Alex moans quite bit as he thrusts inside her mouth and gazes at her lust-filled face, and then a part of him wonders if he'll get to look like that in the future, a beautiful girl with lust in her eyes and a cock in her mouth as she looks up at the one she's sucking off.

Which throws him right over the edge into orgasming, with him grabbing Myra's horns to try and pull her down to the base of his cock as he blasts load after load straight into her mouth. 

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Myra gently and patiently accepts it, her throat not really protesting at all. She wraps her arms around Alex's waist and swallows down each spurt and holds her head there for the long, long seconds until he's done- For now.

When she pulls away with a smirk, Alex's cock is still hard, and he's still horny- If not quite as unreasonably horny as he was in the buildup to orgasm moments before.

"Good girl. Or is it boy? Please, let me know what you prefer. Still. Delicious." She kisses the tip of Alex's cock. "Mmm... You wanted to return the favor next, right? I think the best position for that is me sitting on your bed. We can lay down pillows for you to kneel on."

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It's a bit weird to still be horny after the most intense orgasm of his life so far, but the pleasant kind.

"I'm still a boy but being called a good girl felt really nice..." Alex blushes quite hard, both from what she just admitted, and from processing the fact that quite soon he'll have his mouth wrapped Myra's cock. "thatmakesenseI'llgograbsomepillowsnow" he says before grabbing them.

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She hugs him from behind as he's grabbing pillows, just standing there like that for a moment.

"You can have nice things. I'm looking forward to making you a beautiful girl."

Then she calmly sits in position on the bed and spreads her legs wide for easy access.

"Take it easy, okay? Don't push yourself past what your body is comfortable doing. I'm designed from the ground up for sex- You're not. Yet~? I kid."

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"T-thanks, you're so nice and I'm really looking forward to that as well."

Once he finishes gathering up and laying down pillows, he returns her earlier hug, and says as he moves to kneel down in front of her.

"Don't worry I won't push myself! ...is that an option? becoming designed from the ground up for sex I mean?"

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"...Mmm. If you're wondering if you can become a succubus, it doesn't work like that. But continuously changing your body to be better at sex, to enjoy it more... Is something you can do. Please think hard about it when you're not horny in front of a succubus before setting on that course, though. We really don't like pushing people too far. Succubi who do that give the rest of us a bad reputation."

She pats him on the head and runs a hand through his hair.

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While talking Alex happily nuzzles into Myra's patting of his head, and tentatively begins to rub his hands against her cock, her pretty unreasonably erotic cock.

"I wasn't thinking about specifically becoming a succubus as that'd probably be farther in that direction then I want to go, but having a body that doesn't get in the way of the things i want to do, that's more capable of enjoying the things i want to enjoy, that's something I'm pretty sure I'd want even when I'm not incredibly horny in front of the prettiest girl I've ever met. But that's more a conversation for future Alex when she's discussing what body she wants, for there's a difference use I'd much rather put my mouth to."

Followed by beginning to kiss and lick Myra's cock with much less confidence then his previous statement might imply. 

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"Okay. We'll see. When you're giving a blowjob, the most important thing is to make sure there's lots of lubrication, and to try and stay relaxed, so that teeth do not get involved. But what you're doing now is also correct- You want to warm up your partner with your hands and with kisses and licking on their cock. Most penises are most sensitive around and just under the head. Don't try to take more into your mouth than is comfortable. A gag reflex is one hell of a thing. Mmm... Doing well so far."

She lets Alex work on her for a bit. 

"-And another important skill is listening to your partner's cues and feedback. Keep doing what you're doing now, and I'll tell you what feels good and what feels less good- By moaning, or with words. You can also use your hands to gently massage my testicles or stroke the shaft if you like. You can ignore the pussy that's hidden underneath for now, since you're practicing sucking cock right now. Fundamentally though, in my opinion being good at sex is somewhere between technique and practice, and the all-important skill of paying attention to your partner, and figuring out what works for them."

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"Thank you for the advice and direction!"

Alex tries his best to keep in mind what Myra is saying while gently rubbing and licking and kissing all along her cock, and when he begins to take her cock into his mouth, he doesn't take in much more then just the tip despite how much a part of him wants to swallow her entire length as triggering his gag reflex would suck (and not in the fun way) and so have less risk of his teeth accidentally going against her cock.

He continues to gently stroke and rub the length of her cock, while beginning to lick against her head, initially with the lightest possible touches in case it's too sensitive for anything greater, before gradually getting faster and more intense.

After Myra's second bit of commentary, his tries to pay more attention to her cues and reactions and be less distracted by how nice it feels to pleasure her cock.

Whether she reacts more to have certain spots rubbed then others, how she reacts to having her testicles massaged, or if he speeds up or slows down some of what he's doing, if she prefers her head to be licked or rubbed, carefully changing and trying to check which levels of intensity she prefers for it.

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Myra is exaggerating her pleasure with little gasps and twitches and moans. There's almost as much performance to receiving as giving, if you want to make your partner feel appreciated and accomplished.

She likes... A medium pace, the steadier the better, and she likes suckling and gentle nibbling around the tip. Plus a hand stroking the shaft lower down. That makes her moan softly and start bucking her hips gently at a steady pace.

"Y-You should grope my butt some more," She says, breathing deeply and massaging her own breasts. "And the Blow part of a blowjob is- Exhaling when you take more in and sucking when you pull back out. The change in pressure feels good. But you should focus on the tip, not the shaft. Taking the whole cock in your throat looks good in porn, but it's not necessarily the best... Mmh. Right there, hold that, please. More of that. You can nibble as long as it's very light and gentle. When you want to pleasure a partner, to make them feel good, you should vary things more... And to make your partner orgasm, find one thing they like and keep going."

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Alex happily switches one of his hands from stroking Myra to groping her butt, experimentally switching between groping and rubbing different spots and to try figure out which she likes best, while his other hand strokes her lower shaft at the steadiest pace he can manage.

When she starts narrating how to do the Blow he tries to follow along, and fails initially, mixing up which action is exhaling and not managing to suck in time with pulling out, but he does eventually manage to do it correctly and hold it when Myra says so, and nibbles the gentlest amount he can, and tries to maintain a medium pace doing all the things she seems to like.

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Myra moans more and more once Alex finds a steady pace. It's really hot to her if Alex uses the hand on her butt to push her hips forward gently in time with the blowjob.

It's not very long before she breathily says, "I'm going to cum soon. On you, or in your mouth?"

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It take him a bit before realizing he could use his hand on her butt to push her hips forward, but when he does and notices how much she reacts when he gently does that, he adds it to the stack of things he's doing to try and bring her to orgasm.

Alex shyly stammers out "Onmeplease." before going to sucking her off, while being careful to make sure Myra can easily pull out when she does cum.

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It's not much longer after that when she reaches the edge and pulls back, letting warm cum spurt onto Alex's face and chest with a series of loud moans. She rubs her hands through Alex's hair and scratches his scalp affectionately.

"...That was lovely. You're trying very hard to learn and do your best, and that's so cute. You look so hot with covered in cum like that, Alex. And you'll look even better after more progress on your transformation. I bet you're ready to switch places again, huh?"

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Alex smiles up happily at Myra as her cum spurts onto his chest and face.

"T-thank you, it was really lovely for me too and I look forward to having you cum on me again when I'm more transformed. And yeah, I'm ready to switch places again, um, would you have anything you'd like to do next?" 

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"Hmm... Next, I want to squeeze your cock between my breasts, or some other part of me that's not a hole- Feet, hands, thighs. It's hot to me that every part of a succubus is good for creating pleasure. How about I lay down on the bed, and you straddle me and fuck my tits?" She presses them together demonstratively with her hands.

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"That is hot yes, I'd love to fuck your tits! Would I need to be to careful when straddling you, or is succubus biology/magic good for that too?" Appreciative staring at her 'demonstration'.

