April in Starter Villain
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"Uh-huh." The eggs are next, and after that the fridge is closed while she puts away pasta and snacks.


The eggs get a pleading glance but no meow, and once they're put away the cat goes back to cleaning its paw until she's done. 


She sighs grumpily and turns on the faucet without being asked.


The cat perks up when it hears the sound of the water, and brushes up against her legs with a purr before jumping up onto the countertop to drink its fill. 


April makes a sarcastic face and leans against the counter to play Candy Crush. Can't jump into her lap if she has no lap!


The cat pays her no mind and continues drinking for a few minutes, then jumps back down and rubs up against her legs again, purring contentedly. 


"Yeah, yeah." She turns off the faucet.


The cat will continue showing her affection while purring for several minutes unless April does something to remove it from the current situation. 


"Dammit, if I sit down you're just going to sleep on me, aren't you. Why are you like this?"


The cat is a cat and so cannot understand human language, and therefore will continue giving affection as though it hasn't heard anything. 


"What if I need a nap. What if I need you to get out of my house so I can go have a nap. What then."


The cat still certainly cannot understand her, so a perfectly reasonable number of seconds after she says that it stops rubbing up against her legs, and pads off... towards the stairs. Which it unhurriedly climbs, to take a look at what things are up there, including her bedroom. 


"Oh, for crying out loud." She follows the cat. "This is not nap-compatible behaviour! You better not mess with my stuff."


The cat wanders through the upstairs, poking its way through every open door until it finds the bedroom, where it will do a small circuit of the room, observing everything there is to see. 


April is watching closely for misbehaviour.


The cat pokes her nose into nearly everything on ground level, but is polite enough to stay off the furniture, including the rumpled bed, at least for now. Satisfied, it rubs up against April's legs and purrs, and then heads back out into the hall to head back down the stairs. 




The cat traverses back down the stairs with ease, and heads out the front door to hop up onto its usual perch on the porch swing. 


April closes the door firmly behind it.


A few days later, she leaves the house for non-grocery reasons again.


The cat perks its head up when it hears the door opening, and hops down to rub up against her legs to greet her. 


"Yeah, yeah. No groceries today, I'm having a social life for once. Don't break into my house while I'm gone, it's rude."


The cat meows as though in acknowledgement (though of course it cannot understand what she is saying, as it is a cat), and continues rubbing up against her legs. 


"Help, I've been accosted by a furry purry tripping hazard."


The cat continues to rub up against her legs for several more seconds, and then finishes, stalking off to hop back up onto the loveseat and curl up cozily on the cushions. 


"Good morning to you too, you lazy bastard."

And she's off.

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