April in Starter Villain
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Why is this her life now.

Well. Grocery shopping still happens every week. She's given up on varying her schedule, as the cat seems omnipresent.


The cat perks up as she exits the door, waits for her to close it behind her, and then hops down to rub up against her shins some. It purrs a little as it does so. 


"I can't imagine what you think you're getting out of this relationship."


It meows softly at her, purrs again, and then sidles away to hop back in its accustomed place to watch her go. 


"Your affection cannot win my cold dead heart," she calls over her shoulder as she walks away.


The cat says nothing in response to this, and simply stares at her as she leaves, then lays back down to curl up on the soft and faded cushions. 



Once again, when she gets back, she opens the door for the cat instead of trying to wrestle the cart in while guarding the opening.


And the cat takes this as all the signal to stroll into the house, curl up in the kitchen, and see if she's bought anything for it this time. 


"You still can't have any," she says as she pulls the eggs out from under the bread.


Despite the words, the cat perks its head up to follow the carton anyways, meowing slightly and looking at April with wide eyes. 


"Hope springs eternal in your tiny brain, huh?" Eggs into fridge. Fridge closed. "No."


The cat looks down sadly for a moment, then perks back up to watch the rest of the food items be put away. 


Nothing else exciting in this batch now that an agreement has been reached about milk.


When all the groceries are put away, the cat lays there, licking itself for several moments, then looks up curiously at April. 


"What's your problem now?"


The cat turns towards the kitchen sink, and hops up onto the kitchen counter next to it. It bats at the faucet a few times, then turns to look at April. 


"Seriously? Man..."

She contemplates this picture.

"...fine," she sighs, turning on the faucet. "If you pee on my floor I am having you evicted."


The cat sticks its face under the faucet and drinks, turning its face sideways to lap at the stream of water. It stays there for a couple of minutes, getting itself a good long drink of water from the faucet in a way it clearly cannot out in the wild. 


After a minute, she sits down at her kitchen table and gets out her phone to play Candy Crush, keeping half an eye on the cat the whole time.


Once the cat has finally drunk its fill, it jumps down onto the floor again to rub up against April's shins. It's purring quite happily now. 


"Yeah, yeah. You caught me having basic human decency and now I'm never gonna live it down."


The cat purrs again and then stalks its way out of the house, heading back to its usual spot, to hop up and clean the water soaked into its face from its long long drink. 


"I hate having responsibilities," she calls after it, getting up from the table to go close the door.


The cat, being a cat, cannot possibly understand her, and certainly has no capacity to think about how much progress it's making with her. It therefore has no reason to twitch its ears with amusement at the remark, and any ear twitches that do happen will go unnoticed anyways. 



A couple of days later, she leaves the house for a non-grocery reason for once. Is the cat still on her porch?

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