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"Yes, most of your weight should be on your knees, not on me. I'm still made of flesh and blood, not magic. Mostly not magic. Sometimes you're going to have to work to find a comfy position..."

She claims one of the pillows from under Alex's knees, then scrambles backwards onto the bed and lays down, head on said pillow. She curls a little bit, taking a pose that should look good, highlighting the curve of her waist and hips.

"Come and get me, then~ I'm sure you're still horny. After you paint my tits white you can do the same with my pussy. I'm looking forward to it!"

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"Got it! I'll try and avoid applying undue pressure to you." 

After Myra lies down, Alex follows onto the bed, kneeling before her tits and trying to get in a position that doesn't apply much pressure to her, before beginning to gently slide his cock in between her tits.

"I am too!"

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She sits up for a moment and sticks her tongue out, applying sufficient drool to her breasts to make the experience more... Frictionless. She appears to be able to consciously control it, since it starts and stops in an instant. Then she wraps her breasts around Alex's cock before beginning to move them up and down with her hands, giving him plenty of soft slick pressure.

She wraps her wings around his back once Alex gets going, for good measure. They're warm and firm leathery sheets, applying even pressure over his entire back, like a weighted blanket or a full-body hug, as if trying to drag him down into her embrace.

"Yeah, fuck my tits! Thrust your hot cock in them. Grab them and squeeze them. Use me to feel good. I really love having sex. We can create so much pleasure and happiness... You're going to orgasm again, and soon. And then you'll do it again, and again, until you're drained... Because I'm a slutty succubus, free to fuck in any way you can imagine, and you've been tempted now, haven't you? My body, my scent, my voice... It's all designed to make you orgasm. And it's working, isn't it? You want to cum, because it feels good. Who doesn't want to feel good? Seeing you lose yourself in the passion... Mmm!"

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When Myra finishes applying her magic drool to her breasts, Alex takes the opportunity to steal a kiss from her before she lies back down and wraps her tits around his cock.

After which he starts enthusiastically thrusting against her breasts, trying to match the timing of his thrusts with the rate at which Myra manually moves them up and down.

When she wraps her wings around his back, Alex says "Your wings feel so nice against me." and tries to lean back against their warmth whenever he pulls out, before leaning forward as he thrusts back into her tits.

And when Myra starts the dirty talk, Alex has no idea how to generate some of his own despite enjoying Myra doing it, and hopes just fucking and using her body, and shyly smiling at her works as a response??

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She continues the dirty talk and careful squeezing with her breasts until Alex orgasms again, semen spreading across her neck and chin. She grins. Her eyes flutter in pleasure from the absorption of energy.

After a few moments to catch their breath she frowns, though.

"...Alex, did I make a mistake with the dirty talk? I thought you would like it, and I liked doing it, but I think it might have made things awkward. You certainly thrust a bit harder when I did, but... I think I might have seen conflict on your face, and if I made you feel bad that's no good at all. I was avoiding doing it in certain ways, like calling you names, which some people like, but... Yeah. Sorry if so."

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After cumming again, Alex reposition to lie down beside and hug Myra while catching their breath, and maybe also lick the cum off her neck and chin.

When Myra frowns, Alex has a flash of worry about what he might've did wrong to cause that, before processing what she just said.

"You didn't make a mistake or make me feel bad with it! it felt nice in fact! I just didn't really know how to respond to it or give some of my own and hoped just smiling at and continuing to fuck you would be fine as a response, which I realize was foolish now that I say it out, so if anything I should be the one saying sorry!

So I'm sorry for not really responding and making things awkward and making you think you might've made a mistake."

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Snugs are nice. Warm bodies pressing against each other... She snugs up too. Her wings are involved, and her tail rests on a leg. The... Fluids are starting to get a little annoying, but she'll fix that in a second. 

She kisses Alex's cheek.

"Communication is important in sex. I didn't communicate that I didn't necessarily want you to dirty talk as well. So it's both or neither of our faults, I think? And it's not a big problem anyway. That was fun. I enjoyed it."

Hug tighter for a moment. 

"You'll almost never have to worry about my enjoyment. Absorbing essence is... Just indescribably good. It's like orgasming and eating a delicious cake at the same time. And I like seeing people enjoying themselves. I'm really looking forward to telling you all about how your journey to womanhood will be..."

She idly traces a spell with one hand, starting to evaporate away some of the accumulated fluids on both of them, and the surroundings. It's slightly expensive, but not a big concern. Pennies, relatively speaking.

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Alex happily snuggles up against Myra and squeaks slightly when he's reminded that she has tail by it resting on his leg.

"That makes sense, and I'm glad you enjoyed it too."

Alex returns the earlier cheek kiss as the hug briefly tightens, and blushes happily at the reminder that he'll be becoming a woman.

"It really feels that good? A-and I'm looking forward to hearing that too..."

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"It's hard to describe and it's not really the same... But it does feel very good. Like a pleasant haze from a hug and little surge of accomplishment and success. Like I said, hard to describe. The least I can do is make sure it feels at least as good for you."

Myra flexes her hips, rubbing her thigh against his cock.

She smirks. "Like that."

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Alex squirms and grinds his cock against her thigh in response.

"You're very good at it! and huh it sounds neat and it's good that it feels pleasurable for you."

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"Oh, I know I am. Just wait to see how it feels when you fuck me properly. Your hard cock is ready, and my wet pussy is right there, you know..." Myra hungrily kisses at Alex's neck, and her tail works higher up on his thigh.

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"Why wait when I can find out right now?" Alex tries just pushing cock up against Myra's groin and ends up grinding against her cock which he had briefly forgotten about, followed by embarrassingly repositioning their cocks with his hands so he can enter her properly this time.

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Myra giggles, and then kisses him again, adjusting on the bed so her wings can wrap around his back more comfortably.

...They keep having sex for a good while, in multiple positions. Myra lavishes Alex with kisses in missionary position, which then leads to Myra riding him cowgirl style while calling him cute. Myra orgasms again during this, spurting cum over Alex's belly and squeezing down hard on his cock.

She cleans it with another magical spell at this point, while Alex takes a break to stretch and take a drink of water.

Then, another blowjob. Then Myra bends over on the bed, spreading her pussy apart with two fingers and asking in a cute voice if Alex would please fuck her... After that she tries getting him off with her flexible, fleshy tail. Then a third blowjob. This time she keeps going until Alex orgasms three times in total, just continually sucking and applying pleasure with her mouth, wings trapping his legs in place and whispering praiseful dirty talk, with short breaks. 

After a total of ten orgasms, though, Alex isn't staying aroused quite as much after the latest round of succubus ministrations. Instead there's a deep sense of tired, satisfied floatiness. Myra announces that his magical essence is getting low, and now is a good time to stop, cuddle, and talk.

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Alex comfortably lies down besides Myra and snuggles her close while asking "So what should we talk about?" in a blissed out slightly sleepy tone.

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"How you're going to turn into a girl. What the steps are, now that I've gotten rid of unwanted hair. That's step one. What the other improvements I can make are. And how long we will take about it... How much debt you end up in, compared to the speed of your transformation. I will get my due, after all. One way or another. Maybe other stuff too... You'll need new clothes, you might need to show people the new you. Or fix your IDs."

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"That makes sense a-and I may have completely failed to think about those other things I might need to do something about..."

"So uh what're the options and steps and stuff for turning me into a girl, and how would uh orgasm debt work? what's the interest on it like, how much might it increase if I'm unreliable or slower or delayed at paying it back then expected, like if i get injured or sick-"

"...And now I just remembered that succubi can also do healing and not just cosmetics, so probably those wouldn't delay more then just a day in paying in, but I should still probably ask how it might work if like I get kidnapped and can't summon and pay you for a while, or if I end up not feeling to sex for a few days in a row, or the amount of sex of I'm fine with having in a given month is different from the amount I'm fine with having in a day multiplied by 30?"

