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Lucy attempts to solve post-Razmir Ustalav
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"Yes. She - leads and manages and organizes - the war against Evil. Many powerful Chaotic Good beings also fight Evil in a disorganized way. I heard a very good speech about the balance between them and how they are both very important when I was young but I think I forgot it while I was dead."





"I'm not, like, ideologically Chaotic, there just--wasn't much of anyone to ally with, where I'm from. I'm probably less Chaotic than I was when I was eighteen." 



" - I'm surprised, most outsiders have fixed alignment here."

"Of course, most outsiders are older than I am, not a mortal age."


"I'm half human!"




"... Is your nonhuman parent a god?"


"Uhhh, good question? Like, my non-human parent can't make people clerics, because that's not a thing where I'm from. But, like, out of all the definitions of god I'd heard proposed before today, none of which involve that, only the very narrowest would exclude my father, and even that one doesn't exclude my grandfather?"




"There are probably not any other half-gods alive in Golarion right now but the sort of thing you do is the sort of thing they might do." Kurgess was before his time.


“What sorts of things did they do?”


"Mostly kill very large monsters and overthrow governments and do ninth circle magic very casually - the - sort of thing mythic heroes do."

"In - general - mythic heroes are a known and established thing, though there are never - very many at once - but you are stronger than normal for that category. Half-god makes you make more sense."


“…Also what happened to them, is the answer disintegrated and/or plane shifted.”


"Either they die, or they become the sorts of things the gods are, or both. Kurgess was not immortal when alive, but he is now the minor Good god of heroism. Iomedae was not a demigod but she was a mythic hero."

"Tar-Baphon, who is - sort of - responsible for Ustalav - is trapped in a magical prison with minions who try to let him out sometimes. He's also a mythic hero. Just - very evil."


“Well, that’s not how the word hero works in my language, but you learn something new every day. I don’t have any plans to become more god-adjacent myself, but I was working on a project to help other people with apotheosis. It had a pretty long time horizon though.”



"The Starstone transforms some people who touch it into gods and kills others and no one knows why."


"...So...are any of the gods stars, or...?"


"No, stars are large spheres of - something very massive and burning, with portals to the positive energy plane at their centers."


"Okay, that's really fucking weird, because where I'm from, stars are people. Stars--Judgments--are the single most restricted category it makes sense to isolate as 'gods,' the thing my grandfather is." 


"I would not be surprised if some stars were people, just as some trees are people and some swords are people." He's going to scritch under his wolf's chin. He's a very good boy.


"I...guess...there could also be not-people stars without them mentioning it? But--I don't feel like that explains it. I think I'm still missing something." 

She shakes her head. 

"But digging up forbidden secrets is not urgent." She glances up at the sky, tracing the infinitesimal movements of the stars over the course of a fraction of a second, then looks down at the map again. "Lastwall is...that way?" she hazards, pointing in a direction that is, in fact, south-west. 


"Lake Encarthan is, at least; we can follow the shore of the lake from there."

And then he is going to do some very brief castle management things (his people are used to him going on journeys off to exciting foreign places), collect his Bag of Holding, and he and his wolf will be ready to go.


She starts taking her clothes off.


He'll blush. "Ah, ma'am - a changing room -" one of his servants can show her one?


“—But I won’t fit in a room when I’m done changing.”



- then he will ask everyone to turn their backs, at least.

(And do the same himself, obviously.)


What a gentleman! Lucy is charmed. 

They won’t see any of the intervening stages, but when Lucy merrily says, “I’m decent!” in a voice coming from significantly more than six feet above the ground, they can turn around to see an enormous diamond crab-like shape, the shell of her back rising in spires.


This will not, actually, be the first powerful outsider he's seen who was actually a Gargantuan monster polymorphed into a human form for the sake of convenience and/or hands.

(Though the last Gargantuan monster polymorphed into a human form he ran into was a dragon, as is not unusually the case.)

He'll incline his head carefully. "Then I am ready."

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