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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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And, over the private message function...

This is actually my first time in fulldive as a girl. Very first session. In Realms of Dragons I was a boy, but...


She gives Hyacinth a hug as they keep walking.

But something was missing, and it turned out to be this? Family didn't take it well, I gather?


Yeah. There's several reasons why I wanted a new game. 

I'm guessing you have a similar situation.


Yep. I don't leave VR often. Doesn't help that I don't really have any leverage on the political mess, either. Not much draw for me out there, as a result.


They're walking in the main gates, and receive nods from guard. "So, the inn is also where the bounty was posted. I figure we head there first."


Yeah, well, I guess that's life to some extent.

I don't want to just abandon my external life, but I've got a week before I need to get back to my creative writing course at university. So you'll have me for a while yet.


Hyacinth casts her gaze around at the small town, taking in the unfamiliar sights. "Yeah, let's see what there is to see."


I'll be lamenting how short it is by the end of the week, I'm sure.


On the way to the inn, they pass a few homes, some of which double as businesses like a cobbler and a blacksmith and leatherworker. Also there's a general store. Down a side street, an orphanage is visible. The small tavern, when they reach it, has a sign declaring it the Rusted Bucket Inn, with a wooden bucket hanging upside down below the sign.


Hyacinth takes a moment to study the bucket sign.

"Quaint!", she declares. 



She smiles and nods, and leads the way inside.


Several wooden tables fill the room, and a roaring fireplace occupies a far wall. A smattering of guests are seated at the various tables. The innkeeper stands behind the bar, just passing a drink to a patron.


Sable heads directly for the innkeper, and waves him over. "Hello, Jorem."


He's a stocky man, with weary, grey eyes and short brown hair. He smiles at Sable and Hyacinth. "Afternoon, lass. Made it back from those wolves alright I see. Looks like you found a friend?"


She nods. "She appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the fight. I hope you'll forgive me for not collecting proof from all the wolves and prioritizing getting her back town safely as soon as the fight was over."


He scoffs, and reaches under the bar for a small pouch of coins. "Ach. I trust ya."

They each get a level up chime from the experience awarded for completing the quest.


"Nice to meet you, Jorem. I'm Hyacinth." 

She smiles and ducks her head, leaning on her staff a little. "We both took some wounds from that wolfpack, but I was able to focus and manage a healing spell. It just about exhausted me to heal both of us though, so I thought discretion was the better part of valor."

She rubs her thigh. "Also, I've done my fair share of sparring, but it's another thing to actually get bitten." She gives Jorem a sour look. "It still aches a bit."


He chuckles ruefully and nods. "Aye, lass, that it would. Well met. Will you lasses be staying the night, and will you be wanting supper?"


Sable has meanwhile split the pouch into two stacks of coins, sliding one to Hyacinth. "We will, on both counts. A double room, please?"


"Double room and two dinners will be a crown, lass."


She hands him a gold coin.


She picks up the coins. Iiiiiiinventory system?


Inventory system! Accessible through this simple mental motion! Her carrying capacity is weight-limited, and based on her physical stats.


That'll be annoying as a mage, but it can't be helped. 

She "pockets" the coins. 


Wait a minute, a double room... 

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