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"If you really object to sex I can also rustle up an essence stone. You can push your magic into that instead of releasing it in me. I'm told it feels cold and exhausting, instead of warm and fun. And your concerns on that front are why... I want to take these things slowly. I wouldn't charge interest, it'd be a payment plan not a loan. But also, debt hanging over you is a terrible specter. Even if some people find the idea of a succubus who'll have their way with them like it or not kind of hot... That's problematic. Un-fun for me."

"I have a list of about twenty individual minor transformations that go together to make someone feminine. Plus some bigger ones... So, succubi measure these things in orgasms. You've given me about thirteen O worth of essence today, 'cause you were very eager, which was great, and for permanent hair removal I usually charge thirty. I think you'll regenerate four, maybe five a day? Most people generate one or two, every couple of days. If you don't want healing, I won't push it on you. It'd be understandable. As for summoning, in future I'd like to schedule our visits in advance. It's a lot more convenient than dropping what I was doing and scrambling to answer your call."

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"I definitely wouldn't object to sex! I'm just trying to be careful in case that or anything else changes, or at least more careful then my first impulse to go into as much debt to you as you'd let me. And it's good that essence stones are a thing, for anyone who'd want to hire a succubus but wouldn't be up to sex. And completely valid of you to find that un-fun."

"Um, sorry for doing my summoning at inconvenient time? I'd be happy to schedule future ones, also would there be a variant of the summoning I could do to summon you specifically and not just any succubi who'd answer? err wait before you answer that I should really go grab one of my notebooks to start writing this down in..."

Alex goes to do that. Or at least he would if he weren't having trouble moving away from the comfy succubus he's snuggled against.

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She clings a bit, pouting, but only a little bit. Then she releases Alex and says, "Go get the notebook then. And it's not like you knew in advance whether the time was convenient for me or not."

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Alex giggles at Myra pouting and leaves to grab a notebook and pencil when she releases him.

"Yeah that's true , and I'll go grab one."

Once he returns he sits down besides Myra instead of returning to cuddling her, due to it unfortunately being an easier position to write in.

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"So, I don't know what book you read but summoning rituals aren't really... Aimable? They're actually a little dangerous because things other than the thing you're trying to summon can hear it sometimes- Especially if they're already paying attention to you. Also, I'll be able to find you again. More 'booty call' than 'summoning ritual'. It's a good booty, right~?" 

She jiggles it. 

"...Ahem. Some people think there's a separate dimension magical beings live on, but there's not. I actually teleported here, using your ritual as a target."

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"O-oh, thanks for the warning, I hadn't realize there was a risk something other then what I was trying for could notice the summoning."

Appreciative staring when she jiggles.

"It is an excellent booty, yes! and I'm glad you'll be able to find me again, though um, how is expensive is doing that and teleport over for you?" 

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Oh? She'll just keep on jiggling, then, grinning a little.

"Hmm... If I actually teleport, pretty cheap if you do the ritual, but then you're spending down a little essence to do that... I have an apartment up closer to the airport. I can literally just drive here next time. I'll give you my phone number."

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Alex will happily continue staring at Myra's butt for as long as she feels like jiggling it, and for a bit after that, albeit with occasional interruptions when he takes down some more notes, including of Myra's number.

"That's convenient!"

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Maybe if she jiggles more intensely, enough to flash her pussy, this will trigger another round? Or maybe not. Alex must be pretty tired by now.

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Alex unfortunately is still too tired to do more sex, even though Myra is very enticing and that he's still up for staring appreciatively at her body.

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The incessant teasing does get a bit boring - for now - even for her, eventually.

"So, I have a list of, I suppose the essential feminization package. And then we can consider more whether you want to keep your penis, or have other changes. This is a guideline and a foundation, not a catalog. You can ask me to change it, but I think it's a pretty good essential list? We'll go over pictures and plans to see how you'll turn out, step by step. The list is: Hair Removal, Hair Recolor, Eyes Recolor and Repair, Bubble Butt, Delicate Shoulders, Soft Face, Feminine Voice, Flawless Skin, Girlish Arms, Hip Widening, Waist Thinning, Swimmer's Legs, Breast Growth with multiple stages, symmetry pass to turn you from pretty to gorgeous, optionally weight and height adjustments but we gotta take 'em slow, any other sculpting or changes you want at that point, and finally after all that... Addressing your groin. This isn't even accounting for the various upgrades I can make to the squishy mess that is the human body. Evolution left y'all kind of screwed in a lot of ways, you know? Anyway, the essential package is fifteen to eighteen or so 'small ticket' items. So, about six or seven hundred O."

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"Y-yeah evolution really did leave the human body kinds of fucked (and not even in the fun ways) , and um, I'm gonna need a bit to think on the rest of the that..."

After saying that Alex spends a few minutes thinking and writing notes trying to sorts out his thoughts and preferences regarding the options Myra mentioned.

"So after thinking on it, I manged to organize the available options into a few categories-" Alex shows Myra the top of the most recent page of his notebook.

type 0 aesthetics : soft face, flawless skin

type 1 aesthetics : delicate shoulders (first?) , girlish arms, hip widening, waist thinning, swimmer's legs, feminine voice (last?)

type 2 aesthetics : Hair Recolor, Eyes Recolor and Repair, height changes,

pure horny : bubble butt, breast growth, genital changes

"Where for inexplicable aesthetic reasoning/preferences I'd want to get the type 0 stuff done first, the type 1s done second, the pure horny stuff third, and the type 2 stuff done last.

And where I mostly wouldn't know how to prioritize within a category with the exception of wanting my shoulders to be the first thing from the type 1s changed because it's the only type 1 I've actively found myself disliking the absence of, and wanting my voice to be the last of the type 1 changes because my brain treats it more like it's own separate type of change that's prioritized more then horny but less than type 1 aesthetics."

Alex pauses speaking for a moment to breathe and drink some water.

"I also didn't know which category to put the general-upgrades-to-the-human-form in, due to not knowing what they were, or the symmetry pass because I'm having difficulty visualizing the difference between pretty and gorgeous, or potential weight changes cause like there'd be stuff I'd want bigger like my currently non-existent breasts, and stuff I'd want smaller like my tummy which reminds me i wanted to ask about custom sculpting options for making my tummy and feet smaller, and my thighs um plusher... or would those fall under some of the default options, in which case I'd want to adjust the prioritization level of those things?"

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"That all seems perfectly fine and reasonable! Oh- I phrased the hair and eyes thing badly. It's mostly about making them healthier- Less frizzing, less bags under the eyes, maybe eyelash changes or a subtle shape change, with a bit more arch people perceive eyes as more feminine, for example. And for hair, making it grow fuller or straighter or curlier, and stay a bit healthier. I can do a lot with hair, but that's the basic pass. New colors are secondary on both of those. If you want I can take photos of you and then use subtle illusions to guide the exact course of the alterations- It's perfectly fine and valid to make a huge fuss out of it and go over it endlessly. It's also valid to - not want to think about it or agonize over it, and just let me use my judgement. I've helped someone like that before, too. Also, you're going to experience a steady progression of hormonal changes as I work, because I'll be ensuring they set properly and won't shift too much over time. The changes that come with the largest hormonal shifts are the hip and waist, bust, and genital changes, but everything will have a little bit of an effect."

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"Ohhh that makes sense of why you included hair and eyes under the essential feminization options if they're not just color changes, and I might want to move them to happen at the same time as you're changing my face if possible? and I'd definitely like to check what result a given change will look like under illusion before committing to it, if illusions aren't too expensive for you? and it makes that those changes would come with hormonal shifts in order to set properly."

