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a Lucy is born in Geb
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Nothing jumps out Seelah as she goes through the door, which she considers a mildly encouraging sign.


On the inside, the place looks even more damaged than it first seemed from without. There are places where paintings once hung, now revealing bare wall. There's a pile of rocks of all things, filling up a corner of the store. There's still more debris all around, from a dozen valuable and fragile things not treated with care.


And there's a voice coming from under a particularly solid looking collapsed shelf.

"I hear footsteps! Is someone there? A little help, please, I'm stuck."


Ooh boy. 

Luzai rushes over the first half-dozen steps, then slows; it could be a trap. She will grab a piece of former shelving to use as a lever while Seelah approaches. 


And with a little help from Luzai, Seelah can get the shelf back to somewhere approaching upright and stable. She frowns. It doesn't look like there's anyone under there, though there's still some more rubble to clear.


Luzai sifts through the rubble, carefully; if anything that was left behind by looters because it was broken can be magically repaired, she doesn't want to make the situation worse. 


Apparently some of the material is a good insulator of divination magic, because after one such piece she starts picking up a moderately powerful aura of conjuration and transmutation.

"Just a bit more, I think I felt something shift!"



Luzai picks up a non-magical piece of rubble, and pokes the source of the magic aura with that before touching it with her actual hand. 


"Hey, ouch, watch what you're doing there!"


"...Sorry," she says, and unearths...


An empty hilt, with a faintly purple gem that looks almost like an eye where a blade's cross guard might go.

"That's much better. Thanks for the the helping hand, miss?"



"Who...are you???"


"Finnean Dismar, of course! Master of a hundred weapons, spirit caller extraordinaire - but you can just call me Finnean. I'm with the pathfinder society."


"Why is that an of course, how would I know your name?" she asks helplessly. That is not the most surreal part of this experience but it is the part she can immediately address. 


"Well you seemed like the adventurer sort, and I like to think I'm pretty well known in those circles. For my uniqueness, if nothing else, there aren't a lot of people with a shapeshifting sword running around. Though, with your accent... at first I'd pegged you for a fellow Sarkorian, but now it almost sounds like some of those fellows from Nex I met?"


"...I'm from Geb, originally, actually. I've only been in town a few weeks."


"Ah, that would explain it! Well, I appreciate the assistance; it'd been taking longer than I expected for someone to give me a hand, and I didn't really have the leverage to do it myself."


"Because you're a talking sword?"


Finnean laughs.

"You've got a real sense of humor, miss. No, while my blade is certainly an exceptional specimen I'm more than just my weapon."


Luzai turns to the rest of the party to see if any of this makes more sense to the rest of them. 


Ulbrig is stroking his beard. "Dismar, Dismar...Dismar Stareye?"


"I suppose so, though it's been quite a while since that really mattered for anything."  


"Nonsense. Your clan will always be a part of you, no matter what." 


"I mean, I guess it's not nothing, but I'm a pathfinder and an adventurer and even a crusader before I'm a stareye so it's hard to feel very attached."


“So if you do have a humanoid body, where is it?”

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