A part of Alex would be slightly worried on hearing there'd be hormonal changes, due to vaguely remembering hearing before that having the wrong hormones is psychological unpleasant for some people, but probably if that was a potential problem from succubi derived hormones changes Myra would've mentioned it, so he just won't worry about it.

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"Okay, the plan shaping up in my head is that I come visit and we have some fun," her tail briefly trails across Alex's back, "Once every two or three days, so maybe three times a week. You'll probably generate at least twenty-five O per week, that way... Over the next few week or two we can spend the afterglow time, like now, working with illusions to build the best you, and once you've paid off the hair removal - I hope you enjoy your new, permanently smooth skin, by the way~ - and banked up some of what you need for the next step, we can do all the adjustments to your face, eyes, and hair at once, or maybe over two sessions. That's a slow pace that doesn't involve essence debt. If you find yourself intolerably impatient after a week we can talk about speeding things up."

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Alex squirms and may have moaned slightly at Myra's tail trailing along his back.

"I-i have been enjoying my new skin, it's so nice now, and that plan makes sense and works for me." Alex is tempted to ask about what if he's already intolerably impatient except he in fact isn't, he's tolerated not having or even knowing that those changes were possible for years, he can tolerate their absence for a few more months. And it would feel wrong to him to insist on getting the changes on a rate faster then what he can pay when that would end up leaving Myra out a few hundred essence until he pays her back.

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...It is time for another hug. With considerable effort, she doesn't even deliberately try to make it lewd.

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Alex happily returns hug and tries to get as much skin contact as possible to try and share how smooth his skin feels now.

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Yep. Smooth face. Smooth chest. Smooth arms. (Squishy breasts are evident. Still not making it lewd on purpose.)

"...I hate it a little bit how I still have to charge trans people. Magical girls who are basically fine and want to eat candy all day and not get fat are one thing. Someone feeling like they're in the wrong body is another. But I really would be in trouble if I spent down my magic and didn't get enough back."

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Very squishy breasts which Alex happily presses his, not yet squishy or breasty but still smooth chest against. (Alex isn't trying to make things lewd either, it's just fun to press against them.)

"That does suck, but for what it's worth I think you'd be making the right choice in charging them and anyone else who might need it, if you ran out of magic you wouldn't be able to help anyone then."

Alex buries his face against Myra's neck for and murmurs out this next part

"And on a more selfish note I'm glad you didn't do it because if you ended up in trouble I might not have gotten the chance to meet you..."

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She just hugs for a bit.


"I think... That pleasure is the most important thing. Happiness and joy and amusement. Stupid jokes are good. And rollercoasters are good. And sex is good. And video games are good. And relaxing in a hot tub is good. And food is good. Music is good. Turning into a girl, if you want to be a girl, is good. Everything that makes people happy- That's the source of all good in the world, I think."

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Alex is fine with just hugging in silence for as long as Myra wants to take before speaking again.

"Y-yeah." In a different context Alex might have gone on several tangents about where he'd technically disagree with a literal interpretation of what Myra said, like how things that aren't inherently good in-enough of themselves can and do occasionally lead to good things.

But the basic sentiment behind it, that all that's good in the world is so because it brings joy to people and because value and care about it,  is something that Alex would wholeheartedly agree with it.

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"And I kind of want to suck your dick again but let's leave that to next time."

She kisses his cheek, then un-hugs.

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Alex laughs at that, and only semi-reluctantly unhugs when Myra does so.

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"I didn't manage to bring my phone along with the teleport. You may have noticed, but I arrived completely naked. So I should leave you my number and email address, and you should send me as many pictures as you're comfortable with later, so I can make compositing plans based on them."

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"Sure! I think you already gave me your phone number already-" Alex flips through his notebook "Yeah it's right here, I'll add your email right beside it, and I might need some pointers on how to take useful pictures but I'll send you as many as I can."

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She tells him her email address. It's a generic, disguised one.

"Maybe just try taking lots, with some different expressions and poses? Hmm... Anything else before I start making my way home? I wouldn't say no if you could give me a lift, but a nice invisible flight home would be relaxing, too."

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Alex is half surprised it's not something like "hornysuccubus6969" but it is reasonable that it's something generic.

"Got it! and I'd be happy to give you a lift but uh I'm not sure it'd be comfortable to ride in my car naked and I wouldn't have any clothes that'd fit you I could give for the drive.."

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"I'll just fly. I gotta stretch my wings really well once in a while, anyway."

One last hug.

"We're not exactly secret, but we're not super well known either. I would personally advise you to keep the fact that you have more than the average amount of magic quiet. And if that means I get it all to myself so of course I'd advise that... Well, I still mean it. Take that as you will. But I'm already looking forward to next time, Alex! If you think of any kinky stuff you want to do you have got to text or email me so I'm ready for it~ I'm personally a fan of the 'I'm helpless and stuck' trope~"

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Goodbye hug! Also more blushy Alex as he's caught thinking on what it might be to do things to a 'helpless stuck' Myra, or to be the helpless before her.

"Okay! W-will do and I'm really looking forward to next time too!"

Over the next week Alex will message her with :

Quite a lot of amateurish pictures of himself taken from hopefully enough different angles to make decent references.

Questions about if/what other stuff she likes besides sex and helping change/heal people,  and what kinds of foods/songs/books/games/etc she likes if she'd like any?

an email titled "kinky stuff" mentioning that the 'i'm helpless and stuck' trope sounds fun and asking if she'd any ideas for enacting it, that being transformed is a bit of kink thing for him, that he'd enjoy it if she felt free to do any of this stuff (followed by a list of a lot of the sex acts they did during her last visit, plus several they didn't, including groping his chest/butt/thighs when making them bigger) to him without asking in the moment, at least on days where he'd says he's up for it and until he said he'd like it to stop. Assuming at least that something like that would fun to her too? 

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A couple of days after the first pictures, she starts sending back photos that look like they were done in a studio- Myra explains that getting her illusions to show up in photos is tricky but a skill well worth practicing. Each of the photos is a different 'path of beauty'. The differences are subtle, and all of the faces still seem recognizable, like his face, to Alex, but this one emphasizes 'cool' with a slightly bigger forehead and pointier chin, and this one emphasizes 'cute' with the rounder face and wide eyes, and this one is more of a 'California valley girl' type of thing... And so on.

Myra likes food in pretty full generality. She is a little bit of a cooking and baking nerd, talking about different regional varietals and taste combinations and so on. She promises a cake sampler, for next visit. She likes most types of music at least a bit, though rock is some of her favorite. Green Day, Rise Against, Metallica, John Lennon and Aerosmith. Evanescence. She doesn't find herself with a lot of time to read or play games, and she usually goes for porny ones when she does.

She will definitely keep his list in mind. She would really appreciate being able to casually touch him next time she's there in person without worrying too much about it feeling awkward, <3. How does he feel about 'transformations' that are actually just illusions and go away when she stops focusing on them? As for bondage... Myra moderately prefers being the one tied up, but can certainly do the other way too. They can start easy with ropes (and lessons on how to properly use them without hurting your partner), or handcuffs, or perhaps a 'magical curse' (a mental tick that Myra would put on herself) that prevents her from moving to escape Alex's manhandling grasp. She has a fondness for stockades, or being 'stuck in a wall' with her arms pinned and helpless to resist whatever someone wants to do to either end~

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A couple of days after the first pictures, she starts sending back photos that look like they were done in a studio- Myra explains that getting her illusions to show up in photos is tricky but a skill well worth practicing. Each of the photos is a different 'path of beauty'. The differences are subtle, and all of the faces still seem recognizable, like his face, to Alex, but this one emphasizes 'cool' with a slightly bigger forehead and pointier chin, and this one emphasizes 'cute' with the rounder face and wide eyes, and this one is more of a 'California valley girl' type of thing... And so on.

Alex thinks it's very cool that she can get her to show up in photos after they were taken, and eventually settles on a face design that's mostly cute but with some hints of sexy.

Myra likes food in pretty full generality. She is a little bit of a cooking and baking nerd, talking about different regional varietals and taste combinations and so on. She promises a cake sampler, for next visit.

Alex would be happy to listen to (well read) Myra infodump on food for as long she'd enjoy it, and also admits that his own tastes are kind of boring, with the only foods he actively enjoys being pizza and various kinds of sweets, with the list of foods he can tolerate eating to try and be healthy being a bit less limited (none of which uses meat, and is almost entirely stuff that it's easy to prepare or doesn't take much effort to cook.) He's also looking forward to trying her cake!  

 She likes most types of music at least a bit, though rock is some of her favorite. Green Day, Rise Against, Metallica, John Lennon and Aerosmith. Evanescence.

Over the course of several days Alex binges all of those artists songs, mentioning as he goes which ones he particularly enjoyed as he goes and thanks her for mentioning them when he's done. Also at different points, he mentions various other songs he likes, which ranges through a wide variety of genres at times but is primarily video game and anime soundtracks. 

She doesn't find herself with a lot of time to read or play games, and she usually goes for porny ones when she does.

Alex thinks it's unfortunate but understandable that she wouldn't have much time for reading or games as they're some of his favorite activities, and asks if out of the porny ones, she'd know any particularly fun ones?

She will definitely keep his list in mind. She would really appreciate being able to casually touch him next time she's there in person without worrying too much about it feeling awkward, <3.

Alex is glad she'd also appreciate it!

How does he feel about 'transformations' that are actually just illusions and go away when she stops focusing on them?

Those sound fun as long as focusing on maintaining the illusions wouldn't be too distracting for her to enjoy it or sex at the same time? Alex also includes a qualifier that making him look prettier then he actually is would potentially be bad for him after the illusions end, but that just making him look like a girl wouldn't or at least after she's actually transformed his face. 

He's also happy to discuss whether any other specific things would fall in the "definitely okay" or "better not for now" categories. Which leads to him mentioning that illusioning him to have breasts/for them to be bigger would be fine but he'd rather wait until he has at least small ones permanently before trying any illusions like that. And that he'd also want to wait on illusioning him to have a pussy until after he has enough essence saved up that he could immediately get it done for real if the illusion ended up making him want it much more.

As for bondage... Myra moderately prefers being the one tied up, but can certainly do the other way too. They can start easy with ropes (and lessons on how to properly use them without hurting your partner), or handcuffs, or perhaps a 'magical curse' (a mental tick that Myra would put on herself) that prevents her from moving to escape Alex's manhandling grasp. She has a fondness for stockades, or being 'stuck in a wall' with her arms pinned and helpless to resist whatever someone wants to do to either end~

Alex thinks those all sound fun to try (including doing them to her and being on the receiving end at times) and that the stockade/stuck in a wall examples are particularly hot.
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She promptly sends over pictures of herself stuck in a free-standing wall. From a variety of angles. She apparently felt like only having one set of genitals for this set. In one of them, her tail twists around and frames her pussy in a heart shape.

Yes, she'll keep the illusions away until he's further along, that seems prudent. In terms of good porn games... A lot of them are Japanese. And most of those are visual novels. She's betting Alex doesn't know Japanese.

Does Friday evening, then Sunday, then next Wednesday, work?

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The pictures get a lot of hearts from Alex, comments to the effect of "you look extremely fuckable in them" , and a few hours after she sent them, she'll receive a picture of Alex's cock after he had cum. (and if she looks at the timestamp on it, she might notice that it was taken much earlier, almost as if Alex had been quite indecisive on whether to send it.)

Waiting on the illusions in fine, and Alex unfortunately does not know Japanese, or any other language, he's pretty terrible at learning languages.

Friday and Sunday work fine for Alex, Wednesday doesn't, would Thursday be fine for Myra, or?

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Glad you enjoyed the pics~

Tuesday would be better all told; We want at least one 'rest' day between visits for best results.

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:blush: they were very good pics!

Tuesday works fine for me!

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I'll see you tomorrow then~

(It's Thursday now, three days after Alex first summoned her.)

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I'm looking forward to it~

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Time passes. The Magical Girls appear on the news again, fighting someone who is throwing around... Hats? Dozens and dozens of hats. It looks chaotic and silly.

Friday evening arrives, eventually, and Myra texts him that she's out front in her car.

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What would even you need that many hats for??? beyond like using them as very silly throwing weapons, which on second thought is probably sufficient reason for some of the types of people who'd fight Magical Girls in the first place.

When Myra arrives, Alex text back that he'll be out in a sec, and excitedly rushes out to meet, and as soon as she's out of her car, glomps and hugs her.

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"Woahwoah careful-"

The box of cake sets itself on her car roof, guided by invisible wings and tail. Then she returns the glomp-hug.

"Hey, Alex! How're you? Good, I see."

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"S-sorry I didn't notice that you were moving the cake, and I've been really good and even better now that you're visiting!"

More glopm-hug! And after it finishes.

"Would you like me to handle carrying in the cake?"

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"Sure, and thank you! No problems like soreness, chapping, rashes? Those are not unheard of after your thing."

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"Will do, and you're welcome! And I haven't experienced of those issues, though uh, we should probably go over what other problems might show happen later if I'm unlucky?"

Alex carries the box of cake inside.

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She follows inside.

"Possible issues is also why I advocate for slow, incremental steps. Biomancy gives us far better tools to address issues like that than scientific medicine- Especially because you can sort of scry the world's concepts to target what a 'healthy, proper, functional' human looks like? I studied under my master for ten years before I flew the coop, so to speak. A comparable time investment to actual medical school, I'd argue."

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"That makes sense! And it'd seemingly give even better capabilities then medical school, at least in my incredible biased opinion."

Also after putting the cake, Alex hugs her more.

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Hugs are straightforwardly nice. He must be appreciating the lack of hair. She will rub all up and down his forearms and legs, then. (She's wearing a T-shirt with a scantily clad anime girl and a miniskirt plus bloomers).

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He really has been! Here's some very appreciative moans from him as he tries rubbing his smooth!! skin against her in return.

"Did I mention yet that your clothes are really cute, cause they are."

(Alex is just wearing a basic monochromatic t-shirt and pants himself, that he's ready to discard the moment either of them decide it's naked time.)

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"Hehehe. Thank you. So, do you want cake or sex first?"

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Why not both? No bad Alex, do not say that when you would not in fact enjoy doing both at once.

"Sex first and we relax afterwards with cake?"

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She kisses him, then moves to place the cake box in a convenient location for later.

"-Oh, I should make sure it's absolutely clear. Um, I kind of have sex with a LOT of people? Because, you know, succubus. I don't want to hurt you with mismatched expectations. Also, I don't feel penis-having-y today."

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Alex giggles at her adorableness and returns kisses.

"I would've been more surprised if you weren't? Because you know, succbus and also kind of worried because being someone's only source of sex would be a concerning amount of responsibility I'd rather not have, if that make sense? Also completely on not feeling like having a penis today!"

A part of Alex is slightly disappointed that she doesn't have a penis today, but pressuring anyone about sex stuff is bad, so he won't mention it.

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"I'd rather save my penisy feelings for when I can-" She darts forward and puts a hand on his neck, whispering in his ear suddenly, "Fuck you properly. So for now... Just tell me what to do, summoner."

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Has Myra ever heard the vocal equivalent of keysmashing? That's basically Alex's reaction to moan to what she just did, followed after a few seconds by moaning out, "I'dlikeitifyourodemycock!"

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That can certainly be arranged. Eagerly and passionately.



In a lull in the fun, Myra says, "I wonder if you would benefit from meditation or magic generating exercises. I only know what I've heard in passing, though."

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Snuggles during the lull! "What stuff have you heard in passing? I'd be happy to try any of it if it might help me generate more mana to give you."

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"I've heard that focusing on and reveling on strong emotions helps generate magic. Strong desires. But you also need a clear goal for the magic. Something direct and immediate you're directing it to. Many witches do mindfulness and imagination exercises. Later on, when they're older, they often stop appearing in public so much, and they shift away from 'teenage angst' and 'childlike wonder' and 'power of will' to... Other types of emotions to help create magic. Like pride, anger, or lust."

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"Huh, so would trying to focus on how I'd want to generate the extra magic to give to you so you can magic my face prettier (and after you actually do the change, the focus to be on my how you'd change my shoulders next, and then after that whichever transformation is next) and so we can have sex for longer, and how hot those both are, be the right kind of thing to try and generate extra magic with, or"?

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"Yeah! It's just I'm not sure how to, uh, measure if it's working? I can get a precise feel for how much I suck from you, but that's not the same thing as how much you're generating at the moment."

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"Hmm, If you wouldn't know anyone who could measure it more precisely if asked or bribed into doing, we could try going a few weeks without me trying any exercises and having you write down how much precisely you sucked from me each day or maybe after each orgasm, and then I could try doing some magic increasing exercises each day and after a few weeks of that do some statistical analysis to check if they might be having an effect? though that would be a pretty slow way of checking, though I admittedly wouldn't know much statistical analysis so I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it having a small effect or no effect either."

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"If it's a big difference it might be obvious. If it's a little difference it might not be worth bothering with. I do have some witch friends but they can be a little sketchy... Maybe I should get that essence stone..."

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"Would they be the fun or the possibly dangerous kinds of sketchy? And please don't feel obligated to get the essence stone on my behalf, though I am curious how it might help, would it let you how much magic i can output without needing to make me cum at the same time?"

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"The possibly dangerous kind. I can tell you more, it's just... It might go better for you if anything happens if you don't know more specifics than 'a succubus was fucking me and paying for the essence with transformation services'. Not that I expect anything to happen."

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Alex hugs her tighter.

"O-okay I won't ask for details if it might things go better if I don't know," I trust you "and um please don't do anything that'd be dangerous for you on my behalf?"

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"I'm sorry. And I won't."

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"Don't be, and thank you."

Would more hugs help? Alex is going to hug her for a while now.

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Yeah, this is a time for hugs.

"I try to worry about the effect I have on other people. I don't want you to end up... Too dependent on me. Even if many succubi would love that. A steady fuckbuddy who's in love with them is the dream, you know? Set for life! Unless the puchuu screw things up. But- I'm not going for that. We can totally be friends but- I want to introduce you to other magical beings so it's not- I don't know..."

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"....You're very sweet, y'know? And I can understand not wanting to have someone end up too dependent on you. Sorry if I've been like that and I'll try to not end up too dependent or clingy or anything else, and I'd be happy to be introduced to other magical beings if you'd want to do that."

"I'd also really like to be friends if I haven't scared you off it by getting too attached..." 

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"I think we're fine at this point. It's also kind of natural to like someone who shows up and helps you a lot, and you're having sex with. I just feel it's responsible to bring things like this up early and often. I'm gonna think about which of my magic friends is best to introduce you to. Maybe another succubus."

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"I'm glad it's fine, and you're being much more responsible about this then me, and I look forward to meeting whichever of your friends you decide to introduce me to!" "and fucking you at the same time as them if they're the kind of friends who'd be into that" nope, not saying that, "would you not be worried about another intruding on your profit margin if you introduce us?" or that.

"Aaand now I'm wondering what happens if two succubus make someone cum at the same time, do they both get a full orgasm of essence each, or do they each get half of an orgasm's worth of essence?"  

That's probably fine? Alex actually says that instead of thinking about it and deciding not to.

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"Hehe. And I bet the only reason you're wondering is scientific curiosity, hmmmmm~? It splits based on... Participation, is the closest gloss."

Myra will kiss him now, squeezing him close and rubbing her hands over him.

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"O-of course! Science is very dear to me, which is why I must attempt a replication of your claim by fucking multiple succubi at once! There's definitely no other possible explanation then pure unadulterated scientific curiosity for why I might do that!"

Alex may have broken down laughing several times while saying that, and will happily return kisses and rub his own hands along Myra in return.

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"It's a totally understandable and reasonable reaction to want two or more hot girls to fight over your dick because they both want that sweet, sweet essence. I bet they'd even shapeshift to look however you want, if you promised to pick them. You could have eight or ten hands all over you, massaging and licking and covering every part of you with warm, sticky lovey-lovey feelings... The ones waiting their turn would watch and touch themselves because it's so hot... Or maybe put on a show with each other to keep you riled up..."

Oh look where her hand has ended up stroking and rubbing slow palm circles over. Looks like cuddle time is over.

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"O-oh my, having so many girls rubbing and licking and maybe even grinding their pussies and titties and against me, all while their fellows watch and try to arouse me even further would be quite the situation to end up in."

Based off the state of his cock it's quite an arousing, though that might just be from all the rubbing and stroking it's receiving from a hot girl, who's breasts Alex has started rubbing and gently massaging as well.

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Myra is nothing but eager for this development.

That's how Friday evening goes.

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On Sunday afternoon, Myra texts him again:

"Slightly" sketchy friend who'd like to meet you. Do you read superhero stuff? He's kind of a mad scientist or inventor type. It's definitely A Thing, but like, a weak one. But he insists we both go to this self storage place to meet him instead of your or my or his home. This isn't the kind of sketchy I was trying to be vague and evasive about, different thing entirely. What do you think?

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Alex almost texts back:


But then thinks on the sketchiness of it, and adds some qualifiers before sending

If you don't think they're being the potentially dangerous kind of sketchy, sure! do you know what kind of stuff they invent / mad science they do?

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We can still have our planned sesh~ You'll finish paying off the hair treatment and get well started on the next~

I don't really understand it but I think it's a lot of super-metals and weird magnets?? They have a floating robot. Also some antimagic handcuffs. Those were fun.

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I'll be looking forward to it!

Neat! And I'm now curious on what the difference between using antimagic handcuffs and just using regular ones and not using magic is like?

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It's not REALLY bondage unless I actually can't get out. So is that a yes or a no on the warehouse visit? I think it's fine. He's just a slightly to moderately paranoid weirdo. 

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Huh, it's neat learning the details of your kinks / what you care about with regards to them. 

and yes on the warehouse visit then!

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She texts an address. It's a self-store place in some kind of office or industrial park, well away from houses.

3pm? And back to your place after~

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Sure, to both~

And when the appointed time is getting close (but not close enough that he'd be late if he got lost on the way), Alex drives off to the address Myra gave, waits in his car until the time is getting closer and then walks the rest of the way to the self-store place.

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Myra meets him out front with her eyes looking more normal than usual and her more outlandish bits missing- Invisible, apparently, given the familiar feeling of a wing brushing against his side affectionately.

"So, my mad scientist friend is going by the name 'plasmatic'. I don't know if he... Has any plasma. I barely know what plasma is, admittedly. I think he's going to show off and try to make friends with someone who's not really a threat? Anyway, it's back here- Unit seven."

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Alex happily leans in against Myra's invisible wing and gives her a brief hug before following her to Unit seven.

"Watching a mad scientist show off sounds like it'll be fun!"

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Once they enter Unit Seven, which turns out to be a pretty big garage-sized room, the door shuts itself behind them and a curtain dividing off most of the room falls away.

Standing there in a confident pose and wearing a lot of metal doodads, many of which are glowing, is (presumably), Plasmatic. He's standing on a round metal platform of some sort, and the device on his chest is glowing brightly. Little trailers of lightning arc off of him. A hovering cuboid robot floats behind him, large metal pads on folded-up manipulator arms glowing softly.

"WELCOME! It is a delight to meet another who has seen BEYOND the boundaries of the ordinary, and importantly- Who won't try to control me."

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The drama in his voice vanishes all at once. He lowers his arms. Glowy things stop glowing.

"Welcome, welcome, one Alex, was it? And Miss Myra. Good afternoon! Thank you for indulging me in this out of the way spot. Drinks, snacks? Well, either way, I suspect you have some sort of potential, much like myself. I've channeled my genius into-"

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There is a crackling of lightning from the thing on his chestplate.

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"-However much Myra insists that it's actually magic. I don't even disagree, if you use 'magic' to mean 'esoteric capabilities that only some people are capable of'! Now, if Myra is bringing you on board- She did not say this but I can connect the dots- I think you are also a latent talent, of sorts, perhaps?"

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Alex is unreasonably tempted to applaud at Plasmatic's incredibly dramatic introduction but refrains out of uncertainty on how that might be interpreted and instead says. "Hihii yeah I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you Plasmatic! And I do have a bit of magic, though I don't really know how to use it for much due to having only discovered it a few days ago when I attempted demon summoning for the first time and got Myra, and uh having not attempted much other magic afterwards due to the main stuff I'd want to use magic for in the short/medium term could be more efficiently gotten by paying Myra in magical essence to do it then by slowly learning how to do it myself."

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"That just means you're an UNBIASED OBSERVER perfect for experimenting on!"

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Myra sighs. "Plas. Phrasing. 'Experimented on' implies invasive and dangerous procedures. Not the measuring stuff you mentioned."

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Alex gives Myra a brief hug when she sighs, "I'm fine with being experimented on if it's just measuring stuff?"

and turning to face Plasmatic as he says, "So what things did you have in mind to try and measure? or would some of them have been the type of thing it's better for the experimental subject to not is being tested because otherwise it'd bias the results?"

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"Some of them would, and some would not. We're not exactly going to get published in a peer reviewed journal here but the principle of bias still holds, yes! So I would rather not explain more than necessary until afterwards."

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"Got it! I shall wait until after the experiments are conducted to ask any questions about them."

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Plasmatic will have Alex stand (or sit, he doesn't care) in front of half a dozen different tubes and panels, and also put on a bracelet and headband and heart monitor sticker.

Plasmatic's tests include:

  • Asking Alex to think about various things, like magic and work and Myra and the color blue
  • Asking Alex to 'push' as if he was going to do a summoning ritual
  • Asking Alex to guess what shapes and colors are going to show up on a monitor before they actually do
  • Asking Alex to try to will himself to knock over a small house-of-cards (does not work)
  • Having Alex try to talk to him or Myra telepathically (does not work)
  • Having Alex try to figure out how a weird cube thing is supposed to work (he has no idea if he was right)
  • Having Alex try to consciously control his magic with a few different mental exercises (he can't tell if any of them did anything)
  • Asking Alex to read Myra's mind while she holds his hand. And then to repeat several of the other tests while she holds his hand.
  • Repeating the above tests with new configurations of devices arranged around him
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"It seems..." Plasmatic eventually concludes, "That I can measure magic flows with the correct arrangement. This is far, far from proper science, mind you, more a test than an experiment but I think at the very least my thaumic resonator can tell when you are attempting to do some sort of magic, as well as roughly how much energy is involved. Imaging is going to be painfully slow, either a large array of detectors or panning them over you... It's much clearer with you than me for some reason. Almost as if whatever magical potential I have is solid and structured, while yours is not..."

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(Myra plays with his palm and fingers occasionally. Is that distracting hand play part of the test? Who knows.)

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Alex will initially stand for the tests, but after they've been going on for a while, asks if he can switch to sitting or would switching mess up some of the results? and will try to do the various things Plasmatic asks for during the tests.

With his's attempts at guessing at what colors show up being occasionally correct, but not noticeably more often then random guessing would be, and his attempts at guessing shapes ends up worse then randomly-guessing-if-you-know-the-distribution, with a bias towards shapes he remembers the names of. And his attempts at reading Myra's mind straightforwardly fail as well. 

Repeating the tests while Myra continues to hold his hand does not result in changes to the results beyond Alex occasionally squirming and getting distracted when she plays with his fingers and palm (which he has no idea on whether she decided to do it on her own, or if she was directed to as part of the tests).

And when the tests finally conclude, Alex replies to the last thing Plasmatic said with.

"Completely wild speculation on my part but if that's the case maybe the unstructuredness of my magical potential would reflect some combination of : lack of it being natively specialized, it having been barely used yet, my own lack of training in how slash ability to use it for stuff, and yours being structured and solid would be from it being specialized to help you with inventing stuff and whichever other esoteric capabilities it helps you with?"

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"Two of those are variables we can vary easily! If not necessarily independently of each other."

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"Yeah, for varying them were you thinking of having you or Myra try to teach me how to do something simple with it and seeing if that changes anything" if i don't just fail to learn it in the first place "or having me redo the last bit of magic I successfully pulled off, or something else?"

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"Most witches, which I think you are- It's a learning style and tradition name, not necessarily a gendered one- Develop their magic on intuitive lines. They have a few narrow categories of things that they can do, and it's very idiosyncratic. They adapt spells and rituals they read or hear about to better suit themselves, experimenting and practicing until they can do things reliably. Things like reciting a short poem to light a campfire, or holding a feather charm to float in the air, or rituals to enchant things... Succubi have a standard curriculum because our magic is essentially identical and channeled through the succubus heart- It serves the same functions as a human one, but also is the, uhh, CPU of our magic?"

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"It's up to you. We could try all three, and take readings as you progress... I will note, completely clinically, that I also wanted to get readings of what happens during succubus related activity, both the biomancy and other effects."

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To Myra, Alex says "It's neat that succubi work like that, and also now I'm wondering if the categories of magic a given witch can do ever expand or change?"

And to Plasmatic he says "I'd just want to try the first two then, and I'm tentatively fine with having readings taken while engaging in succubus related activity, (at least if Myra is fine with it as well?)" That last part is directed a bit at Myra as well "though uh i'd kind of want some privacy during it as having devices taking readings during it would be okay, it'd feel weird if you were nearby while it was happening, sorry?"

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"That is precisely the reason why I mentioned it in such an indirect manner. Privacy is important, after all. I'm loath to leave my precious devices in the hands of others for now, so perhaps something for later." Plasmatic shrugs. "My proposed test procedure is to continue with unstructured magic use, without any teaching, for a while. You would simply continue trying things, and I continue to take readings and observe how they change over time. After that, Myra trains you in a specific spell or technique, and we take readings throughout the learning process. Naturally, since you're expending a limited resource for my experiments, I am going to pay you. Would you prefer cash, gadget, or favor with miss Myra?"

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"That proposed test procedure and leaving getting the succubi related readings for latter seems good to me! and for payment uh" It takes Alex a bit to think through which to ask for, as while getting and using the favor with Myra to pay for some biomancy would be preferable in the short term, he'd also expect that in the long term he could exhaust and pay for all the high-priority biomancy stuff he'd want within a few years just having sex with Myra/giving her essence every days, and probably opportunities for getting mad science gadgets would be alot hard to come across then that, so "I'd probably go with a gadget?"


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"Excellent! I've been wanting field tests of some of the more minor things, anyway. Any ideas what, exactly? Think - consumer products. Flashlights, watches, alarm clocks, phone chargers?"

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"A phone charger sounds good to me!"

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"Oh, I think I have something like that already!"

He rummages around in one of the shelving units for a bit.

"Aha! Here. A wireless charging pad. The pad doesn't need to be plugged in- It just needs to be within twenty or so feet of an active electrical circuit. Please let me know how it performs and if it breaks."

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"What kinda magic do you want to try learning, Alex?" Wonders Myra with a smirk.

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Alex accepts the charging pad from Plasmatic and replies with "Thanks! and I will!" then says to Myra "Magic for cleaning uh stuff up and maybe illusions too? I was also tempted to say biomancy too but presumably that's as difficult to learn and do safely as non-magical medicine and surgery?"

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"Yes. Also, I don't know how to teach it to witches as opposed to succubi. The metaphors, examples, and sensations we use to pass it down are the same between us- But witches and magical girls are all unique just by their nature. Cleaning magic, illusions- Okay, but what kind of cleaning magic? Animated brooms? Conjure soap? Or just vanishing unsightly things? How should the magic know what's dirty and what's not? Picture it in detail, what you want to accomplish, what needs to change about reality to make it so. Does it give you a spark in your soul? Does it make you feel like showing off or jumping in excitement? Is it cool? Does it feel right?"

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"I was thinking more the just vanishing kind? Erasing gross and unpleasant and unsightly things from existence."  And as Alex tries to think on how to give a definition that encompasses all the things he'd want cleaning magic to get rid of, and not all the things he'd want it to not disintegrate, he eventually realizes that he's probably being too broad and should just pick a specific example and instance of something unclean that he'd want to disintegrate and imagine cleaning it with magic and switches to imagining a specific scenario.
Of having some food-stained plates and being able to just wave his hands at and speak some words of nonsense who's only meaning is 'i'm about to do a specific magic thing' and leaving them as spotless and unsullied as the day he first bought them, without damaging them.


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"Most sorcerers have a hard time convincing their magic to do something new. It's almost as if it learns habits or is trained, like an animal, there's a slight degree of separation from yourself. And yet, an odd unity. Plasmatic's loves making stuff- Putting magic into things and leaving it there. A Magical Girl's loves athletics, responding smoothly to its wielder in a fairly narrow expression- They throw lasers around, or control ice, or operate telepathy, in a manner that is far more adaptable and smooth than the equivalent witch spells. A witch might chant up an ice wall, but they could never switch from making an ice wall to throwing spikes quickly like a Magical Girl can. A witch teaches it to do complicated things by laying out the steps, in poem or song or deed. Yours is still pretty new but it's worth thinking about what path to do. Witch is the easiest- You can mostly just make up your own spells."

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Suppressing the urge to descend into paranoid indecision and worry about whether he might accidentally make terrible irreversible build decisions, but this time with real life magic, Alex responds "Thanks for mentioning that! and uh, how worried should I be about accidentally locking my magic into only being able to do a limited of things which i wouldn't actually care for, or taking too long to decide which stuff I'd want to try and teach my magic to do and not being able to do or teach it as many things with it as i would've been able to do if i had been quicker about figuring things out..."

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"Oh, sorry, I'm terrible at explaining this... It's not... Like a game with irreversible choices? It's just a matter of which skills to practice and become familiar with? If you spend a lot of time playing sports, you get good at sports. You build up muscle memory. If you spend a lot of time reading books, you start to read faster and be more thoughtful about what you're reading. The slight separation between you and your magic doesn't really change that, that's just how learning things works... Sure, going to medical school is ideal preparation for becoming a doctor, but it doesn't prevent you from pivoting and learning carpentry instead."

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"Ooh, sorry for misunderstanding, so it would more be that because it's not possible to learn and maintain every skill, I should probably put thought into which magical skills I'd want to learn and would be willing to put in the effort to maintain, and if I end up changing my mind on what I wanted to do with my magic, it wouldn't be impossible or take more time and effort to pivot into something else then it would've been to learn the something else in the first place? or would I be misunderstanding something again?"

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"Yeah, it wouldn't be impossible. It might be a little harder if you have habits that don't work in the new method to break... But it just would mean starting over, more or less."

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"Got it!" Alex responds, and after waiting a few moments to see if Myra wanted to add anything else, goes back to attempting to do cleaning magic for the first time.
And immediately realizes that his attempts will need something to clean if they're to have any hope of going anywhere and asks Plasmatic if he'd have any junk Alex can attempt to clean and which it wouldn't matter if it's damaged in the attempt?

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"Oh, no, this is fascinating. Hmm, where was the, um... Aha!"

He looks in a particular drawer of a red toolbox and produces a bundle of tangled rubber-coated wires, plus a greasy ball-bearing ring.

"Something melted and dripped on these a while ago. I was going to throw them out. And this bearing, the grease inside is a component, not filth, hmm? But no big deal if you remove it. And stand in front of the detector, please?"

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"Thanks and will do!" After tentatively accepting the wires and ring from Plasmatic, Alex moves to stand in front of the detector and starts trying to magic again, starting with the wires because the sticky yellow stuff that had dripped onto them is more offensive to his aesthetic sensibilities then the grease on the ring, and because trying to remove stuff from just the outside and not the inside of an object seems like a slightly more difficult task that should be attempted after first achieving some smaller success.

Alex starts to imagine and visualize what the wires might look like clear of the gunk that's currently stuck to them and without being damaged in the process, clean and spotless without any sign of what used to be on them, and starts trying to will his magic into making that reality.

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This does not have any observable effects on the world.

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"It helps if you have a little poem or ritual to go with it. Like... How you found me. Even if it's very silly, it helps."

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"Okay! I'll try doing that as well! or well the ritual part at least, I've never written a poem, let alone spontaneously..." 

And now Alex returns to attempting magic...

Any second now...

Just as soon as he can come up with something ritualistic to try doing...

And works past any lingering fear of embarrassing himself...


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"How about tapping the corners of the thing to be cleaned and saying 'scent of soap and color white, no more filth within my sight'?"

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Alex smiles hesitatingly at Myra and says "T-thanks!" then quickly before his courage leaves him again turns back to the wire he had been attempting to clean and taps the corners of it and blurts out "'scentofsoapandcolorwhitenomorefilthwithinmysight"  , then repeating it at slower less rushed pace.

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Is the ritual helping? More than the intense focus on doing something? It's hard to say.

But Alex does feel a little bit like he did during the succubus summoning ritual. A hint of awareness of some extra part.

And the objects do, in fact, become cleaner. Not pristine, but cleaner, certainly.

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Alex grins and may have slightly broken into evil cackling when he notices that he did succeed some amount that time, and tries repeating the ritual again, and again, and again until either the objects are fully cleaned or it seems like doing it another 3 times in a row isn't making it cleaner.

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Alex will feel a bit tired by the time both items are visibly clean, though they don't quite get all the way to shiny.

"This is some VERY INTERESTING DATA! Thank you!"

He reclaims the stuff via a pair of pliers, not directly touching it, then peers closely at both the wires and the bearing.

"It looks like you got much of the grease on the inside of the bearing here... But not all of it? Bah, I should have had a camera recording it so we could see if you got better at targeting over time! Just remember that I am a FAKE scientist, not a real one, you two!"

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Alex is fine with them not being shiny, them just being visibly clean is good enough for the first day he’s done/attempted cleaning magic.

”You’re welcome! and you could note down then that you should set up a camera recording things the next time you run any similar experiments?”

”And “fake scientist” doesn’t seem like a useful or meaningful concept to apply to anything other then someone who’s trying to convince others they’re a scientist while not caring to practice or engage in the skills and activities of science, and in every other circumstance it’d seem better and less disparaging to instead say that someone isn’t skilled at or had much practice doing science or some specific subpart of it?”

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"Are you familiar with the concept of rhetoric hyperbole?

-Sorry, sorry, phrasing it like that was rude. I was being hyperbolic for effect."

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"I am! I'm just kind of bad at noticing it occasionally, sorry for that? And that phrasing was fine, no need to apologize for it!"

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Plasmatic shrugs.

"Well, I did not have anything further in particular planned. Enjoy your phone charger. Induction of energy is one of my best fields!"

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Alex shrugs back.

"Thanks, I will!"